Topic started by Raghu (@ on Tue Nov 5 10:30:37 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
This is the same ARR, who gave mega hits until 2000, but since then there has been no album of his up to his standard, what are the reasons? I think when ARR came into the field he created a new era in music world, this trend became very popular, cos, most of the ppl loved it, BUT EVER since the debut of ARR, every single MD apart from IR, Vidyasaagar, followed the foot steps of ARR, hence ARR music did not sound unique no more, could that be the reason for ARR's recent flops ?
I strongly think so.
- From: Raheem (@
on: Tue Nov 5 10:43:04 EST 2002
Originality is not there in his music. Original will last ever. That is why even with the stiff competition from all corners, IR is making hit for last 30 years almost. ARR's music is not consistant and I think he cannot give a mega hit hereafter. After given a wonderful chance in Bombay Dreams, he used his own tunes used previously in many movies and got his downfall by himself. Yuvan, VIdyaSagar, Bharatwaj, KarthiRaja are giving equal or much better music than him at this moment. Because all these people are depending more on technology than the real musical sense. ARR never improves his musical knowledge. He depends more on technical side, obviously he is sound a engineer than a musician. Only a person who know the real music can survive. I think, except IR no body is having a complete sense of music. To give hits again, ARR should improve his musical abilities.
- From: Aalavandhan (@
on: Tue Nov 5 10:55:33 EST 2002
What lengths people go to get some attention!
- From: Raghu (@
on: Tue Nov 5 10:59:44 EST 2002
>>Originality is not there in his music>ARR's music is not consistant <<
that could be due to the fact, he loves to experiment, from which he succeeds aome times & fails at other time.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Tue Nov 5 11:04:18 EST 2002
Good try. Guess one of the top ten billionire this year is termed unsuccessful by some acidity patients.
What more big hits you need like Lagaan and BD.
A person who tries to score century at lords will not care much about his Ranji success. NOM to Ranji trophy in any way though.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Tue Nov 5 11:06:20 EST 2002
>>>the top ten billionire
is actually
the top ten Millionire (in terms of pounds)
- From: ARR fan (@
on: Tue Nov 5 12:48:51 EST 2002
People have been waiting for ARR to fail after a stupendous run of success both in tamail as well as Hindi.Now that he has faltered slightly in tamil the critics(read IR fans) are back baying for his blood....but fact is fact and it still remains- AR sells all over the world and IR sells... (where I don't know)????IR for all his talent was a local phenomena.ARR is a global talent and noone can achieve this by being just a "engineer"... If this had been the case then Sridhar/Sivakumar would have been MDs!!!Atleast accept now that ARR is the best, else stop talking and wasting precious bandwidth!!!
- From: Thiru (@
on: Tue Nov 5 14:48:04 EST 2002
Raghu, before i answer your question...
"What is the Reason behind SPB's downfall??
Why leading MD's like IR,ARR & YSR do not use him anymore like he was used in the 80's and 90's?
has he lost his touch? "
These sort of questions dont have an answer.. ask any HC-IR fan whether he had a downfall since ARR came in? I think these sort of questions are fit for MDs like SAR and sirpi and not for great musicians...
NOM :)
- From: gan (@
on: Tue Nov 5 15:13:12 EST 2002
Can we have an explanation of why you think ARR is in a downfall .Is it just bcas you(and your circle) didnt like his albums .
Why would people pay millions for a person if he's in a downfall ...
I hope you wake up from your dreams(where IR is flying high still) .
- From: Richa (@
on: Tue Nov 5 15:46:13 EST 2002
remember Washing Powder Nirma? It's the largest selling detergent in India... Does that make the product superior to Tide, Arial and Surf Excel?
- From: LDD (@
on: Tue Nov 5 15:49:32 EST 2002
Ayyooo..eppadinga ivalavu simpila mattera explain panreenga?.. appdi podunga aruvala..
- From: Thiru (@
on: Tue Nov 5 17:20:14 EST 2002
Richa unga logic thappu.. nirma is the cheapest washing powder... whereas Arial and surf excel are the costliest...
and btw , are we comparing nirma with tide, arial and surf excel or are we talking why nirma is not selling nowadays(atleast according to raghu)?...
- From: trustme (@
on: Tue Nov 5 18:01:32 EST 2002
thiru ..
what kinda logic was that ????
no cheapest powder sells?? i am trying to find out whether Rahman's music is cheap?? or we have such poor tastes.... ??
though there is a lot of commotion about ARR not his best an all that crappy talk?? well i have only one thing to say ...
if u look at stats.. ARR is still a big name in music circles.. but not that big as before... recent string of failures.. baba.. KM..( which was very decent in my opinion)..PP .. coupled with the fact he has been recyling his hindi tunes.. has failed to generate any curiosity in buying an album... i used to be one the first ones.. to buy any ARR album ..irrespective of whatever reviews it gets...
