Topic started by Kiran (@ on Mon Dec 6 00:14:15 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
...eyes have become big reading the subject.??.tongue rolled out ?? ..ha ha ha...
ok folks ...yesterday i was listening to this music MAD_MOD_MOOD_FUGUE of HOW TO NAME IT .....
In the middle there is a music bit which is dangerously similar to super duper hit theme music of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE....
HOW TO NAME IT was released in 1988 and became world famous among the music critics and composers.
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE was released in 2000....
Do u think it could be coincidence to that extent or do you think DANNY ELFMAN got inspired by HOW TO NAME IT ??
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Mon Dec 6 00:50:22 EST 2004
No My dear friend!!
Mission Impossible is based on a 60's TV serial by the same name. the theme music is the same, so it could be the other way round. Get a mission impossible cassette and look at the credits portion of the same.
- From: C~P (@
on: Mon Dec 6 01:47:28 EST 2004
Hey, then How To Name It a radio program of the 50's :-)
- From: Jacky (@
on: Mon Dec 6 03:22:55 EST 2004
HTNI must have been composed when IR was a 6 yr old!
IR still remembers his dreams u know!
- From: Kiran (@
on: Mon Dec 6 03:37:47 EST 2004
Jaignesh ,
Forget abt the series , n talking abt only that THEME music , is it coming from 60s ?? or that has been composed specially for the TOM CRUISE one ??
- From: paran (@
on: Mon Dec 6 05:00:28 EST 2004
IR is a tamilian...
and he never fancied american or european attention.....
but why name it as "How to name it?"....yen yen yen?
- From: Arul (@
on: Mon Dec 6 05:25:04 EST 2004
Guys....Listen to the Vanitha Mani song in Vikram it will have a remarkable trace of mission impossible theme music. Ofcourse the movie Vikram was released somewhere in 1986 while MI was in 2000... ! Thats what we call "Isai"Raja.
- From: paran (@
on: Mon Dec 6 06:05:33 EST 2004
MI has been in TV for a very very long time!...
the MI that was released in 2000 is a movie!...
and for God's sake MI was popular way before Tom Cruise acted in it!....that's part of the reason why MI 1 failed to meet the fan's expectation....
coz they we expecting too much from MI franchise and TC......unfortunately it felt flat....in fact the TV series were far more superior than the first MI movie...but MI2 did better thank's to John Woo action stunts...
- From: paran (@
on: Mon Dec 6 06:06:18 EST 2004
aand ooh yea...the THEME music for MI is a trade mark....which can never be changed by CONTRACT in any MI movie!....just like JB theme music
- From: Kiran (@
on: Mon Dec 6 07:14:21 EST 2004
my question is ..........
MI might be OLDDDD
but that music...the famous one is newly composed for 2000 movie ..i think ??
All u guys who are telling its old movie old tv episode blah blah ...tell me if that music too is old or not ??
- From: raaja fan (@
on: Mon Dec 6 07:42:57 EST 2004
Dear Kiran
A few things to clarify
How to name it and Nothing but wind both have a number of western classical pieces composed by mozart and JSBach to which Raaja has added his own tune as countermelody('fusion') and hence if you happen to listen to not just mission impossible,some of the western classical by these composers you will hear 'dangerously similar'sounding bits.-(By the way from the original How to name it, a number of tracks are mis numbered)If you happen to appreciate things beyond dangerous similarity one appreciates the Harmony that is created by raaja to some of these composer's pieces seperated by 400 odd years,and that is breathtaking-try talking to some one 'western and karnatic classy'on these two pieces-'I met Bach and we had a talk' and 'Chamber welcomes Thagaraaja''Thulasidhala- karnatic kriti with a western classical composition as a back ground and enjoy the amazing harmony-that is if you happen to guess it correct inspite of the wrong numbering.
As far mission impossible theme,it has a good orchestration with elements of western classical and it is not surprising to note the similarity.
- From: paran (@
on: Mon Dec 6 07:44:33 EST 2004
yes that music is as old as the series!....
yetttana vaatti thaan solrathu...
that theme is the original MI theme...and in the 2000 motion picture release...they adopt it and modify it a bit...just like the case with any 007 movies.....
- From: koopans (@
on: Mon Dec 6 09:32:04 EST 2004
shutup fags
- From: CuL8rG8r (@
on: Mon Dec 6 16:11:19 EST 2004
Mission Impossible theme music was composed by Adam Clayton and Larry Muellen , both members of U2 .
- From: Vazhipokkan (@
on: Mon Dec 6 16:21:29 EST 2004
Mission Impossible is a TV show ran between 1966 - 1973. One more inspiration from IR.
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Mon Dec 6 22:37:54 EST 2004
Hi Guys!
I want to clarify a few things.
