Topic started by Pranav (@ on Thu Feb 13 22:51:42 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Who can be conferred as the Melody Queen of South Indian FIlm Music .
Is it S.Janaki or P.Susheela or Chitra or Vani Jayram..?
I think Janaki is the best of all and she should be conferred as the Melody Queen of South Indian Music
- Old responses
- From: pranav (@
on: Mon Mar 3 05:12:57 EST 2003
NO Doubts in that.
- From: Music hater (@
on: Mon Mar 3 06:33:11 EST 2003
Yet another meaningless thread with fanatics presenting their egos under the garb of music lovers. A thread to be confined to the worst recycle bin.
- From: Subbu (@
on: Mon Mar 3 07:10:57 EST 2003
Kannadasan wrote in Kumudham magazine that "enga set-la irukkaravanga-Loda chair eppavum avangaLukku thaan... veru yaaralum nirappa mudiyaadhu" (means = the chairs of our set of people will be only for them... it can not be replaced by anyone). U know whom he meant as his set of people? MGR, Sivaji, MSV, KVM, Himself (Kannadasan), TMS and only one female i.e., P Suseela. There is nothing more needed to say anything more than this.
Of course, each singer has their strenth as well as limitations (not weakness). PS not for club dance kind of songs, though she had sung some songs under this category. Similary SJ too, though she had sung many songs, but she had limitations in her reach on "devotional, thaalaattu, sogam" categories.
Any fan will always claim that their fav is the best... but it should not cross the limit of accusing any great artist liks PS and SJ. Both of them are always star singers. To conclude....PS is for melody with sweetness and SJ for Versatility. Let us be respectful to the history creaters and continue to be happy listeners of good music.
- From: Meerakrishna (@
on: Mon Mar 3 20:00:19 EST 2003
Mr. Kalai, You always mention SJ has sung the third rate songs right, you know what, last Friday I have seen one Tamil Movie in Sun T.V.(name I dont know). Heroin was Satyabhama(I dont know her name in Tamil movies becoz she is a kannada actress, she acted in Puttanna Kanagals Dhrmasere) I have listen one song from that movie, I cant explain how vulgar that song was. The heroin wears Mini skirt and she dancing with the hero. Its a duet song. SJ's Nila Kayuthe song is better song in front of that song. Unfortunately that song was sung by PS. You always said SJ sings vulgar lyrics. But what about this type of PS's hidden vulgar songs. And I already mention one kannada 'Endendigu Naa Ninna' was the most vulgar song of PS. I can give PS's spoiled songs in kannada also if you need.
Your statement: One Shivaji, one Kannadasan, and only one PS, I think this statement applicable in Tamil Nadu only, not in Karnataka becoz in kFM SJ is leading lady not PS. I dont know anything about Kannadasan but in Kannada we have had lot of Lyricts like Hunasur Krishnamurthy, G.V.Iyar, chi. Sadashivayya, Chi. Udayashankar, R.N.Jayagopal etc.. they had written plenty of good songs. SJ for not only Versatality SJ for melody with sweetness also.
- From: pranav (@
on: Tue Mar 4 01:13:48 EST 2003
Dear Meera Krishna,
I want to talk to you in personal regarding Sj, can you just message, I will tell you in detail..
- From: Meerakrishna (@
on: Tue Mar 4 18:37:22 EST 2003
Pranav, Neevu keliruvudu Eene Antha artha Aagilla.
Sariyaagi Baredare Tiliyuthade.(Hope you understand kannada).
- From: pranav (@
on: Tue Mar 4 22:11:33 EST 2003
Meera, naanu sj avara Fan, nimma bali avara Madguravadha Haadugalu idhe endhu nimma postings indha gothayithu, nimmadhenu abhyantaravilladidhare nanage avaara hadugalunu Kodalguvaudhe(recorded), aamele nimma bali Janakiamma avara photo idhare nanage ondhu Koduthira?
With Regards,
- From: kalai (@
on: Tue Mar 4 22:45:07 EST 2003
Your staements :
1. In most of all the IRs films it was SJs name which came on top and then of SPS, PS and al other singers. This also I can bet.
2. And regarding, sounds produced in Nila Kayuthey, I don't think there is some sort of VUlgarity as claimed by you.
These Two clearly shows How confidently U can say lies. I bet on ur first statement. Prove it.
About IR, PS is third position, when U see the number of songs (around 300 songs). But, He didnt degrade PS much, when quality of the songs is concerned. Dont say lies, knowingly.
All your statements are assumptions and just for argument sake U are writing something. Constantly telling the same thing U cant prove SJ's voice is melodious than PS. The melody of PS is accepted by the great LM.
I could understand, U have some knowledge on SJ songs, in kannada and tamil. But, U dont have much access on Other singers and other langage songs. Dont waste others time for with your half knowledge.
About ARR, he is the greatest fan of PS. He told it in Bommai, Anandha vikatan, chutti vikatan and TV interviews. Ps dont want to sing now, and declared her retirement. Initial stages she has sung four songs in ARRs music. I didnt find any meaning in ur question.
And, Meera krishna,
We are talking about SFM. U are judging everything with KFM. I have written about market, reach and many thing because the thread is on SFM. How can a person decide the queen of sfm considering a single language?
- From: pranav (@
on: Wed Mar 5 01:38:17 EST 2003
Who is this LM, how mayny sobngs has she heard of PS or Sj? Can you tell me, let her sing atleast one line of any PS or SJ. Simply infront of media she tells. She is not a great lady. She is Selfish, everyone knows this.
