Topic started by k.arunprakash (@ on Sat Jan 26 03:22:38 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
it is really sad that tfm geniuses like msv and ir have not been recognised with these awards.any comments please?
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Jan 26 03:30:06 EST 2002
Yes, let's sob....BOO-HOO
- From: OfCourseNot (@
on: Sat Jan 26 03:43:41 EST 2002
I think IR deserves an award for his outstanding contribution to TFM.
WhyNot : I think it is something to sob about,your sarcastic remark just shows that you have missed out on some of the greatest music in the world!
on: Sat Jan 26 04:41:29 EST 2002
You see ARR got it last yr, an IR never did, doesnt that show ARR is the best, and he is in no league to be compared to IR. ARR is superior to IR.
Only talented ones get awards. Get that point in to ur head before starting such threads.
By the way, during MSV the award wasnt there for the fiekd of nusic, it was given to people involved in indian development. and so on, thats the reason for MSV not getting.
- From: ASHOK (@
on: Sat Jan 26 05:09:52 EST 2002
BABA BLACK SHEEP I thick u r also black sheep only. Not necessary that those who r really talented shoud get award. ok
- From: OfCourseNot (@
on: Sat Jan 26 08:07:50 EST 2002
BABA BLACK SHEEP, you show that you truly are not human.just a black sheep.If you think that anybody out there is apatch on IR you are mistaken.Where do you think ARR got his ideas from?The great genius IR of course!
- From: Muthupandi (@
on: Sat Jan 26 09:28:49 EST 2002
Best actor award was not given to Shivaji Ganesan by Indian Government, not even once. Does that mean that he's not a great actor? Awards, in my opinion, does not mean anything. You need to have connections to get one!!!
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Jan 26 10:42:24 EST 2002
>>Where do you think ARR got his ideas from?The great genius IR of course!<<
and where do u think "OfCourseNot" got the idea for his id from?
- From: Ravana (@
on: Sat Jan 26 10:59:56 EST 2002
English, ofcourse you dumb eat ARRs dump
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Jan 26 11:07:55 EST 2002
>>English, ofcourse you dumb eat ARRs dump<<
Ravana, are you another one of the Elite HCIRF whose sophisticated mannerisms and styles speak volumes for your superior taste in music?
- From: raycas (@
on: Sat Jan 26 12:51:14 EST 2002
u seem to be in form today...really cool postings i must say...always a pleasure to read them...
by the way, thanks for ur good-luck wishing for my exams...i did them okay...now the holidays are going to start...so i'll be having more time to 'discuss' with our 'friends' here...
till then...
- From: arun_uk (@
on: Sat Jan 26 15:30:38 EST 2002
Hello all
To my agony I see that the 'Arguement'(IR or ARR) continues forever in different threads.
I am a HCIRF, but that does not prevent me from appreciating any other music that sounds good to my auditory cortex. To me IR is a composer par excellence & a genius! On the other hand I do believe that ARR is a genius in his own way. What both have achieved is phenomenal & cannot be disputed. If you get some real music experts from around the world to do an 'in-depth' analysis of their music, IR will be the definite winner by miles. But I have to sincerely admit that as far as 'today's' TFM is concerned ARR is the winner by miles. LET ME REMIND YOU AGAIN- We are talking about current TFM & not about who is a better music composer. Many HCIRF's seem to be blind to the fact that in commercial terms ie. at 'face value' ARR's music is much better than IR's film music today(excluding BGM). I believe IR is past his prime. AGAIN I am not saying his music has degraded or that his knowledge OF MUSIC has regressed. All I am trying to say is that in terms of commercial success the 'magic-touch' of the past is evading him. This is where ARR steps in with his own 'music-magic'. Having said this, I am well aware of ARR's way of composing ... and..about his alleged inspirational lifts from foreign music. But you have to remember that he is not a crap copycat like for eg...sorry I don't want to drag more people into this arguement...!
ARR comes from a family with a strong music background & has learnt music the hard way. He has a good knowledge of our own traditional carnatic music and appears to be using it to good effect. Further I don't see a problem in ARR having a predominantly western tilt to his music. So what? He's doing a good job in delivering enjoyable music to scores of people.
To me these arguements are senseless as music is all about individual perceptions. If I should quote an instance- one of my english colleagues here in England, after listening to many IR an ARR songs told me that both their music sounds strange to her. She said IR's music sounds ancient & ARR's music sounds like corrupted western and spanish music. To sum it up she said she couldn't understand how 'strange' our music tastes are. What in the world could I have done? Am I going to spend a lifetime trying to convince people that our men have more music knowledge that Britny Spears,Boyzone,Hearsay & West-life,to name a few.
