Topic started by ambleen (@ sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg) on Sun Feb 20 04:18:49 EST 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The official website http://www.raajangahm.com of Maestro Ilayaraaja is scheduled for launch on Wednesday, March 1, 2000. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, suggestions or contributions, please email them to aruLaracan, RaajaNGAHM co-ordinator, at rajan@psiphi.umsl.edu.
- From: ambleen (@ sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg)
on: Sun Feb 20 04:20:06 EST 2000
Bless them.
- From: raja (@ spider-wj013.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Feb 20 11:17:16 EST 2000
Good luck and best wishes to all involved in this project.
What exactly is planned to be posted?
- From: MS (@
on: Sun Feb 20 11:52:14 EST 2000
Hi arul:
congrats for you effort. What are your plans ?
- From: Julian Gnanaraj (@ mdu-d1.chn.vsnl.net.in)
on: Sun Feb 20 12:43:58 EST 2000
Hi Arul,
I'am also a member of Raajangham.I confirmed my membership by email.I didnt receive messages from Raajangham,Hope I'll be treated as a member atleast from Now,on.
- From: cra (@
on: Wed Feb 23 03:42:10 EST 2000
vaazhga, valarga, nanbargale. wish u the best in this venture. when i meet IR, i'll surely tell him about this site.
- From: cram (@
on: Wed Feb 23 03:43:01 EST 2000
vaazhga, valarga, nanbargale. wish u the best in this venture. when i meet IR, i'll surely tell him about this site.
- From: Vijay Venkatraman J (@
on: Wed Feb 23 04:48:25 EST 2000
Shouldn't it be Raajangham instead of Raajangahm? Please clarify!
Yours Always,
Kindly join Maestro Ilaiyaraaja Fans Club at :
- From: SS (@
on: Wed Feb 23 05:54:04 EST 2000
- From: kurumbu (@ architect01.uhi.uc.edu)
on: Wed Feb 23 10:05:28 EST 2000
I thought TFM Page was Raja's official website!!-)))
- From: aruLaracan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Wed Feb 23 12:30:52 EST 2000
be ready for surprises. :-))
- From: Karthik (@ netcache1.mot.com)
on: Wed Feb 23 13:38:26 EST 2000
Arul and others: The site looked good before you took the links down :-)). If you'd like an honest opinion, I think the domain name is kind of odd. Especially if the intent is to spread IR's music to non-Tamils. Even I have trouble remembering something like Raajangahm, I have no idea where the two a's go, and why the h follows the a (gahm). Almost feels like you chose the name and then fit the acronym to it.
With so many websites around, a good name is the first step to get more traffic. Something like officialir, or irfanspage etc. would have served your purpose better (IMO).
Good luck in your endeavours!!
- From: kiru (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Wed Feb 23 14:29:39 EST 2000
We could get other domains like ilayaraaja.com and map it to the same site. This also means we could get rajangahm.com and do the mapping. The implications are we have to pay more per annum domain charges. I think that should be okay if we can get advt revenue from audio companies.
- From: Venkat (@ host116.mykenwood.com)
on: Wed Feb 23 14:44:45 EST 2000
good idea, kiru...though ilayaraja.com is already gone check it out :-)
- From: IQ (@ dialup-
on: Wed Feb 23 16:06:06 EST 2000
Wishing you the best!!!
I saw that the letterhead said "Ilaiyaraaja" ! If thats how he spells it, then what about Ilaiyaraaja.com?
- From: kk (@ bbndrel5.net.external.hp.com)
on: Thu Feb 24 00:39:40 EST 2000
why not ask this guy to sell the domain name?
- From: kk (@ bbndrel5.net.external.hp.com)
on: Thu Feb 24 02:57:29 EST 2000
To my surprise this guy owning the domain is ready to give it away to proper authorities. So why not have dual domain name?
His reply...
>it is nice to rcv ur mail.
>Even I do not know about u, I really appreciate ur effort for informing
>this. I actually did not register and do this site intentionally to sell
>this off
>to His Highness Maestro.
>As my name indicates and I am a fan of him and I am into the web
>I just register the domain and using it for myself.
>If the need really arises from the authoritative people, I may give if
>off to him or for his works, freely.
>thanks for the message.
>Best Regards,
>Boston, USA.
- From: cram (@
on: Thu Feb 24 06:08:40 EST 2000
enna arul,
i guess IR is already part of the project, sariya?:-))
- From: M. Regunath Sedhubathy (@ brf-cache10.jaring.my)
on: Thu Feb 24 09:46:10 EST 2000
Great work guys. Do keep all of us (diehard IR fans) updated of things.
