Topic started by Awe (@ on Sun Aug 25 21:36:09 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Today i saw Ninaithale Inikkum.. Songs were pleasing. But the BGM big ZERO from MSV. One romantic scene between Kamal and Jayapradha. What does our MSV do? He hums in the background with his terrible voice. His choice of music is awful.
IR would have had field day with these kind of scene.
Vegam Vegam pogum pogum magic... IR was truly a magical pheonmenon
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Mon Aug 26 04:54:18 EDT 2002
I why you IR fanatic moron can't spare even MSV. He is beyond comparison and you have ARR here and people here to defend him.
Spare the master, learn to fight with equals.
MSV is superior, but hva eless people here to defend him.
I request admin to close this thread or else this will becopme a total insulting thread of MSV.
Ennikki thaan thirundha poreengalo.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Mon Aug 26 04:55:45 EDT 2002
>>>MSV is superior, but hva eless people here to defend him.
should read as
MSV is superior, but has less people here to defend him.
- From: a (@
on: Mon Aug 26 05:43:13 EDT 2002
Well still IR is superior in BGM man.
- From: Awe (@
on: Mon Aug 26 09:35:33 EDT 2002
Hello Just watch Ninaithale Inikkum. Atleast 10 situations i listened to MSV BGM. It was awful.
Are Yaar i know you are more an IR hater than an ARR fan. So don't use the cover that you are an MSV fan. I deliberately wanted to notice the BGM of MSV. There is so much contrast between his songs and his BGM. For example the song Saynora by SPB was great. Immediately following that song his BGM took a nose dive. 'Are Yaar' if you can't present a decent opinion get away from this thread.
- From: ambleen (@
on: Mon Aug 26 09:55:51 EDT 2002
Are Yaar,
Now you are prooving to be just not being able to withstand any good facts abt IR.
Even, MSV has acknowledge this in some old interview. Come on, you have ears. Even without no body telling you this you should know. Don't let your ego do the impossible.
Btw, I love MSV as person(he's just too a wonderful guy!) and his songs but not his incidental music. Even MSV's predecessors are better in BGM when you compare to MSV's.
- From: just a thought (@
on: Mon Aug 26 10:10:31 EDT 2002
Just if you dont hear it, it does not mean msv cannot. Let me tell you just an example: Just watch the movie ulagam sutrum valiban
expo70 is shown - when the shot opens camera pans around the whole expo, the short is for about 30 seconds, there is a string section arragement which then goes to the song ulagam. This is simply Grand by any standards.
Same movie there is boat-chase action scene for about 3-4 mins, this has a great back ground score, too way too ahead for 70's
Just watch 1000'il oruvan for recording the best I know in tamil films. way ahead for that period.
"MSV's predecessors are better in BGM "--
with all due respects to the old masters, I differ again...we would seriously not know if the shot is romantic or a devotional by hearing to the score.
Secondly tamil film music is not just back ground scores.. Tune or the solo Melody is the heart of the song.. MSV is the melody king!, it is a proved fact.
I think it is not good when you start comparing a legend without knowing much about him or his music.
- From: Awe (@
on: Mon Aug 26 11:16:45 EDT 2002
There is nothing wrong with his songs. But his music lacks bite. He never paid any attention to BGM just like the current Music Directors are.
I have seen his other films also. Usually Balachander movies have more scope for wonderful BGM than other movies as it has so many touching scenes in it. Especially movie like 'Ninaithale Inikkum' has great scope. The scene where kamal marries jayapradha he virtually turns off all music and hums in his voice. It sounded as if it was from well. I saw Kallukku Eeram also. It came around the same period Ninaithale Inikkum came.
IR's BGM gave so much life to each and every scene. Especially when Bharathi Raja and Arun interact also Sudakar and Vijaya shanthi interact.
They are streets apart interms of quality. We all know about his ability to compose melodies. IR broke that trend that BGM plays an important role in movies. It gives so much depth to a scene.
Example: In Dalapathi when Rajini comes out with Bhanupriya the instrument of "putham pudhu poo poothado" song(Not in picture) gives a telling effect to that scene. Maniratnam admitted that was a powerful scene with IR's BGM. Let us not deviate from the subject. The point is MSV didn't pay much attention to BGMs.
- From: C~P (@
on: Mon Aug 26 12:38:24 EDT 2002
MSV is a terrible BGM scorer??? .... what??? .... how cud u come up with such weird ideas?? .... jus b'coz 10 scenes in ninaithaaley inikkum din have proper BGM.....??
it wud be more appropriate if u give us more films to prove ur point.....instead of just mentioning 10 scenes in one film! (plus ur kallukkul eeram stuff!)
ok....here goes....i wud give u one other movie....watch it and tell me! ...... watch Kaaseythaan Kadavuladaa (to be honest i dunno if the music for this is by MSV! .... but dats wat my father told me :)) ..... the film is a full length comedy film (ok...i don think this needs introduction!) .... just listen to the BGM when those guys try to rob the money ..... dat wud let u know wat im talkin abt
and.....if wat u guys require is some MELODY sort of BGM,i wud have to enquire and tell :( .... u see im not all that old! :)
>>Even, MSV has acknowledge this in some old interview. <<
u ask IR,he wud come out with a similar statement......u know how much IR respects MSv,needless to say!
- From: Awe (@
on: Mon Aug 26 15:09:10 EDT 2002
Kaasethan Kadavulada is most defenitely remembered for the comedy not the BGM. I have seen it so many times.
