25th Year of IR in the Industry
Topic started by Venkat (@ on Wed Apr 12 11:04:09 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
What are the plans for celebrating IR's 25th Year in the film Induatry
- From: Dorai (@ ns1.poloralphlauren.com)
on: Wed Apr 12 11:07:31 EDT 2000
Good Topic. I was thinking about it for a long time. May be the Film industry should arrange for a grand function to felicitate the Genius. The Felicitation should be headed by none other than MSV who is considered as IR's guru.
- From: haris (@ inet-fw3-o.oracle.com)
on: Wed Apr 12 19:32:22 EDT 2000
MSV - IR's guruvA?? pudhusA yEdhEdhO chollareengalE!! :-))
- From: eden (@
on: Thu Apr 13 01:44:51 EDT 2000
`mAnaseeka guru'nnu sollalAmE? (MSV'ai)
IR himself once claimed the MY MD Dhakshinamoorthy as his guru (there was a picture in AV with both of them) commenting sth. like `andha mEdhaiyappatRi solla enakku arugathai illai'!
If DM is around and healthy, he should be the chair:-)
- From: Parattai (@ test-icn-t1.icn.state.ia.us)
on: Thu Apr 13 02:15:44 EDT 2000
Its an excellent topic .IR hasnt got the recognition he should have got for his enourmous talent .It is only IR's music that acts as medicine for Indian students living abroad when they start thinking about the homeland .
- From: Subbu (@ 192-39-7157.unisys.com)
on: Thu Apr 13 05:59:19 EDT 2000
As Dorai has mentioned, there should be a very grand function organised for felicitating IR. Will the TN govt. do this ?
KamalHasan who gave a good opportunity to IR to record in Hungary is the right man to take the lead. Is there a homepage for him wherein all of us can request him to do the needful.
When was Annakili released (Year / Month) ?
- From: chandy (@ ws025038.coba.siu.edu)
on: Thu Apr 13 10:29:51 EDT 2000
I feel there should be a collective initiative in this regard by the Tamil Film industry... And more importantly, it should not have any interference/involvement of politicians.
The Rajni Fan association took a lead in organizing Rajni-25, but it was overseen by Lata Rajnikanth. I'm not sure if the IR fan club is as organized and exstensive like Rajni's - though the sheer number of IR fans could be as much as Rajni's.
I'm not even sure if there is any thought in TF industry to have a felicitation of IR. TFM DFers with contacts in TF industry could possibly moot the idea.
I heard there is a World Tamil conference that is being planned in Tampa in July. And the organizers are planning to invite Simran and such artists... It would be good to invite someone like IR rather than some glamorous actresses for a world tamil conference. If any of you have contacts with the organizers of this tamil conference, please talk to them and see if they could invite IR to USA. I know some people on the committee, so I will also try and talk to them.
- From: Dorai (@ ns1.poloralphlauren.com)
on: Thu Apr 13 11:51:58 EDT 2000
IR himself said that in a music function that whatever great heights that he has reached so far is because he used to listen and practise old MSV's songs before he became a Music Director. He in fact said that he considers MSV as his manasega guru.
Even, Gangai Amaran in an interview to Indiadirect.com said that IR used to play the "Mellapo Mellapo Melledayale" song from an MGR movie composed by MSV in just an Harmoniom. IR used to play around 7 different tracks/layers of music in a single harmonium for this song. So, what ever is IR's talent be, he still respects MSV a lot.
- From: Athi (@ wwwgate1.motorola.com)
on: Thu Apr 13 12:21:24 EDT 2000
I think Kamal's homepage is
It used to work 2 years back and Iam not
sure whether it works now.
IR's official home page is
I think important messages posted at the above
page reaches IR himself. Arul, please correct
me if Iam wrong and give us the correct information.
Iam happy that someone has already thought of
the idea for this celebration.
- From: Athi (@ wwwgate1.motorola.com)
on: Thu Apr 13 12:23:26 EDT 2000
I think Kamal's homepage is
It used to work 2 years back and Iam not
sure whether it works now.
IR's official home page is
I think important messages posted at the above
page reaches IR himself. Arul, please correct
me if Iam wrong and give us the correct information.
Iam happy that someone has already thought of
the idea for this celebration.
Annakili was released in August 1976 because
I remember seeing it somewhere in that month.
Arul might be knowing the exact date.
FYI, Arul is one of the main people involved in the official home page of IR.
- From: aruLaracan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Apr 13 12:42:41 EDT 2000
hi Athi,
yes, the comments and ideas are being passed on to rAjA at regular intervals.
annakkiLi was released on May 14th 1976.
- From: KC (@ usilesi1.cai.com)
on: Thu Apr 13 13:33:19 EDT 2000
I think IR should give up scoring music for films and should shift his base to US and try his hands on global music (Fusion, WC, etc.). There is no better place to market yourself than from US.
- From: Subbu (@ 192-39-7157.unisys.com)
on: Mon Apr 17 06:24:34 EDT 2000
I fully agree with KC that IR should not waste his talents in cine music. But I feel Europe would be a better place for a composer like him than US. Am I right ?
