Topic started by SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu) on Fri Aug 28 13:44:52 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Guys & gals, I have already put this stuff in one of the therads. But, owing to the poor response, I am starting it as a topic. I am sure if some of us get together, we can sponsor an album of say, IR's great BGM pieces or something like that. I really miss listening to them. I am sure we could raise the funds over a period of time.
Interested people, please respond in this thread. We will have to plan out the details also.
- From: Anand Mahadevan (@ freedum.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Fri Aug 28 14:51:05 EDT 1998
I am for this but we need to work with IR regarding copyright issues.Also ,since its his creation it will be a tough call for us to convince him on this path.
Anyway,whatever it takes U can count me in.
Anand Mahadevan
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Fri Aug 28 17:06:21 EDT 1998
You see, it is precisely because I want to work with IR that I am so keen on this. I am sure it will be an exciting experience for all of us.
- From: Srinivas (@ scproxy3.sc.intel.com)
on: Fri Aug 28 17:32:30 EDT 1998
I am for it , Lock, Stock and Barrel.
- From: Srinath (@ socks16d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Fri Aug 28 17:42:42 EDT 1998
This has always been one of my dream projects ! In fact, I have often discussed the feasibility with another IR crazy friend of mine ! I am glad that somebody finally has the industriousness to approach a task as monumental as this ! I would also love to have a collection of IR's re-recordings. What a study in music styles that would be ! I'd love to be of any help.
- From: Illaiyaraja Fan All The Way (@ chcgb103-08.splitrock.net)
on: Fri Aug 28 18:41:43 EDT 1998
How much are we looking at? I mean if we have enough 'producer sponsors' then we can pool in a
decent amount worthy to call ourselver IR fans.
I would think that IR can produce a theme just like "India 24 hours" something that is very much
Indian, folksy, carnatic, and symphonic.
- From: junior (@
on: Sat Aug 29 09:25:53 EDT 1998
I can just say 1 thing: if you people want to get bankrupt go ahead, cause it is only ir hc fans buying his album which is only in tamilnadu
- From: Srinath (@ socks9d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Sat Aug 29 11:51:45 EDT 1998
You need some antacids.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Sat Aug 29 20:41:49 EDT 1998
Guys, what I have suggested is very much practical! This is esp so if guys in US put enthu. Even if Maestro demands around 30 lakhs, if ~20 guys come together, it would come to a few thousand dollars per head. This is very much realisable over a few years. And it is not too large an amount either. So IMHO, it is worth a try esp if you call yourself a hc IR fan.
- From: Suresh (@ bellbird.qut.edu.au)
on: Sun Aug 30 00:46:39 EDT 1998
hi kaushik
pardon me for butting in, but couldn't resist a suggestion.. i'm quite amazed (& greatly pleased) at the enthu of u guys for IR, to the point of investing in a project of this scale, but don't u think that we must make the effort worthwhile by ensuring a degree of commercial success? it might be argued that the objective here is not commercial & that it is more targeted towards IR connoisseurs..
as someone with a keen interest in marketing communications, i would say that the idea of a BGM compilation (though excellent from an IR fans' point of view), makes poor commercial sense.. Maybe, it could follow later if u have succeeded in re-engineering a niche market for yesteryears' IR scores..
my personal opinion on this is that it would be better if we can explore the possibilities of picking a sequence of songs pooled under various themes e.g.love, nature, etc.. & produce a series of compilations. i'm sure nostalgia in itself has great commercial value; esp. in this time-period, when audiences are getting jaded with repetitive music, a melody from johnny or nenjathai killathe will surely rekindle the old enthusiasm for the IR brand.. we could have diff. people associated with each song - singers/ directors/ actors etc. - speak in a brief prelude on the concept/ execution/ or other interesting tidbits about the particular song..
packaging IR as a brand needs great adaptation in terms of technology & finesse.. maybe the songs have to be digitally remastered or something. i think u can value-add to the production by having a well-produced booklet to accompany each cassette/CD compilation, containing the situation description, lyrics, and also brief anecdotes about each song..
i believe that we can produce such a product of world standards that will stand testimony to the creative genius of IR for decades to come.. i also believe that there is no harm in approaching this venture from a marketing perspective.. profits can always be used to set up a trust or something that can continue working on such productions..
i know these things are in the realm of fantasy as they stand right now, but i think there is a definite possibility of making this work.. the TFMers, by themselves, have an invaluable production team in place.. maybe, it just needs some hectic front-end co-ordination..
let's dream on...