HCIRF's - Please understand that IR is a Genius no doubt, but at he moment his commercial success is negligible. The comments you are seeing against him come from "music lovers from a different cadre" and not 'real music experts'. Consider yourself to be more gifted than them to be able to appreciate IR's music. The mud-slinging will stop if you folks restrain yourselves because most comments are from HCIRF-haters and not IR-haters. IR is beyond all these trivial stuff.
HCARRF'S- You don't achieve phenomenal success by chance. You need to have knowledge, be talented and work hard. ARR has all these qualities. So you folks don't have to feel threatened by unwarrented comments by a selective group of HCIRF's. There are many HCIRF's who can appreciate ARR's capacity as a Top Class Indian Film Music composer. There is no need to glorify him at the expense of IR who is no ordinary music composer. Those of you who are not used to his music or cannot enjoy them please keep your ignorance behind locked doors.
Today is Republic Day! We Indians are meant to boast of " Unity in Diversity"
With due respect & regards to all of you
- From: Music fan (@
on: Sat Jan 26 19:13:32 EST 2002
Decomposers like ARR keep getting awards whereas IR, MSV and KVM keep going unnoticed. The reason is none of the three composed nursery rhymes in Sindhubhairavi or Maand to be later reviewed in glowing terms in this forum with statements like, the first Sindhubhairavi of ARR etc etc. God...come back as Jesus, come back as Krishna, come back as Allah....Krishna nee begane baaro
- From: Indian (@
on: Sat Jan 26 23:02:33 EST 2002
AR Rahman didnt get Padmashri only for his musical talents. He got it more for his contribution towards National Integration, through his patriotic albums Vandemataram and Jan Gan Man 2000.
Vandemataram album is the largest selling non-film in India and it was instrumental in popularizing or 're-inventing' Vandemataram in the minds of the new generation.
In the words of Bharat Bala, it was an effort for "Giving India back to the Indians".
Surely ARR (Bharat Bala too) deserved the Padmashri for this effort.
- From: Indian (@
on: Sat Jan 26 23:07:38 EST 2002
See http://www.arrahman.com for more about Vandemataram
- From: LV (@
on: Sun Jan 27 10:41:39 EST 2002
ARRs Jana Gana Mana is terrific. Kudos to ARR. Poor IR - he did not get the Padmahri :-(((
IR fans, what r u gonna do. Sob,howl,whine?? :-((
- From: badri (@
on: Sun Jan 27 11:41:05 EST 2002
I saw AZHAGHEE yesterday,and i recollect the writeup of MALATHI RANGARAJAN IN THE HINDU,(both editor and magazine had failed to appreciate the GREAT MEASTRO all these years). but now she had written
potraying that none can match the meastro in rerecording and his ideal use of instruments.
yes raja has done another unmeasurable acheivement of film music,
its history and remarkable history,
the way he had handled music for this great film projects his super genius quality in handling film music.he makes audience shell tears
many times with his gentle touch of flute and violin
- From: Lexmark Z23 (@
on: Sun Jan 27 11:46:27 EST 2002
En mana vaanil sirahai virikkum Vannapparavaikale......
Sample of IR. Greatest of the great.
Vaazhga IlayaRaja intha vaiyam ullavarai
- From: arun_uk (@
on: Sun Jan 27 12:55:33 EST 2002
Your last comments above are in bad taste. I thought you made some sensible comments elsewhere in this forum.
I now have my doubts...Anyway,carry on your good work like numerous other HCIRF's & HCARRF's..
I don't know if I am sobbing,howling or whining..but I sure know what great guys like you do!
- From: S.P MAHENDRAN (@
on: Sun Jan 27 13:46:30 EST 2002
IR is always the best.IR is really do not need this kind of awards.He is already reach beyond this award.This genius is the best vevr music director for this century.AR only get that award to make him do well in the future.He is new only.Do not reach 1/3 of what IR did.So AR need moral support.For that they give that award.AR only get that award because have a recommendation from Rajini.That is the true.
- From: boohoo (@
on: Sun Jan 27 13:56:00 EST 2002
poor raycas, your arms aren't hurting from all the jalras that you've been clanging for whynot wherever he's been dropping his mock-IR
Having made a complete fool of yourself last year, you waited for an opportunity to sneak in behind someone who was up to mocking IR; must say, you found the right ally to match your (dim)wits with!
- From: kk (@
on: Sun Jan 27 14:13:48 EST 2002
So for padmashri every body has to release patriotic albums or may be transulate PM's writings? Are we being ruled by stalin, hitler or mao?
- From: kk (@
on: Sun Jan 27 14:20:47 EST 2002
"From: TNS (@ on: Sun Jan 27 10:40:08 EST 2002
It is sad neither Suseela nor S.Janaki had got even Padmasree....B.Sarojadevi, actress who came to films after Suseela had gone up to PADMA VIBOOSHAN....where as talented singers are just ignored..."
Isnt this sad? Only pattern I see is all this pammathu booshan winners have done some hindi films.
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