Topic started by rf (@ pppa55-resalerockford1-3r7238.dialinx.net) on Sat Aug 18 22:08:06 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Could not find any 'open' able topics on Salil Choudhry so this new one. Here is an interveiw with Antara Choudhry and some good revelation!
- Old responses
- From: mahabs (@
on: Thu Aug 23 10:28:35 EDT 2001
is it y or u? go to kerala, andhra, karnataka, mumbai or delhi and ask about ir.
your explanation is clumsy like maruthi's postings. you compared him with people who are below average.
you forgot that even sc praised him.
- From: makky (@
on: Thu Aug 23 12:58:36 EDT 2001
mr mahabs again u r trying to insist wat u think is correct. ur reverence completely overshadows the fact. even a neuteral man will vouch today only one ie ARR from tamilnadu is the only known figure throught india from tamil film music. still i accept and appreciates ur liking for IR, and u need not accept ARR is better than IR.u have got the right to have ur view but the fact of the matter is while IR was well known in tamilnadu ARR is the number 1 in india as on today.
- From: Clarifier (@
on: Thu Aug 23 20:31:33 EDT 2001
Hello Mr.Makky, even when Naushad refers to Ilaiyaraaja as a composer whose works are 100 years ahead of his times (said in 1987),
do you want to question Naushad's wisdom ? or perhaps, the wisdom of Bhupen Hazarika who recently heaped praises on Ilaiyaraaja
Go get your bearings right and don't throw muck on perhaps the most creative composer we have seen and heard
- From: rf (@
on: Thu Aug 23 22:05:36 EDT 2001
ma ki beta, aap idhar se chchale jayo aur ek bodh marathukku killey poyee vokkaru. saavu kracku. engey yenna pottirikku nee yenathan pesren konjum kuda balance illame pochu da. poda
- From: suresh (@
on: Fri Aug 24 00:09:12 EDT 2001
now, don't cringe like a coward and go hiding behind the cloak of "ARR". this is not an IR vs ARR issue as you're now turning it to be to desperately save face. let me quote from your insane post to bring it back to context..
well, you never will, because your brains have been cooked in the tandoor to even acknowledge that IR was held by high esteem by Salil himself, not rf or me or any of your bete-noire IR
you had the stupidity to utter such nonsense, and now when the heat is on, try and resort to an ARR vs IR/ no.1 in India vs no.1 in TN... gimmick
you goofed big time, now don't make a further fool of yourself..
- From: suresh (@ on: Fri Aug 24 00:11:32 EDT 2001
oops.. quotes missed out
why you have included ilaiya raja here i cant understand
he is in the group of music directors like T.R.PAPPA,SANKAR GANESH,VEDA, DEVAetc
- From: makky (@ on: Fri Aug 24 12:39:36 EDT 2001
mrclarifier the same naushad has praised ARR. great people always show their magnanimity by praising their juniors hoever small they are. in this connection i would quote one instance in 1962 the only indian (FIRST TIME) actor to be invited by hollywood was our own immortal sivaji and at that time when he met marlon brando he remarked that while shivaji can act like him but brando cannot act like shivaji. this is purely a maganimous gesture on the part of marlon brando.this cannot be taken as gospel truth. that is why they are always great. mr suresh see the topic SALIL CHAUDRY AND ILAYA RAJA ans so i have to ask him why he included IR.any thing wrong in it? ok a cursory glance of the replies of IR fans will reveal the decency and glory they bring for their favourite music director. nothing else to add. but time will prove
- From: kiru (@ on: Fri Aug 24 17:32:07 EDT 2001
IR and ARR apart..pitting Brando vs shiVaji..I think shivAji is a better actor..Brando just has the 'aura' created by Hollywood.
- From: polappu (@ on: Fri Aug 24 18:04:44 EDT 2001
While our Shivaji is a great actor and may be even a better actor when compared to Brando, I think Brando has more than "just the 'aura' created by Hollywood".
- From: y ?? (@ on: Fri Aug 24 20:05:35 EDT 2001
No questions about Sivaji. But dude, Brando is nothing less. He is as good if not a better actor. I am jumping into the fray here, but personally I don't like comparing two actors.
Guess what, Coppola said in an interview, it seems Brando suggested that look for Godfather. By the time Coppola went to his house, Brando was all ready in that form and Coppola just got taken into it. So, Brando has much more than just his 'aura' and excellent acting skills.
- From: Clarifier (@ on: Sat Aug 25 00:42:06 EDT 2001
Mr.Makky - so when Hariprasad Chaurasia, recently a Hindustani classical music expert who plays the Shehnai (forgot his name)
and several others heap praise on IR, it is not wisdom, but when Mr.Makky claims that IR needs to be categorized with Deva and Veda, it is supreme Wisdom ! What is your problem, Mr.Makky ?
- From: cosmician (@ on: Sat Aug 25 02:26:46 EDT 2001
Digression :
Sivaji vs Brando
Kiru is right there when he says that Sivaji is a better actor. It has got to do with our culture.
