Topic started by Karthik S (@ on Thu Aug 9 03:46:19 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
When's 12B releasing? Any official info?
The only info I gotto hear was that Harris was off to Manhattan, US for mixing the songs for 12B for 15 days, recently. The promos are also out on TV and do look interesting, but as always its way too early to say anything at this point.
After Majnu, I do look forward to 12B. Is it true that the audio is slated to be out on August 15th? One of the rumours I heard!
- From: Kupps (@ atlwebproxy2.core.hp.com)
on: Thu Aug 9 05:59:06 EDT 2001
An interesting news about the film story.
i heard that the story of the film is something like in a crucial scene hero will run behind Bus No. 12B to catch it. Here the story splits: In one scene he will catch the bus and the story proceeds what all happens after that like he meeting heroine-1 and other daily TF masaala, In other story the hero misses the bus and the story moves based on that as though the earlier mentioned thing didn't happen and he'll meet heroine-2 and all sorts of track. Both these stories will be shown scene after scene. This is being dubbed as a great and novel idea.
But if this is the case then i'm sorry to say that the director could have named the movie as foot board instead of 12B. Because the original English movie's name is Sliding Doors. -- Sliding doors of suburban train, which is the very important character for the movie. Its story is something like -- the heroine of the movie leaves to her office very lately from her home on an very imporant office day and eventually gets fired. Her jobless husband will be there in house. Now that the heroine will be coming to underground-suburban train station to catch the train to go to here house. Meanwhile in her house her husband will be sleeping with other lady thinking that his wife is at her office. Now the story splits as what will happen if she(heroine) gets into the train just at the moment of the sliding doors of the train is closing and what happens if she misses. In the former case she will catch her husband redhanded; and will split from him; rise in life successfully thru her ability and the help of a new-found-friend whom she met in that train for the first time. In the later case she will reach home lately after missing the first train but before she could see her husband he will send his concubine but will leave some traces for the heroine to suspect him a bit and at the end of the film she'll come to know about her husband's deeds and will decide to split from him. Meanwhile the heroine in the former story, after becoming successful, will decide to marry her new-friend but will meet with a deadly accident and she will die at a hospital in coma stage and that new-friend will come to see her. At the sametime the heroine of second story, after being dejected, will get a mild injury in head and will come to the same hospital and will get a treatment as outpatient and in the lift(elevator) will meet that new-friend(who is coming out of mortuary after seeing first story heroine) for the first time and both will exchange pleasant smiles like how the first story heroine was exchanging with that new-friend in that train. And the film ends here.
So KarthikS i may not be in astonishment if similar novel idea is derived for the music also because the director of sliding door(and the heroine too) is know for such novel ideas(original) and the music for that film was very good.
- From: a (@
on: Thu Aug 9 06:31:04 EDT 2001
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Thu Aug 9 10:51:13 EDT 2001
did u hear " turn back time" by aqua in sliding doors. amazing song! wonder if its copied in this!
I think 12B is by jeeva , shankars ex-cinematographer!
yup! if thats the story of 12b then its sliding doors allright!
- From: IsaiAdimai (@ stargate.metera.com)
on: Thu Aug 9 11:16:29 EDT 2001
man, this story seems to be totally out of tfmworld. Its surely a great work.... We have nothing else to say, other than "WOW".
- From: 47J (@ inet-netcache1-o.oracle.com)
on: Thu Aug 9 19:14:55 EDT 2001
great work... but, how many will follow and understand? i'm doubtful about the 'C' centers.
just curious.. anyone knows how 'andha naal' ( that old sivaji classic) did? if i remember right, the whole film is about the narrations the detective gets from people while investigating a murder.
- From: amplitude (@
on: Thu Aug 9 22:16:28 EDT 2001
Sounds like this movie is a direct lift of "Hope Floats"
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Thu Aug 9 23:28:34 EDT 2001
**Incrediblly long digression!**
What you are talking about is a technique which the celebrated Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa invented with his Rashomon (1951).
In that movie 4 entirely different flashbacks, narrated by 4 characters on one single incident (in this, a rape) is presented! Ketan Mehta tried this narrative with Maya Memsaab and Shyam Benegal dabbled with it in Suraj Ka satwaan ghoda! Andha Naal was Balachander's version of Rashomon (not K Balachander!)
12B is entirely different. There's more than one narrative different from each other over the same event, but everything is being presented from the director's perspective.
Its also very similar to the recent German classic by Tom Tykwer's ,'Run lola run'(RLR). In this movie, Lola the heroine has 20 minutes to save her boyfriend and the same is presented with 3 different outcomes. Sliding doors is also along the same lines, incidentally! And its perhaps more closer to 12B's story than a very radical RLR. Interestingly, For RLR, director Tykwer had himself composed a hard core techno soundtrack!!
