Topic started by kjhkfkhfh (@ panorama.nus.edu.sg) on Thu Jul 16 04:36:00 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Sat Oct 31 22:34:40 EST 1998
ramki: * ROFL * great!!!!
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Mon Nov 2 03:07:27 EST 1998
we are having politeness and this forum thread.
this has turned out to be a fruitful exercise in stocktaking of the amount of politeness and expressiveness in this forum. unlike this thread, we can have criticism and this forum thread, which goes to the other extreme:
Criticism and this forum:
stock_taker: i would like to take stock of the criticism going on in this forum. i feel we are criticising more than necessary.
man1: if there are people to be criticized , they should be. naayai kandaa kallAl adi.
man2: man1, may i know whom were you referring to as dog???
man1: man2, you need not be worried, i am NOT referring to you.
man3: man1, please donot use words like nAi in this forum. i hope this does not offend you(disclaimer)
man1: of course it offended me. how can you offend me and then hope that you have not offended me?? i will continue to use nAi in this forum.
man2: please do not take this as criticism, but i am offended by your use of nAi.
stock_taker: guys, we are supposed to be discussing criticism and this forum, why r u criticizing each other????
man4: this thread is fun, man. i have never seen such a discussion on nAi before!!!!!!!
man1: let me get back to my point. what i was coming to say is that if there are people to be criticized, then we MUST be able to criticize them. but if there are no people to be criticized, then pick a person to criticize and attack him.
man2: man1, this is too much. people like you should be banned from DF. ravi, please make sure that he is not allowed access to DF.
man1: man2, how can you criticize me? this is too much. what do u think of yourself?? what do you know about criticism??? do u know suppudu?? do u know how he became famous??? what do u know, u birdbrain??
man5: please stop this thread, it is turning into a street fight.
man3: man5, who are u to say that this thread should be stopped?? if u are offended, stay away from this thread.
man5: man3, you lack basic manners. you don't have a single iota of decency..........................
stock_taker sees that everyone are criticizing each other in this thread, which was supposed to generate ideas on constructive criticism. stock_taker thundai kANom, thuniyai kANom enRu OdugirAr.
- From: Viswa (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Mon Nov 2 03:38:09 EST 1998
Edhaiyum vittu vaippadhillai, eh ? :-)) Man, this is having the cake and eating it too ! Good show, Balaji ! You are on a roll... !
- From: shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Mon Nov 2 04:00:54 EST 1998
ramki, balaji,
neega vuttu kAttunga!!!! ;-)))
- From: cram (@
on: Mon Nov 2 07:42:07 EST 1998
this is guy's a killer. kalakkungO balaji saar.
- From: JR (@ faraday.bfsec.bt.co.uk)
on: Mon Nov 2 09:51:42 EST 1998
Looking at the way the discussion in the thread ' Politeness in this forum' is proceeding, the DF members start a new thread called
' Rules for participants in this thread '
topic started by vetti@adi_dadi.com
We the members of this discussion forum feel that some rules have to be followed while discussing details here. As educated mature people , i feel that we ourselves can formulate the rules. This thread is an effort to do so and please state the rules which u think we must follow.
- No_Rules_1: I am not following any rules.
- Yes_Rules_1: We haven't stated any rules.
- No_Rules_2: No what i mean is that whatever rules you state , i am not going to follow that . this goes agianst my freedom of speech
- Originator of thread: No one says that you don't have freedom of speech , we just say that some rules have to be followed in expressing them.
- Y_R_2: You shouldn't hurt other people's feelings. can this be the rule 1 ?
- N_R_1: How can you say that ' i can't hurt other people's feelings ?' I have every right to do what i feel is right.
- N_R_1: You have got everything to do what you feel is right. internet is the only place where we have got complete freedom of speech.
- passive observer_2: You shouldn't use any 3, 4 or 5 letter words. You must always address people by sir or madam even if your intention is to kill them . i mean verbally.
- N_R_1: I will say whatever i want.whether it hurts you depends on how strong u are . I have got a friend who is strongly built that what is 'seri adi' for you is like 'kosu kadi' for him. whay can't u be like him ?
disclaimer : I don't advocate violence in any form. Physical or chemical.
- N_R_1: Sorry 'chemical' must have been 'verbal'.
- Y_R_2:You shouldn't talk how strong i must be .
- Ravi : Guys please limit the discussion in this thread to TFM. Don't discusss about health here. You can discuss about the health of TFM to which we won't object.
and it goes on and on.....
after a few pages , the originator of the thread comes back and sums up the discussion
Among the 10 pages of discussion ( adi dadi ) i haven't been able to find any rules. As i feel that people are mature enough to fight on their own and they don't need any rules , we stop here.
and so the thread dies a natural death with the participants moving over to some other thread for discssion.
