Topic started by rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com) on Wed Aug 18 17:12:52 EDT 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Too many posters are using other topics to discuss/slam/comment/praise IR/ARR that I thought we could use this one thread as a catch all for all those posts. Welcome guys!!!
- From: Sabesan (@ ws-209-233-228-195.webvangroup.com)
on: Wed Aug 18 17:33:20 EDT 1999
aioooo borema rajaG..... u should fight only in other threads where it is totally irrelevant.... then only its juicy :-))))))
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Wed Aug 18 17:56:14 EDT 1999
If everybody felt that way, atleast indha thread la namma nimmadhiyaa maththa topic discuss seiyyalaam:-)
For example who is better (isai gnaanam) ila arun or Swapna Awasth(a)i
- From: SK (@ azure.nus.edu.sg)
on: Wed Aug 18 17:58:16 EDT 1999
raja G:
Such a thread has been tried before. But History
of Blast type of guys prefer nose-diving
into main threads only.. their aim is to cause
irritation to people. Till people learn to
totally ignore such intrusions, such blasts
will continue.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Thu Aug 19 18:03:34 EDT 1999
To add freshness and challenge to this endless debate, I put forth some taboos that can't be mentioned when dumping on either MD.
For IR bashers
You will have to come up with something other than the following criticisms:
-he sucks
-bad recording quality
-the whole family has no sruthi
-IR shouldn't sing
-Bhavadharini shouldn't sing
-he's old, his time is over
For ARR bashers:
You will have to come up with something other than the following criticisms:
-he sucks
-can't do melodies
-only a sound technician not a musician
-background music sucks
-stolen loops, beats (unless there's a clear foundation for this accusation)
-got big only by marketing, hype
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Aug 19 19:37:36 EDT 1999
how about the following:
IR-fans bashers:
you will have to come up with something other than the following criticisms:
-you people don't listen to anything other than IR's music. first listen to abithakuchalAmbAL and then talk.
-take a course in lambada (or anything else that pops up in your mind) before you make a comment.
-what happened to the nth symphony, mth concerto, kth opera blah blah blah?
-ennaiyyA, onga KR, YSR addressaiyE kANOm?
-for you people whatever IR does is correct and anything anyone else does is wrong. pOngappA.
-thadi eduththavan thaNdal kAran enbadhu pOl evan vENalum pEsa vandhuttAn.
-thAngaladA sAmi... yo guys have no sense of humor.
For ARR-fans bashers:
you will have to come up with something other than the following criticisms:
-whatever ARR has done, IR has done hundred times more and hundred times better. go take a listen to them first.
-you people have no musical taste. what else can we expect from MTV culture!
now for the third group:
nadunilamaiyALargaL: you, the most sacred of the surfers, i have a few suggestions for you too.
-there is nothing wrong in being partisan, but please don't be a politician.
-it is not a crime to have (even an outrageous) opinion (like IR's music is like mother's milk !! :-) ). please doNOT criticize someone for their beliefs and opinions.
-if you are a true nadunilaimaiyALar, you should be vocal whenever there is an attack on an individual (direct or subtle). you have failed many a time :-((
-btw, self-professes nadulaimai doesn't make you a nadunilaimaiyALar.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Thu Aug 19 20:27:00 EDT 1999
If you're criticizing somebody, be direct, nadunilayALargaL is a little too vague (you made this charge earlier in another thread, so I think something is eating at you) and the intended party may not get it. Unless you just want to vent without any event. . .
- From: kutha (@ bkj-cache81.jaring.my)
on: Thu Aug 19 20:30:19 EDT 1999
There is no other music director which is best than IR.IR can do everything in music because he is a genius.This was accepted by many people.There will another IR after 1000 years.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Thu Aug 19 20:33:19 EDT 1999
And aruL thought there was no sense of humor around here.
- From: kuthasutha (@ pc034.domain10.nasionet.net)
on: Thu Aug 19 21:44:50 EDT 1999
kutha@s.p.mahendran@kanna....konjum mudiko....
either you change your fixed script or dont ever come to the forum....thangamudiyileda
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Aug 19 23:02:27 EDT 1999
kutha3@hotmail.com doesn't exist. even though it should be obvious, i tried sending that object (calling it even a creature amounts to giving it some respect) a mail and it bounced back promptly with "User unknown" message!
i have seen the evolution of this forum from the early days (around 1995 or so). they used to have just the song of the month as the best part of the forum. all movie/songs related discussion used to happen in soc.culture.tamil which i can't even imagine to visit now-a-days (that for few years now!). then the discussion forum was developed and finally we have this newtfmpage.com. this page has a history of hard work and contributions (moral and financial) of real afficianados of tfm. so far this forum has maintained a very good level of decency. ravi, rajaraman et all have been and are doing an excellent job.
