Topic started by Saathiya (@ on Wed Dec 11 01:14:43 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
While we fight here, listen to what ARR has said abt IR in the interview he has given to singapore radio. you can listen to the whole interview at
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Thu Dec 12 02:03:42 EST 2002
Can anybody kindly post the summary of the interview? I couldn't download it as it seems to be a streaming file.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Thu Dec 12 05:23:48 EST 2002
ARR's quote in one interview about other MDs..
Got it from ARRYG
"Nowadays everybody is doing good music... Yuvan, Vidyasagar, Harris
jeyaraj, and then Barathwaj.. lot of them when I hear each song some
are really good!"
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Thu Dec 12 05:26:12 EST 2002
ARR's quote in one interview about other MDs..
Got it from ARRYG
"Nowadays everybody is doing good music... Yuvan, Vidyasagar, Harris
jeyaraj, and then Barathwaj.. lot of them when I hear each song some
are really good!"
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 12 05:54:14 EST 2002
Isn't it good to see ARR encourage and praise more junior artistes?
Did, ahem, ARR's seniors ever spare a word in praise for him?...I wonder. :)
- From: sabesan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 06:00:19 EST 2002
WN - do not wonder..... i don't think ARR's senior's EVER praised him.... nor did ARR show any respect for them (I have not heard IR's songs was his comment on one interview).....
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 12 06:16:47 EST 2002
".... nor did ARR show any respect for them"
Really? So wat's this I heard abt ARR presenting IR wit a golden ring and insisting on MSV and IR being present when he was felicitated? Was tat ARR's way of insulting and disrespecting his seniors. Tch tch tch..bad bad ARR. He deserves this and worse.
Thanks for enlightening me as usual sabesan, ur post has been very useful as always.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 06:44:34 EST 2002
WN - as usual u are also ______ :-).... what i said happened and what u said also happened.... i quote one incident where he DID NOT RESPECT SENIORS, and u quote another where he RESPECTED..... so ? (of course, i can argue the RESPECT he showed also in an ugly manner, and still claim Iam DECENT!!!!!).....
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 12 06:55:08 EST 2002
sabesan, as a matter of fact, I know ARR's seniors have praised him...my statement I wonder.. was to get responses quoting exact instances, not for ur usual knee-jerk tit-for-tat response. I am not interested in u, or ur decency. Instead of focussing on whether seniors have encouraged their juniors, u turn this ugly by making a sweeping statement "nor did ARR show any respect for them" and a pathetic justification to it, which is obviously not true, and anyone who knows ARR well, will know this. I for one, have heard ARR say tat he likes songs by MSV sir and Illayaraja Sir in a Sun TV interview, too bad for ur ignorance.
I did not post in this thread to listen to ur ramblings & personal attacks. If u dont have any info to add, stay off my track. I dont really care for ur opinions on me, so get this into ur little head and get off my back.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 07:20:29 EST 2002
ha ha ha..... oh man... oh man....
WN, FYI, - i never started the "personal" stuff's..... it was u who started it "ur post has been very useful as always".....
and its upto you to believe it or not.... iam not going to question what u say is true or not... iam pretty sure ARR did comment saying "i have not heard IR songs".... wait, i should add "too bad for ur ignorance", then only Iam DECENT, right Aalavandaaan SIR :-).....
"stay off my track".... duh!.... helllooooo u asked a question here lady.... and i answered that.... don't jump on me....
and ur last statement is a good joke.... "i don't really care for ur opinions on me".... who cared here..... i never gave ANY OPINION on YOU M'aam, i was just repeating what u said, get that straight....
sorry for the UGLY DIGRESSION guys.....
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 12 07:27:37 EST 2002
"iam pretty sure ARR did comment saying "i have not heard IR songs"...."
Yes, sabesan I'm sure he said tat too. Have u read ARR's official bio? It says tat he worked as a keyboard player for IR since the age of 11. Maybe u also missed some talk in this DF about ARR's involvement in Punagai Mannan.
To make statements like "i don't think ARR's senior's EVER praised him.... nor did ARR show any respect for them" and the one above, it's obvious wat ur intention was in even posting in this thread. Contributing to the discussion is not one of them.
I'm not going to insult myself further by holding a conversation with u. Get a grip on urself mate.
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 12 07:38:54 EST 2002
btw, taking this thread back to where it was, I'm still keen to hear of words by ARR's seniors encouraging ARR and more on ARR's comments on youngsters (from those who know, of course).