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Mon Nov 2 14:59:43 EST 1998
viswa, shankar, cram: thanks.
JR: eppadi namma postings orE mAdhiri irukku???great men think alike??!!!!!!!!!!
- From: SR Kaushik (@ colby.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Mon Nov 2 16:17:37 EST 1998
Benzene & JR: Good work. Keep it up!!
- From: JR - from home (@ rigel-25.cableol.net)
on: Mon Nov 2 18:20:02 EST 1998
Balaji : I read all the pages in the 'Politeness and this forum' thread this morning. All the talk about freedom of speech and blah blah blah - the above posting is becos of that.
I never subscribe to the view 'great men think alike' becos of the second part ;-)
who is 'Benzene' ?
- From: Srinath (@ ss05.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Mon Nov 2 19:24:29 EST 1998
We must insist on some some sort of certification to participate in this forum. To achieve this noble goal we must institute a CDP (Certified Discussion Forumer) certification course. The syllabus can consist of the following topics -
1. How to say yes, when you want to say no.
2. How to express yourself in another person's words.
3. How to look up to your fellow DFer to attain perfection in DFfing.
4. How to ridicule people who are ridiculing others for ridiculing them.
5. Realizing Peace through curfews and fatwas.
6. Yaam petra thunbam peruga vaiyyagam.
Mr.Perfect, I am sorry to say this (which actually means, I take great pleasure in saying this), but I do not subscribe to your views. Apart from DF, I also live in a society which accepts me for what it is. I see no reason to be like another to be with another.
Mr.Perfect@you.are.wrong.i.am.right: (switching proxies now)
How can you say that one should be allowed to use parliamentary (no, it's not a typo !) language in this forum ! There are murderers and thieves and drug addicts in society. Would you consider moving with them ? We are trying to keep those people out. You can get out if you don't what like I am saying. I hope I have not offended anybody by my posting. I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings.
Who is talking about using foul language here ? I can handle myself perfectly without your chaperoning, Mr.Perfect !
There is nothing wrong with what Mr.Perfect is saying. Since we all know how to behave we must write it down and display it prominently on the first page.
If you aready know it why do you want to write it down.
Why are you shouting at us. The DF is different from the Internet and if it is not, we intend to make it. If you want to use 4 letter words please go and shout elsewhere in the internet. You better watch your tongue (I am not saying this harshly).
I am so sad that everybody is fighting here. I am very sorry if I stepped on any toes. Please forgive me. I shall try to get my certification in DFfing as soon as possible. I again express my deepest regret for thinking on my own.
We live in a civilized world. We cannot accept spirited, independent and super-charged elements who spoil the fun-filled, paradise-like atmosphere of the DF where once we used to come for meditation. There is no peace in the world. Either say what everybody else is saying in precisely the same way that everybody is saying it or don't say anything at all !
I agree with what everybody is saying. There should not be any rules in DF. We should only have a set of suggestions that everybody should follow. The following are my suggestions -
1. You must not criticize anybody
2. You must not argue with another person's opinions because it will hurt him/her.
3. You must not criticize any artiste because it will hurt that artiste's fans.
4. You must not say anything negative about anybody because it will hurt them. What if Hitler were to come across this discussion. He might feel insulted enough to commit suicide !
5. All postings should be mild and watery and sugary and sweet
and finally,
6. Nobody should oppose anybody in strong or harsh terms because that person already holds an opinion on the subject and you cannot be allowed to break his/her heart. All opinions will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
These are only my suggestions and they are not intended to restrict anybody from posting with a free mind. And of course, we should not use foul language.
So far only the ones advocating peace have spoken anything about foul language. I was under the impression that any sensible person knew this. Funny to see that some of you still require it to be put in words.
You can ask me to control the contents of my postings if you feel that I am saying things that only bad, evil people will say. But you cannot control how I say it. I cannot be apologetic while tearing apart another person's unreasonable demands.
Non-participant@clueless.com: (in a totally unrelated thread):
Ha Ha Ha. I saw some people discussing something of which I did not understand head or tail of. It was so funny. They were saying blah, blah, blah. I did not posses the mental faculties to take a stance or derive an opinion so I laughed at it. ha ha ha.
Standard Disclaimer:
I have made this posting in the true spirit of the "dlkjhdsdfshlhk" thread. I request, beg, plead and fall at your feet to forgive me if I have hurt anybody's feelings.
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Mon Nov 2 20:35:45 EST 1998
srinath: "Certified Discussion Forumer certification course!" kalakitteenga!!
JR: Benzene was my nickname in IIT madras. SR Kaushik was my classmate and addressed me by that name. Kaushik, benzene nnu koopidaadhe!!
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