Topic started by Vimal (@ lib-ws-167.lib.asu.edu) on Sun May 9 18:59:21 EDT 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hey Guys,
There has been one worrying factor lingering in my mind for many days. The number of persons loyal to IR is approaching zero. Someone had posted that even Fazil has left IR that crap movie-maker called Kalanjiyam has also ditched IR. What it all implies is we can't expect many movies from IR in future.
The probability that IR will work with ManiRathnam is near zero. KB, BR, have all left IR. Even Rajnikanth and not to forget Kamalhaasan.
So, whereand how is it all going to end?
I mean, we should not people like Deva even exist
in TFM!! How many of guys have bought a CD of Deva
with awe? I can bet it'll be near zero!
There is a degradation in TFM and the only way out
is IR joining hands with all these glorified people again. Any comments??
I'm also interested in knowing the background behind the bickerings between IR and all these people. I know we have many "FILM NEWS ANANDAN"s
in the forum. Guys, what happened?
- From: Srikanth (@ slip-32-101-16-155.il.us.ibm.net)
on: Sun May 9 20:59:54 EDT 1999
Hi Guys ,
Before reading, the below mnight sound little hard, but this what I feel.
Persons Loyal to IR ???? , Has IR been loyal to anyone!,
In personal relationship IR is quite Dum. He lost many good clients like Bharathi Raja, Bhagayaraj, KB, Mani rathnam. Someone here might ask or say all these directors came up bcos of Raja, this same thought in Raja's mind acted against him. There is no doubt, all these directors are among the best directors in India. First Raja should win back some good directors, in order to regain his position. He should be loyal first before expecting from others.
- From: Jann (@ chaos.egr.uh.edu)
on: Sun May 9 22:08:11 EDT 1999
It's quite simple. There are other MDs out there who can deliver the goods (in terms of *HIT* songs). Couple this with IR's ego, and you have the reason. It's easy to say that all the above-mentioned *glorified* people came up because of IR. Maybe those glorified people played a role in presenting IR's songs to the common man. Why do you think IR's music for Manirathnam were big hits while those for Pandiyarajan aren't? Manam Virumbuthey Unnai is a pretty decent album from IR but it's not a hit. If it were a Rajini or MR movie, it would have been a hit. It seems IR refused Kamal's 'Hey Ram'. When he can score for countless junk movies, why not for this? I am surprised Kamal keeps going back to IR. It's very clear to me with whom the fault lies.
IMO, IR also doesn't put in the amount of effort that ARR puts in his songs. IR may be much more talented than ARR. IR finishes a whole movie in a day or two. It is amazing. ARR takes like a month or more for a movie. But he works hard on each song and polishes it as much as possible before delivering. As a music listener, I don't care how much time the MD takes but only about the quality of songs. Imagine what quality IR can give if he works on a song for few days instead of few minutes! It's like a whiz-kid programmer writing a complex program in a few hours compared to one who takes more time but does a more *thorough* job checking for all kinds of bugs and modifies it till it satisfies all of the client's requirements. Which one would you prefer? Most would prefer the second.
- From: Don't insult me for my views (@
on: Sun May 9 23:20:54 EDT 1999
Vimal - How many of guys have bought a CD of Deva with awe? I can bet it'll be near zero!
I hate to disagree with you here.
Currently, only Deva and SAR's song are listenable and enjoyable.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
- From: Vimal (@ lib-vr-001.lib.asu.edu)
on: Mon May 10 00:13:17 EDT 1999
But Sir,
It is because we are forced to buy them just for the sake of staying in touch with TFM. Can you tell me any album of Deva that you've "Eagerly Awaited"? in the past or even now? .
But then, it is all beside the topic.
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Mon May 10 00:38:58 EDT 1999
I second Srikanth's opinion. Inthis aspect raja is NOT a professional.
- From: DIMFMV (@
on: Mon May 10 00:52:13 EDT 1999
You got me there Vimal.
Your are absolutely right, of course.
But then when the good ones come, they are a bonus, aren't they?
Okay, I will stop digressing. Sorry.
- From: Ram K (@
on: Mon May 10 01:06:13 EDT 1999
Hi all,
It has been quite some time that IR has come up with a good album. Even the recent ones like Rajasthan and NVK are of stale stuff. But hearing a bit of music from kummipattu i think IR is still capable of producing good music. And i heard that IR these days is willing to compose music for samll budget movies with a commission paid to those people who helped in getting the movie. I really felt sad hearing that. What i think is that IR should concentrate on the so called creative music. By that atleast we will be quenched of the thirst for good music.
- From: STS (@ 85-ppp-b.tnt04.agis.net)
on: Mon May 10 01:35:04 EDT 1999
IR willing to pay commission to brokers?? Hey Ram. God bless you child. Engallukku chinna vayasileya kaathu kuththiyachuppaa..
- From: Ramesh (@
on: Mon May 10 05:11:15 EDT 1999
What Ram K has told was a news-item came in Dinamalar Sunday Supplement under "thunukku moottai". This should have been named as "pulugu moottai". I am not saying this for the magazine's deliberate criticisms at IR. But, I have been reading this column regularly (Sunday veettula pozhudhu poga vEndama!) and all these "thunukks" are sheer imagination. Their regular targets are kamal, vairamuthu, mansoor ali khan, ramarajan, Meena, and plenty of others. But they never dig at influential persons like Rajini.
