Topic started by IndianForLife (@ on Wed Apr 25 18:28:01 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I feel that it is Urdu. Urdu is so sweet that even if you don't understand it, the language still sounds so good. It sounds better than all other Indian languages. And If you understand it, it is the most sweetest and most powerful language in this world. It is also the most powerful form of poetry !!!. What is your opinion ??
- From: Nilaa Magan (@
on: Wed Apr 25 18:41:00 EDT 2001
Dear Indian forlife,
Do u know all ohter languages,to compare with urdu?!
Please,this not the forum to discuss abt languages...
- From: sabesan (@
on: Wed Apr 25 19:00:33 EDT 2001
initially it was C, C++.....
then it was MFC, VC++....
then it was JAVA.....
i think now its C Sharp....
- From: comment (@
on: Wed Apr 25 21:32:06 EDT 2001
after c#, I think is going to be dminor.
indianforlife, yes and do you know when we compose a song for urdu, we need to follow certain rules, like for a word, we can use certain set of notes only, but since this newtfmpage.com, we should discuss this in UFMpage.com, :)
you can try forumhub
- From: Kan Kalangum Bharathi (@
on: Wed Apr 25 22:13:02 EDT 2001
Definitely not Tamizh after ARR's intro of Sukwindar, Udit, Sadhana......
- From: cosmician (@
on: Thu Apr 26 16:55:26 EDT 2001
IndianforLife...r u tryin to make some point ?
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Thu Apr 26 22:09:29 EDT 2001
Yes i am trying to make a point that urdu words sounds sweeter than all other indian languages even if you don't understand the language and if you do then you are in for a sweet treat !!!
Do you agree ????
- From: Neel (@
on: Fri Apr 27 00:30:47 EDT 2001
Is Urdu the language with songs like "Ekku nambari Dhassu nambari" ?
- From: Kutty (@
on: Fri Apr 27 04:19:21 EDT 2001
Inidian for life,
one should not think life a frog in a well. The frog thinks that well is the whole world.The subject which is the best or sweetest cannot be debated or objectively proved by anybody. Because nobody has a knowledge and awareness of all languages of the country.The statements of this nature are highly subjective, possibly movitated by emotional feelings and are not worth for a discussion.
- From: Travis (@
on: Fri Apr 27 06:27:07 EDT 2001
The sweetest language in India, or for that matter in the whole world is music.
IMHO, i add, just in case... :-)
- From: cosmician (@
on: Fri Apr 27 07:58:36 EDT 2001
Good one Travis....and that should end the discussion on this stupid thread..
- From: Rajan (@
on: Sat Apr 28 01:31:08 EDT 2001
Just bcoz Majority of here deosn't know URDU, Even if it sounds ODD no one is going to deny Indianfor life.. For me all i know is Tamil.. Sure it's the sweetest language in the whole universe.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sat Apr 28 10:45:54 EDT 2001
I know Hindi, Urdu, Bengali , english etc.
I know to speak these language very well. I have enjoyed many urdu shayars and shayaris.
Yaam arindha mozhigalile tamizh mozhi pol inidhavadhu engum kaanom
vazhga tamizh -- vazhga bharathiyin pugazh.
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Sat Apr 28 12:14:17 EDT 2001
Please translate what that means Common Friend !!!
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sat Apr 28 13:04:49 EDT 2001
Its completely ridiculous. You don't know tamizh and you want to say the Urdu is a better language than any other language. I am not blaming you. I understand your passion for the language that you love, but you cannot make a judgement with out knowing other language.
As I said I knew some lanuages and what I quoted is a famous line from the GREAT BHARATHIYAAR's poem. Let me translate it to you. It means "Of all the languages that I knew, I have not found anything as sweet as tamil"
FYI, Bharathi knew many Indian languages from sanskrit to hindi and dravidian language. He was also an exponent in English. One of my English professor did his PHD (doctorate) in Bharathi's english translations. Bharathi should have got Nobel for Litrature for his Kuyil Pattu (I think), but on the same year, due to some english politics Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore got it. Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore deserves it, that's an other matter, but Bharathi lost it as English govt didn't recommend it to the Nobel at that time. I remember my professor saying this to me.
- From: renganathan (@
on: Sat Apr 28 13:29:13 EDT 2001
Yaam arindha mozhigalile tamizh mozhi pol inidhavadhu engum kaanom
vazhga tamizh -- vazhga bharathiyin pugazh.
- From: renganathan (@
on: Sat Apr 28 13:29:19 EDT 2001
Yaam arindha mozhigalile tamizh mozhi pol inidhavadhu engum kaanom
vazhga tamizh -- vazhga bharathiyin pugazh.
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Sun Apr 29 00:33:45 EDT 2001
But common friend, when a foriengner hears tamil and urdu, i think he will find urdu sounding more good even if he doesn't understand it. Tamil doesn't sound as good as urdu in terms of words. Shayar's are famous all around India and one can truly say Urdu is the most powerful form of poetry in India. You can't argue that !!. I think Urdu uses a much sweeter form of words chosen than tamil and to me tamil sounds the same either one word or the other !!! Overall can you give me your opinion on which language sounds better in terms of WORDS and VOCABULARY and second to what you think is sweeter because you say you know both !!.
Thanx !!
- From: Neel (@
on: Sun Apr 29 01:21:49 EDT 2001
What is a Shayar?
- From: lv (@
on: Sun Apr 29 06:32:22 EDT 2001
dear common friend,
i agree with you again!!! You see - which is the sweetest language is too subjective a thing to discuss. It depends on the person. Well the kind of Tamil spoken by fishermen is harsh to listen to - but the Tamil that you hear at a literary meet is gorgeously sweet. This 'IndianforLife' does not know Tamil, but wants to comment on Tamil. Thats being unfair.
