Topic started by Dorai (@ on Mon Sep 25 10:01:44 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I had been to ARR's Live concert in Long Island, NY. Apart from 2 or 3 songs out of a total of around 25 to 30 songs all the Music was DEFINETLY played from tracks. ARR had hired musicians locally (ie., in the US) to make such a drama or what???.
Its totally a pity to see a established MD to trick and fool people with track music played in live shows. He should have tried to bring the real live music from his troop whether it comes out good or bad.
I saw most of the foreign musicians idle most of the time and the good part about it is that they did not pretend to play music as opposed to their Indian counterparts who were pretending all thro the show.
Any more obervations are welcome.
- Old responses
- From: Lev Mirlas (@
on: Wed Sep 27 17:05:40 EDT 2000
Real music composition and to play before the audiance should have a lot of tallents and should be a genious.A sound engineer can only do karoke.
Take for example the work of yanni in present days
or the great works of wolfgang "Mozart" they all were genius and were performing live.The co-ordination among different insruments and writing and imagining the music before being played is a wonderful art and a specialized skill which our "WHIZZ-KID" can't and will never do it.
Real music composition and to play before the audience should have a lot of talents and should be a genius. A sound engineer can only do karoke.
Take for example the work of Yanni in present days
or the great works of Wolfgang "Mozart" they all were genius and were performing live.The coordination among different instruments and writing and imagining the music before being played is a wonderful art and a specialized skill which our "WHIZZ-KID" can't and will never do it.
He just mixes bits and pieces from here and there.
It is really shameful to tell that he is a composer. Those are the people called as musicians.
Pl. I don't want to hurt anybody. But people should realise this. Just by recording some odd pitches is not great. Well I had high hopes before coming to this concert. But...I could not appreciate any thing. Sorry for the same
- From: kk (@
on: Wed Sep 27 17:50:40 EDT 2000
Is kumar bluffing? or kumudam?
I dont understand this kumadam's 'fan mail' logic.
why can they make a forum like this and enable everyone put thier views, if all they got is only fan mails? Why they get one IR fan's mail or ARR fan's and put it as great rare mail (as if its coming from some war front, where no one have access).
- From: paamaran (@
on: Wed Sep 27 17:58:35 EDT 2000
if u goto the previous page - sasikumar (the guy who has mailed kumudam with the piece of info) has come up with the same info in this forum thread.
kumudam also has put that it has received lot of mails opposing as well as supporting the artictle 'IR ku mun ARR emathiram' . They have said they would publish them in this week's nigazhkaalam on Friday
- From: Bala (@
on: Thu Sep 28 04:46:32 EDT 2000
ARR live concert in NY is great.
- From: Dorai (@
on: Thu Sep 28 10:24:48 EDT 2000
Your comments are perfect about ARR. Time and again he has proved to us that he is not a composer rather a good sound engineer.
- From: rajaG (@
on: Thu Sep 28 10:35:31 EDT 2000
The ad for ARR's concert in L.A. says Sivamani will perform with him (please see Sasikumar's post). Yet Sivamani is slated to perform at Kansas City on the same date with Hari Prasad and other musicians on the same date. endha idaththula tape endha idaththula live nu yaaravadhu sonnaa sowgaryamaa irukkum:-)
- From: Dorai (@
on: Thu Sep 28 10:38:00 EDT 2000
Sivamani was not present for the Concert that took place in Long Island, NY. They were playing tapes for all the drum beats all through.
- From: chandy (@
on: Thu Sep 28 11:14:48 EDT 2000
A "oho" report on ARR's NY concert is indiainfo
- From: Sasikumar (@
on: Thu Sep 28 11:53:06 EDT 2000
Hi folks,
Many of them would have read my article in kumudam as well as in this thread. Though i have got a few supported mails, i have also got few apposing replies. I am not mentioning about the quality or the composing of AR Rahman. All i am talking was the disappointment for the tamil only speaking indian people. The show was marketed as if a south indian musical show (which you wud have seen their sample advertisement mail that i have posted last time.) so many tamilians bought the ticket and visited. But the show was in hindi and few tamils songs were played for the sake of tamilians as an eye wash. If they would have marketed the show as hindi then there would not be much of tamil crowd. Only hindi known people would have gathered and enjoyed a lot. If anyone would have attended the show will know how people have reacted and their face impression with lots of disappointment. Everyone wasted their time and money. Particularly Andra people were very much disappointed, because they did not get even a single song in their language. There are lots of hindi shows are happening like bollywood awards etc. But all those show does not cost more than 20$ to 30$. Even american shows in naussau coliseum does not cost more than 25$. But this AR Rahman show costed from 25$ to 150$ where all tamilians paid for and they got cheated very badly.
There also some of them mentioning different url where the AR Rahman show was praised like anything. But all that information are not true. It is for the sake for marketing and to earn more money than satisfing the respective language speaking AR rahman fans.
This is mails is my personal view and some of the other tamilians view who have attend the show. If this mail would have hurt your feelings i am very sorry about that.
"Fact is stranger than fiction"
With love,
SASIKUMAR (Pls remember i'm also AR Rahman fan)
- From: Dorai (@
on: Thu Sep 28 12:03:40 EDT 2000
I don't think this show was never marketed by a "South Indian Musical Show by ARR". In fact the fliers and posters did not give a clue about the orientation of the show towards North/South India. Infact, when I saw SPB singing the first song in Tamil (from Muthu) I was surprised. ARR gave more songs in Tamil than Hindi or atleast close to equal number of songs. Looking at the crowd, the North Indians were in Majority and he had to sing more Hindi Songs which is quite understandable.
