Topic started by Fliflo (@ host254.mrl.psu.edu) on Mon Aug 13 12:47:25 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The national award was for one particular song from a particular movie..Is Harini's thought justified??
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Mon Aug 13 14:33:08 EDT 2001
i dont even understand what she is trying to say. it is so vague.
does she mean because the national awards given this time r tainted , bhavathrini should not accept it (or bhavatha... has been insulted by being presented with such an award)
she has not said that bhavatharini does not desrve the award. and so the obvious question of her talking trash against bhava... is something totally left to the open
my opinion:
1) she lacks public skill. she needless speak on points she cud diplomatically avoid.
2) the journalist who interviewed has added something on his own(fabricated)
since it doesnt sound logical why a person wud want to put herself in a controversy! by talking trash abt IR and his family. no sensible person wud self destruct a budding career!
hang the journalist :-)
- From: Karthi (@
on: Mon Aug 13 16:14:00 EDT 2001
The usage of the words 'songster' and 'songstress' irritated me a lot in that interview, thanks to the translator!
- From: edakkan (@ a020-0218.snfc.splitrock.net)
on: Mon Aug 13 18:38:59 EDT 2001
Karthi, could you please explain to lesser mortals the reason for getting irritated by those words. I do not remember Harini criticizing PS anywhere.
- From: vijay (@ vijay.che.sc.edu)
on: Mon Aug 13 18:42:28 EDT 2001
I liked this part better:
"It is saddening to think that the number of Tamil playback songstresses are very few in number. There are many good Tamil songstresses. But I can't understand why do we bring down some people from the Hindi hearthands to sing in Tamil Cinema. Know it from me; all these things would change upside down within one year from now. Soon, you can see for yourself; you will be finding many Tamil songstresses in our industry, for sure!". "
I hope it becomes true..
- From: eden (@ dialpool-210-214-5-221.maa.sify.net)
on: Thu Aug 16 01:22:51 EDT 2001
I wanted to post like following:
"Ilayaraja would expect us to bring in the effect needed by him in trition. But A.R.Rehman would yield place for our opinions too. The new music directors all follow the line of Rahman. In those days there were only two or three music directors. But today many people have entered into the music world with lots of tallents and they are working wonders," harangues Harina.
It's quite obvious that while enjoying her current success, she does not have an inch of respect for the previous generation, esp IR. (That partially explains why she hates to see IR's daughter getting a NA, that too for a song composed by him). For sure, this will not affect her cine career (in fact it might give a boost, considering the way today's industry is savvy of boastful characters); but the question is why should she make a comparitive remark on IR (much like the bunch of HCxxxFs dragging IR into comparison whenever they want to talk highly of their idols). Feelings of inadequateness? Insecurity? Jealousy? (i.e. in real musical terms -quantity / quality / variety- they can't compare?)
In any case, it doesn't appear to be a sincere case of bench marking, which she had better do. That is, if she wishes to be remembered longer -based on musical grounds and not on grounds of gossip'n'controversy- IMHO:-(
Now, considering the language of the website (songster,stress etc.), I have a rethinking that most of the opinions can be attributed to the columnist rather than Harini...
- From: harini Fan (@ proxy.jf.intel.com)
on: Thu Aug 16 12:42:30 EDT 2001
I read the interview in tamil and I did not feel anything that you felt about the comment above. I think it is translation problem. Anyway isn't what she told (about space given to singers and others) true and told by every one. Why do you always want to see everything in bad light? Nobody can even pass a harmless comment on IR without angering the HCIRFs.
- From: ravi (@ guardian.aig.com)
on: Thu Aug 16 14:10:51 EDT 2001
harini fan, i read the interview in tamil too. it was an exact translation. which line do u think was changed in the english translation ? i think eden's comments are perfectly justified. many singers have talked about 'giving space' to singers, but none of them said that one is right and the other is wrong. here the use of the word 'but' (that's why eden highlighted that word) clearly shows that she is attacking IR for not 'yielding place to other's opinions'. does harini think that she can improve upon IR's composition ?
her comment on bhavatharini winning the national award was outrageous. she might have felt so out of jealousy. but being in the same field herself, she should have kept her opinion to herself.
but then, the whole thing could have been fabricated by the journalist, as Bharat pointed out. we cant ignore that point. we all know journalists are not exactly the most truthful ppl in the world.
- From: eden (@ dialpool-210-214-5-239.maa.sify.net)
on: Fri Aug 17 01:46:54 EDT 2001
Why do you always want to see everything in bad light?