If you say tht PS is sweeter that is for you and other PS fans. NOt for Sj or the ppl who love MElody . Ok Pls.. If you are trying to say that PS is sweeter, I can't waste my time in convincing you that SJ voice is Sweeter. I feel sorry for that. When you can't think , understand properly what I said in my rpevious posting , its really waste of my time writing that musch things on PS and SJ. Pls read it once again
- From: guest (@
on: Wed Mar 5 02:46:35 EST 2003
Pranav - you always claim PS's voice is sweet - not melodious. Please define Sweetness and Melody?
Also with due respects to SJ - claiming that SJ is number 1 in KFM starting from 1958 is not correct. that is the year when SJ made her debut in KFM and can somebody be number 1 starting from day one?
- From: Subbu (@
on: Wed Mar 5 02:56:47 EST 2003
What kind of thread is this? should have been titled as "Comon lets accuse the great legends of SiFM". Or say that "SJ is the melody queen - this is for SJ fans ONLY".
Kalai, as I know you, would advise you that please abstain from this thread; lets be humble PS fans respecting talents of other great singers like SJ; also respecting the view of her fans too. Hope you take this positively.
Finally, I would like to state this: If either SJ or PS go thru this dirty postings, they will feel ashamed of their counterpart being accused like anything.
- From: st (@
on: Wed Mar 5 07:26:48 EST 2003
Pranav can u stop bitc..g.
PS and SJ dont deserve fans like you. There is no need to pull down any singer to prove that the other is good. Both are great
And what the heck u know of LM. I would have broken ur neck had u uttered those things in front of me about Lata. And i am not a fanatic.
Leave the subjective matters, just technically in playback singing there is hardly anyone closer to her. If you take a list of the film songs that are considered to be the hardest to sing, she has got the maximum number of songs in there.
"Sumney yaaro yeno heliddu keli influence aag bedi. Bhagavanta ondu mind kottidaaney.. nimma judgement use maadri..."
- From: Meerakrishna (@
on: Wed Mar 5 19:37:41 EST 2003
Mr Kalai, I know we are talking about SFM, I am not talking only in KFM. You mention some PS's kannada songs thats what I also mention some of SJ's great hits thats all. For your kind information I am not considering SJ the queen of sfm in a single language. I heard all the songs including German, Oriya, and Baduga(ooty language) songs. which language and which song you need. I will give you SJ's kannada, Tamil, Telugu Mallu and Hindi songs also. I have almost all collections of SJ songs. I dont have any intention to argue without any information and Knowledge. I have lot of information about SJ's songs. What do you think you are the only person with full knowledge about the songs and the singers. I heard good songs of PS when I get a chance I never fails. Everyday I watch Sun.T.V's 'Then Amudhu' songs programme. I really enjoy some songs. I listen all the four languages thats what I came here and argue with you about the songs. First you listen SJ's all the languages and then come to the discussion. I have respect with both the singers. But my first choice is always SJ.
Pranav, abhyantaravenilla, aadare hege? Nimage nanna mail sikkideya (about SJ's phone No)
Subbu, you are right if PS or SJ really go through this postings? God I cant imagine what they are thinking about us.
- From: av (@
on: Wed Mar 5 22:25:21 EST 2003
Meera krishna:
I am looking out for Janaki's German song(s). Please give me the pstats of the same and if possible an audio link and/or mp3 file. I will be most grateful to you. I am immensely curious to hear Janaki sing in that language. Janaki besides being a singer par excellence is also a wonderful mimicry artist. I can't wait to hear her trying to mimic the characteristic German accent!
- From: pranav (@
on: Wed Mar 5 23:29:05 EST 2003
nanage hanakiavar phone number sikkidhe, but mail ID mathra sandeep achanna antha bandhidhe.. adhu nimmadhena..
- From: pranav (@
on: Wed Mar 5 23:29:56 EST 2003
sorru, speeling mistake --.
nanage janakiavar phone number sikkidhe, but mail ID mathra sandeep achanna antha bandhidhe.. adhu nimmadhena..
- From: pranav (@
on: Wed Mar 5 23:45:54 EST 2003
Sweetness is entirelyy different from Melodiousness. For example, Chitra's voice is sweet but, she can't sound melodious in most of the songs, but Sujatha's voice is melodious..
A voice to be melodious should be a bit thin. But PS voice is comparitively Thick(or in kannada we say Dhappa voice, matured voice). Though her voice is sweet but you cannot get the desired melody. Compare Lata and SJ's voice, both have similar voice and melodious(Eg: Valai OSai Kala Kala and Kaatril EndhanGeetham)
I am not saying PS voice is never melodius ,but her voice is matured(she was a Classical Singer givein performances), when you hear to her songs we can see the sweetness but not Melodius.
She too have sung melodious Songs like - Poo Pookum Maasam, Solla Solla Inikuthada etc.
But , I am claiming that SJ's voice is more sweetr and Melodious than PS. And while claiming so, I have not degraded any other singer.. Pls, If some one have misunderstood my statements, I am sorry for that.
ANd another one point, If I have told that SJ was top from 1958 , it is by a mistake, She was top from 1960 and onwards till 1990.
With regards,
- From: s0 (@
on: Thu Mar 6 00:42:52 EST 2003
How many times have we seen people nonchalantly passing off their own personal views on highly debatable & subjective issues as obvious facts! one more instance..
and anyone (else) who got the difference between sweetness & melodiousness, please keep it to yourself. don't bother us, the ignorant people.
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