Topic started by Yaay (@ on Sun Jun 8 06:47:47 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I have been informed that the Boys Album has been released in Malasia and in India. If anyone was fortunate enough to listen to the songs, please share your thaughts with the rest of us.
Also, please let us know which countries have released the album so far.
Last but not least, if anybody has mp3s of the boys album, please post it on the net and share it with the rest of us.
Thank you
- From: Yaay (@
on: Sun Jun 8 19:36:02 EDT 2003
is it released??
- From: TRUE (@
on: Sun Jun 8 22:22:08 EDT 2003
- From: TRUE (@
on: Sun Jun 8 22:22:17 EDT 2003
- From: Yaay (@
on: Sun Jun 8 23:22:18 EDT 2003
Hello brother.
We would all purchase the album and support the great Ar Rahman.
We're just trying to listen to some samples before it is released in our country.
As u all know; this is a much anticipated album and thats why everyone is urgent in listening to the songs..
please don't mistake us.. cool down..
- From: dj ron (@
on: Sun Jun 8 23:56:53 EDT 2003
guys.... i heard the songs... don't get your hopes up boyz... nothing special in this album except one song call "boom boom" my friend has the songs... i might get a sample for u guys tomorrow... but again... songs are mm... "sh*t" sorry ARR fanz i am a huge BIG fan too...
- From: Paran (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:05:54 EDT 2003
mmm...djron...are u sure?..
how many have u heard it?..
anyway..similar comments also came out when lagaan was released..
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:28:12 EDT 2003
i heard 6 main trakcs... i dont' know... maybe it will sound ok after few listing...
- From: djron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:31:20 EDT 2003
add me to msn for more dusee80@hotmail.com
- From: SK (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:42:18 EDT 2003
Man... I don't believe it .. Since after a big big hype for boys ... even "OK" songs is not good. Since i thought boys would be big bang return for AR
- From: ARR LOVER (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:48:46 EDT 2003
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:49:40 EDT 2003
i know man... he said it will be like jeans but he really fu*ked man.. i dont know what happend to this guy.. maybe he is too busy with karen david's english album and his symphany show... but still he shouldn't forget us..
- From: ARR LOVER (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:50:32 EDT 2003
dj ron did u hear it from where did u get info boys released?
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:52:21 EDT 2003
i heard it from my friend..
- From: ARR LOVER (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:53:06 EDT 2003
is he from chennai???????
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:53:35 EDT 2003
nope... NY
- From: ARR LOVER (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:54:47 EDT 2003
NOT RELEASED confirmed from music world
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:55:58 EDT 2003
its not released buddy.... he is one of the guy who bought it for US.. thats y he has it...
- From: popkarn (@
on: Mon Jun 9 00:58:19 EDT 2003
What r u guys talking?
R U Sure its released?
Its not released yet in India. I asked the music shop. They told me that its gonna release next week.
Any body plz confirm........
- From: Suchira (@
on: Mon Jun 9 02:04:32 EDT 2003
NOT RELEASED Expected to release this month 99%
- From: Misguided Soul (@
on: Mon Jun 9 05:23:18 EDT 2003
I think all the bullsshhitter who said already lisyened to BOYS,actually listened songs from their fathers who sang the song to their bitch wives..Thats mean to their mother...This only to all motherfffucccckers who claimed listened the BOYS songs..
- From: Yaay (@
on: Mon Jun 9 06:12:39 EDT 2003
iam in a state of shock after hearing those harsh reviews from dj ron, a respected critic in TFM. I simply hope that Boys is not another mediocre album from Rahman. Lets all hope our DJ ron is wrong and that he feels better about the album later..
- From: Jeeva (@
on: Mon Jun 9 06:21:50 EDT 2003
hey guys boys is not relesed yet anyware.
so plz cool down......
- From: Yaay (@
on: Mon Jun 9 06:22:36 EDT 2003
DJ Ron how are the bit songs from this album??
There is supposed to be 4 bit songs in this album.. let us know what u feel abt them.
- From: Yaay (@
on: Mon Jun 9 06:25:07 EDT 2003
I heard its released in Malaysia with the label ALAI OSAI. I am not 100% sure.
- From: STONE COLD (@
on: Mon Jun 9 06:34:14 EDT 2003
u dissapoints me with ur view.
anyway still hoping BOYZ will be huge hit.
- From: STONE COLD (@
on: Mon Jun 9 06:50:05 EDT 2003
But ARR said BOYZ will have the same musical style like Kaadalan in an interview when he came to Singapore.
- From: Yaay (@
on: Mon Jun 9 07:02:13 EDT 2003
That is correct Stone Cold. AR said that boys would create the same impact as Kadhalan in the old days.
I hope he doesn't betray his diehard fans.
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 08:18:33 EDT 2003
i heard 5 tracks....
1st is call "boom boom" simply IMAZING AWSome song man..
2nd is call "girl friend" i didn't like it on the first listning then i get the hang of it..
