Topic started by greatest_spb_fan (@ on Thu Aug 2 04:57:19 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
why don't anybody start a thread like 'SPB the greatest singer that India had ever produced', pls
- Old responses
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Mon Aug 13 13:36:08 EDT 2001
I think that Shankar Mahadevan is also picking up well. Just hear his BREATHLESS... definetly beats SPB's 'Mannil Indha Kaadhal'
- From: raju (@ ppp7-147.cocr01.wipro.net.in)
on: Mon Aug 13 14:01:49 EDT 2001
atlast, there is atleast one person, who has some "sense" in music. Iam happy to hear that from you...
I whole heartedly accept that he was the best singer in TFM ( no doubt!)..but not the best
singer in INDIA...guy's keep up the discussion.......
- From: Bharath (@
on: Mon Aug 13 14:22:40 EDT 2001
//"I whole heartedly accept that he was the best singer in TFM ( no doubt!)..but not the best
singer in INDIA"//
why should'nt the former be a qualification for the latter! from when is hfm a yardstick for being an indian!
- From: unmaivilambi (@
on: Mon Aug 13 15:49:01 EDT 2001
SPB is one of the greatest singers ever born in India. There is no doubt about it. I donot think he can be termed the best because that can be dependent on an individual opinion. Donot get wild when you have got opposing views. Diverse views are the real pleasure in having a discussion. Kishore kumar is as good if not better than SPB.
- From: Sandiren Reddi (@ acad7a51.ipt.aol.com)
on: Mon Aug 13 16:10:01 EDT 2001
This discussion led me to compare 3 versions of basically the same song... the 2 hindi versions of thoda thoda in Indira (Priyanka) - one by Hariharan and the other by S.P.Bala and the tamil version by S.P.Bala. Well IMHO, S.P.Bala's hindi version is not a patch on hari's rendition. However, the singing in the tamil version is much better than either hindi versions (again IMHO). Funnily enough, I made my cousin listen to all 3 and she said hariharan's voice is more manly, and indeed i do think of the 3 versions, hari's got the 'manlier' voice...yet i prefer Bala's tamil version, cuz his 'not-so-manly' voice suits the song. This is to show that i think it's pointless to argue on who's got a man's voice or not since each song is unique and requires it's own particularities.
- From: Annamalai (@ webcacheh06a.cache.pol.co.uk)
on: Mon Aug 13 17:43:55 EDT 2001
Sandiren Reddi ;
Hariharan got manly voice; biggest joke I have ever heard in my entire life, Hahahahah, heheheheheh,hohohohoho
Let me tell u something abt hariharn, he looks like women & sign like one two, I do not think you realise that Hariharan is biggest nasal idiot in the world, who often sounds like women in high pitches, Hariharan's songs like "Telephone mani", "khadaliye (talam)" and so on, when he gets to the high pitch he sounds niether like man or a women (perhaps like an Ali).
Hariharn would not last another 3 years!, he only lasted abt 9 yrs in Tamil, apart from his Hindi ghazals, he is a tamilian yet, his tamil pronounciation sucks big time.
SPB has over 40,000 songs to his credit, how much has hariharan got 5,000(hahahah),
SPB has the most manly voice in IFM, greats like lata mangeshkar has even said that SPB has the most manly voice as well as late M.rafi. hence the reason why "salman khan" requested SPB to render for his super hits films like "Maine pyar kiya","Hum apke khon","sajaan". Hariharn manly voice, kiss my a**.
Have you ever heard of Shankaraparanam, By SPB, I do not think you have, go & listen to it & think again abt your hariharn's (hehehe)
SPB is the greatest in India (currently), even lather said that after Rafi, no body can match her in high pitches apart from SPB.
I have learnt carnatic music in UK, if I get chance in India, I can out perform hariharn at any time, but I need luck & chance.
SPB the greates ever
SPB can only be compared with greats like M.rafi, KJY. Ghantasla.
Not with third grade singers like Hariharn, Shanker Mahadevan, Udit, Srinivas..
SPB = Only manly voice in India
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Mon Aug 13 18:10:59 EDT 2001
annamalai's argument is an example of irrelevant no-logic based arguments.
so if any one wants to post something his posting contains a list of what not to do?