Urdu is very sweet - but so is Tamil, so is Telugu. The idea of sweetness is subjective. I was told that German is a harsh language but when I learnt it I relaised the melody therein.
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Sun Apr 29 12:22:16 EDT 2001
All i am trying to say is that in terms of words and vocabulary i find urdu more sweeter in that sense than tamil. I may not understand tamil, but the way it sounds to me is not as sweets as urdu. Maybe i have to learn tamil to see the meaning but in terms of words used, i find urdu more sweeter. Why do you think Hindi movies mostly use romantic urdu words and take some vocabulary from urdu !!
- From: Neel (@
on: Sun Apr 29 12:39:58 EDT 2001
Common Friend,
That was a good piece of information you posted about Bharathi and Nobel Prize. How much ever we celebrate Bharathi today it will not equal the recognition Nobel Prize would have brought to him...hmmm...
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Apr 30 12:13:58 EDT 2001
Neels & LV:
See, again you argue on some thing that you don't know. Urdu is just like a package in software terms. Let me explain. You might also be knowing this. Urdu language evolved only after the afgans came into India as rulers. It all started some two hundred years before tyhe mogul dynasty. So the age of Urdu is just at the max. 1000 years(it might be even less). Urdu, is a composition of Hindi and persian language (arabic..???). Soldiers from arabia, afgan and India were all in same army under one ruler and they needed a medium of communication in the form of a language that was easy for them to speak and write. So Urdu evolved. Urdu is just like english, which incidently a very young and not a original language. English evolved from many european and latin language.
Tamil is as old as Sanskrit. Why, you can say that its older than Sanskrit ,because, sanskrit came to India only with Aryans (some 4500 years ago). Tamil was the native language of India at that time and it was spokjen by Dravidians. They are the natives of ancient India, who were pushed southwards, when people from mesopotomia, quanquered India.
The tamizh that is colocial now-a-days is not the actual tamizh that it should be. That is why, there is a controversy in pronouncing tamil as Classical Language as Latin or Sanskrit.
Now, Sweetness is purely subjective. What would you say is easier. A package like VB, or foxpro or Computer Language like C or say some assembly language. Obviously the vote will go to package as it is very easy to learn and use. But, that doesn't make it great. What is great is the Computer Language , which even if it is tougher to learn and apply, without which all the packages wouldn't have evolved. Computer Language have got a very wide application scope than a package which has its own specific scope.
Now, talking of poetry and Litrature. Tamil Litratures and poetry which date back to some 4000 years, are much heavy in quantity and very high in quality than almost all the languages in the world. If you judge, the sweetness (or Greatness) of the language based on how it sounds in a film song then, then it's nothing but a foolish joke.
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Mon Apr 30 13:18:41 EDT 2001
I am not talking about literature or history or anything like that, i want to know what sounds sweeter to you Tamil or Urdu because you know both !!
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Mon Apr 30 13:19:08 EDT 2001
I am not talking about literature or history or anything like that, i want to know what sounds sweeter to you Tamil or Urdu in terms of words used because you know both !!
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Apr 30 13:31:26 EDT 2001
Obviously tamizh. Urdu is as good as hindi and hindi in it's purest form is much sweeter than urdu. I enjoy the hindi of Indian PM when he talks. It's almost a pure one and very rarely he uses urdu in between. He is a poet mind you.
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Mon Apr 30 18:48:59 EDT 2001
You must be kidding !!!. You find tamil words sounding better than urdu words. That is out of this world!!. Tell me how do you say
Ay poolon ki rani baharon ki malka
is rang badalti duniya mein in Tamil
I bet these words in Tamil wouldn't sound an inch good as Urdu even if a person understands it or not. I am talking about how the word sounds not the meaning mind you. Urdu in it's purest form is much sweeter than Hindi why are they then using romantic urdu words in movies when they can use pure hindi words. By the way what is your mothertoungue anyway ??. Just curious !!. Can you please write those phrases in Tamil since you say you know both languages. Urdu poetry is undoubtedly the most powerful form of poetry . That cannot be argued. Have you heard poetry at it's best in Urdu. If you haven't then you should listen to ghazals of Madan Mohan or ones which Mohammed Rafi has sung. Don't you enjoy urdu at it's best better than tamil !!. Tamil poetry cannot cover the essence of Urdu poetry and the words just don't sound as good in tamil as in Urdu !!.
- From: aruLaracan (@
on: Mon Apr 30 19:21:45 EDT 2001
IFL: to continue your stupid arguements, get anyone to translate the following verse to any language of your choice and see if it sounds (only sounds, i am not bringing here any literary value!) as good:
pongkuka nangkuzai maNdiya keNdai puraNdu puraNdAda - kuzal
mangkulil vaNduka laindhadhu kaNduma dhancilai vaNdOda - ivaL
ingidhu kaNdula genpadu menpadu menRidai thiNdAda - malar
pangaiyya mangkaiva cundhaca vundhari pandhupa yinRALE!
have you heard the song nilai mARum ulagil nilaikkum enRa kanavil?
Don't you enjoy urdu at it's best better than tamil !!. yes. urdu at its best is better than the ordinary tamil we speak so carelessly at home.
btw: you said, you weren't wondering about the literature in urdu, but your previous posting totally contradicts such an assertion of yours.
anyways, got to go home. you can live in your own "sweet" world; if you want to bother others of your perceived sweetness of urdu, please do so in the forumhub. this forum is about TAMIL FILM MUSIC.
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