Topic started by Vijay Venkatram J (@ on Mon Nov 11 11:08:23 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear Friends,
Let us vote for 'Adi Rakkamma' from THALAPATHI as our choice for the World's Top Ten Songs poll conducted by BBC!
I am suggesting this song because if in case the BBC people listen to the nominated songs, they will feel knocked out on hearing our Maestro's 150 Vioins' Strings Ensemble!
Let us all do it at:
Yours Always Musically,
Maestro Ilaiyaraaja Fans Club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilaiyaraaja
RaajaNGAHM at http://www.raajangahm.com/members.html
- Old responses
- From: An Idiot who does not know patriotism from fun! (@
on: Wed Dec 18 12:48:26 EST 2002
Let the whole world sing Vande Mataram!
- From: ! (@
on: Wed Dec 18 13:47:47 EST 2002
just for the record! (just remove the e after d and then visit the url and read the last few paras)
- From: OISG (@
on: Wed Dec 18 23:57:13 EST 2002
Since the topic was started by a Doctor the whole result now looks pretty "DOCTORED" and Dr.Vijay that is not good news for good music.
I would be happy to note if RKT is sold on the shelfs of CD stores across the globe after this saga ......Laos,Lagos,Harare,Lithuania,Eritrea,Columbia etc.
- From: Rosham (@
on: Thu Dec 19 01:38:26 EST 2002
The only way to raise up ilayaraja is by artificial means.
Pathetic scumbags!
- From: Maran S (@
on: Thu Dec 19 03:52:40 EST 2002
What I would like to see in this poll is one of Deva's copied tunes to be competed and have it win. THEN, I would have the original composer come forward and make an issue out of it, sue Deva for copying his tunes and...o boy :-)
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Thu Dec 19 04:20:39 EST 2002
Great thought MaranS. How embarasing it would be for Deva..(well I believe thet he has little bit of soranai).
Then a whole lot of scam against him will break out. It will be so huge that nobody will be able to manage the count. Every body will leave it like that as the number of scam will become countless. Deva will again start his old method and copy the same tune or the same composer who complained first and make it a new song...DEVA CAN DO THAT.
- From: siva (@
on: Thu Dec 19 04:41:40 EST 2002
i saw Maaran, a sathyaraj starrer on astro vaanavil here in malaysia. guess what song did deva lift 100% for the theme song? Bhahathur Piyar from the movie Saajan by nadeem shravan... makes me wonder, does deva actually eat salt? does not he have shame and soranai? he even repeats the song as BGM throughout the movie.. Deva is a kokkoi
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 19 05:13:01 EST 2002
OISG, but will tat happen? Why is everyone so hesitant to discuss the possibilities this BBC polls opens up for the topper?
One thing for sure is tat ARRFans (who have been accused of being the reason for VM's run at the top) are far more practical abt wat may come out of it. There have been no phony hit stats, finger crossing or exaggerations. Probably bcos ARR needs no introduction in BBC. (noticed his image at the talking point link) Frankly speaking, tis Polls makes little difference to his image internationally. But if it is going to help IR gain an international recognition, let us hope RKT will win. But frankly speaking, apart from cheers back at home, will tis polls help make a dent?
- From: OISG (@
on: Thu Dec 19 06:45:47 EST 2002
That was the misconception carried by HCIRF initially.Now they must be in the know.Now this poll must open jobs for Asian programmers in the UK.
Your post does not carry the "Wink""wink"-but i get the idea!!
- From: vimal (@
on: Thu Dec 19 08:50:59 EST 2002
sorry to interrupt the cosy chit-chat between OISG and WN-
//Since the topic was started by a Doctor the whole result now looks pretty "DOCTORED" and Dr.Vijay that is not good news for good music.
I would be happy to note if RKT is sold on the shelfs of CD stores across the globe after this saga ......Laos,Lagos,Harare,Lithuania,Eritrea,Columbia etc.//-
you should also address the above to arrfans replacing RKT with VM-hope that sells in the above countries as well as bolivia,senegal and what nots.after all,they out-doctored the good doctor did'nt they?and what is good music?according to OISG anything by MSV and ARR.what is not good M?anything by IR!
This was never about selling CD's-as always OISG,you are talking at a tangent.This was about showing to the world that there is a master composer in India-and they succeeded in that.
- From: malar (@
on: Thu Dec 19 09:40:36 EST 2002
Vimal they stick to WN's famous theory......WN's logic in other words is "All ARR fans are genuine music lovers who don't have time to anything cheap like rigging. There is no HCARRF. IR does not have any fans except few HCIRF who indulge themselves in cheap trick." Well abt OISG,everything is music except IR's. It is known fact every HCARRF and HCIRF indulged in rigging....if they want to keep believing VM topped 'cos of its greatness and music lovers and RKT 'cos of rigging, let them
- From: raja (@
on: Thu Dec 19 10:58:54 EST 2002
always IR is best
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 19 11:22:15 EST 2002
The question asked was wat r the practical outcomes which may result from tis polls.