1) superficial
//"Hariharan is biggest nasal idiot in the world, who often sounds like women in high pitches"//
2) cheri
//"(perhaps like an Ali). "//
//"Hariharn would not last another 3 years!, he only lasted abt 9 yrs in Tamil, "//
4)lack of logic
//"SPB has over 40,000 songs to his credit, how much has hariharan got 5,000"//
like! HH is expected to start his career with 40K plus songs...
//"hence the reason why "salman khan" requested SPB to render for his super hits films"//
so does it mean if tomorrow salman khan requests HH then HH is the greates singer?
5) irreleveant contexts:
//"Have you ever heard of Shankaraparanam, By SPB, "//
can some one say that since HH has sung "pachai nirame" or "nila kaigirathu" very well spb sux.? the same illogic applies here. what has sankarabharam got to do with how well HH sings?
- From: Amit (@
on: Mon Aug 13 18:31:14 EDT 2001
There seem to be two Bharaths here.
Bharath@(oneway.convex.com): It does seem like Annamalai's love for SPB is clouding his debating/arguing skills.
Annamalai: Perhaps you should start looking for other words besides "divine, manly etc" which you keep using ad nauseum. And your complaint about Hariharan sounding like an Ali...well, ignoring the crassness quotient, let me say that its a deliberate in intent. Like yodelling. Its not used very often in TFM but Kishore Kumar did it all the time. And he, my dear friend, was THE manly voice in all IFM, if ever there was one.
Bharath@( Saying someone is the best in TFM but NOT in the whole of India, does NOT imply that HFM is the yardstick for "All India Best" title or that there should exist such a yardstick at all. Oh and as an FYI, just as SPB has sung in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi et al there are north indian singers who have sung in other languages too that perhaps you are not aware of. For ex, did you know that there is one song of Rafi in Telugu? I don't know if he got the pronouciation right but it was absolutely sweet.
- From: spbfan (@ proxy.jf.intel.com)
on: Mon Aug 13 18:45:44 EDT 2001
Just like you don't care abt rafi's pronounciation in telugu, we also don't care abt SPB's accent (note the difference - pronounciation problem is worse than accent problem. It shows that the singer is not dedicated while the other is just natural for anyone) problem in hindi. Also why are you arguing that Rafi is the best singer in India. since he has not sung in tamil, he can just be called the best singer "only" in HFM like you want to call SPB best singer in TFM.
- From: Amit (@
on: Mon Aug 13 19:26:01 EDT 2001
Hello, hello! where did I say that Rafi was the best singer in India? Where did I say that I didn't care about pronounciation? Nowhere. Please do not create arguments out of thin air. Please do take time to read what is written if you wish to post a reply. And, FYI, accents are natural is it? You wish.
- From: fan (@
on: Mon Aug 13 23:38:45 EDT 2001
hariharan looked good initially. but after hearing him again and again, his voice has now become stale and irritating. this was never the case of tms or spb and it is a fact that a 90% of tamil people are longing to hear spb's melodies once again.
- From: SPB_maniac (@
on: Tue Aug 14 05:02:52 EDT 2001
Thank you 4 ur comments;
"nalla oraikum padiya sonnenghal, ithu eppa than intha madaiyangalukku villangume, appa than enghalukke vidivu kalam"
HH,Shanker& udit, intha paiythiyanghal ellam inam 3 yeras thaan survive pannum, appuram intha MD madaiyanghal ellam poi SPB inda kaalil villuvanga!!!
- From: Sandiren Reddi (@ ac98a896.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Aug 14 06:01:43 EDT 2001
Boy, u do like to make yourself look stupid. To begin with, please read my post again...and perhaps, if u've got a half-decent brain u'd see, that my comparisons focused on the three versions of thoda thoda. Now do me a favour and go and listen to the 3 songs, and you'll see what i am speaking of...Also, i don't think the songs u mentioned that hari sang would have sounded that great with a manly voice. Thoda thoda in tamil for example. Lastly, you can't expect all singers to sound like spbala, that would be monotonous isn't it?
