Topic started by The Fan (@ spider-we053.proxy.aol.com) on Thu Nov 12 02:16:07 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
By now we must appreciate the positive qualities of ARR's musical genre or style and interpretations. ARR has single handendly made film music and that too, Tamil film music one of the most favorite discussion topics anywhere. He reengineered or turned around the concept of film music in India and made it a pop culture. Though there is something left to be desired in his creativity, he has forever changed the landscape of Indian film music. Taking it to a different platform, he has escaped comparisons and stands at the heap of a new generation of musical presentation and thought. I feel glad that ARR happened at the right time to Indian films. Otherwise look what might have happened to Isaignani, who probably would've lost the inspiration to stay around. ARR's has woken up IR from his classical mode and made IR change mode to a trendy style, eg: KM and MVU, each filmy score of IR getting more experimental and in tune with current taste for music. In other words, I personally thank ARR for being the EYES AND EARS OF IR. New rhythms, extremely different melodic structures. etc.. In addition, ARR is gaining on to be the next icon of music in Indian film music, maybe not in Tamil film music, however. This is what we need. New persectives, a 360 degree difference in styles. In this thread, it will be beneficial to talk about how ARR brought in new things that made us wonder why didn't our other composers attempt this, so easy, so out there, why didn't they. And,difficult innovations that challenged even IR. This will discussion should be purely to discuss the impact of ARR's contributions and his impact on IR's creative styles.
- Old responses
- From: Raj (@ pdxss902.pdx.intel.com)
on: Thu Nov 19 22:00:12 EST 1998
Most of us are not saying ARR is not talented at all. ARR is anyday preferred to Deva, Sirpi, etc. That is not the topic here. Is it? Your claim fof 8-10% decent may be your opinion. But how many times have you given a serious reply to someone who says the percentage is more than that. I sincerely feel it is more than that and I am going to enjoy it irrespective of whether u approve it or not. Well
I am finding it hard to believe that ARR fans only respond if ARR is attacked. Well in some cases it may be true but not always. Well didn't u start many threads to prove IR is junk. You will argue u did it to get back at ARR bashing threads but I rest my case. ARR fans are as brutal as IR fans. Well just because they scream all IR fans are fanatics and never appreciate other music, does not mean they are the most gentle on earth. By IRs downfall I hope u mean ARR is more popular, probably gives more no of quality songs than IR and may be better in other respects too. But most of ur postings are muchmore aggressive. I have seen ur postings in IR should retire thread. Doesn't look like u are trying to prove ARR is better but on the other hand, IR is good for nothing. I have no problem with that as it is your opinion. I just think it is weird to say that whenver u are aggressive, you are here to establish the worth of ARR and when others argue they are just cribbing about IR not being 1. I think there are many prople like me in this forum who is ready to give due credit to ARR but not necessarily by completely surrendering IR as some here wish.
Lastly, I cannot prove any of IR songs are innovative today or musically rich by giving concepts. All I am saying it is good for me to hear. One question out of curiousity- do u listen to 90s IR songs in general or do u take others opinions before u buy a CD.Tough to believe u are giving 8-10% rating for all the movies Krishna has listed. Note that I never commented about ARRs songs or his position wrt to IR. I do not care how he is performing with respect to IR.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ ntws209.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Thu Nov 19 22:32:17 EST 1998
Its far from true that ALL(mind you, ALL - there are several which ARE, incl the "Rahman bashers" thread) IR-ARR "duels" are started by IR fanatics.
Any conflict starts when there is some intolreance - sometimes its on the side of IR fanatics, and sometimes, its on the side of so called "neutral" people( not meant to insult really neutral guys) who think its their privileged position to rectify who they think are IR fanatics, and sometimes by ARR fanatics.
Srikanth: I don't get one thing - liking a song bcos it sounds good to hear is one thing and liking it because its difficult to compose is quite another.
You seem to be saying again and again that that song in Dil Se is good because its difficult to set a harmony for Indian Classical music. If this is your reason for liking songs, why, then you should be liking every IR song because its difficult to write notes without playing a single instrument even though acc to you its become an intellectual excercise now for him(you yourself mentioned this in some other thread).
Who CARES about how tough the process of composing was? You may like that song, but say you like it as it gives you pleasure - appreciate how nicely the Malayalam part blends with the tune, instead of saying it is difficult to compose.
- From: Swami. (@
on: Thu Nov 19 22:49:35 EST 1998
devar magan
Chinna Thambi
chinna Gownder
Pattu padavaa
Nammora handhara Hoove
yatra Mozhi
India 24 Hrs
Moga Mull
Kadhalukku mariyadhai
I'm just curious. Out of the list, I can quote more than the ceiling of 8-10 %, good & pleasing albums(the so called crap by you). So what is your benchmark? Explain that first. Everytime u say that album is a crap, that's 3rd rated. First explain what is first rated according to you. By this we (atleast me) can determine what a peson's taste/frequency is.
- From: Krishna (@ 161.new-york-08.ny.dial-access.att.net)
on: Thu Nov 19 22:58:45 EST 1998
Srikanth: Let me repeat again. If you find only 8-10% of the songs listed there as good..I can only
sypathize with you. I feel the same way about ARR songs. Ifeel the jeans songs are pedestrian. And
its funny when people go 'ga-ga' over these songs..but once agin its your privelege to do that..but
again just because more number of people like ARR songs doesnt mean a thing. Its like MGR was
everyone's favorite CM, Indira Gandhi voted may times as PM and now peole are in craze about
Sonia...just because veryone loves them I still consider those choices stupid. Your thinking ARR is
making all these techonogical and innovative breakthrough, to me is just that...your opinion. In my
opinion he is an MD with ordinary talents enjoying fruits of a mega hype. Once agin thats my
opinion. where i have a problem is that when you castigate everyone not suscribing to your views as
fanatics. as I said it doesnt bother me. But I am writing this because I want othewrs who may have
similar opinions like me not to shy away just because some one calls them as a IR fanatic because
they are not suscribing to whatever you think the opinions should be. I still stand on my ground that I
havent seen anything brilliant from ARR and I am seeing consistently brilliant compositions from IR. I
hope someday you will have the pleasure of enjoying these compostions as I do.
