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Deepavali Dedications 2002! Deepavali Dedications 2002!

Topic started by NOV (@ on Mon Oct 12 00:06:18 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Deepavali - The Festival of Lights - is around the corner, to be exact, just a week away. Being one of the most important festivals of Hindus throughout the the world, it's the season to be jolly and happy. I am reviving this thread to dedicate Deepavali songs to our fellow-posters. Use your creativity as much as you want! But try to limit the songs to only those which has the Deepavali flavour in them.

Wish you all a very happy deepavaLi 2002!
Post and get Deepavali delicacies
Read Dr.Jaybee's essay on Deepavali.
-TFM Group.


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