- From: :) (@
on: Mon Aug 26 15:53:10 EDT 2002
Msv did pay attentions to bgm, he did what ever directors asked him to do. ofcourse Kaasethan Kadavulada has excellent bgm, please hear it properly. I have also seen it and I do remeber each and every background bit.
awe: you are having the famous IRS problem :)
- From: AG (@
on: Mon Aug 26 16:25:33 EDT 2002
Not only his BGM but preludes and interludes in his songs also sucks. In most of the songs, he repeats the same interlude again and again in a song. Except may be a few, his interludes were very very short, boring, and uninspiring. But, no one can find fault with his tunes.
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Aug 26 18:28:25 EDT 2002
Nothing related to the topic..some people would be ready to compliment MSV and ARR but would not say a word about IR. This is some sort of suppression/discrimination - praise/appreciate certain good people but not everybody. I had to say this because I see this trend among some knowledgeable/music savvy posters in this forum. I am not sure this is right.
- From: Awe (@
on: Mon Aug 26 18:29:11 EDT 2002
AG some people cannot stand anything that is good about IR. There are only two kinds of people in TFM. IR lovers and IR haters. ARR,MSV,Sirpy fans fall under that broad second group IR haters. Everybody knows MSV tunes are good but his BGMs are bad.
- From: x (@
on: Mon Aug 26 18:35:16 EDT 2002
I am an IR fan but I noticed in a lots and lots of movies that MSV did a decent job with BGM. Everybody knows that IR is/was a king of BGM, but liked MSV's work in many movies. I thinks it makes more sense if you compare MSV with KVM bcos they were almost in the same period of time. There are not many KVM movies that I could appreciate the back ground score... well of course in those days no one cared much about BGM and the value of it. I don't think either general cimena goers or magazines ever talked much about BGM in not only tamil cinema but the entire indian cinema.. and so probably even the MDs didn't thought that BGM was a big deal either. The truth is that BGM wasn't considered as an important aspect of 'story telling' until IR came into TFM. IR's approach towards BGM was entirely different. That was IR's one of the reasons for his success.
- From: Nijam (@
on: Mon Aug 26 20:48:20 EDT 2002
I was a normal TFM fan, until I came to this forum. All the venomous postings against other cinema personalities (this thread is a good example) by the various hard core fans of IR has made a IR-basher. Now, I can't stand to listen to his music, and quickly switch channels when a 80s song is played.
I am sure there are many people like me in this forum, and all of you have to take the blame for "popularising" IR and his music. This has been the hard core fans contributions. Please think about it seriously.
Your position is like Osama bin Laden blaming the passengers in the doomed flight for having chosen to fly the plane that fateful day.
- From: Awe (@
on: Mon Aug 26 21:33:51 EDT 2002
Nijam look who is talking. You are the one who runs around all the threads to sling mud on IR fan. Nobody cares about your opinion. Are you from a missionary of Jesus christ? You are kind of behaving like a marketing guy who asks not to buy so and so product because he doesn't like it. Probably you would be the only guy in this forum to post stupid thread like this. Interpretation of your postings would be
"I don't like IR music so everybody should not like it"
"I switch channels when 80 songs come. So everybody does that"
Get real man. Wake up from your dreams. Your 'bin laden' analogy is 'unsahikkable'. Over all you seem to be under educated.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Mon Aug 26 21:42:34 EDT 2002
MSV didn't know WCM or he didn't learn ICM. But still he was probably able to give some scores which are immortal. If you don't believe that then ask your parents or anybody, what is meant by Old songs. It automatically means MSV & KVMs songs. Not IR or ARR or anybody's. Old songs have magic and honey. Can you deny it.?
Now as for the BGM. Did you watch Pudhiya Paravai.
You take one film and comment on 10 scenes and generalise a great MD on that. Did you watch Poovilangi. pathetic BGM or TiK tik Tik --scene where kamal runs with madhavi escaping from villian. Another pathetic BGM. This doesn't mean that IR is bad in BGM. It is a fact that IR is the best in BGM in India. And his standard in that is unconquered. But that doesn't mean that all others are worse. What fecility did MSV have to compose BGM?. He did not have the learned Knowledge of WCM or ICM, but still gave some fabulous scores in songs and BGM with what ever his heart and mind could churn out. He was an improviser and an inspirer for IR and all others. Ir himself has said what MSV is. Don't fool around and in the name of IR worship don't bash others. You probably dont see beyond your eye lid. I am not an MSV expert, but with what ever I have heard and seen keeping in mind the limitations he had, I don't need a second thought to say that he is a Genius.
I hope IR doesn't see this thread. He might even kill himself for having such fans.
- From: Awe (@
on: Mon Aug 26 21:56:18 EDT 2002
I never complained about MSV songs. You don't have drag his songs in to this argument. I have watched so many of movies of him. The reason why i chose Ninaithale Inikkum it was a Post IR movie.
If i am right Ninaithale Inikkum was released well after 16 vayadinile. The scene where the doctor tries to seduce sridevi has amazing BGM. That was in 1976. I don't think IR knew any western classic at that time. I saw one movie named Sugamana Ragangal. Sivakumar and Saritha i guess. In a fight scene our MSV introduced a badly sung "Mangalyam thandunane". Over all he didn't focus on those areas. I agree with the points of X. Those days BGM didn't have that much importance. I do not bash others. What do you say? MSV is above reproach. Nobody is above reproach. Music knowledge is something you have to have inside your heart and head. You don't have to learn WCM. Ramanujam didn't have any academic background when he wrote those famous theorems. IR is Ramanujam in music. I sincerely felt that BGM was severe let down in that movie. That's why i wrote that. Not because i am an IR fan. I also respect MSV as a good song composer.
Why would i start a topic on him anyway then? Don't worry Are Yaar i won't drag ARR into this discussion like you guys. The same Tik Tik Tik had wonderful BGM when Kamal found Swapna's body.
The BGM you are referring to is not as bad as you say. You arbitrarily accuse IR. I have heard enough of MSV BGM and convey my opinions.
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