Topic started by Kumar (@ on Fri May 4 11:04:06 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The melodies of MSV are longlived and cherished even today as new. They sound fresh.
ARR, though young in age can be considered as a current day counterpart in composing songs intact with melody, well orchestrated to the mood, giving importance to the lyrical content, the same way MSV did then! I think there is a similarity between the two geniuses.
- From: Trend (@
on: Fri May 4 11:17:24 EDT 2001
Potential mine-field?-)
- From: comment (@
on: Fri May 4 11:51:22 EDT 2001
Chemical warfare is banned :)
- From: AG (@
on: Fri May 4 12:06:04 EDT 2001
newtfmpage forum has just discovered one more 'NadunilaivAdhi' !!.
- From: sats (@
on: Fri May 4 12:53:54 EDT 2001
good !
now msv & arr fans can bash IR
other combinations can be ir& msv
ir & arr
- From: kk (@
on: Fri May 4 13:29:05 EDT 2001
what about KVM?
- From: xyz (@
on: Fri May 4 14:02:33 EDT 2001
How correct you are!you were the person we were all waiting to tell us this chidambara ragasiyam-thank you!
- From: Swami (@
on: Fri May 4 14:15:01 EDT 2001
I repeat my earlier posting in of the other threads.
A recent trend I have been noticing in this forum is, people come and post some jack a$$ posting just to crave attention. These postings have no logic and basis. It only sparks a series of unwated postings. Grow up guys....
- From: sats (@
on: Fri May 4 14:57:49 EDT 2001
swami rombo correct cold war thread poi parunga
kumar angeyum than kaivarisaya kamichirukaru
- From: eden (@
on: Sun May 6 02:44:09 EDT 2001
I know guys - IR is a trash MD compared to MSV and ARR
- From: scottraja (@
on: Sun May 6 03:29:02 EDT 2001
Yes MSV & ARR have a lot in common!!!!
They both are great copycat artists....
dunno whats there to cherish about!!!!!!!!!!!
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Sun May 6 05:34:27 EDT 2001
Kumar: your conclusion is totally wrong. MSV and ARR are very good MDs. I agree. At the same time IR is also very important part of TFM. It is not correct to underestimate IR.
scottraja: You are another Kumar. IR is not the only MD in TFM. We are proud of him. At the same time, recoginze others achievements also.
Both: Don't look the things like chariot horse.
- From: kk (@
on: Sun May 6 10:10:56 EDT 2001
Its clear that this guy wants some very personal dirty feeling to be vent out here. Dont waste your energy in this thread. Please go to some sensible non-partisan thread.
- From: TFM Fan (@
on: Sun May 6 11:36:45 EDT 2001
kk: Please tell me other sensible non-partisan threads we have here. All others were created by ARR bashers/IR fanatics.
Personally, I wouldn't like to be a part of these thread activities including this, but after seeing so many new threads started to demote other MDs (other than those of IR family), I wouldn't want to sit alone and advise others.
- From: Swamiji (@
on: Sun May 6 13:43:00 EDT 2001
There are ARR bashers when there are ARR fanatics. Likewise there are IR bashers when there are IR fanatics. One cannot happen without the other, although history doesnt clearly say which started first. And it makes little sense to support an MD without having a reason to do so.
We are so much "prone" to supporting parties (even politically) - Why? Because we lack "individual" mind to survive. We folks think collectively - and depend on the crowd's mentality to survive. This bashing of the other party is beginning to seem like an extention of that mentality - where we dont have enough reasons to say "WHY" we like this MD or the other.
We have to understand what each MD is worth. If you look at each "era" of music, you see that it has evolved. MSV, IR and now ARR. But if you think about it carefully, what IR brought to TFM considering the period of time he was composing is simply astounding. People that trash him simply understand little about what he has done for music. He is a genius, and if you want to explain his contribution, then this discussion is not sufficient (or should I say, you have to know WCM to some extent). Similarly we see ARR has immensely contributed our music scene. He is proving from one movie to other that he is capable of doing a lot many wonderful things during this lifetime. Don't u see that IR and ARR belong to different "era" of music? How can u then compare the two? How can you say one is better than the other? Do we compare beatles to chicago (say)??? Dont u see one evolved from the other?
I think it is time we stop bashing MDs and let them grow. If you are a serious critic, then provide reasons why you dont like an MD. As the junta that visit rahmanonline.com don't just say "ARR is god", "ARR is the best ever happened to Indian music" and "HJ copied from ARR". This is stupid.
- From: kk (@
on: Sun May 6 18:48:11 EDT 2001
Tfm fan,
go to IR new albums or ARR new hits. They sure talk about only one MD, but they dont usualy abuse others. I just said dont encourage such ill-motivated thread.
- From: urfriend (@
on: Mon May 7 00:22:12 EDT 2001
swamiji, in your 1000kb advice - you have told ir is a genius, arr is contributer -- you have done the same as many here (hosting the 'ir' ) but in a some what decent manner, thats all about it, ...:)
- From: tamilian for life (@
on: Mon May 7 01:15:17 EDT 2001
guys, keep it up. We must praise ARR and MSV because they are AS good as IR. The newtfmpage has too many stupid HCFIRs who create threads like 'ARR the worst' . Thats dum!! Probably they are frustrated at 2 things
1)the popularity of MSV and the recent popularity of ARR. (esp. that ARR has risen so much in such a short while!!!!!!!!!!!)
