Topic started by The Oracle (@ on Thu Dec 27 03:46:50 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
On this very day, millions of ppl who watched chinna chinna aasai in DD's sirappu oliyum oliyum sighed in great relief. Freedom from IR atlast.
A month or 2 later IR gave an interview to DD in which he acted hysterical and made ppl wonder whether he has really gone mad. He also tried to write ARR off by commenting that hez a "oru pada adhisayam". ( ARR will never make such a comment about a fellow MD, in his life ).Now, we all know for sure, who had the last laugh.
IR had kept tamil music listeners in utter darkness for over two decades. Same old tunes with "thanana thanana" , "lalala lalala " and "tok tok" tabla in the background. As for BGMs, happiness means veena and sorrow means shenoy. Ask Pushpavanam Kuppusami about the number of folk songs that IR has directly lifted. And if he gets bored, he will turn to western classical music and symphonies for inspirations ( entha poovilum vaasam undu, chittu kuruvi, pootukkal pottaalum, Mouna Ragam Theme etc.. to cite a few. Visit I2FS site for more info ). Its very different from using commercially available bass loops or sound samples, FYI. And god only knows why IR is reluctant to release the so-called symphony which he did. And out of the 600 + films he did, not even 100 songs are worth a mention.
Now coming to the question of why IR fans are fanatics. Simple. When a person is kept in utter darkness for 20 odd years and suddenly exposed to light on one fine day, what will happen to him ?
The same thing is what IR fans are experiencing right now. They just cant take it. All these years they simply didnt realise that music has another dimension. And when ARR showed them that, by reflex action, they started criticizing him.
( "kaaitha maram kalladi padum " ). And the blessed ones who had already realised IRs " bad spell" were the ones who took to ARRs music like fish to water. As for the fanatics, let those ppl alone. Let them spend their lives in the darkness, which is good for them atleast, if not for us.
And i wanna take this opportunity to clarify one more thing regarding why ARRs music doesnt sound good when heard for the first time. ARR himself clarified this in an interview he gave to vikatan.
" When u like a song the first time around, it means that u had already heard a similar kind of tune before and that your mind can easily identify that pattern. Whereas in ARRs case, every composition of his is original and new, and naturally it takes time for that to sink in. Thatz why his tunes start growing on you ..."
Finally, in history we find visionaries with new ideas that are far ahead of their times, are initially denounced by their own clan. But ultimately they will leave their footprints in the sands of time. NO need to say ARR is one such great person.
- Old responses
- From: The Oracle (@
on: Thu Dec 27 06:24:10 EST 2001
Its high time the web admin interfered and took note of these vandals. Some nut is copying and pasting this post innumerable number of times, just to make this page load slower and slower thereby rendering this discussion inaccessible to those who might wish to post. I stongly suggest we should put a upper limit for the message.
Your mailbox is also full, i cant even reach you through mails !!!
- From: Pras (@
on: Thu Dec 27 06:37:41 EST 2001
mm, Oracle,
I am sure ( is an ARR fan ....
- From: The Oracle (@
on: Thu Dec 27 06:43:09 EST 2001
Can anyone explain why raja is reluctant to release his symphony ? I think raja knows for sure that symphony has been pretty much hyped but not upto the mark. If released , thinks that the Critics of Western Classical Music ( like subbudu in Carnatic World ) will tear him apart.
- From: Sad To Say (@
on: Thu Dec 27 07:20:57 EST 2001
People all over the world from Illayaraja, M.S.Viswanathan, Lata Mangeshkar, Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan etc to Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, Michael Jackson, David Byrne etc have recognized and admired this rare Genius musician from India called A.R.Rahman. Only the people of Tamil Nadu seems hell bent upon pulling him down by his legs.
Tank God, Beethiven wasnt born in Tamil Nadu.
- From: Sad To Say (@
on: Thu Dec 27 07:22:12 EST 2001
typo error:
last sentence should read "Thank God, Beethoven wasnt born in Tamil Nadu".
- From: NagaS (@
on: Thu Dec 27 07:46:53 EST 2001
Sad To Say,
Don't you think a similar statement exists for IR also ?
- From: peeps (@
on: Thu Dec 27 07:49:58 EST 2001
Same number of people(Infact more than that) have praised IR like anything..How can The Oracle claim that IR has kept people in darkness for 20 years???
Dear Oracle,
If you dont know what IR or MSV has done to TFM please go to the archives and see some threads on IR or MSV.If u dont understand that then please go and consult a good Pschologist(is spelling correct?)..
and the most humorous part of your posting is your comment abt Raja's BGM..Even a person with 0.000005% of musical sense will surely wont tell that..
Chorus,Symphonical arrangements,Soulstirring BGM's,Fusion of Carnatic and Western,pure carnatic,Rock,Pop..u name it he has has done it..