after the introduction of the discussion forum, we have had many interesting debates. some of them were bordering on irritating. a couple of year ago, there were quite a few thread related, of course, to IR and (hence!?!?) some to ARR. the stories of discussions in those threads are almost there for everybody to see in the archives. almost, because, some of them were edited/stopped due to the moderators involvement. in spite of that, most of it is there. i don't know if you were around, but the discussion during those days were, boy, hot or what? passions flew across and forum was heated up to unbelievable heights. during those days, you could find statements like "rAjAvE charaNam" or "rAjAvin pAttu ammAvin thAlAttu" or even more outrageous comments. there is one thread were a "devotee" :-) of rAjA wrote a (almost) thesis on why everybody in the film industry was against rAjA. of course, he blamed everybody else, but that was his opinion/belief. even those day, i observed very little personal attack on discussants. it was not absent, but it was amazingly minimal. and when there was one, people (nadunilaimaiyALargaL? :-)) )were quick to put things in perspective.
now, i see the situation exactly opposite. no discussion of any interest is going on. the thread with the highest activity is the "ungaL viruppam" thread of New site for IR's rare hits. everywhere else, when someone makes a comment, a bunch of others put that person down. this is especially so when an initial poster makes a blunder in the form of a technical mistake.
i too cringe when people write things like arr brought down the standard of tfm by not paying attention to shruthi or thALam or anything like that. (it's hard for me to think of anything THAT stupid.) it's extremely difficult for people with knowledge in one field to resist the temptation of "giving it back" when someone makes an ignorant or technical mistake, but the reactions recently have been predictably ...
internet enables people to communicate but hiding their indentity completely. this comes very handy to things like hob, kutha3 and mr.k. their mischief is on the rise and there is no reaction from any of the nadunilaimaiyALar, nor even from the hub maintainers. i hope the maintainers haven't given up. if they have, then this DF is bound to spiral down to something like SCT, imo. (folks who love sct, please forgive me; i happen to detest it.)
unless we all agree to disagree, we can't live a happy life. technically knowledgeable people should understand that music appreciation is different from music knowledge and when one makes a technical mistake, should magnanimously try to point out the mistake in a friendlier way. the likes of hob, k and all should realize how much of an as(s) they are. people who write outrageously incorrect statements should realize that thousands would be laughing at their mistakes. (probably few a doing the same reading this! :-) )
finally, btw, that "thAngaladA sAmi... yo guys have no sense of humor" is one of the don'ts. and finally finally, ;-) , i don't have any particular nadunilaimaiyALar in my mind; it's the absence of them that irks me now.
sorry for this huge vomit :-)
- From: rajaG (@ ip49.kansas-city7.mo.pub-ip.psi.net)
on: Thu Aug 19 23:40:48 EDT 1999
Probably the nadunilamaiyaaLargaL also have a 'bias' towards middle of the ground, facts, non-bashing etc., etc. If I have been included as a rather 'vocal' nadunilamaiyaaLar, I plead GUILTY.
ennudaiya nenju kutramuLLadhO ennavO....konjam kurukuruththadhu..adhanaal thaan!
- From: NOV (@ bkj-cache84.jaring.my)
on: Fri Aug 20 00:50:40 EDT 1999
aruLarasan - Some points to ponder:
1. Evolution is a fact of life. :-))
2. Sometimes, people (including moderators) do get tired of repeating, unless things get out of hand. And then there are many ways in handling a "hot" situation. A nadunilamai posting is just one way. ;-)
3. Everyone likes to think (and can claim) that he is moderate. What is important is how he is perceived.
4. The best way to handle irritating posts (and I have said this before) is to ignore them, like obscene calls. Such posters get a thrill from responses. My call; don't give such postings any importance.
5. Opinions may vary, but should not be used as an excuse for personal attacks.
6. If one is bold enough to comment on technical details (and that too in a condescending manner), one should also be able to accept criticisms. I mean, if I was stupid (your word!) enough to say that MSV had only kelvi gnianam and the reasons for his success were only because of other factors, like Kannadhasan, fanatic followers, hype, etc, wouldn't I be inviting trouble? Especially when I know very little about such technicalities?
Okay, enough from me on this subject.
FYI, besides Ungal Vituppam, threads highly active are JFF, Paatukku Paatu, Statistics and Old Songs :-))
BTW, I'm sorry, you have been found guilty of your own accusation.:-)))))))))
What is the difference between "no apparent person" references and identiless posters? NOM:-))
- From: eden (@
on: Fri Aug 20 01:12:09 EDT 1999
rajaG: I feel this `v/s' is not a nice or rather correct way to talk about artistes! It would be fine if we talk about, say, comparisons. In this specific case of ARR & IR, it should rather be `benchmarking' as there are vast differences in styles, periods of excellence, quantity and variety as well as market conditions and patrons!
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