Here's a snippet from the recent Diwali interview on KTV by ARR:
"Interviewer: For each time period, there was a Music Director. First, it was MS Viswanathan-Ramamoorthy. Then came Illayaraja. Then you came. Now, there are many youngsters adventing. In fact, there are even movies with five Music Directors. What is your opinion about this?
ARR: I think it is a very good thing. People get to hear different kinds of music. They all have an outlet. And they all have an encouragement and support from people. And each person has a particular following and that's what we need actually. Once they get an encouragement, we as a whole team, can go break into the international market. Which is my dream. If you look at the world, our place is out there. We can go and assume that place. I think we should do that."
And I'd like to re-emphasise to ppl who r fond of following me around to each and every thread, "If u dont have any info to add, stay off my track"
- From: Prabhu (@
on: Thu Dec 12 07:48:23 EST 2002
RAW is WAR..only on WWF.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 08:00:48 EST 2002
"It says tat he worked as a keyboard player for IR since the age of 11".... what r u going to teach me next - "Jaya is the CM of TN, Vajpayee is the PM of INDIA" :-).... hello, i think i have a "little" knowledge of what is happening around.... so stop "teaching" me, ok..... i too know what u said.... and i still stick to what i said....
talking about intention - hello maam, i sure know what ur intention was when u posted "I wonder".... cut the crap right.....
man, i pray God, to give me strength not to ANSWER to any more JUNK arguments from you....
and yeah, i am following u around each and every thread to learn the DECENCY from you and ur fellow fans.....
- From: Angeli (@
on: Thu Dec 12 08:44:13 EST 2002
I doubt very much that ARR would have said 'I have never heard IR's songs'
If you read that somewhere, it was probably a mis-quote, not to mention probably not a reliable source of information.
ARR has always shown respect for all musicians, even of they are not very good, so you can imaging that for a musician of IR's calibre, ARR gives and will always give utmost respect.
ARR has always encouraged new talent, in any capacity and field - sounds engineers, singers, musicians e.t.c. This is more abundant these days, as opposed to the old days when only a few musicians dominated the field.
There is room for everyone. Learn to share views -you will get a lot furthur.......
- From: Unmai (@
on: Thu Dec 12 09:04:38 EST 2002
Respect should be for one's works by stating it openly. I have never heard or read about ARR saying anything about IR's Isai works.
Presenting a ring to IR and MSV is really very materialistic (may be for media ) and was rightly refused by IR. IR has said that he even refused a ring presented by MGR.
- From: ambleen (@
on: Thu Dec 12 09:33:42 EST 2002
"ARR has always shown respect for all musicians, even of they are not very good, so you can imaging that for a musician of IR's calibre..."
Please. Don't be a moron to compare ARR to a genius...leave alone some comments from ARR...like that's going to matter.
- From: a fan of good music (@
on: Thu Dec 12 09:48:35 EST 2002
I remember in one of ARR's TV interviews he mentioned that his favourite song is "Engi Edupplazhagi" from "Devar Magan". And in another interview ARR mentioned that IR is a genius.
- a fan of good music
- From: sabesan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 10:20:48 EST 2002
"a fan of good music" - yes sir, i have read that (but not sure if he said that as his "favourite" or if he liked it)..... well, and iam now also sure he did say the other thing that i said.... that was at the start of his career.... he said that he has not heard IR music, and IR said back "i have never heard Chinna Chinna AAsaaai" song.... well, both are in bad taste - that's my point....
- From: Aalavandhan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 10:51:12 EST 2002
This is really getting ridiculous.
Do you want ARR to go down on his knees and say how great IR is?
Don't we see enough of that from the HCIRFs in this forum?
As far as humility and big-heartedness are concerned, IR and ARR are miles apart.
And I know what I am talking about.
- From: vikky (@
on: Thu Dec 12 10:57:23 EST 2002
But in the recent interview, given at Singapore, ARR has said that working with IR, was like studying in a Musical college..
IR has worked with ARR's father Shekar.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 11:17:06 EST 2002
"Do you want ARR to go down on his knees and say how great IR is? "..... saathiamaa ilaa Aalavandhaan (man, get a different nick, this is pretty long to spell)..... but u know at the same time, is it fair to say "there is NO NEED for IR to PRAISE ARR's work too" ????? cause someone was "wondering" if "ahem", did his seniors "ever spare a word in praise for him"......
and i am with you on the "humility" part....
- From: Aalavandhan (@
on: Thu Dec 12 11:22:26 EST 2002
Sabs, about the nick, this is how I take revenge on you. :)
(Notice how I surukkified your name? :))
It is funny how this thread has digressed. I think the linker (!) actually wanted peace between IR fans and ARR fans!!
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