Topic started by Srinath (@ socks11d.raleigh.ibm.com) on Wed Jun 17 11:47:34 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
This DF is replete with arguments over who is better - IR or ARR. More often than not, IR fans end up bashing ARR fans in personal terms and vice-versa. For a change, I would like to hear what IR fans actually like in ARR's music and what ARR fans like in IR's music. Again, the discussion could be more interesting if fans from opposite sides also come up with what they dislike in their idols as compared to what they like in their rivals idols. I would expect a lot of fans to surprise themselves seeing a Stranger in the mirror...
- From: Sanjay (@ tntport0761.toj.com)
on: Wed Jun 17 13:06:05 EDT 1998
I am an ARR fan
What I dislike about ARR : Too few scores in a yea
What I like about IR : Many more scores in a year
- From: Deepu (@ pc109.renewal-iis.com)
on: Wed Jun 17 13:17:13 EDT 1998
I am a IR fan
Dislikes about IR - Poor Recording on tape/CD
Likes about ARR - High Quality Recording on tape/CD
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Wed Jun 17 13:52:02 EDT 1998
Mum murtheegal
I have involved in music from MSV era . Given the kind of resources what MSV had - he produced something really great. When Raja came into the TFM - he also did many new things, with the resources he had. Similary when ARR came he did bring in new things,
But as a whole - the success of MSV, IR and ARR over a basic TFM fan is that they were able to provide something new from the previous.
I have enjoyed every ones score .. but I cannot accpet the fact IR is the best musician ever TFM produced. MSV was the greatest in his time - Raja was greatest during his tenure - now it is ARR. - I say ARR because - We are daring to compare him IR.. that itself is a credit to ARR. When Raja came in , he was compared with MSV, the music gaint at that period.
Success of AR is : He was able to remove those x, y, and z what IR lacked in his music.
This does not mean ARR is 100% Fit but he was able to better IR in those areas.
There will be another person one day who will conquer what ARRs lacks,
How abourt Trying it -both of us can do - call ourself SrisRajaMan
- From: Madhan (@
on: Wed Jun 17 14:04:08 EDT 1998
Srinath - Hats off for a wonderful thread..
I am a licensed IR fan -
1. What I like in ARR - sound recording quality,
his wisdom in avoiding scoring for too many Hindi movies, which would have forced him make a lot of compromises as the Hindi music audience right now are not a highly discerning audience. His sticking to melodies , at least one in every movie, for instance "pudhu vellai" in ROJA, "Idhu sugam sugam" from Vandicholai Chinnarasu, "Nilaa kaaigiradhu" from Priyanka, etc - this gives hope for people who have doubts over the future of good music in TF.
2.What I dislike in IR - the long, long delay in releasing his Symphony - only I know the frustration I suffer from when many of my friends who know of my Raja craze ask me sarcastically about IR's Symphony - BAYANGARA KADUPPU + YERICHHAL + DISAPPOPINTMENT.
Another thing about IR - sometimes, of late "Ippadi music pottaa podhum" kind of attitude - especially during the years 1994,95,96. Songs like
"bus sula , rukmanikku vikkaley nikkala" from Kanmani, " Janngurey janngurey " from Amaithi Padai , all songs exceot one from "Magalir Mattum"- idhellaam thevaiyya Raja Sir?
- From: Srinath (@ socks10d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Wed Jun 17 14:28:07 EDT 1998
I am not sure I understood this line - "How abourt Trying it -both of us can do - call ourself SrisRajaMan". Could you please elaborate ? You and I are 'Sris', 'Raj' and 'Man', I can guess - starting with Raja and ending with Rahman, but the context of the statement seems to be ambiguous :-)))
My likes about ARR:
1. Sheer bravado:
So far he has not changed his style due to pressure or criticism.
2. Originality:
Was able to bring in a style that nobody had even conceived as possible before
3. Marketing Acumen:
So he has squeezed out every drop of talent in himself and presented it to the public in a manner that cannot be easily refused.
4. Sound Engineering:
I once went to meet a LM (Light Music) key-boardist considered to be among the best in local troupes. He had bought a new Korg (I don't remember the model) Keyboard similar to one used by ARR. He was showing off all the tones used by ARR and was smiling like a child thinking of all the wonderful things he could do with his new Keyboard. He then showed the manual to my friend (a C.Sc. Engg. student) and asked him to read the manual and teach him to program it. Being a s/w engineer myself, I took a look at the manual. The amount of knowledge required was mind-boggling. Programming a sequencer is definitely not an easy task. It requires as much knowledge and preparation as scoring music itself does. Apart from scoring music, you also need to be creative and innovative. I believe that's where ARR has shown his genius.