ARR these days ..has gone for melody that anything else.. who knows thatthe back of his mind that songs like "chikku bukku" is only trendy and trends are only a changing phenomena.
recently KV ..which was hyped( wherelese apna forum).. couldnt even guarantee repeated listening barring a couple of songs.. used to be a time i destroyed "duet" tape..becos of my "quest for more" .. but rite now its all missing.. so are are only two reasons i can give
1) .. i have to impreove on my taste .. which should be remove the mundanity and expect something new everytime.
2) there are so many people who now sound like rahman.. but even come out with better album than him.. a purfect example will be the case of HJ's "lesa lesa"..whatever said and done in this forum ..that album is much better than KV.. the whole album was good.. "ulaga alahiye" and "mudan mudalai" made the experience worthwhile IMO.. and another would be "UNIVERSTY" .. i wonder why people havent talked about it so much .. i thought Rahman's rendition of DIL SE RE .. was divine.. when i heard ramesh vinayakam's "Kathalai valarthai " .. My goodness.. he surpassed Rahman in that .. i think he should be the awarded the best singer.. just check out the song if u need more prooof..
IMO BD'S did not improve the musical ability of rahman in any sense.. or propbably he didnt compose any film after that .. Baba was the only one made during thattime..and BABA fails miserably ....except for the " RAIYAMA " song.. but again i would give the credit to the lyricists who did a fabulous job in the movie...
i think what ARR needs is contructive critism ..(i think he is less commited to do a tamil film these days)..that he has to step his foot on the accelerator and rise above others.. otherwise.. his is going to find his place in TFM shaky .
well all these comments are IMO.. i welcome any discussion . thankx for pateint reading
- From: Awe (@
on: Tue Nov 5 19:07:55 EST 2002
Good comments Trust me
- From: jackfelldown (@
on: Tue Nov 5 20:26:34 EST 2002
OMG ..when did he fall?Is he ok? Is he in a hospital?
- From: Karthik (@
on: Tue Nov 5 20:38:20 EST 2002
Please explain to us on what Basis an MD's downfall is determined.?IS it based on popularity or market value or individual taste..I think the topic was started based on the third reason..
My colleague,is a friend of Director Kathir..HE told me that the total budget of KADHAL VIRUS was 8 crores.. The moment they signed ARR to compose music, SONY bought the audio rights for 1 crore..ARR didnt compose a song by then..So his market Value is still there..
I need not say abt the popularity he has...Now please tell me any other reason based on which u say he is having a downfall??
- From: Aalavandhan (@
on: Tue Nov 5 21:04:00 EST 2002
Karthik, the answer you need is here:
What lengths people go to get some attention!
- From: Paran (@
on: Tue Nov 5 21:52:14 EST 2002
Sometimes...we are trying to bite the hand that feeds....
well, at least ARR is the hand which is feeding us..with his experiment. Just imagine, if his experiment for new kinda music clicks in our community....everyone else (YSR, KR, BW, VS or even IR) might follow him...
unfortunately, only ARR have the guts to do the experiment, eventhough teh risk is there....
why don't ur so beloved IR, KR or even YSR do such experiment to give u guys somewthign different...
they gave u plain thosai 30 years ago..with sambar..and still giving u the same...and u say..wow...it is wonderful...(may be it is?)..
but ARR is doing something different ...he is making a triangle thosai, a square thosai, an honey thosai..with tomata sauce...or mayonis....to see which on will suit the "listeners"...market research, it is called...
so...u do see huh....
- From: Speaker (@
on: Tue Nov 5 22:29:38 EST 2002
Paran, so the experiment is not in preparation but in presentation (going by your words, plain dosai presented in Triangle, square, etc. etc). If I prepare dosai, anyway I dont get in round I get in all kinds of shapes). Ok Ok, I am just going be the analogy you have given, nothing to add for the topic under consideration!.
- From: archivist (@
on: Tue Nov 5 23:25:25 EST 2002
ARR is the vindication that any money minded artiste with limited repertoire can make millions of dollars just by bringing their product to the West market. Imagine if IR had done it !- (first of all IR would not have done it because he owed to his roots to give back to the people and second his motivation is not money, but the art itslef, the relentless flow and energy to deliver!)
- From: OISG (@
on: Tue Nov 5 23:59:59 EST 2002
No body stopped IR from taking his product to the west.He even has attempted but till date we do not know whether he made it ....i mean..he managed to reach out.
Isn t it strange that your lot accept what John Scott says but refuse to you to accept what the whole UK says.(Ironically John Scott does not appreciate any communications on questions about IR s symphony!)BD is likely to be booked till Dec 2003.
If by any strange phenomenon Webber accepts "Solla Marantha Kathai" and launches it in UK I am sure your hatred towards him will be come "Solla Koodatha Kathai".Then we will have
"Webber,the man who made immortal theatre presentations was fed up wih AR Rehman" etc..
BTW how many "fallen down" MDs could manage INR 15 Ml per movie?That was his reported price for "New" and "E20U18".
- From: Paran (@
on: Wed Nov 6 00:12:01 EST 2002
if it's not money that motivates IR..then why don't he compose for free?....has he ever did that?..
ARR did that for Anthimantharai....
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