Why ARR got the Padmashri
Topic started by daisy (@ on Tue Jun 12 05:21:28 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
He is the 1st M.D to recieve such an award-what do you think is the reason?I think it is because of the impact he created in both north,south India and abroad...
What do u think guys....
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Jun 12 05:30:02 EDT 2001
Not only that, he actually deserves it.
- From: daisy (@
on: Tue Jun 12 07:05:37 EDT 2001
I actually meant to ask-are other M.Ds(MSV,IR,R.D.B etc)not deserving?
- From: Athi (@
on: Tue Jun 12 23:38:17 EDT 2001
For this sort of awards, talent doesn't count much and that is the reason great music directors like MSV, IR, RDB didn't get it.
- From: Travis (@
on: Wed Jun 13 01:47:00 EDT 2001
This is just 'andha pazham pulikkum' stuff... I feel, Padmashri is relatively immune to these mundane matters of politics, power etc and is still a highly respected award. That Rahman did is a commendable achievement.
On the other hand, that the MDs u mentioned didnt get it is a shame to our nation and not to them. Thats about it. Why say people who get this are not talented etc....? I ve never see padmasri, padmabhushan sold in palika bazaar... if u find, get me one too please! thanks
all IMHO
- From: suresh (@
on: Wed Jun 13 02:30:57 EDT 2001
shame on you to hide behind an alias that befits your gutless character! if you've the guts to own up to the fact that all you're interested in is to stir another heated (and useless) debate, why don't you step out of your drag?
of late, newtfmpage seems to be hostage to such spineless beings that spout aliases at a mouseclick and start arbitrary threads with the sole intention of flaming. frustrating..
- From: mahabs (@
on: Wed Jun 13 03:23:48 EDT 2001
what about mgr who got bharat rathna?
- From: Sridhar (@
on: Wed Jun 13 07:32:54 EDT 2001
You need a major washing. You are green all over!!
- From: GV (@
on: Thu Jun 14 01:05:05 EDT 2001
ARR is best MD forever. Padmashri for ARR more suitable more than other MD.
- From: sridhar (@
on: Thu Jun 14 04:07:38 EDT 2001
what is wrong in giving the award to ARR. After all , that is the best way to motivate him. It's like providing incentive to inefficient workers of a factory with a hope that they will improve
- From: GV (@
on: Thu Jun 14 04:29:22 EDT 2001
Sridhar, you must know Padmashri is not for boosting it is for achievement. If your are indian you never insult the award.
- From: LV (@
on: Thu Jun 14 09:32:36 EDT 2001
U are just talking nonsense. Padmashri is an award given to him for his magnificent and unique contribution to Tamil,Telugu and Hindi film music. His innovations, his interludes and above all his simlicity make him an ideal person.
He deserves more than just the Padmashri. However much u might dislike it, u must prepare urself in advance for the fact that his musical creations will reach dazzling heights and one day he will get the BharatRatna.
Long live ARR!!!
- From: Sridhar Raman (@
on: Thu Jun 14 09:59:15 EDT 2001
I am Sridhar. I have no idea who the other "sridhar" is!!
Mine was just the 1st msg. I am a HCARR Fan!!!
- From: daisy (@
on: Thu Jun 14 12:54:44 EDT 2001
The question here is why ARR and NO OTHER M.D got such an award-of course even I feel ARR deserved it,but why not the others.....?
Dear Suresh,
Pl. stop using strong language-I can't help it if u mis-interpret things....
- From: kk (@
on: Thu Jun 14 17:29:34 EDT 2001
then your topic should have been why MSV,IR and RDB didnt get padmashri award?
- From: Athi (@
on: Thu Jun 14 22:23:40 EDT 2001
Please don't indulge in personal attacks. I find more and more ARR fans resorting to personal attacks if someone expressed opinions which they don't like.
What I wrote above is true and why do you have to attack me for that?
- From: daisy (@
on: Fri Jun 15 03:40:54 EDT 2001
- From: S.Sridhar (@
on: Fri Jun 15 04:24:41 EDT 2001
No award can be given sidelining other talented people in the same field. I'm not against giving Padmashri to ARR but it is extremely difficult for me digest the fact the IR, having performed absoluteley brilliantly in Tamil , Telugu , Malayalam and Kannada(most of the movies are not multi-lingual but cater to a specific language) has been ignored.
There is no excuse for this ignorance on the part of the selection committee. Such a decision, ignoring a more deserving candidate and also a senior in the industry can only lead to a speculation that the decision is biased.
I've all along held the opinion that IR has been ignored only because he was not successful in Hindi film industry. Otherwise, his achievements in other languages deserve the highest appreciation . He is also a multi-faceted genius.
So, to be awarded Padmashri ao any such national award, is it required that he should have first won the hearts of North Indian audience, which ARR has done. Are all other qualities do not matter?