- From: The Oracle (@
on: Thu Dec 27 08:02:52 EST 2001
Peeps, Did i ever talk about MSV or KV Mahadeven ? Their songs are evergreen.
But in IRs case he has scored some 600+ films. What did he achieve ? Were all those films great hits ? You wont even know the names of 100 out of those. He has given decent music only to ppl like mani rathnam, barathiraja, balachander. But IR fans file the same complaint against ARR, which is the irony. ARR is the most consisten MD i know of.
Peeps, IR has done whatever u were mentioning, when it comes to BGM. But in how many films ? Hardly a handful. Even the mouna ragam theme music was inspired from Flash Dance. In most of the films, the BGM u will hear will be like the ones i mentioned.
- From: the miracle (@
on: Thu Dec 27 08:33:20 EST 2001
dey The Oracle kandadara oli naaya ingga vanthu un tevadiyatanatha kattatha ulunggu mayira un soottha potikittu iru..
- From: The Oracle (@
on: Thu Dec 27 08:33:57 EST 2001
Hi all...my name is 'The Oracle'..(Yes, it is just a ID, i do have a name but since i don't have self-esteem, i prefer using such IDs). I have to make a confession here....
a) I don't care about music, neither do i care of raja or rehman.
b) I have been brought up in a home that didn't have love, love for me...
c) So, right from the childhood i used to beg for attention...
d) But people never seemed to 'love me'...they hated me..
e) And u know, all i wanted was some attention
f) So i thought this out...
e) I knew i had to pick up something that was outrageous, so that many people would notice it
f) And i picked up this topic...
g) And now, many people have started visiting this thread
h) And even if the attention i get is negative attention, i luv this..because, as u know...i had always just wanted some attention because...
my childhood was very pathetic and people never gave me ATTENTION. Otherwise i care my foot if rehman performed well or raja performed well...
- From: suresh (@
on: Thu Dec 27 08:55:41 EST 2001
If you care to, watch Parthale Paravasam (if it's still showing anywhere) and Kaasi in TN theatres, not on a DVD or a theatre in USA. You will realise from the deafening applause that greets IR's name in the title credits just why IR's claim to fame in TN is beyond the understanding of people like you. Why 25 years after his entry into TFM, he can still connect with the masses who sustain Tamil cinema, despite his falling out with the 'titans' of the industry.
It's no secret that every MD likes to work with the a film that is fresh and inspiring, and with a director that one is confident will do justice to the score. Just as IR had Mahendran, Balu Mahendra, Bharathiraaja etc., so too does ARR favour Maniratnam and Shankar. What do you make of ARR's movies with celebrity directors - Thakshak, Zubeida, Earth, Nayak, Star, Parthale Paravasam - courting disaster? And of KB never having a hit after his split from IR post-pudhu pudhu arthangal?
Why does Bharathiraaja who made the celebrated move to ARR today publicly proclaim that only IR's music can do justice to "Kallikkattu Ithikaasam" despite their professional differences?
Your claim that IR's "given decent music only to ppl like mani rathnam, barathiraja, balachander" exposes your ignorance of TFM. From 2 film wonders such as Rudraiah and Sridhar Rajan to newcomers such as Baala and Vinayan, IR's magic has touched dozens of starry-eyed aspirants in Kodambakkam
How many films has ARR done with small production houses, or unknown directors? IR has kept whole production companies (Motherland pictures) going with the sheer strength of his music, and the no. of films with debutants/non-celebrity actors he's turned into superhits is legion.
ARR's consistency doesn't seem to stretch beyond two films back-to-back, for which he takes a good 6 months to complete; whereas at one time you had IR doing 10 films in a month, and scoring hits with the majority of them? Can ARR approach IR in his prolificity ever?
Given the time and the backing of the producer, IR can outbeat anyone in producing a lavish score - ex. Guru - that exhibits the strain of hard labour, minute detailing in production that ARR is known for.
And about the 'other dimension' of ARR's music - it looks like it's being brought out as skilfully, and probably more profitably, by HJ, YSR et al, these days
It would help your cause if you analysed TFM history before launching your choirboy tirade..
- From: The Oracle (@
on: Thu Dec 27 08:56:38 EST 2001
Pesonal attacks, huh ? Of course. If IR himself indulges in that, why not his fans. If a person's heart is musically inclined, he will never behave barbaric. Had his heart been touched by great music, it will not let the animal instincts in him to rear its head. From the cheap responses i see, i dont think there is any music lover in this forum.
And i didnt start this thread to grab attention. In a forum of IR fanatics, i just wanted to express my views. When IR fans can criticize ARR's music so blatantly, i thought i also had the right to my views. Now i understood that there is no point talking to people who are not human in the first place. I truly ashamed of you people.
- From: sundar (@
on: Thu Dec 27 08:56:59 EST 2001
oracle! you seem to know nothing about music.
please shut up.
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