1. MI theme music is an integral part of the MI franchise. If Mani Ratnam takes helm of MI franchise tomorrow with ARR as music director, then the contract clause would mandate that there should be the MI theme re orchestrated and mixed by ARR present in the album/movie. Same holds good if MR-ARR combo are given to direct a Bond movie(the title music would remain the same).
2. I have listened to HTNI more than 10 times(it is always on my CD-Man), The track in contention is Ilayaraja's fusion of Jazz-Blues-Metal and Carnatic music. As he had done to Chamber meets Thiagaraja piece, he has taken familiar sounding Jazz bits and carnaticised it in the core. The whole album is in fact a confluence of all forms of music (including dabbanguthu and folk music, showing how all forms can independently remain, yet supporting each other in harmony).
3. To sum up, we don't have to go as far as to Idolize IR for things he hasn't done(like crediting him for MI , Jaws etc.,)or bash him for "inspirations" / copies, which he has not done(In this case he hasn't copied or distorted MI theme).
- From: Kiran (@
on: Mon Dec 6 23:20:26 EST 2004
WOW HATS OFF TO ilayaraja,
Now i understand what his work is actually......
great great....real fusion !!
And also i notice that many MDs copy exaclty and nicely say its INSPIRATION...but only IR really justifies INSPIRATION......
Like kamal hassan once said ....if IR gets inspired by some music and composes new song, there wont be any much similarity ........Its hard to find out.....thats called real inspiration which shows the impression made by the music that has inspired.............
- From: MADDY (@
on: Mon Dec 6 23:30:05 EST 2004
i'm really having a hearty laugh.......
Kiran,IR can not only justify INSPIRATION but also MURDER,SMUGGLING,DACOITY and watever he wants as long as there r fans like u and there is a gr8 state like TN......aye shapath......
hey neways IR can never get inspired from LimpBizkit version of MI2 i hope, cos it's one of my fav and hope IR doesent spoil it....
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Tue Dec 7 00:05:21 EST 2004
I have had enuf of this!!
Either ppl like to take their idol on their head and dance or they seem to simply regard someone else as rubbish and post some really loathsome comments. I find it hard to believe that someone who is a software engineer in a big company can spew so much of venom!!! If it is Nattamai and x against ARR, then it is MADDY and Dinesh elsewhere. I dont know when you ppl forget the men behind the music and just see the music created and enjoy/analyse.
God Help this forum!!!
Thanks & Regards,
ps: Atleast in hating me and rebutting, I hope ppl will unite!!!
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Dec 7 00:41:49 EST 2004
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - The purpose of this thread is over....
or has it just begun for another War :-)
- From: MADDY (@
on: Tue Dec 7 03:33:24 EST 2004
to jaiganesh:
buddy wen i started posting in 2002,i was like u....i used to wonder y ppl. hate ARR or IR so much........but now they hve pulled me down to that level and it is the only protocol that would be understood by them.....
in my heart and outside this discussion forum i always support IR and his creations.......i still argue wth my frnds here that IR is one of the best....I FEEL PROUD OF IR........he is a gr8 man......in this forum,sorry buddy,this doesent work and ppl. start taking this as a point for belittling ARR who is my GOD.....i wunt allow this......
- From: Manisha (@
on: Tue Dec 7 03:44:18 EST 2004
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- From: Emmanuel (@
on: Tue Dec 7 08:29:17 EST 2004
hey guys...
pretty interesting discussion.but i would say not a good one to debate on..generally a debate will have its pros n cons..
but here its like debating on a fact..like say earth is round or flat..
Ilayaraaja is declared a Maestro..which means Genius ,expert someone with a rare talent..which all means that is no one like him..
cmon guys ..give him his dues..who could ever imagine to compose a symphony in two weeks..when our dear limpbizkit will take 2 weeks to even understand it..im not accusing them..even i listen to iron maiden n scorpions (listen to the time changes in public enema number one--IM)..
but Maestro is almost in par with composers like Bach n Mozart..so pls dont bring him in these silly debates..he needs to be respected..
[in short its be like debating abt Sachin and Bradman]
long live Maestro!!
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Tue Dec 7 22:49:53 EST 2004
Hi Emmanuel!
To be fair, if you go and tell IR that he is equal to Bach or Thiagaraja, or if someone goes to ARR and say he is the mozart reborn, they will give you a smile. With all due respect to these greats, they cannot be equated with Bach, Mozart or Thiyagaraja or Shiama Shastrigal and that is because these legends had only one thing in their minds.. that is music. Their personal life was filled with suffering and pain. they were not very rich and were not street smart. They did not think about which piece of their music would be liked by any producer or public or which will fetch public attention. They just thought music, felt music and wrote music. period. The only people you can compare IR and ARR to would be yesteryear music directors in TFM and HFM and to hollywood MDs like John Williams, Howard Shore, Thoms Newman etc.,
ps: can anyone guess how many symphonies Bach composed or how many krithis and raagas Thiyagaraja has created?
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