Topic started by Udhaya (@ on Thu Nov 4 15:41:21 EST 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
In this thread I would like people to editorialize their feelings about the state of TFM in 1999. What's the reason for this thread? I'm just craving that time in the Discussion Forum when thoughts were actually exchanged and posts had something to say. I bemoan the current state of discussions that are about clan forming and hurling insults from behind anonymous names. If you want to theorize, you can, if you want to vent you can do that too. Just make them palatable and classy however deep-seeded your put downs get. I prefer you write at length; brevity is for obituaries and classifieds. And please for the sake of progress, use a spell checker.
A simple tip to keep this thread from sinking to the pit: Just write your thoughts about the TFM in 1999. Try not to address another Dfer's post.
- Old responses
- From: SRK (@ icache-3.doit.wisc.edu)
on: Thu Nov 4 23:38:46 EST 1999
My take on 1999:
Very good to see ARR coming out trumps this year (not just commercially but musically) with ESK, Taal, 1947 Earth, etc. This is especially since last year, he didn't do too good a job with movies like Daud, Kabhi na kabhi.
About IR, I only listened to Kaakai Siraginilae. I haven't listened to TIME yet :-((. Oranjaaram was a song with substance after some time. Unfortunately, none was a hit.
While it is good to see YSR getting his share of success, I am disappointed that KR is not getting enough breaks although I rate him pretty high as a composer.
How I'd like the future to be:
ARR & YSR - I'd like them to just continue with their current standard.
IR - I'd like him to give more attention to tunes instead of just orchestration and stop using the synth, esp. for violin, flute and veenai.
KR - I'd like him to get more breaks and concentrate more on melody(which I believe is his strength) rather than rhythms and rap.
Others - no comments, since I haven't really listened to their songs.
- From: NN (@ morrison.matrox.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 09:59:57 EST 1999
You can add one more thing.
Srinivas has reached his peak this year! He is singing in many movies.
- From: Swami (@ nat135022.ericy.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 10:20:10 EST 1999
Srikanth, can U explain more on what a 3/4 song is??
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 10:37:07 EST 1999
3/4 is a 3 beat cycle - Waltz/Dadra/Rupakam are the terms in Western/Hindustani/Carnatic music.
- From: NN (@ morrison.matrox.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 10:46:55 EST 1999
what about he newcomers (including singers, MDs) in 1999? How did they perform? Anyone has any Idea?
- From: e.hari (@ telisp1c02.ml.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 11:03:41 EST 1999
Good analysis.
ARR - Consistent hits, but with out critically acclaimed scores. En swase katre and taj mahal are the only quality products. But he has consolidated his position better than ever.
IR - like past few years had very inconsistent year. I feel, IR is visible only in this forum. Very few songs of him, rake up the charts these days. This year should be one of his lowest one in terms of hit songs. But Time does give some glimmer of hope.
Vidya sagar - :-( I think, he is gone almost. Good for malayalam movies anyway.
Deva - average year. gave one hit song in each movie. Valli is the greatest hit of the year. I don't see any competition for his position in near future.
New comers -
Bhartwaj - had excellent year, with rojavanam and amarkalam - could be next vidya sagar.
YSR - PKR is huge hit - hope he wont follow KR in to oblivion.
SAR - Not any big hits, but closest competition to deva now.
Adithyan - couple of decent songs in kama
Agosh - Kodeeswaran - Never showed up for good reasons
KR - Busy playing keyboard for his father
sirpi, siva, bobby - still hanging over there.
The best thing happened to TFM in 1999 is, the re-emergence of SPB. Other than that, it is a average year for a industry, which boost supposedly the best music talents in the country.
- From: V. Balaji (@ webproxy04qfe0.sbi.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 11:11:26 EST 1999
1999 could be labelled as one of the worst years of TFM
Illayaraja: Failed to create any magic except for one good song in KK & Time; Has Mastered the art of disappointing his fans.
ARR: Getting too repetitive; losing the magic of TT, Roja & the Kannalane wonder. Maybe learning the tricks of Hindi film MDS after working in few Hindi films. Has Mastered the art of juggling tunes.
SAR: Has perfected the art of being montonous
Deva: Has perfected another art i.e piracy or is it inspiration?? ... less said the better
VS: Expected a lot from his previous success; ended as a DUD (how come he gives better music in Malayalam films??)
Bharadhwaj: Shows some promise; let's wait & see
YSR: best in PKP (Irava Pagala is one very good song), failed in others
Winners: HH & SPB
Losers: TFM listeners
V. Balaji
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Fri Nov 5 11:38:11 EST 1999
Swami:RajaG has explained it. No better person required than him, to explain this.
By the way, I got the Time CD yesterday and One more point to note was the recording/balancing quality, it has improved to a great extent and it has been recorded in Dobly Surround sound,
Funny to hear Raja using Synth strings for scores played over/under the song, he should have used real string section.
I am completly going Out of topic, sorry udhaya.
- From: vijay (@
on: Fri Nov 5 11:45:04 EST 1999
My new year wish;)):
Atleast one more talented new comer should emerge in TFM, and together with other youngsters (YSR,BHAD'WAJ,etc.) should drive Deva far away from the TFM scene.