As some of my freinds are in film industry, I know the authenticity of these many tit-bits!!
- From: eden (@
on: Mon May 10 07:56:14 EDT 1999
Don't worry guys! He always has newcomers with lot of enthusiasm (if not in TFM, in MFM)! The latest ones are Siddique-Lal and their film Friends is a roaring hit in Kerala!
- From: Vasudevan (@
on: Mon May 10 10:18:51 EDT 1999
It is sad that IR is letting himself down, while Nizhalgal-Ravi-like in Sigaram ("Deva") are getting ahead of him in terms of popular hits. I wonder what happened to IR? Even today , when I listen to his master pieces of 70s , 80s, I wonder, what a genius he is... somehow, he has to comeback to that lifestyle , artstyle and give us ther same wonderful music.
I do not like to see, his career end on a bad note (if I should call his currenyt performances bad).
All those great directors, why can't they think for a while that IR had guiven them GREATEST HITS of their career..?
- From: Mr.Kuzapam (@
on: Mon May 10 11:45:39 EDT 1999
Why should they think for a while , they also have some self esteem. As Srikant puts they have respected IR very much, IR failed to maintain this respect. Just one request from IR, Directors would rush with calls.
Take the case of Amitab, after a huge loss every where he has approached Rajni for help, to do a film, which will be out by this year end.
IR has to come out of his ego, approach all the directors. There is no harm to bend a little to tie your shoe lace. It is going to help you not to fall.
- From: chandy (@
on: Mon May 10 12:06:30 EDT 1999
The piece about IR paying commissions for some middlemen who help him gets movies is RIDICULOUS! And Ramesh is right about his comments on the dhinamalar thunuku mootai - its very entertaining to read it, but hardly contains any truth. I remember they are the ones who spread rumours about Roja having AIDS etc.
- From: Srikanth (@ slip-32-101-16-140.il.us.ibm.net)
on: Mon May 10 13:20:00 EDT 1999
Kuzapam : Correct words, I feel you are slowly improving...
- From: Mr.Kuzapam (@
on: Mon May 10 13:52:00 EDT 1999
Srikant : all your training!...btw is your phone not working!...or you have new number
- From: SitaRam (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Mon May 10 14:29:01 EDT 1999
Ram K please be sure of what you are talking. Who says IR is going abegging? Be careful when you make such baseless comments
- From: Karthik (@ charon.amdahl.com)
on: Mon May 10 14:35:20 EDT 1999
Every MD goes thru a complete life cycle of birth, growth, fame and decline. Probably, the same applies to IR. Yet, I have the following points to make:
How many MD worldwide have composed as much music as IR this century?
Even if we assume that IR gave 1 nice song for every 2 movies still he has given over 350 masterpieces. Can any MD in any language anywhere in the world compare with this?
The sad part is that the western MD and artistes have professional managers who promote them, where as a genious like IR fails just on that count.
Another reason for the decline of IR could be that the modern movies are full of rhythmic music which suits the fast paced choreography. That is not IR's strength. He is great when it comes to haunting melodies and folk improvisations.
- From: Mr.Kuzapam (@
on: Mon May 10 15:20:03 EDT 1999
Karthik : I do not get you. Mordern music, if you say IR is the greatest musician , he should copeup with the modern music. There is nothing called as old music new music mordern music, fast paced choreography ... I do not agree.,
If the bandwidth is not able to handle the load, we cannot blame the load, we have improve the bandwidth by improving the techonology.
Another reason for the decline of IR could be that the modern movies are full of rhythmic music which suits the fast paced choreography. That is not IR's strength. He is great when it comes to haunting melodies and folk improvisations
This is absurd, will you agree if we call IR has genius in haunting melodies and folk improvisations only, he is too good in Western classical blend.
A MD can do anykind of music and make it popular, provided it is used by proper directors, Same applies to IR. To publish a great story from the greastest writer, you need a good paper atleast to make others read.
Mind it, same IR has done fast paced number like Raja kaiya vecha, Am ammma vandadh intha siga kutti.,and many more.
Sole reason for IRs downfall is his bad attitude towards Directors/Actors, which many of us here are not ready to agree.
- From: Sudhakar G (@ aegis.bst.bellsouth.com)
on: Mon May 10 15:22:00 EDT 1999
I don't know how much of this is true... But when I was in Chennai recently, I talked to one of the singers of a light music troop. She has also sung a few movie songs under Deva... The news that she had was that IR in his hay days used to charge for movies based on the number of artists he employed. But the movie makers these days are not ready to accept this idea. They would like to get things done with "Synthesizer" stuff, rather than the regular Orchestra!!. I was absolutely shocked hearing this. I guess IR chose the easier route to make use of synthesizer stuff rather than employ 10 people.. May be Raja's finanicial problems (quoted in Ananda Vikatan) is one of the reasons for his decline.. Its a catch 22 situation for IR.
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