Topic started by velramanan (@ on Mon Oct 22 06:25:41 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I am sick of finding seemingly endless comparisons between raja & rehman. For once, let us stop talking about comparing raja & rehman. Instead i would like to discuss the real psychology behind "what prompts people to resort to such comparisons. What sort of personalities relish such fights. What might be the internal motives of such comparisons? Are there any sincere people involved in such threads or is it mere cheap ego trips?". This has always been an intriguing riddle to me. Help please....(for heaven's sake please do not start another sickening fight here too.) :-)
- From: velramanan (@
on: Mon Oct 22 06:34:16 EDT 2001
Now that i have started this topic, i should confess that inspite of the good control over my emotions, i have found myself bursting out on raja-rehman comparison threads. God save me, i am hell bent to know what drives such fierce emotions especially in this topic.I have not found even "rajini-kamal" fights to be so intense. You need not be a psychology expert to talk in this thread. All we need is valuable inputs from all of you, and we can see if we are able to nail down the whole damn thing. :-) and perhaps stop this "comparison crap" once for all....
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Mon Oct 22 06:46:36 EDT 2001
I dont find any rocket science here - simple logic...a set of people think IR is the best then, today and forever. Another set thinks IR was the best, he did some amazing work, but today his work leaves a lot to be desired. And in today's composers ARR is the best.
Both have their justifications - but more than that what matters is their beliefs! Theres nothing which can change them! I'd rather not take into account those who think IR is great but ARR is useless or viceversa.
- From: velramanan (@
on: Mon Oct 22 07:19:14 EDT 2001
Good Start Karthik.S
...//"I'd rather not take into account those who think IR is great but ARR is useless or viceversa."//...
But the sad point is it only these kind of people that usually participate or are prone to participate in such threads. Very rarely have i come across people in such threads who did not think their choice was the best....(i mean, those neutral guys, who like the best of both worlds)...is this because they fear that saying both raja & rehman are equally good might be taken as a sign of a weak personality who cannot make a choice?
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Oct 22 08:25:24 EDT 2001
This may shed light on some of the problem, if not the entire arr vs. ir phenomenon.
Somehow, when someone likes somebody/something, you just want others to like and appreciate the same thing you do. It's a bit like politics/religious conversions. If you like X, but everyone you know prefers Y, you start feeling insecure. Maybe something was wrong with X, maybe something is wrong with everyone who likes Y. Something has to be wrong somewhere, that's how human psychology is. It just can't be right or acceptable for oneself to like somebody/something and others to like somebody/something else.
That probably may be the undercurrent beneath such discussions/arguments.
So when you exhaust yourself praising and highlighting the wonders of X and the bunch remains unconvinced, the next step is offence. You need to start pointing out how Y is fallible. That's when emotions start flying.
Then the next step is pure ego bashing. At this stage, it comes down to the individual personality. The more rational ones will still watch what they say and maintain calm, and respect for others. The emotional ones and the Type A personalities will resort to personal attacks, vulgarities and digressions from the main point. Then it's just a messy entertainment which neutral parties can enjoy watching.
That's my 2 cents worth, but it'll be interesting to see more analysis on this.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Mon Oct 22 11:32:07 EDT 2001
This is what is called a classic case of "indirect judgment" .
Like all people in the world. you belive your judgement is based on sound body and mind! You believe you have analyzed most factors weighed them with the best of your intelligence and after careful delibration of all factors you have passed a judgement.
The first gut reaction when someone disagrees with you is the offense taken at the insult to your judgement by someone disagreeing with it.
Since you believe his decision making parameters and background is similar to yours..you automatically think he/she has missed some fundametal points in coming to the judgement and its upto you to expose his ignorance in a polite or vehement way depeniding on your character.
If you had intensly thought about your decision making practise and the thoughts are so inherent of your nature that you think its second nature that "IR is better than ARR" "gavaskar better than srikkanth" " kamal better than rajini" "tendulkar better than ganguly".
You practically think the other person is illitrate in assuming the contrary.
I strongly believe "Too much conviction is ignorance in itself"
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Oct 22 11:36:52 EDT 2001
This is a "Punnakku Thread"
- From: velramanan (@
on: Tue Oct 23 01:25:37 EDT 2001
Clap Clap Clap..."whynot" and "Bharat"....you two have surely thrown some light into this...Glad that this thread is heading in the right direction that i wished it should.... I have only started to digest some of your thoughts. I will reflect on them, once i see it more clearly.
- From: eden (@
on: Tue Oct 23 01:42:22 EDT 2001
another possibility - lot of people are jobless:-) (an idle mind is...)