- From: Neels (@
on: Thu Feb 24 13:36:56 EST 2000
I agree that the name should not be so complicated since the goal is to take the master composer out of the confinement of South Indian Film Music and create awareness amongst other communities globally. I'm glad this gentleman, the owner of ilayaraja.com has agreed to lend his domain name.
I visited the site http://www.raajangahm.com and have the following suggestion to make:
I feel the design could do with some improvement, considering this is an official site.
I am a visual designer myself and would love to contribute to the site in any which way I can, (should you require it;)
And TFM has a whole lot of valuable information, especially the fans' point of view and I urge the creators of this site to go through the same before structuring their site.
In addition, there are sites maintained by a whole lot of dedicated IR fans that have interesting content and are extremely popular with Net buffs.
There are ideas blossomming like Suresh Purushottaman's IR collective (refer to the following URL)
I wishfully wish that the official site (hopefully Ilayaraja.com)facilitates the long-awaited direct interaction between the fans and the Maestro himself.
- From: girish (@
on: Mon Feb 28 08:15:59 EST 2000
Hi arul this is csg here,iam a new face to this site,congrats for the new venture. What is the correct date of the launching of the web site
- From: Shibu (@
on: Wed Mar 1 11:57:44 EST 2000
Site is launched today March 1st, 2000 .
- From: MS (@
on: Wed Mar 1 12:15:25 EST 2000
VEry good organization. Kudos !
- From: bb (@ desert-2.slip.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 1 12:23:31 EST 2000
aruLaracarE, unga photo kaaNumE:-)
- From: vijanth (@ mayo.ee.qub.ac.uk)
on: Wed Mar 1 12:23:44 EST 2000
Hats off Arul
Wonderful Job really breathtaking
Bless you
- From: vijanth (@ mayo.ee.qub.ac.uk)
on: Wed Mar 1 12:26:38 EST 2000
Great mind bb...
Where is your photo and why being low profile,
Every one want to see the man behind the wonderful
- From: vijanth (@ mayo.ee.qub.ac.uk)
on: Wed Mar 1 12:26:51 EST 2000
Great mind bb...
Where is your photo and why being low profile,
Every one wanted to see the man behind the wonderful
- From: venkat (@ host116.mykenwood.com)
on: Wed Mar 1 12:34:52 EST 2000
there is a photo of arularacan..check out
Great site guys!
- From: nithin (@ ip71.schiller-park8.il.pub-ip.psi.net)
on: Wed Mar 1 12:53:36 EST 2000
Prasad, aRuL, Madhan and friends:
Congrats!!! A dream come true. A site as commendable in its execution as our own Maestro's creation of music. Really unbelievable work. Thanks Prasad!
Best wishes,
- From: aruLaracan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Wed Mar 1 12:59:59 EST 2000
hi shibu,
thanks for taking the initiative to let people know that the site is up.
it's not "my" effort. the concept of RaajaNGAHM originated with gopal prasad; madhan's relentless efforts and my "managerial" skills (if any :-) ) coupled with "expert advice" from people who are involved in activities of larger scales, like MSK, and all kind of support from people like Shree, gOkul, et al.
we will constantly be updating the site; so please send us your comments and suggestions (people who wrote to us would find that some of their suggestions were given their due respect :-) ).
a good news to all music lovers and ir fans in particular is that, ir is planning to release more non-film albums from this summer. we will place the samples of all his productions in site as "sneak previews". so keep visiting us for surprises :-))
thanks for your continued support.
- From: rameshb (@ athm-216-216-xxx-217.home.net)
on: Wed Mar 1 13:39:23 EST 2000
Aha... , how can you miss this
"composed the first ever symphony based BGM for an Indian movie ...".
In fact rephrase the title awards to awards and achievements and have this mentioned there.
Aha... , how can you miss on this
"composed the first ever symphony based BGM for an indian movie Hey Ram ...".
In fact you can rephrase the title awards to awards and achievements and have this mentioned there.
- From: bb (@ desert-42.slip.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 1 13:44:32 EST 2000
ok, this time i could see aruL's foto:-)
good effort, guys.
- From: MS (@
on: Wed Mar 1 15:59:01 EST 2000
IS your posting self contained and replicative ? :-) konjam kuzambitten..:-)
- From: Madhan (@
on: Wed Mar 1 22:50:27 EST 2000
Dear Raajangahm Members,
I am at a loss of words to describe my joy !! Prasad, MSK, Sree, Arularacan and everyone else - HIP, HIP, HURRAY !! vudu joot !!
- From: NVD (@
on: Wed Mar 1 23:16:49 EST 2000
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