- From: vijay (@
on: Fri Nov 5 11:47:22 EST 1999
Reg. Y2K, we have to keep our fingers crossed on IR. We dont know whether we are going to hear more of songs like Niram pirithu paarthen, or more of albums like Rajsthan;)
- From: Swami (@ nat135022.ericy.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 12:06:27 EST 1999
Now having said what we had in 1999, let me not start a new thread for what I (we) expect I 2000. I just want one thing,
*those natural instrument pieces interludes just blending with perfect harmony
*No abaswaram Northie singers, who just kill tamizh
*No Bavatharini please IR; avangala konjam retire pannidunga :-)
*More from YSR (he's my bet)
*A radically different style for TFM, like the
ones which sprung in 1975, 1980's and 1992 (who will do this)
*One (last??) IR-BR, IR-KB, IR-Mani movie.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Nov 5 12:12:52 EST 1999
Great posts, everybody. It finally felt like I sat around with a bunch of friends and discussed music without any tirades. Keep up the peace. I found the posts informative too.
Srikanth, in what category did ARR win an MTV award?
Like a few of you have stated, I too wish Karthik Raja would return with a few movies. YSR had the benefit of learning from a few movies, KR should deserve the same breaks.
Though Kodeeswaran as a whole was a pity, "Tholaivinilae" was a grand composition by AGOSH. I heard a private album by Philip and Jerry,"Puyal"; these guys have some spunk, I wish they would come back to TFM soon. And what happened to Ranjit Barot after the phenomenal VIP? I'm surprised he hasn't gotten another TF. I wish more new blood enters TFM besides these guys.
I'm eager to read others thoughts about this year. RajaG, MS, Srinath, Sriram Lakshman, et all, come and join our banter.
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp02.sprint.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 12:17:35 EST 1999
After this week end. kandippaa!!!
- From: srikanth (@
on: Fri Nov 5 13:12:58 EST 1999
Srikanth, in what category did ARR win an MTV award? I think it was ---(MTV asia) Top Asian Artist, selected by Fans.
Vijay: After hearning neram piruthu parthen for more than 60+ times now, Made a shocking! discovery the scores are (almost) similar to
"antha neram kidaithirunthal nalla anubhavam kidaithirukum"
--- might be IR got inspired by this song.
I have not tried playing it till now, I will do this as soon as go home this evening. There are lot of similarities.,
- From: Arasu (@ fw2.clmt.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 16:34:16 EST 1999
At any given time in TFM there have never been two MDs competing and delivering music. For instance, HFM had RD and LP going neck to neck for a while. Nothing of that sort happened here. MSV left after IR came and now ARR seems to have got the piece of the pie.
I would like to see a contender , somebody who can give ARR a run for his money, just so that TFM benefits. I do not see the Devas as a threat in terms of quality. IR seems to have lost it for multiple reasons. Can we count on YSR ? This guy is promising. "Sevanam" from PKP was very good.
If renowned directors sign him up, probably he will do it. Shankar or MR can do it .. question is will they? BR may not because his ego is bigger than his nose.
Hope to see healthy competition, otherwise we would end up comparing IR and ARR for ever.
Let the young take it and battle ...then we could call it the new millenium for TFM !!!
- From: Sridhar (@ gate.ecc.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 17:17:07 EST 1999
You said correctly! Now it is the time for Bharathiraja to give chance to YSR. After Nizhalhal failure, every body that Bharathi raja will never come back, but because of Illaiyaraja's own movie Alaigal Oaivathillay, he came back.
- From: Kooththan-II (@ dhcp-css-consult-12.lg.informix.com)
on: Fri Nov 5 18:38:29 EST 1999
Srikanth, what is the song you referring?'Antha neram...', what movie and statistics please. I dont thinked I have hearded.
- From: vijay (@
on: Sat Nov 6 03:43:57 EST 1999
Srikanth, that song does'nt ring a bell. Require more details. If u can Pl. post it in some other relevant thread like IR's copies etc. I had written about my IR picks earlier. Reg ARR:
I feel that ARR has started showing signs of deterioration this year. Barring a couple of songs in Sangamam, Taj mahal and perhaps one song in Mudhalvan, none were quite impressive. In his earlier albums, barring a song or two most of them would be hearable atleast a couple of times. Now the trend is completely reversed in his albums.
Also I have been reading news pieces( though not sure of their credibility) that ARR had a dispute with BR regarding RR for Taj Mahal (BR was disappointed and so was ARR with the film!) and in general Sabesh-Mmurali have been scoring RR fopr some films. Of all the talented younsters out there, Iam surprised why ARR had to chose these criminals for doing RR..shows that he is not interested that much in RR.
'Sowkiyama' was a brisque song set in Maand. But for Nithya's tamil rendition and her style of singing, i liked the song. Much similiar to 'kannodu kanbethallam', I thought.
'Vaaraha nadikarai oram', though it did not fit the situation as a folk singer singing qawalli, was still a nice number. Did the opening lines remind anyone of Bhavayami gopala bhalam by MS? The rhythm/beat is of course different, some of the notes seemed similiar.
Also, nice to note ARR trying ragas like reethi gowlai, sindhu bhairavi etc. and not confining himself to just kaapi and maand.
Amongst his catchy nos. 'oh maria' from kaadhalar dinam takes the cake IMO, in spite of the stupid lyrics.
Almost for every other film which I read about in the net, Deva is scoring music;(( I guess ARR is costly/slow and IR is having lesser market value. So only people like bharadwaj, YSR carry hope in the near future, unless otherwise IR decides to compose;))
- From: MS (@
on: Sat Nov 6 03:45:27 EST 1999
Hi Udhaya,
Me too on the lines of rajaG :-) But, as you said this thread is likely to be more positive in approach. Wish it stays this way forever :-)
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