Topic started by cram (@ on Thu Jul 20 06:52:03 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hello friends,
It's me again. And this time, I met IR alongwith another newtfmpage regular, CSG. Unlike the previous occasion, when there was no scope for a chat, today we sat and talked with IR for about...god knows, time stood still, guys. We have no clue.
There were so many things we wanted to ask him, but in his presence, both of us were tongu-tied. Finally CSG found his voice and complimented him on his latest album, Bharati.
He's so incredibly down-to-earth and accessible. And he doesn't spout profundities, but speaks just like you would expect any layman to. That's his greatness. I'm still on a tremendous high....
- Old responses
- From: mapillai (@
on: Wed Jul 26 14:35:30 EDT 2000
Is IR gonna be in the USA.Can someone clarify and also get me a contact if known.
- From: NaNbaN (@
on: Wed Jul 26 15:15:44 EDT 2000
To Suresh & Srinath and Yooall:
A viewpoint from Directors Angle:
I know little bit about direction so let me shake my half-filled vessel. :-)
IR has always given good songs to good Director's like KB, BR, Balu, Mahendran, Mani and most of these director's songs picturisations are good. BR-IR being the best combination and Mahendran and balu's were mystic and Mani, we all know.
But as someone has pointed out most of IR songs picturisation were just too pathetic. ("Illamaiyenum poonkattru" clinchs the NO:1 spot :-)).
Even thought it was team effort IR's gives unbelievable lift to situation and rest of team. If notice closely most of songs has the situation mood built into the tune which is amazing and absolutely Genius. I can say very few MD's India do that in such a consistent manner as IR. There are lots of MD's who can create Great tune -- a listen able tune. But few make you to feel the situation with song. I guess that were IR is Genius. He is Director's Ace, The triumph card, The selling point of the movie. But in reality, most of current directors don't know how to use him. They just lack knowledge.
I guess Spielberg has to come and say "Hey I saw this Indian Movie and MD (IR) has done great job. He is maestro. Lets do so some project". For we always start respecting our own talents only after acknowledged by a Westner. Irrespective of any appreciation from east or west or north, IR is certainly best. And our so called, Talkies-Team failed get the best out of IR in past 20 years. No exaggeration. I believe, IR might have been inspired by lot of Directors and situations, but he is yet to be challenged by a Director or a Lyricist or a situation. Even after this you want feel how western audience feels? Now, just a sample. I have shown enough of Tamil movie stuff to my 'funkie' teammates and tutors. They are stunned by the quality of BGM score in every movie. One tutor who specifically teaches on "Language of film" is out of words for the intelligent use of BGM and precise placement of BGM score's throughout the movie. (I have literally 'baptized' all of them. he.. he) Its lone effort from IR and he supercedes Director's knowledge on this aspect. (Ask our Director-cum actor 'Mania' Manivanan). Given the proper channel IR can work in Hollywood or anywhere with respectable banners and that time is not far. Believe me!
NaNbaN - The uNkNowNfx
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp02.sprint.com)
on: Wed Jul 26 15:21:54 EDT 2000
naNban: Your views on BGMs is 100% accurate. But we are talking songs here. What other situations does IR want (from an Indian film) in terms of songs? Or maybe I'm missing something.
- From: vijay (@
on: Wed Jul 26 15:53:58 EDT 2000
Nanban and others,
that still doesnt explain suresh's argument that IR continues to take up karisakkaatopoove type films while ignoring mahendran's own saasanam. I agree 100% with that. from the way he talks one obviously gets the feeling that he is tired and not getting inspired by the situations in TFM. the is he doing all these films only for money??
cram, next time around pl. ask him as to why and how mallu films seem to inspire him more than tamil films. ask him what are those situations in msllu films that are that different from tamil films and seem to get the best out of him everytime. iam only sad that the more IR composes in TFM these days the more he is undoing all that great work he did in the 80s barring exceptions like hey ram once in a while.
- From: idichapuli (@
on: Wed Jul 26 18:53:01 EDT 2000
what vijay, what are you talking?? karisakkattu poove is a masterpiece!!
- From: Shibu (@ kcecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Wed Jul 26 19:08:00 EDT 2000
You want to know why mallu films inspire IR? They have the best stories and screenplays in the Indian film world. They try the maximum to not make a commercial film. Films which would have been labelled as an art film elsewhere have been huge success in Kerala. May be that is one of the reasons.
- From: vijay (@
on: Wed Jul 26 19:35:31 EDT 2000
says who?;))
I want IR to say that;)
- From: Sabesan (@ ws-209-233-228-254.webvangroup.com)
on: Wed Jul 26 19:44:28 EDT 2000
as far as i know, Mahendran had some differences with IR over the movie Saasanam (like IR asking for *more* money or something else) and then Mahendran decided not to use IR (not the other way where in IR declined the movie).....