- From: velramanan (@
on: Tue Oct 23 02:27:33 EDT 2001
:-) eden, that is ruled out. From my personal experience, bulk of the discussion forum users are working professionals. Once Kumudam (leading tamil weekly's website) bulletin Board hosted a raja-rehman fling...there was so much heat, and i don't think kumudam only has "jobless" people as readers :-)
- From: Mani.. (@
on: Tue Oct 23 03:54:57 EDT 2001
I agree with Velramanan, WhyNot, Bharat and Karthik.S. And i would like to add something here too. it might be related to one of these guys..
I feel another major factor is the era the fans grew up. When a man grew up in IR's era, he starts to listen to music, learn about it, IR will be the best for him as the radio and TV highly aired IR's songs and movies. When the fan so used to it, it is very very very hard for him to make a change or accept some new things. For a simple example, Take Pele, Maradona and Michael Owen. Or Manchester United and Liverpool. The fight is still there. These fans grew up with the best (no matter what, sports, Music, politics, movie) at their time. We don't like losing. We don't want to be on the losing site. This fight will go on forever. When another new guy turn up in the next few years, the battle will go on with ARR or new MD. That's how human's thinking pattern is.
Another factor is the benchmark. We always wanted to make the best as a benchmark. We still remember the first guy landed in moon. but who is second one? As all human being norn winners, they want what they like also to be best. So, i think this factor also lays a major role in this fight. They want their favorite to be the best.
That's all!
- From: velramanan (@
on: Tue Oct 23 04:29:13 EDT 2001
Mani...i have thought about what you said and have tried to list it down. Is this what your first and second points mean,..(see below)
1)since people grow up with a certain set of brand names (like IR), they unconsciously develop a strong identity with the brand (say IR for music). And when someone questions that, they feel their very identity is being criticized, right?
2)..//"We always wanted to make the best as a benchmark//...good point. By this you mean that people are insecure over whether they have made the right choice or not. That is, they are desparate to know whether they have made the right choice or not right?
- From: Mani.. (@
on: Tue Oct 23 05:47:00 EDT 2001
Bull's Eye Velraman. Thanks for explaining in simple way!
- From: siva (@
on: Tue Oct 23 05:48:25 EDT 2001
i can bet my last cent that sooner or later this thread will turn to a IR vs ARR thread..
- From: velramanan (@
on: Tue Oct 23 06:35:01 EDT 2001
:-) Siva, if you see the way the discussion is going till here, and if you see the healthy contributions by Karthik, Whynot, Bharat and Mani,(boy, all their thoughts seem to increasingly add clarity to the question), i do not have an even an inch of doubt:-)...please give your inputs.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Oct 23 13:37:07 EDT 2001
Why is that, it is always ARR vs IR. IR lost his market because of Deva and his likes. Not by ARR. ARR can never take away anybodies market. He does just 3 to 4 films in avarage a year.
But, human tendancy is to fight with the best.
I enjoy comparing Tendulkar with Lara, Waugh .. I will never dream of comparing him with Stewart or Gibbs etc.
I think, ego factor is the foremost in such debates. This ego make such comparisons never ending.
- From: velramanan (@
on: Tue Oct 23 15:04:57 EDT 2001
karthik, whynot, bharat and Mani....give in your second round of thoughts please. We are thankfully heading towards a clearer picture...
[ :-) and avoid small traps that some people set up, trying to bring in that Raja-rehman comparison crap, which will negate the very purpose of this thread :-) ]
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Oct 23 22:07:10 EDT 2001
"trying to bring in that Raja-rehman comparison crap"
Nobody needs to try. This topic is a crap....utter waste...how long r u guys going to grind the same stuff....rise with something new and informative.....
- From: Mani.. (@
on: Tue Oct 23 23:58:26 EDT 2001
Dear All,
I would like to add something with a fact here. Check this site :
Fact 487 : 3 billion of the world's 6 billion population are under the age of 25. This guys are born in Late 70's. By the time they reach their maturity, finish their school and go to college, the western wave came into the rest of the world. Our parents or grandparents don't know anything about cmputer. But we are using that. Some of us cannot live without it. This technological advances make the youngsters open to world music not only Indian music. Last time we know only MJ. Now so many of them releasing albums. Plus with V channel, MTV. So, they are expecting our TFM is also to be at that (techno, rap, jazz, pop) level. Since ARR suits their taste, this majority group feel ARR is better than IR. Because for them music means what they listened. It should be like n'sync, britney spears and so on.. So, they influensed by this and they auto-programmed by the mediums. The basic thing here is, as i wrote before.. and well explained by Velramanan, the brand name for this group is ARR and not IR.
Since they are the majority, in whatever online pool conducted, their group will win no matter what. They are loyal to their brand.. That's it.
- From: velramanan (@
on: Wed Oct 24 01:37:44 EDT 2001
my word!!! Mani, hard hitting points...(never expected someone to give substantiating documents to reinforce a point of view)...i think the basic foundation of this "raja vs rehman craps" is generation gap...people just do not understand that every individual has soveriegn claim over his/her preferences.
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