- From: TMR (@
on: Thu Nov 19 23:24:46 EST 1998
I was so far a very patient observer, but now, I have to pitch in -
Since the topic is about ARR's influence on IR and TFM , let me stick to the same.
Can anybody tell me what influence ARR had on songs like "Malligai mottu manasa thottu" from AVM's Sakthivel, "Azhagaana manjapuraa" from a Rajkiran movie, "Oru naal andha oru naal " from Devadhai,"YEnnai thaalaatta varuvaalo" from KM and so on ?
The only influence ARR has had on TFM and IR is the Recording quality
- From: Srikanth (@ slip-32-101-16-242.il.us.ibm.net)
on: Thu Nov 19 23:54:56 EST 1998
Same thing I feel you get the real work in ARR songs. Even Raja has not done so good vocal harmonies.
I take music as it comes, I will not crib. Raja was great, end it there.
MSV - Like Type writer which was considerd state of art at that period.
RAJA - Electronic Type writer
times changes Thats it.
Take the best. If still you want arguge typewrite is the best, be with it.
Kaushik : Malayalam bit blends very well, Maniratham is not a dude to sit and see what arr does. Suma argument sake - it has a fantastic harmony.
In the same song , sivamani has played excellent
percussion parts. You can feel the each and every drum accent.
It is my fate here, there is no one support good music here.
You guys keeping talking the same thing,
Raja's house on fire,
Raja the Tfm Himalays.
Raja pol illai.
1..10 best bits of Raja.
Raja 123.
Raja has reduced in his weight.
Pozuthupogmal Raja.
Thugraravana Ezupalam! , but here the story is different.
Forget ARR - Deva is winning the race.
- From: N.C.Ramakrishna (@ 173-130-220.ipt.aol.com)
on: Fri Nov 20 00:05:28 EST 1998
HI guys
I dont understand one thing Is it necessary that to prove X great we have to prove Y is not at all great useless etc.,?
If we try to prove like that you we indirectly agreeing that Y is great. Since Y is the bench mark for X greatness
Guys we are comparing somebody of two different ages and generations. ARR is like one more KR to IR ( I mean of same age ).
We are doing our jobs and earning more than our elder generation. Does it mean that we are great and elders are useless? Atleast I dont think so.
First of all I dont agree the comparison between IR and ARR. If at all comparison comes, IR is the one who has successfully completed and won the marathon ( Giving music for more than 20 years )and still ready to participate in 100m dash.
ARR is the one who is in the first phase of marathon He may do well (of course he did ) in the first lap. First lap doesnt tell anything. Only TIME has to decide about him.
For example in Basket ball, since now MJ is great can we ignore all time greats like Karim Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson etc., Sachin is doing great can we ignore Don Bradman?
Common guys try to enjoy both ARR and IR. I think if we only one music we miss the beauty in the other. Listening only to carnatic, we miss Hindustani or any other type of music. Basically what one likes is purely subjective. But since we like that it doesnt mean that everybody should like that and also we cant give a stamp and pass our judgement on people who doesnt like what we like.
I hope TFM page will not have any more IR/ARR discussions.
- From: Raj (@ pdxss902.pdx.intel.com)
on: Fri Nov 20 00:23:54 EST 1998
What are u trying to say? Except u nobody here appreciates music. Seems like u want to throw the
type writer in a garbage can and thats what we
are refuting. Dont try to convey that we are trying to say IR is best. Forget about ARR for a moment. Ur claim that 8-10% of IR songs alone are
worthy is what folks here are wondering. So 8-10%
of IR and most of ARRs music is good stuff for u.
U always come with the same story that this is sort of IR madam. U never ever try to undestand that there are people who genuinely appreciate IRs music without abusing ARR. U like harmony in Nenjinilae and bcos u like it, it is great music.
I like it too. I like lots of things in IR songs too. I find it a waste of time to convince you because u have never agreed to others opinions.
Look at all the postings. U posted ur opinion and others are just wondering how did you come up with such figures. And you respond with a posting that nobody appreciates good music. Well, just bcos nobody here can talk musically and u have a music degree and talk something, I feel rather helpless.
Try to others postings before u post something. Who is talking about anything u have listed in this thread. When you dont want to reply, just stay quiet or voice ur displeasure.. U post as though as u are the only expert here and others have no idea what they are talking about. That may even be true but if thats the way u want to pose
ur superiority here, fine. Next time I see you in any thread, I will blindly take your because I can be certain u will never change ur opinion and also make others look like fools.
If you feel that I am posting indecently I have just this to say. It was your posting that prompted this. I have no grudge against ARR or his music. I like it too. I dont know how many times
I have told this. Mostly people talk about IR doing fairly good these days. And u are trying to say IR is junk these days. ARR is not in the picture at all. Someone brings ARR in and u say whatever that comes to your mind against everyone. It is that I strongly protest. I do not hope that u will agree to anything I said or even make an attempt to realize how ur postings are. I just felt that someone should explain how u post when u take the liberty to call every soul here a fanatic
and one who has poor taste of music. This is just my posting and just shout at me if u want and leave others alone.
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