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Wed Jul 26 19:45:35 EDT 2000
I never thought I would say this. What a well thought out post from you! Now, why can't you write like this all the time? I was pleasantly surprised reading your post. Keep it up, man.
You asked some pointed questions. All those points are valid. But I didn't read it like IR was dissing Mahendran or Bharathiraaja. I remember when "Uthirippookkal" was first released, IR had said in Ananda Vikatan that of all the movies he had done until then, this movie gave him the most satisfaction. And this he said from a moviegoer's point of view. He felt proud to be associated with that movie.
Moreover, he was having a casual chat with Cram and csg, just shooting the breeze with them. You can't pick it apart with the luxury of hindsight. The time and scrutiny you afforded your statements, IR didn't use when he was chatting with some fans. I'm not a public figure but I would certainly hate to be put on the spot for something I said to prove a point with friends in casual conversation.
His point was that most movies give you a situation that fails to inspire on its own; his example, a jobless son of a barber roams the hills and sings about his lover. Now, I happen to love "Kizhakkae Pogum Rail", it's among my all time favorite Thamizh movies. And the song, "Maanjolai Kilithaanoa" is a colossal song by any means. But it was conceived by IR within himself for sure, are you saying the situation is inspiring in itself? There is no drama in that scene, what inspiration can you get as a musician when told to compose a love song for a young guy roaming the hills? Yet, IR did dig within him for a longer stretch than anyone has for endless gems like this. Now, after so many hundred movies, the same themes keep coming up for songs, he's probably at his wit's end. Frankly, if he's uninspired, I don't blame him.
The question about why did he produce bad movies? Neththi adi. You score there.
Why does he still compose for bad movies?
Because he's a musician. A waiter waits, a writer writes, a singer sings, and a musician composes music. Suppose you are a programmer do you stop working on a product because a decision made beyond your control affects the product in a way that you hate? You still write your code and collect your pay. Cut the man some slack, he has more than earned it.
- From: haris (@ inet-fw2-o.oracle.com)
on: Wed Jul 26 21:22:36 EDT 2000
There is no drama in that scene, what
inspiration can you get as a musician when told to compose a love song for a young guy roaming the hills?
Do u think BR would have said this sentence 'a young guy roaming the hills' - and would have gone back to bed - expecting IR to do the rest?? I personally think - its much more than that. Directors ( atleast good ones) dont' portray scences within themselves or to others - the way we do.
Take this, 'a brahmin boy and a christian girl have a love marriage' - this is 'alaigal oiv..'. a brahmin boy marrying a christian girl. that's it. no drama. But when its handled by BR.....
- From: haris (@ inet-fw2-o.oracle.com)
on: Wed Jul 26 21:32:53 EDT 2000
Ofcourse, i know and agree with u that IR adds lot more value - than other MDs and also agree that, IR doesnt' need an external inspiration to give good music. ( oru kutti-chuvar director-A irundhAlum, he can give master pieces.) But, we shouldnt' belittle the abilities of directors ( to set the stage for the MDs to come-up with music).
- From: idichapuli (@ sj-isp-nat-pool-34.cisco.com)
on: Wed Jul 26 21:49:37 EDT 2000
chill it out dude, I meant in the lighter sense. Evanavathu kasu kuduthu andha madhiri padam pappana?? padomoda release-e Vijay tv la than!1!
- From: senthil (@
on: Wed Jul 26 23:41:09 EDT 2000
1. ir is the greatest. dont discuss this again again.(or next time you discuss about sun rises in east)
2.someone why he produced bad movies? for money.yes everyone is for money here.(if u are not, you send your full one month salary to me)
3.if u said ir is composing only (or mostly)because of the inspiration from situations
then instead of the song "ilamaiyenum poongatru" he might have composed"nethu rathiri yamma" for that.
4.if vr who was introduced and came up by ir or ir songs can blame him or his music, ir has the right to blame him or his songs twise.
- From: sampath (@
on: Wed Jul 26 23:58:22 EDT 2000
please visit
- From: Neels (@ ppp-203-197-9-174.bom.vsnl.net.in)
on: Thu Jul 27 00:11:52 EDT 2000
*** Digression *** Sorry guys!
Sampath, also known in at least 12 different avataars (nicknames)!
You seem to be repeating what you did earlier with your site for Srinivas, on the eve of his album release, advertising your site in all possible threads in this forum! The many protests by forum members seem to have made little impact on you and your team's marketing spirit.
What takes the cake is your starting 2 threads, one with a lower case title and another with an ALL CAPS on Chitra's site!
While we are not averse to people announcing new sites on TFM artists, don't you think you are going overboard splashing it everywhere?
Time to wake up, boy!
- From: eden (@
on: Thu Jul 27 00:17:02 EDT 2000
why does IR sound like a tired, cynical, old man?
He is reasonably old (58 is retirement age) and obviously tired (of the Thamizh movies) and hence the cynic:-) After all he is HUMAN!
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