**Incredibly long digression ends!**
- From: aruLaracan (@ vengu.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Aug 9 23:55:15 EDT 2001
heard of magical realism in literature. run lola run, sliding doors, there was one crappy movie with nicolas cage, ... all are celluloid attempt in magical realism, imo. the british, europeans in general, have been experimenting in this genre for about a decade now.
kArthik. s: have you watched run lola run's heroine's (what her name? some potente) subseequent movie? i think it involves the same group (tykwer, ...) any reviews?
- From: NagaS (@ lan-202-144-74-140.maa.sify.net)
on: Fri Aug 10 00:50:09 EDT 2001
I don't know how successful 'Antha naaL' was, But the movie had no confusion at all, All flashback scenes were handled very well and fit with the movie.,
I doubt whether Jeeva can do it in 12B, Simran, Jyothikaa paarkkaRathukkaaka makkaL theatre vanthaathaan uNdu :-))
I saw the trailer of the movie in TV, the theme music sounds very very very similar to the one ARR did in Minsarak kanavu (Remember that dappaanguththu Prabhudeva does in between the 'maana mathurai' song saraNams ? ;-)
Vaazhga Harrissssssss.,
- From: Kupps (@ atlwebproxy1.core.hp.com)
on: Fri Aug 10 01:15:05 EDT 2001
more dosage of digression
K.Balachandar tried in a somewhat similar way. The film is oru veedu iru vaasal(OVIV). I would say that IT IS an inspiration from films like "sliding doors". But it is a inspiration only to get direction to think for a plot not for the plot itself. oviv has two un-connected stories in it; one story until interval and other story after interval. That is a new attempt in TFM
But if story of 12B turns out to be what i was afraid then i know the answer from jeeva's mouth; inspiration(or) great minds' coincidence. But to my knowledge OVIV is inspiration not 12B; 12B is more a copy than just an inspiration or coincidence.
Yes Bharath! i somewhat vaguely remember that aqua song. The film plot clubbed with "HJ's visit to manhattan" makes me to think that we will get "aha! oho! greatest song of the year" -- an "inspiration" from aqua from that "careful" mixture.
BTW any of you remember the name of heroine, director of sliding doors?
end of more dosage of digression
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Fri Aug 10 04:36:17 EDT 2001
Digression again! (Sorry).
Sliding doors:
Starring Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah,
John Lynch and Jeanne Tripplehorn.
Director: Peter Howitt.
Run Lola Run:
Starring: Franka Potente as Lola and Moritz Bleibtreu as her boyfriend, Manni!
Reviews..you can get them all over the net, try a search in google for beginners!
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Fri Aug 10 04:40:49 EDT 2001
Oh no another digression!
aruLaracan! Sorry I misinterpreted your question! Their next movie together was called 'The princess and the warrior'. Came this year! Reviews...again, try a google search...its all over the place!
- From: cram (@
on: Fri Aug 10 06:31:55 EDT 2001
*digression dept:*
Perhaps the first one to attempt something on these lines is O. Henry. He wrote a terrific short story that is told with 3 different latter halves. I think it is called Roads of Destiny.
But we are all working on assumption here. Let's wait and see what 12B is all about. When news of the mouse sequence in Tenali was leaked to the press, everyone jumped to the conclusion that it was a remake of Mousehunt. The film turned to be a remake of some other English movie.
As for the music, dappanguthu molam has become so stale I wonder why Harris chose to use it.
- From: Kupps (@ atlwebproxy1.core.hp.com)
on: Fri Aug 10 06:59:40 EDT 2001
a small dust after tonne of digression
yeah! as you say we cannot assume the story but the official site's words still help in our direction, what to do :-( [;-)]
end of a small dust after tonne of digression
- From: suraj (@ bay-69.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Sun Aug 12 04:29:18 EDT 2001
it is classic. superb.wonderful.nice
- From: teenuman (@
on: Sun Aug 12 17:24:42 EDT 2001
seems to be a big expectation as usual for HJ.
- From: Told you so (@ ac9e70b2.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Aug 14 10:22:57 EDT 2001
Guys Check this out
- From: bb (@
on: Thu Aug 16 02:00:22 EDT 2001
read this for a hearty laugh!!!! thamizh lyrics is going down the drain.. idhellaam 22nd century lyricsAm. kashtam.
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Thu Aug 16 03:20:54 EDT 2001
Saw the special prog on 12B yezday on Vijay TV and Jaya TV!
I must say that the music (at the first hearing) was pretty average! Nothing to match the amount of curiosity it has generated so far. But I think it'll catch on cos it was catchy. Heavy duty ARR traces all over, as usual!
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