As usual there r no answers, only "according to WN, bla bla bla. OISG is %&% & bla bla bla.
and of course, bla bla bla bla bla bla
and WN is &&%&%%%$@# and bla bla bla"
Ok we've heard it all b4, and ur esteemed opinions r much appreciated, but coming back to the discussion (yes a cosy one w/out personal attacks), wat is the answer? wat r the possibilities. Is it a crime to ask a sensible qn here? My discussion wit OISG had nothing to do wit rigging, and I dont intend to engage in discussion wit ppl who dont understand simple maths nor simple English, despite their desperate clamouring for my attention (no, not u Vimal).
Vimal, u made one point in ur last sentence when u said "This was about showing to the world that there is a master composer in India-and they succeeded in that." But on wat basis do u say this? How do u know the world is recognising tat IR is a master composer? If Dil Dil Pakistan came first, wud the world then recognise tat is by a master composer. Or even if VM came first, will the world suddenly learn more abt India or ARR simply bcos of tat reason (none of us pro-VM supporters claimed as such). Tat is the question. The one way music appreciation is judged is by the no of ppl willing to fork out $ for a cd/cass. As such, OISG's qn is not an invalid one. CD sales is a sign of appreciation and a valid one too. Tho it is not the only way. Hence my qn.
I have been trying hard to establish a meaningful discussion here and all meaningful opinions (even biased ones) r welcome. Let's face it, once we learn the results, the discussion will take a diff turn, so let's talk abt it. For all we know, someone may even come up wit an idea to follow up if RKT/VM won to find out the actual impact. Let's ignore the ALL CAPs & blabbers.
- From: malar (@
on: Thu Dec 19 11:47:43 EST 2002
>>and I don't intend to engage in discussion wit ppl who dont understand simple maths nor simple English, despite their desperate clamouring for my attention (no, not u Vimal).
Hey I got it.........I don't need somebody in Laos,Lagos,Harare,Lithuania,Eritrea,Columbia to tell me abt IR.....I mentioned long back the whole poll is a farce........it will not make any difference except just making an awareness abt RKT among few people if they don't have any prejudice to listen to this song(or any song in the list)......the only different opinion is about the % of rigging by the two camps.........BTW I understood your simple maths and English...The only thing I had difficulty in understanding was ur logic :)....I rest my case...sorry for clamoring for your attention AGAIN :) ...
- From: OISG (@
on: Thu Dec 19 11:52:18 EST 2002
I was just pointing out that this is not the way to present your man to the global audience...whether it s by HCIRF or HCARRF.
Creating the awareness should be a well planned campaign..you enter thru Disco s,Local Television time buying,Indian Marriages and culturals etc....not by blindly rigging & voting in a non-monitor poll.
Vimal,read this topic from the beginning.Someone was thrilled that this would make available IR CDs all the the world.Kuzhanthaithanama aasai ...finally ended up as a sirupillaithanamana aasai for both the fans and we virtually have a big poultry farm on our face now!
I suggest IR fans really take this up seriously and use the services of Balakrishnan or some high profile ad-man who keeps stealing his tunes for his commercial.IR certainly deserves a global launch but not in the way our DOCTOR Vijay had prescribed!
- From: Sam (@
on: Thu Dec 19 12:01:34 EST 2002
You people are pathetic yet relentless. keep up the good work. LOL.
- From: Buddha (@
on: Thu Dec 19 13:39:03 EST 2002
IR' music cannot easily catch on with the public like a Rahman song. One needs a level of musical appreciation, moreover, IR's music is not about dance music - the content, ideas are more complex to fit in this dance formats and so that marketability appeal of going to discos, etc.. is not a wasted proposition as far as IR's music is concerned or generally Indian film music. Promoting in clubs, schools mean immediate reach but to a narrow segment of demographics. IR' music is that which will be relished by a toddler to a septuavegannonvegetarian (i forgot the spelling) it means those who have musical appreciation abilities will only embrace IR's compositions as no.1 and that is a long way off for all people to attain that position of omniscience, in other words an awareness that gets one closer to the divine! I hope this rests all confusion regarding visibility of IR' music. BBC POll is just another step to making more and more people aware of something they would not otherwise have believed. In due course, we can see the surge....
- From: avenslav (@
on: Thu Dec 19 16:11:40 EST 2002
OSIG is a hypocritical 'NEUT' in this thread. I notice his consistency. Wondered why???
MSV is not there on top of the poll!!!!!!!! and he can't get enough peepul to play the rigging game. So what does he do?????? he first condemns the poll like a saint since it was Rakkamma on top and then is forced to persist with his stance when VM comes on..... if only MSV had been there...... not only would he have been thrilled he need not have done the sour grapes trip......sad..... feel sorry too.......
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