Topic started by ash (@ on Tue Jun 4 12:25:49 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- From: ash (@
on: Tue Jun 4 12:30:55 EDT 2002
Sorry, I forgot to give the link. http://www.vikatan.com. Its in the section "Konal Pakkangal" by writer "CHARU NIVEDHITHA"
I feel he is right. Even though Iam a hardcore fan of IR, I still agree what he says. Anybody has his or her own right to decide/speak about his/her likes and dislikes. Eg:I dont like IR's music. I dont like Rajinikanth's acting. I dont like SPB's voice etc..
- From: Venki (@
on: Tue Jun 4 12:38:58 EDT 2002
ash, thanks for posting. If someone does'nt like IR's music, it becomes a news. IR Magic!
- From: Kiran (@
on: Wed Jun 5 00:26:36 EDT 2002
can someone translate the main and the best lines plzzzz
- From: peeps (@
on: Wed Jun 5 02:51:17 EDT 2002
To put it in breif he said abt his taste in music and claims that tastes differ and no one can comment abt others preferences quoting some english qoutes.And how he liked the background music of BanditQueen(music:Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan)etc etc.
- From: Kiran (@
on: Wed Jun 5 03:06:59 EDT 2002
thanxs peeps but the title says he said something on raaja ?? what he said ??
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Wed Jun 5 03:14:34 EDT 2002
He didn't say anything wrong about IR and his music. He is telling that he doesn't like IR's music and also that is his opinion. Also he is sure that his opinion is not a caliber on IR's talents. He raised his concerns about the fanatics.
- From: kiru (@
on: Wed Jun 5 13:30:06 EDT 2002
This writer does not have anything to say about IR's music. Maybe he has developed a oppositive reaction to his friends's circle's admiration of IR (just like some ARR fans here). It is quite possible that he resents the popularity of IR, who has managed to provide quality as well in his artistic output. Whereas, he considers people like him who do quality stuff never become popular :)
One thing for sure he better write tamil in proper tamil, not just using english words, but it seems to me that his whole article was written in english first and translated into tamil. He is probably better off writing in spanish like he once wished :(
- From: ash (@
on: Wed Jun 5 15:40:52 EDT 2002
One point that was told by him was "Probably my hearing of TFM has stopped after Viswanathan-Ramamurthy combo". Well I do agree with this. I know lots of old people who (including people in my family) loves film music and according to them any MD after MSV-TRR is trash. Why not the same logic applicable to people who say ARR is trash but IR is the best?
- From: musician (@
on: Wed Jun 5 23:12:10 EDT 2002
In which ananthavikatan issue this article has been published? pl inform. thanks
- From: OISG (@
on: Thu Jun 6 01:02:01 EDT 2002
This guy is a pesudo-intellectual...a jolna pai and a frustrated one too.Generally these guys would be contradictions personified.
Ignore him.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Thu Jun 6 01:04:33 EDT 2002
kiru, let us not talk about charu's writting ability. These kind of digressions created so many problems in different thread. Let us please talk to the point. Moreover it is his opinion. He can have his own ideas and opinions. See, the moment he said he dislikes IR's music, u started bashing his writtings. This is not a real good identity of IR musics's fan. Please try to belive he can have his own opinions and he can express those.
- From: S (@
on: Thu Jun 6 06:15:30 EDT 2002
I don't want to bash this guy bcos he talked bad about raja...There was no scope to discuss such non entities in this forum, and hence i didn't talk....This guy writes things which justify taking drugs etc....and it looks like his only aim is to get some popularity by doing some controversial things.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Thu Jun 6 06:23:18 EDT 2002
Charu doesn't like IR songs is his personal opinion. Fine no need to quarrel about it. IMO, there was no need for him to mention his personal opinion in that. OK its understandable that he writes that column as a "just like that, as it goes" kind of way and whatever comes to his thinking he pens down. After mentioning that he was ready for the fight (by saying, i guess im stirring the hornest's nest). What i guess is, after he has written the first one he would have got letters and emails saying how big is IR (imo this too is not needed). So in the first article he was expecting such responses to him. He could have brushed them aside by just mentioning in his next article that "i got lots of messages but still its my opinion. I like only VR. Period" But it seems he was defending himself saying that the BGM by nursat and other persons are all great etc etc. Why? What was the need? I guess, in the mails/letters people would have mentioned that IR is great in BGM etc etc. So he was, in a way, refuting them in his second article. Bottomline, he was also into the argument. If he was just opining his liking(about IR) then his claim "can't a person express his/her opinion why to refute him? etc. etc." is acceptable but it seems he anticipated refutation(in his first article), he was refuting them (indirectly) still saying that his opinion should not be taking for argument. Given such a situation, if he is stating his opinion then why he should bother about others, who, thru offline means, stated their opinion about his opinion. If he has all the freedom in the world to opine like this why can't others. If he is truly for this freedom of expression and if he were honest in what he told he would not have bothered about those letters/emails. Hence, i believe that he wanted to create controversy just to become popular.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Thu Jun 6 06:38:40 EDT 2002
Kupps, I agree with u. Who is he to caliger IR's talents? If v disagree with him, v hv to send a mail to him with data. I think it is a real waste to bash him here. I dont want an IR thread to talk more about Charu Nivedida.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Thu Jun 6 06:41:29 EDT 2002
sorry spelling mistake. Not caliger. It is caliber.