- From: Ilaiyarajavin Rasikan (@ chcgb111-08.splitrock.net)
on: Sun Aug 30 14:12:01 EDT 1998
I am thinking that are over 100 TFM fans as per 'the let us meet some day' thread. I can chip in
$1,000 provided if everyone else can have the same
committment. Let us call the project the 'Hope that Isaignani will want to score for a 1,000 movies' From an exact number of 100 fans who gave in $1,000 each.
However, it should also have Karthik Raja in it too.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Sun Aug 30 14:23:42 EDT 1998
Suresh: I agree with you that a BGM collection is not a very good commercial prospect, but I think we could achieve our end, from the commercial viewpoint, if the cassette had some songs in addition to BGM. Of course, I want the old pieces played by better instrumentalists, esp pieces like the interludes of "Paruvame" of "Nenjathai killathe" which are excellent but played by a bad orchestra(IMHO). These modifications are part of my plan.
As to your idea of a trust, I wonder why you call it a fantasy. If someone is not interested in it, he does not the collections we are talking about badly enough, that's all.
- From: buddy (@ synergy.nus.edu.sg)
on: Sun Aug 30 22:34:39 EDT 1998
Count me in.
My suggestion will be albums like HTNI and NBW.
- From: balaji (@ flora.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Mon Aug 31 01:13:03 EDT 1998
this is indeed a great idea.
instead of doing it alone, may be we can join
in when there will be a big felicitation to
IR(as was given to sivaji). this can come out
as a commomeration to that function , which
will make it more commercially viable. so,
IMO, we should search for when such a felicitation
will come up.
BTW, Hi kaushik!!!!
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Mon Aug 31 12:18:03 EDT 1998
Guys, we will have to work out exactly how much each of us has to save per month for this project. You see, we will have to see who are students, who are working, etc to find out how to split - maybe the working people can contribute a little more. So please put your intros here, or email them to me - kshriraghav@hotmail.com
Enna da Benzene, I see interesting responses from you every where.
- From: Srinivas (@ scproxy3.sc.intel.com)
on: Mon Aug 31 16:19:12 EDT 1998
It is good to see so many IR fans showing such great enthu for this project. I for one would like to enlist myself for this project.
Suresh: I am in total agreement with you that we need to approach this from a marketing perspective also. The idea of having a set of song collections, with explanations sounds just great to me. It may be the right step in establishing the market for future ventures. In this context, I heard an album called "Moon-lit melodies" which is a compilation of some excellent melodies of Maestro featuring beautiful numbers like "Kalyaana Thernila", "Nilavevaa", "Pagalilee Oru nilavina" etc. I think that it would be nice to make similar compilations of sets of songs, with unifying themes.
- From: balaji (@ flora.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Mon Aug 31 16:47:58 EDT 1998
the sheer number of songs that we can list
to be re-engineered seems to frighten me. i
can think of so many songs which will fit
in here. we can brainstorm and get some good
songs out. there are a lot in the archives
(esp, EVK which was discussed so much in the
EVK thread). also, this project need not
involve IR directly. we can get someone
else to do the orchestration given the notes.
(bally sagoo!!! no, no just kidding).
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Tue Sep 1 00:50:23 EDT 1998
Kaushik, you stole my idea man..nah ..just kidding. I am very much for this idea Kaushik. But we should be practical here. So I think Suresh seems to have a point. I have been thinking a lot about these. And I have also thought like Suresh. But here is another idea.
Get IR to make a concert trip to the US. Get some great flute players to come along. Enlist Zakir Hussain for one concert (he lives in California conveniently). The ticket collection for the concerts would pay for IRs fees. We could then record the concert live here in US/Canada and sell this as a CD.
We have to plan before hand for songs that will be recorded live. These have to rehearsed by the troupe very well. Since this is a live recording and it is being digitally recorded in the US/Canada we could count on a killer CD. Live recordings are sonically very pleasing.
I will try to meet IR next month when I make a trip to India.
Regarding, the investment. Dont worry about who will contribute how much. We can just float a company and sell shares to people at face value. The money till it is spent will be in a holding account. Once we get past a critical amount we can start work. We can even get some loans from banks.
I am willing to write the business plan for this (counting on some MBA/lawyer friends of mine)
($1000 seems reasonable to me. I have lost more in the recent stock market slide :-( !!)
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Tue Sep 1 11:53:52 EDT 1998
It is very good to see the response to this idea. I see some very good marketing and financing ideas. Maybe we could pick some of these and get started.
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