- From: KC (@ usilesi1.cai.com)
on: Mon Apr 17 10:24:44 EDT 2000
The reason why I picked US is that success depends on marketing also. And you know that US is the best when it comes to marketing the talent. Take a look at all these latino singers. Do you think they would be this successful had they gone to Europe? No. With immense talents, if IR can adapt to the US music culture, he would be global success instantly.
- From: Subbu (@ 192-39-7157.unisys.com)
on: Mon Apr 17 12:03:57 EDT 2000
Agreed on US.
What do you think will motivate Ilayaraja to leave Chennai and fly to US ? Some promise by big music production company or big NRI's linked with Hollywood / Music - Ashok Amritaraj, KJ Yesudas, L. Subramaniam ??
- From: Srinath (@
on: Mon Apr 17 12:23:33 EDT 2000
Yempa, ARR London pona, IR America poganumunnu edhavadhu kattayama ? :-) IR can use this wonderful opportunity to regain his number one status in TFM -just as ARR claimed the No.1 spot when Raaja was away at London for his Symphony :-)
- From: KC (@ usilesi2.cai.com)
on: Mon Apr 17 13:10:14 EDT 2000
Subbu & Srinath,
1. The motivational factor here is to get the global recognition that IR is looking for - First he tried to get All India recognition by trying to win the admiration of Hindi belt - He couldn't succeed, though his tunes became super hits when they were copied and presented in the proper format. The conclusion is that he didn't adjust to the Hindi music culture. Second - He tried with the symphony. Here again he chose England - now nothing more than a tiny island. So, he has to repackage his music to get audience to get worldwide recognition. Today Pop, Jazz, Rock, etc, rule the world. All of them are American. So, goto US. Michael Jackson, Ricky Martin, Madonna, etc. are known more than any European singers.
2. I am not saying this not beacuse ARR has gone to England. Its a fact that IR loves experimentation. India is full of sychophants (think spelled correct - Jaalraas). Now they are behind ARR. Instead of wasting his time here, he can spend his energy in more productive ways. I think that's what IR is trying to do with his new album for which he is looking for American writers. But the mistake is in trying to do that from Madras. To impress the western world, you have to first let them know that you have the talent. Everything will fall in place automatically. Once the western world says that somebody is good, India will second it blindly.
- From: suresh (@ dedicated-149.chn.vsnl.net.in)
on: Tue Apr 18 00:29:39 EDT 2000
This looks to me like how Kamalhassan is now cavorting with Jyothika who is of his daughter's age - IMO, no offense :)
Seriously, do you think that IR is at an age where he can adapt to current music demands, and that too, in a place as divergent as America is from his home culture?
Sycophancy is a true Indian tradition, it's not attached to any one individual. You had it in IR's time too; as for ARR's sycophants, it's just a reflection of current market status..
Why must 'impress the western world' or 'win admiration of Hindi belt' be of that paramount importance to a maestro who can still give a lot for Tamil and perhaps, South Indian, fans? I think IR has to start involving more people and take active interest in production aspects, to recreate his 'brand value' (considering that more or less, this is what is the focus of such efforts to spread his base)
If you go to a music shop and ask for "How to Name it?", you'll get the most ugliest pink (rosemilk colour) cassette; compare that with "jan gan man" that has a link from www.satyamonline.com, and you'll know why, despite the intrinsic merit of his albums, IR has been left behind in this marketing age.. 'jan g.m' will also show you that India is no poorer in terms of marketing talent compared to US...
- From: KITKAT (@
on: Tue Apr 18 01:01:03 EDT 2000
So what should IR do now? He cant stay in the same place for long. Can he?
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Tue Apr 18 10:42:33 EDT 2000
Suresh: "ask for "How to Name it?", you'll get the most ugliest pink (rosemilk colour) cassette" - ROTFL:-)
I have been bitten by the same disappointment. Plus the goddamn cassettes (I'm talking about the Echo genre now) do not even say which side is A or B. There is no mention of the singers/film/lyricist. Supreme ego, on the part of the person responsible, would be the obvious, sad, and correct conclusion.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Tue Apr 18 11:38:39 EDT 2000
Have you guys seen the original HTNI and NBW cassette covers ?
Both the covers are wonderful ?
HTNI has rAjA in sylhoutte profile with his hand on his chin in a pensive mood (gray on a mild yellow background). I have both the CD and the cassette. I never listen to the cassette : I have it only for the cover ! I think this photo of rAjA was the watermark on all of rAjA's scoring sheets.
NBW similarly has the scoring sheet with rAjA's face (frontal) superimposed on it. Superb ! This has the words Ilaiyaraja's music on the top. Again with a subtle yellow background. The CD cover is horrible with Hariprasad Chaurasia on the cover with rAjA's photo as a small inset.
I still have the 2 cassettes with me only for the cover art. I don't know what 'ugliest pink (rosemilk colour) cassette' you guys are talking about !
- From: rajaG (@ kcecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Tue Apr 18 11:48:22 EDT 2000
pg: It is possible that we are both right. Suresh and I have a different batch (in the ugly Pink i.e.) But all my other observations are 'mostly' true.
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