- From: Cheenu (@
on: Thu Jun 6 07:07:43 EDT 2002
I fully agree with Kupps.
IMHO: How many films have IR has he seen? Has he seen all the 800+ films of IR to conclude that IR is not a good MD?
Even a hard core IR fan(me included) will not say that ARR or MSV has not produced anything
Charu has purposely written like this to defame IR and insult his fans.
By the way who is this Charu? is he somebody great? Why a reputed magazine like Vikatan is allowing him to defame somebody.
Mr Charu , Please do not exploit your right to comment on public figures to defame or insult.
I will appreciate if you write ten pages eulogizing ARR or MSV or LS, instead of writing derogatory opinion about person which a majority of fans in TN regard as great.
- From: jaypee (@
on: Thu Jun 6 08:37:35 EDT 2002
Please for heaven sake donot make Charu mental Niveditha more popular,which he dosent deserve.May be his idea was to earn a separate thread on his name, which he has succeeded.Let us stop with with this. It has become a common practice to pass on comments and opinions on the subject matters where one who dosent have good knowledge, like a cinema star like Ajith or Sham giving opinions about the our freedom struggle and Mahathma Gandhi.Who on earth is giving the authority to these people ( including Charu Niveditha)?.I wonder.
To make a commet like this he should have basic understanding about TFM, the renderings by IR, ARR, MSV, VR et al. I bet he does not have.There is a disease among the so called celebrities like him to say whatever they like when a mike is shown b4 them or write whatever they like when a magazine asks you to write something.
This jolna pai clad, so called writer , after creating unwanted controversies in the tamil literary field, has come here. I have an unfortunate experience of reading one of his book .
- From: Speaker (@
on: Thu Jun 6 09:45:18 EDT 2002
That was a stupid article. He is saying that IR music didnt appeal him but NF Khan's appealed him. Whats surprising is that he got a magazine to publish his personal feeling. Each of the one billion people will have a view if they get a chance to write everyone will write. Jaypee nicely summarised this. He is talking about fascism, venting personal opinion to defame a great personality is a form of fascism.
- From: O(pi)nion (@
on: Thu Jun 6 10:43:51 EDT 2002
People, that was his/her personal opinion, AV allowed him to write it. Same AV has publishes good things about IR. That is what press is all about.
Nothing stops you from reading and commenting on it. But more you comment about this, what ever he/she wrote gains importance and those words gain weight. Just leave it there, take it like jleno's comment and forget it.
and Kiru, tell me this man,
Who is Charu Nivedhitha to tell you about IR?, Dont you know more than him on IR?, why are you offended? (this applies to all here) Dont you guys know more on IRs music than this writer?..Don't you guys have trust in IRs music than AV and its articles. Just ignore it.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Thu Jun 6 11:21:10 EDT 2002
O(pi)nion, well said. Why should v make Charu Nivedita popular advertently. Let us stop here.
- From: kiru (@
on: Thu Jun 6 13:07:50 EDT 2002
G Ragavan and O(pi)nion, I stand by my comments on this writers writing style. It has nothing to do with his comments on IR. If I wanted I can talk about all the points he has mentioned about music - viz - I like jazz and blues, I like Nusrat's music in .., I like the music of some country..(dont remember) now.. brahma rAjan (who is a fan of IR) knows bach, mozart, I could not enjoy the evening because they were singing IR songs etc..
What is the reader supposed to make out of all thse ? So I ingore all these.
Back to his writing style, see the names he drops..even the french dont know these french authors (after he danced in the party this was a conversation with a woman :)) ..wow..his writing style is similar to some big writer...he used the literal translation of 'public domain'..I immediately felt he has been reading too much english books..he is almost using those exact phrases in tamil..I found this annoying..That is what I expressed. His statement 'I am a goldsmith among beggars' is what made me psychoanalyse him :) and write what I wrote ..that he is envious of IR. Subconsciously, I think he is perceiving that IR has succeeded in some area where he is not (quality in a popular format)..
Yes..please note that it takes me atleast 30 minutes or more to write a post..and trust me I am not that stupid..so give my posts some careful consideration :)
I do try to be honest and fair even when it comes to IR and music..see my responses on IR new albums or Ivan thread..if you still dont believe me :)
- From: GS (@
on: Thu Jun 6 13:18:14 EDT 2002
Guys please stop your discussion here. You can e-mail Charu Nivedita directly to this e-mail address to register you protest.
The e-mail ID is taken from Vikatan web site from one of his old article and it is authnetic. (Source: http://www.vikatan.com/vc/2002/may/vc0307.shtml)
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