My dislikes about IR:
1. Inflexibility:
I feel IR has proved to be inflexible when it comes to changing styles. He, if anybody else is, is capable of incorporating all new forms of music in their purest and strongest form. Till now, he has not done so. I sincerely believe, he has the potential to perfect the style adopted by ARR. But unfortunately he seems to be uninclined towards this.
2. Tied down:
IR seems to be nailed to the coffin called TFM. It is high time he left the scenes to pursue greater goals. But is it a human failing that keeps him tied to the origin of his success ?
That's it folks ! My brain seems to burst with the effort of trying to some up with reasons for disliking IR. Now, I think you would understand why I am such a crazed IR fan :-)
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Wed Jun 17 14:58:16 EDT 1998
Hi ,
Raja mel kovam :
Emantha - Padarar...His voice is not 100% perfect. Lyrics wera - Kumudathula oru Katha vera ezitheenar....
Lucky for us he did not try acting. (though his photo appeared in Towsers movies (Rama Rajan MP) and Rajakirans movies..
Asking Bhavadharani to sing...
Spb ya moranchindu,
Symphony - Enge Enge Enge...
- From: stingy (@
on: Wed Jun 17 15:01:27 EDT 1998
all ican say is that this is a fantastic thread! finally away from those ir vs arr
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Wed Jun 17 15:35:56 EDT 1998
Srinath ,
Those lines were - how about both of us join as team introduce something new and chase AR out . (It is a worth trying it ),
It reminds me Cosmo's Words :
--- Yo Yo Maaaa!
- From: Srinath (@ socks6d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Wed Jun 17 16:12:03 EDT 1998
Well, we could try becoming the first Internet MDs. Then imagine, everybody will forget IR and ARR and start bashing us :-))). Seriously speaking, maybe we need a better understanding of the TFM scenario. If wishes were horses....:-)))
- From: easwaran hariharan (@ freeway.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Wed Jun 17 16:50:45 EDT 1998
He could still produce original melodious tunes.
His orchestrations are always scintillating
and mind blowing.
His knowledge in all genres of music and his ability to
mix them.
Don’t like
Lack of flexibility.
Most of his great songs are marred by some meaningless
He commercialized too much, diluting his quality,
and ended up recycling his own music.
Some of his recent songs, which are mostly half-baked.
the Completeness in music,
sampling different flavors of music,
Lovely chorus, Rhythmic, and smart Lyrics.
the whole approach of giving time and
importance to each song, singers, and lyricist
Don’t like
irritatingly Monotonous,
lack of creating tunes
too much western beats in the songs
His slow songs always sounds same.
- From: Amma (@ m37.chn.vsnl.net.in)
on: Wed Jun 17 17:00:25 EDT 1998
What I like about ARR: his introducing new singers
Same reason for dislikeing IR: stuck to a select few singers
What I dislike in ARR: lyrics often get drowned in the din
Reason for liking IR:strong melody. discernible lyrics.
- From: vijay (@
on: Wed Jun 17 18:22:05 EDT 1998
u have said that MSV and IR were greatest in their tenure.so we cannot say that IR is the greatest musician ever.iam wondering whether u or anyone can come up with a formula or criteria which provides a common basis for comparing composing skills of MD's from different time periods.because the outcome of such analysis would help us in proving whether IR or MSV was the greatest.who knows the results might yield even T.rajendar to be the greatest composer ever considering his musical hits to flops ratio.
if u can come up with a formula or criteria based on some technical aspects....
i agree with u in the fact that IR has unnecessarily used bhava for some melodious songs in the recent past which could have been sung better by someone else.good example is 'kaathe kaathe' from puniyavathi.
another thing about IR is, it might not be exactly his mistake but i feel that he should have restricted himself to singing songs like 'janani' 'kaadhal oviyam' or 'metti oli' etc. instead of singing a lot of trash songs like machi mannaru,
enna paaduvathu from keladi kanmani etc.because himself being a MD he should have realised that he does not sound good in most of these songs and i still have a feeling that just 'veembukkaaga' he just wanted to sing a song irrespective of whether
it sounded good or not.
also songs like 'idhayam oru kovil' sung by SPB have ben resung by him in the same album.he has done this resinging quite a no. of times which robs away the interest in the song sometimes.
The thing i like about ARR is that his songs always sound sophisticated irrespective of whether the song is melodious or not.that is the sounds of instruments are pretty refined,perhaps it has something to do with recording.
one more thing is the recording which is crystal clear.I wish IR's early 80's compositions were digitally recorded.
- From: Krishna (@ mailserver01.sb.com)
on: Wed Jun 17 19:08:06 EDT 1998
I see things about IR's lack of flexiblility listed in this thread. I cannot but shake my head in disgust. Look at his compositions. They are so versatile..he thrives and strives for variety compared to the same montonous tunes of ARR. I think its just people wannabe western to be considered hip.. i get blown away by IRs compositions..like Alamarathu Kuyile in Annan.. though a village song waht a genius expressed in the song.
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