2)That IR has churned out much junk in the past - like hey raam, sindhubhairavi and ..........
so HCFIRs - there are better ways to flush out all this frustartion. the sole aim of HCFIRs is to bash ANY OTHER musician - be it a singer or a composer or a classical performer - if he/she is praised. as per them IR is the only worthwhile music personality. Thats pretty untue. Maybe that is THEIR way of saying ' We are tired of IRs recetn junk, but we do not like anybody else rising for fear that they might overtake IR. So lets bash and defame that person. That way we can blow our own trumpet also!!"
- From: Swamiji (@
on: Mon May 7 16:38:13 EDT 2001
from your point of view, you would read it that way. I personally gain nothing by saying IR is a genius, because he just is. It is the way some people are. They do it "as a matter of fact" way - and IR falls into that category. Like Ramanujam, and a few other geniuses, IR is one among them. It is not because of his success with Film world, but because of the way (and speed at which)he composed music. I could see no ordinary person show this trait.
- From: Trend (@
on: Mon May 7 17:07:10 EDT 2001
Why do I get the feeling your posting is not unbiased any more? -)
- From: GR (@
on: Mon May 7 17:38:26 EDT 2001
Try as hard as you guys can. It is impossible now to erase Raja out of TFM history.
It doesn't matter whether you guys think he gave melody or not. He is there, period. He would always have a big fan following.
So stop throwing stones at him (and for that matter at anybody), instead discuss their songs and find what you can make out of it.
There was a wonderful thread - Rjay did a good job of taking up 'Edho mogam' and breaking it down and criticising/appricating it. This is what I would like knowledgable guys like comment and swamiji and others particpate in. Instead that thread has died down and now we have threads like this where everybody comes and writes nonsense (including me).
- From: yaaro (@
on: Mon May 7 18:47:09 EDT 2001
GR and swamiji,
i am reminded of an old tamil song-aayiram kaigal maraithaalum aadhavan maraivadhillai.this is what these chaps are trying.
the problem with these guys, they see ARR as he is now and IR as he is now.they never knew IR when he was at the peak of his commercial viability(creatively, he has never been away).they are no doubt getting carried away by what they read about webber saying blah ..blahh
riz khan saying blah..blahh..commercially ARR is at his peak and his fans are naturally .upbeat.guys,you all dont need reminding-all that goes up will come down.
AAnai paduthalum kudhirai mattam.
it will take a hundred ARR's to creatively equal one Raaja.
- From: Swamiji (@
on: Mon May 7 22:17:24 EDT 2001
Like I said I don't win/lose by standing by my claims. I don't work for ARR or IR to support them :) and it is again not a question of my being biased. My argument has always been - don't trash someones music without even understanding what that music is about. I am not an authority on music, and am just like everyone else - so don't take my words to be truth and nothing but the truth. No one can claim unless he/she has enough wisdom to recognize a work of art. It is natural for you to take all my words to mean pro-IR and anti-ARR, because I speak of and value IR's music so much. But to the contrary, I value both their works - and frankly since I have not even experimented composing, it is childish to even speak ill of either of them. I don't like to do that and at the same time don't like to see others do it.
Once again - a virtue of being a Genius is not a credit for IR and effectively a discredit to ARR. What I meant was a fact about IR (which everyone knows) - so people like us with little knowledge of music should have little to speak of a genius like him (as a matter of respect). Likewise we will call ARR a genius if serious music critics do call him one - that we will wait and see. I am not trashing his music, because I haven't composed even one tune, so its just right not to trash/criticize his music.
- From: kiru (@
on: Tue May 8 02:36:55 EDT 2001
Swamiji..I admire your patience. It must be that piano that is soothing your nerves !!
- From: eden (@
on: Tue May 8 05:37:09 EDT 2001
From: eden (@ on: Sun May 6 02:44:09 EDT 2001
I know guys - IR is a trash MD compared to MSV and ARR
is a frivolous post (probably by some imposter who wants to do something to my net identity, If so, I don't know for what). It's not by eden of Palakkad.
- From: Trend (@
on: Tue May 8 12:05:54 EDT 2001
I agree with you on most of the counts.But one point where we diverge,you base your views on agreeing to serious critics.So logically your conclusion follows that IR is a genius for that reason.My views are entirely based on how I or fellow people react to a song with genuine emotion.
Does being a genius in music dictated by serious critics irrespective of what majority of people feel about it?
The primary way of interacting with music should be through your soul(your natural way of reacting totally without any inhibition).On top of that we can place the mathematical inticacies or its rich structure of the song.I surely wouldn't know what I'm saying exactly in the second above sentence but I'm sure it should be secondary.
I seriously oppose your view of classifying critics opinion as the final judgement on any music.
May be we are getting nowhere here with my silly and long posting.But if you want to go further let's try to establish a common ground between my raw passion and your intellectual taste something on the lines "What is music supposed to mean to a sincere music fan?".
All the above in my humble opinion.Sorry for this long non-sensical posting.
On second thoughts maybe you shouldn't reply anything to this as people who admire your patience for wasting your time here.
But if you're game I'm game.-)
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