- From: cosmician (@
on: Fri Jun 15 08:58:19 EDT 2001
I agree with you on this one...IR should have received the Padmashri first...this is one of the many things that I hate about our awards scene and the mass media in India - specially the north TV channels and MTV...
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sat Jun 16 21:45:20 EDT 2001
Don't blame the players for what the selection commitee has done.
---Music relates to cricker too
- From: CF (@
on: Sat Jun 16 22:42:00 EDT 2001
>>>Music relates to cricker too
>>>Music relates to cricket too
- From: mahesh (@
on: Sun Jun 17 00:42:16 EDT 2001
if arr deserves padmashri, then illayraja deserves bharat ratna. arr has done around 50 movies in total and is very much kept above his due place. whereas ir of 1974-1995 who has given several thousand hit songs with greatest rerecording capabilities is not honoured. it is just like what happened to sivaji ganesh
- From: vc (@
on: Sun Jun 17 00:50:20 EDT 2001
ARR deserves the award,no doubt about that.This
does not mean that awards in India are always
given to deserving persons.Eg.Rajini getting
Padmabhushan.I think IR doesn't need any of these
awards as he has aldready gone far above these.
Also he is not a person who cares about getting
these awards.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sun Jun 17 03:42:51 EDT 2001
mahesh :
>>>arr has done around 50 movies in total and is very much kept above his due place
I know , you are saying this is only out of vayiththerichchal and nothing else. Have ENO please.
- From: mahesh (@
on: Sun Jun 17 07:42:06 EDT 2001
common friend, i am in film music right from the glory days of tms . i have also seen the shift from tamil to hindi in early seventies and from hindi back to tamil due to versatile genius illayraja. now i am listening mostly to arr songs only. my car stereo will reveal that. but the history is there. it cannot be erased. for me vayitherical you say. i think you must be a kid to listenting to tamil songs only from early 90's . every single tamil music lover listening from 197 will vouch for my words.
- From: Sridhar Raman (@
on: Sun Jun 17 12:10:11 EDT 2001
I just stated the fact. Its not any form of attack.
- From: Rabindranath (@
on: Sun Jun 17 12:32:38 EDT 2001
MSV got the melodies of TFM a national recognition and his time praised hindi songs and its composers. IR's time--there were no popular hindi MDs or musical films to compete. It is ARR from South, who makes Mumbai industry and the international scenario turn to TFM songs. We can discuss and argue but truth is right there!! He richly deserves a Padmasri. if you have doubts, ask your children at home, if you have them.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Sun Jun 17 12:53:31 EDT 2001
, ask your children at home, if you have them.
Mr.R-you are just asking for trouble:-)
if your kids are able to appreciate the likes of
andhi mazhai or nirpadhuve or nothing buut wind then i will apreciate what u say.till then statements like yours only confirm the jingle like nature of ARR's music.
- From: g.kumar (@
on: Sun Jun 17 13:16:57 EDT 2001
ARR might have got due to his VANTHE MATHARAM and its impact on entire nation.
- From: Athi (@
on: Sun Jun 17 16:07:58 EDT 2001
You are one of those HC MSV fans who was very upset by the advent of IR and so find comfort with ARR's music whether you like it or not. And IR was the one who made tamil film songs popular in Tamil Nadu more than MSV as before the advent of IR, hindi film songs were so much popular in TN. And IR's contemporaries in hindi film music included great MDs like R.D.Burman, Kalyanji Anandji etc. Only for ARR, there is no alternative in Hindi Film Music due to which his music is getting more popular.
And your final sentence about asking the children at home, is hilarious.
- From: IMF (@
on: Sun Jun 17 20:50:06 EDT 2001
ARR is not the first MD to receive the PadmaShri award. Kalyanji Anandji have also received this prestigious award before him. I feel it is was too early for him to receive this award. Other great MD's suc as RDB, IR, who have had a long repetoire are more deserving than him.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Mon Jun 18 01:32:12 EDT 2001
>>>Only for ARR, there is no alternative in Hindi Film Music due to which his music is getting more popular. <<<
Athi...if this is the case then IR, KR and YSR can also make an equally good if not better impact in HFM right ?
- From: Athi (@
on: Mon Jun 18 23:33:41 EDT 2001
The point being discussed is the competition between tfm and hfm for IR and ARR (in tfm).
My point is Rabindranath had mentioned that IR became famous in tfm because there were no good MDs in HFM in 70s and 80s which is totally false. It is actually true in 90s when ARR became a big success with no competition there in hfm.
ARR's career has to be given as an example in text books on marketing to indicate how much impact shrewd marketing can have on a person's career. That much I accept. Ofcourse in his case, shrewd marketing and right connections got him Padmashri also.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jun 19 02:16:58 EDT 2001
Can you prove that ? It seems like you are discrediting ARR of all talent.
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