But the show was totally fixed by Track Music and Karoake Singing which was totally pathetic. I wonder when ARR will learn to conduct Live shows with all the musicians playing live.
- From: sasikumar (@
on: Thu Sep 28 12:20:44 EDT 2000
I don't think you have a good observation.
90% of them gathered are tamilians with more no. of sarees too. And i hope you would have heard everyone was shouting to play kadal desam , mustafa, padayapa and many more.......
Pls read my first mails that has got a cut and paste of the advertisement telling it as a major south indian show etc. You cannot comment anything on the poster, just b'cos it did not have any wordings other than "AR Rahman live Concert at NY"
pls do recheck.
- From: Sai (@
on: Thu Sep 28 12:21:14 EDT 2000
Even I was disappointed on ARR show.Myself with 5 more friends went from NC to NY for the show, ofcourse the objective of our travel was also to have a get togather with our friends.
I was disappointed that their was less Tamil songs, also people like SPB got chance for just 2 or 3 songs, where he alone can run a show for 4 hrs brillantly.
When he is getting all star singers he should have organised in much better way satisfying all or most of the masses.
I also don't remember that program was advertised as south indian....
worst disappoint was CHEATING with playing tracks....
one good think was playing Indian Instrument by VikuVinayak ram - Gattam and Pahzhanivel on Thavil, I think that was the only additional thing he has prepared for this show.
- From: ravi (@
on: Thu Sep 28 13:10:48 EDT 2000
In trying to pacify both hindi and tamil music fans, the ARR concert left both groups wanting more. Also the show was not managed efficiently, with long gaps between songs. Perhaps, they could have added more songs.
Also, there were too many singers. Sai, you are right. I attended a SPB-Chitra concert in New York a few years ago. SPB was on the stage for almost the entire program and sang and compered the show brilliantly. He sang songs in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and even Malayalam. It was advertised as a music show and it was exactly that. However, the ARR show was advertised as a music show, but evolved into something else. I too felt cheated that most of the music was programmed and not "live". Frankly, I would have preferred a music show which is completely live even if the original music cannot be replicated and even if there will be mistakes.
- From: kumar (@
on: Thu Sep 28 13:47:50 EDT 2000
I have put together the list of songs presented at the show(as far as I could recollect). The list is not in order.
The roster of singers itself indicates its not just a south indian show and it was sold at most of the indian establishments in NJ. This does not happen if its a pure southie show. Also, the ad did not indocate its a southie show.
(1) Anjali, Anjali(Duet) by SPB and Chitra
(2) Oruvan oruvan mudhalali by SPB
(3) Azhagana rakshashiye
(4) Netru illath matram (Pudhiya mugam) by sujatha
(5) Enna seiya pogirai(KKKK) by shankar mahadevan
(6) Snehidane (Alai payuthe) by Sadhana sargam
(7) Smiyai (KKKK) by devan
(8) Chandralekha (Thiruda thiruda) by carol
(9) Thaniye thannanthaniye(Rhythm) shankar
(10) Nila kaikirathu (Indira) by hariharan
(11) Kadhal rojave - this was sung in hindi, telugu and tamil by SPB
(1) Kannodu kanbathellam hindi version by kavitha
(2) Chaiya chaiya (Dil se) by Sukhwinder singh
(3) Bhanno rani (1947 earth ) by sadhana sargam
(4) Ruth Aagayi re (1947 earth) by sukhwinder singh
(5) Taal se taal mila (Taal) deepa narayan and udit narayan
(6) Ramta jogi (Taal) by sukhwinder singh
(7) Vande mataram by ARR
(8) Dil se re (Dil se) by ARR
(9) Suntha hain mera khuda (Pukar) Kavitha & Udit
(10) nahin samne (Taal) by hariharan
(11) Choti choti aasha (Roja) Sadhana sargam
(12) Kadhal niagara hindi version by sadhana sargam & shankar
(13) Kavitha sang a hindi number after Sujatha's netru illatha matram
(1) Bombay dreams project
Bombay theme music
Others can add to the list.
The reasons it looked less number of hindi songs were sung is that
(1) Few hindi songs were shortened(ARR's dil se re was just for a minute). Song #13 in the hindo list was very short.
(2) A bunch of tamil songs were sung one after another and this happened a few times.
If only I could make the inference that every saree clad women is a tamilian......
- From: kiru (@
on: Thu Sep 28 13:49:04 EDT 2000
One should not blame ARR, but the organisers, for the percentage of hindi/tamil etc.
Re: playing tracks - I happened to hear the Dubai concert CD. It sounded as though only the vocals was live. I am not sure if this is what is being done at the concerts itself. Then I dont think it is fair thing to do. All ROCK concerts ..use sequencers/sound modules.. but usually they have live drums..guitar etc. but POP concerts are becoming more and more totally sequenced. Actually, the sequencers may sound better connected directly (if it is 24bit/96KHz)
..so a CD may not sound great.
Also note, not all songs are not made for live performance. Songs which use a big strings/brass/woodwind/percussion type of arrangement will sound good live.
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