No, please read my whole post and understand the reasonableness. FYI, I admire IR's music while never claiming to be a HCF. My question was why this lady should drag IR when she wants to praise these new fellows (i.e. if she has really said that and it's not the fabrication of the reporter)
- From: Onlooker (@ proxyml.cowan.edu.au)
on: Fri Aug 17 03:02:54 EDT 2001
Yes.. I too read the interview and felt that Harini dragged IR needlessly while answering the question. This shows that she has no respect for elders. Her comment on Bhava is also unwarranted. She should be more media sauve and kept her real thoughts to herself (or) is it really intentional.
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Fri Aug 17 03:38:39 EDT 2001
Where's the question of disrespect arise here? She commented on the working style of IR the way she sees it. Also, her opinion on Bhava winning the award. She's very much entitled to air them in an interview. I dont see any 'disrespect for elders' kinda scene here.
// keeping her thoughts to herself//
Why should she? She's merely expressing her opinions like the way you ask her to keep it to herself.
Also, even the tamil version has amazing number of ezhuthu pizhais. The site obviously doesnt care a damn about both english and tamil spelings, which is a disgrace.
//clearly shows that she is attacking IR for not 'yielding place to other's opinions'. does harini think that she can improve upon IR's composition//
Can't some mortal creature improvise on IR's composition? Is that the end of music? And wont a good singer feel suffocated if he/she's being forced to sing in a particular way when she/he might have a suggestion to better it? Would IR's ego not let such suggestions be accepted?
Also, when you are used to the new brat pack composers giving so much space, the obvious change with a doyen like IR is bound to be uncomfortable. Singers like Unnikrishnan might go the diplomatic way by keeping mum and harping on the old stuff just not to get into the bad books of any composer. But Harini says what she feels and I appreciate her guts.
I'm sure a person of IR's stature would understand what she's trying to say. I dont think he's that narrow minded to keep on going the same way when one of his singers feels uncomfortable about his style. He's older and much more mature than all the newbies put together. More than these guys it'd be him who'd understand the truth on what she was hinting at.
- From: OnLooker (@ proxyml.cowan.edu.au)
on: Fri Aug 17 04:35:17 EDT 2001
/* She commented on the working style of IR the way she sees it */
People like us can comment on anything but a working professional will not comment on the working style of a composer in the same field (She chose to comment on one of most prolific and successful composer of the last decade - Why she could have chosen to comment on SAR, DEVA et al). Most of the singers brush aside such questions. To me it looked as though Harini wanted to make a point to be in the good books of somebody.
/* Can't some mortal creature improvise on IR's composition */
Greats like SPB, KJ, PS , SJ have not commented that they could not improvise on IR's composition.
I agree that she has sung some good numbers but it is only a handful compared to the goodies originated from the skills of IR.
/* her opinion on Bhava winning the award */
Harini is no authority to comment on National awards. It is easy to make out that her comment on this is mere jealousy and should be ignored as personal views.
Bottom line ... need to be more polished during interviews.
- From: eden (@ dialpool-210-214-5-221.maa.sify.net)
on: Fri Aug 17 05:47:49 EDT 2001
Karthik S,
In those days there were only two or three music directors. But today many people have entered into the music world with lots of tallents and they are working wonders...
appadeenna, `andhakkAlathula 2,3 pEru kuppa kottindirundhAnga. AnA ippo, neRaya thiRamaisAligal vandhu aRpudhangaL seyyaRAnga' enRu poruL koLLalAmillayA?:-) It's only this unwanted / unwarranted comparison that irks me...
- From: eden (@ dialpool-210-214-5-221.maa.sify.net)
on: Fri Aug 17 05:51:25 EDT 2001
that too, when I have a strong opinion (i.e on the musical content and not noise content) otherwise:-))
- From: YOHAN (@
on: Fri Aug 17 08:34:59 EDT 2001
- From: Bharat (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 11:20:10 EDT 2001
Too much has been done and said in the name of "respect for a experienced person" which makes no sense.
Harini and IR are collegues to put it plainly. Moreover Harini has a personal experience of singing under IR and she very well has the right to comment on it. More than that she very well has the right to say she does not like IR. Thats the fundamental purpose of India as a democratic country!
summa thunda idupula suthikittu kuninju salam potte tamizhargal maramandaiyaa poitanga.
EVen if Harini is wrong I dont care but she can say whatever she wants and even after that she should be judged by her songs not her interviews
as i said b4 this interview is a farce no stupid would comment publicly like this knowing the consequences.Harini should have denied an interview so this journalist fabricated this one. He knows well that It wud take Harini a while to get this news and then she has to deny which means a battle half lost!
- From: yaaro (@ spider-loh-ta022.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 11:47:53 EDT 2001
i think she must have a lot beteween the statement about IR and the current lot-that has all been edited and she comes across as having said something quite nasty.I dont think any singer in a sane state of mind would dare to make derogatory statement about IR-if that is the case she may find her wish of doing carnatic concerts coming true quite quickly.
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