3rd is call "Dating" music it self is ok but too many english lyrics and the male singer is new and he spoiled the song
4th is call "Sa Re Ga MA" its iight song
5th is call "Break the rules" its ok too
my frind told me there is a song call "ale ale" its good song i didn't hear it...
i heard only one bit song call "please sir" its about some youths asking a music director for a chance...
i didn't like it on my first listening then i start to like every songs.... boom boom will be a big hit for SURE
- From: Theepan (@
on: Mon Jun 9 08:56:44 EDT 2003
dj ron;
please put some samples on the net. If u need help let me know.
We are waiting Dj Ron.
- From: ~ (@
on: Mon Jun 9 08:58:12 EDT 2003
dj ron; check your dusee80@hotmail.com account on MSN. I am waiting to talk to you. Please come on MSN
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 08:58:44 EDT 2003
ok i will try to put some samples in real audo format
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 09:01:15 EDT 2003
i am there whats your id?
- From: ~ (@
on: Mon Jun 9 09:06:04 EDT 2003
- From: Vikki (@
on: Mon Jun 9 09:32:14 EDT 2003
Dj ron can i also hear the sample songs of boyz??
Can u add me in MSN
- From: Music4ever (@
on: Mon Jun 9 10:55:55 EDT 2003
I hope the ale ale song that dj ron mentioned is not the same as that in the Hindi movie One Two ka Four. Looking forward to Boys.
- From: ARR LOVER (@
on: Mon Jun 9 10:57:34 EDT 2003
plz let us know where ur r posting in real format
- From: Music4ever (@
on: Mon Jun 9 10:58:03 EDT 2003
Probably Ananda Vikatan was referring to the song "boom boom" when they wrote something like "Rahmanin adhiradi isaiyil padamakkapattadhu". The only boom boom I know so far in TFM is boom boom boom maattu kaaran theruvil vandhandi!
- From: dinesh (@
on: Mon Jun 9 12:09:12 EDT 2003
hi...wutz this news???Boyz released???if its released in Malaysia...i would've known man...my i have frineds in Mani Osai...and they alwiz get ARR's cassette the fastest here in malaysia..well,,just incase....i will call mani osai & alai osai tommorow morning....will send u guys messages as soon i get the news....
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 13:21:50 EDT 2003
sample of boyz
- From: Rahmanfan (@
on: Mon Jun 9 15:07:22 EDT 2003
OHHHHH GOD! I cant believe it!...guys i think the time of the big A.R.Rahman is over now. Shit!...
there is nothing special in these two sample songs.the boom boom song sucks...it could be a song from usual mds like ys,vs or anybody else..even they can make better songs than this...and the girlfriend song is very nice but nothing special...it sounds like a song from the sixties or eighties...and rahman said it would be a hit like JEANS..and jeans is definetley much better than this s-h-i-t...so all in all...the famous shankar-rahman combo will fail...oh god..i dont even want to imagine it :-(
and to comment the compitition between KAAKE KAAKE and BOYZ..sorry to say that...if the other songs are not better...harris will beat rahman in this competion because what he does is definetly new in comparison to that what rahman did...SHIT!
- From: Rahmanfan (@
on: Mon Jun 9 15:08:29 EDT 2003
OHHHHH GOD! I cant believe it!...guys i think the time of the big A.R.Rahman is over now. Shit!...
there is nothing special in these two sample songs.the boom boom song sucks...it could be a song from usual mds like ys,vs or anybody else..even they can make better songs than this...and the girlfriend song is very nice but nothing special...it sounds like a song from the sixties or eighties...and rahman said it would be a hit like JEANS..and jeans is definetley much better than this s-h-i-t...so all in all...the famous shankar-rahman combo will fail...oh god..i dont even want to imagine it :-(
and to comment the compitition between KAAKE KAAKE and BOYZ..sorry to say that...if the other songs are not better...harris will beat rahman in this competion because what he does is definetly new in comparison to that what rahman did...SHIT!
- From: rahmanfan (@
on: Mon Jun 9 15:08:58 EDT 2003
anyway thx dj_ron
- From: Rahmanfan (@
on: Mon Jun 9 15:21:44 EDT 2003
OHHHHH GOD! I cant believe it!...guys i think the time of the big A.R.Rahman is over now. Shit!...
there is nothing special in these two sample songs.the boom boom song sucks...it could be a song from usual mds like ys,vs or anybody else..even they can make better songs than this...and the girlfriend song is very nice but nothing special...it sounds like a song from the sixties or eighties...and rahman said it would be a hit like JEANS..and jeans is definetley much better than this s-h-i-t...so all in all...the famous shankar-rahman combo will fail...oh god..i dont even want to imagine it :-(
and to comment the compitition between KAAKE KAAKE and BOYZ..sorry to say that...if the other songs are not better...harris will beat rahman in this competion because what he does is definetly new in comparison to that what rahman did...SHIT!
- From: dj ron (@
on: Mon Jun 9 15:53:12 EDT 2003
rahmanfan.... after few listing u will like it... i LOVE IT
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