- From: SPB_maniac (@
on: Tue Aug 14 08:11:03 EDT 2001
Sandiren Reddi ;
Pls do not be foolish enough to compare the feminine nasalists like Hariharan, Shanker, Udit & srinvas with the genius SPB, even greats like M.rafi, KJY Ghantasala are no match for SPB, the most & divine voice belongs only to SPB, I have been closley listening to his songs ever since he started in 1966 till 2001, no body had that sort of manly voice yet in IFM.
- From: Sandiren Reddi (@ r8172.lse.ac.uk)
on: Tue Aug 14 11:04:46 EDT 2001
Your very nickname being spb_maniac...shows that you see and hear only what u want to hear. Being impartial and objective does not seem to be one of your strong points. But please see my 2 last posts...the only comparison i have made is between 3 versions of ONE song. (You do know what 'one' means don't you?). In that song, to the unbiased listener Hariharan has the more manly voice. Got that? (wouldn't surprise me if u did not). Also saying that HH, Shankar, etc are feminine sounding just shocks me even more at your ignorance. I mean, hell, none of the MD's in india have used these voices for women so far...or am i wrong? Last point which you have unsurprisingly failed to grasp. Manly voice or not...in the end it all comes down to the song and what kind of voice is required for that song. Please, answer when u've read and understood what i have said.
- From: SPB_maniac (@
on: Tue Aug 14 11:36:45 EDT 2001
Sandiren Reddi;
You have made your point clear, but HH,shanker & udit sing as though they have a runny nose, shanker sign like he suffers from conctipation, while HH signs in girly voice at high pitches (Kadhaliye in Talam, Telephone manni pol,...)
HH sign in false voice at high pitches(feminine)!!, that's a fact, his voice sounds as though someone stangled his throat, or he has a blocked nose, it is a fact, just accept it. KJY is 100% better than these idiots, why don't these dumb MD's never uses KJY.
Although I am SPB_maniac; iI have my highest respect for KJY,M.Rafi,PBS,SJ,PS,AM.rajah, Ghantasla, Jeyachandran all of these singers are 100% better than these nasal idiots you have mention, but every one is entitled to their opinions, right?
Did u hear "kuluvalila muthu manalo", by udit in muthu, it sounded like a women singing for superstar, I just can't bear that kind of voices in TFM,it sounds like shit, I am carnatic musican my self, If I am in India & i was given chance to sing 4 TFM, i will out perform hh any day, HH is just an ordinary singer, he suits actresses like "ramarajan","abbas","prashanth".
HH is tamil, yet his tamil prounciation sucks big time, so as shanker mahadevan, these are a disgrace to TFM, the sooner these nasalist leave TFM, TFM will return back to the feets of SPB!!!.
SPB has broken the world record 4 singing more than 40,ooo songs, r u aware of that.
I think you listen to "thenali's "songs in telugu, which are all rendered by this genius SPB, the telugu version of "akadathaka thatheme pathini", by SPB sounds 100% manly & better than of HH in the tamil version of tenali, I think your knowledge is very limited & narrow minded & no sense in music, you should not even visit this forum!!!
by the way HH will only last 4 another 2-3 years, after words all the md's will realise the spb's godly voice & start licking his feets for hime to return back TFM, where 90% people dying to hear this genius's voice!!!!!
- From: Sandiren (@ r8172.lse.ac.uk)
on: Tue Aug 14 12:22:28 EDT 2001
These songs u mentioned were designed (if that's the right word) to be sung like that. Hariharan also sang Vidugadaya in Muthu, and that was not a woman's voice. Or Uyire in Bombay. (slight digression) I was just listening to the song Krishna on the Colonial Cousins CD, and HH's part is as manly as anyone. I agree that using Udit for Rajni is not that good. But then again the song on it's own is quite interesting, different from the standard tamil songs.
I agree my knowledge in music is limited...but hey dude i do know when i am listening to a female voice or not. Man, u stating that HH will only last 2-3 years. Boy i'd love to see ur face in 2-3 years if he's still there.
"If I am in India & i was given chance to sing 4 TFM, i will out perform hh any day, HH is just an ordinary singer, he suits actresses like "ramarajan","abbas","prashanth". " That sentence just sums you up....hmmm do i sense a bit of jealousy around...
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