Have you heard of the concept of Navarasas ?
This enables our artists to explore finer shades be it in theatre or literature. The West lack this concept..of course materially they are very progressive but when it comes to learning about the mind and the spirit..they have to come to us. Bcos their material progress will collapse if not balanced by spiritual progress.
This is also the reason why though Western Classical is grandiose.....Carnatic beats it hollow with its many subtleties. Of course Western classical has its own charm. That's why I always feel that we Indians are lucky to have phenomenons like IR and ARR who have combined the best of these two systems and have given us such rich music.
- From: mahabs (@ on: Sun Aug 26 03:52:51 EDT 2001
mr. makky
why did you change your colours so soon? whether you want arr to be the greatest ever md depends upon your own tastes.
i may ask why naushad, a genius himself rate arr so high!
is it fair to club ir together with second grade mds like sankar-ganesh and deva?
imho, he should be compared with bach and mozart. not with sc, naushad, rdb, sdb.
read somewhere. minds are like parachutes - dangerous if not kept open!
- From: makky (@ on: Sun Aug 26 09:17:27 EDT 2001
mr mahabs no body is changing colours. just as u say deva,sankar ganesh r second grade to u there are many who feel IR also joins that unique club if u feel even that is bringing any dis respect to them then i withdraw aligning with them . first people should cross indian ocean then we can think of other big names as bach, mozart etc. i felt very pained when i heard viswanathan ramamoorthy is giving music in association with IR. now u must have also felt the same when u have read that IR is giving music along with ANU MALIK in a hindi movie. anyway time is changing however we shout at the top of our voice the reality and peoples choice is different. my best wishes for his success at least this time in hindi movies, after all we r tamilians isnt it.
- From: mahabs (@ on: Mon Aug 27 08:32:43 EDT 2001
mr makky when i heard ir is workinh with msv, i was happy and wondered about his humility. everyone knows that msv is a lesser person when compared with ir. but, here he is working with him. it just showed his respect for seniors.
genius does not have to cross oceans and jump mountains.
if ppl. are exposed to a genius work they (the ppl.!) are fortunate. that's all.
as if msv and sc are known worldwide!
i do not fell bad about ir + am combination. here again he is combining with lesser talents for reasons known only to him.
- From: rf (@ on: Mon Aug 27 11:53:34 EDT 2001
Mahabs, MSV and SC are not lesser than IR. Please avoid being too condescending. MSV is equal to IR if not greater, so is Choudhry. You should listen to their songs with a more open mind and see the difference.
that makky guy is quite erratic, he doesn't what he is talking... so, just leave him. this wonderful thread has been marred by some petty comparisons and immature observations.... rise up fellas
- From: mahabs (@ on: Fri Aug 31 04:45:59 EDT 2001
i am sorry rf. i wrote those lines just to irritate guys like makky.
i have a great regard for msv.
- From: makky (@ on: Fri Aug 31 23:06:55 EDT 2001
mr rf ur views abt me may be right or wrong which i myself cannot give an opinion but one thing i am certain is that golden era of indian music wa between 1950 to 1970.and any leading music directors heart of heart will accept the truth but for self interest and to be on the race they may say to defend present time music.till to day there is nothing to change that, except because of globalisation and hindi music has sunk to the nadir ARR with his different style has captured the heart of indians here and abroad. in the case of tamil film music after the demise of G.Ramanathan, and the spilit of viswanathan ramamoorthy, and sidelining of A.M.Raja tamil film music has also become monotonous and predictable. at this stag only IR had entered the scene with great promise by giving some great songs. but once establishe his music has been very very repetetive & in the name of folk songs song after song is typhical of thagara dappa music. my contention is that there was too much hype on him in tamilnadu.my only simple question is a new comer and relatively young fellow could capture the imagination of all over india the so called gyani, mastero etc etc inspite of attempting 7 or 8 times in hindi music the latest being hey ram has become a pearl harbour. an why this fact is not accepted by IR fans.even in tamilnadu u just see the rating given by TFR it is always ARR Stand first. these things are written for argument sake and no offense intended,and like u in the beginning i was also very impreseed by IR on the initial stage.hope u will understand my point.
- From: mahabs (@ on: Sat Sep 1 00:41:14 EDT 2001
when some person mentioned in this forum sometime back that msv fans have become supporters of arr (not necessarily his fans) because ir proved that he is the emperor of tfm when his period is the golden age and he has surpassed msv and his contemporaries, i didn't believe it as that seemed an absurd idea.
but you prove that however an idea seems absurd, there is always someone who follows it.
did the great msv cpture the hearts of northies? when did that became the criteria for greatness?
what about mahakavi bharathiar? simply because he is not known outside tn, you would say that he is not a genius!
you have no valid points and your reasons are flawed. an example for prejudiced mind.
- From: suresh (@ on: Fri Aug 24 00:11:32 EDT 2001
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