Topic started by Bored_raja_fan (@ 1cust13.tnt26.sfo3.da.uu.net) on Thu Apr 16 19:35:08 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- From: gOpAl (@ 1cust229.tnt2.sarasota.fl.gt.uu.net)
on: Thu Apr 16 19:36:27 EDT 1998
Hmmmmm..... ALaiyE kAnOm?
yengappa Bored_raja_fan?:)
- From: gOpAl (@ 1cust229.tnt2.sarasota.fl.gt.uu.net)
on: Thu Apr 16 19:37:45 EDT 1998
nalla nalla pAttellAm Raaja sir kittErndhu vandhukittirukku, why should he retirepA?
- From: Bored_raja_fan (@ 1cust13.tnt26.sfo3.da.uu.net)
on: Thu Apr 16 19:40:16 EDT 1998
I seriously think that great Ilayaraja should now
retire. Recently I heard songs from KM , where
he is suppose to have given great music. It was
very disappointing to say the least. Actually there comes a stage when all MD's sound so stale
and repetitive that the pleasure of listening to
a song is just not there anymore. This happened
to MSV in early 70s and the same has happened to
mottai in 90s.
I would anyday prefer Raja of late 70s and 80s.
Bottomline: Raja should leave us in peace. He had
his time and it is time to move on.
Any comments ?
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Thu Apr 16 21:52:56 EDT 1998
BRF: Judging by the response KM (I take that you mean Kaadhalukku Mariyaadhai) has in TN I think we can safely conclude that your opinion is not shared by the majority of music listerners. IMHO KM is not his best album, but it certainly doesn't sound stale. I agree with your observation on MSV. This applied to Raja a few years back. He was beg. to sound some what repetitive. But KM and some of his other recent albums, esp. non-TFM albums do give hope once more.
- From: vijay (@
on: Thu Apr 16 23:49:51 EDT 1998
if u can,[l listen to guru and yaathramozhi,
and then think once again about your statement.
- From: RMI (@ panorama.nus.edu.sg)
on: Fri Apr 17 00:31:52 EDT 1998
KM was a run away hit and people accepted it very well.
KM music broke all records even though there was not much of adv. or hype like other movies.
There is no TFM releated, sites or Radio progs. or tele. progs that doesn't include Ennai Thallata ... song.
People are ready to accept good music irrespective of who gives the music.
Over the years Raja has given splendid music and people have accepted is music.
I see KM is just begining of Illayaraja Phase II.
Tkae my words and watch out for 1998.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Fri Apr 17 07:12:06 EDT 1998
Swami: I hope that IR takes off from KM and does some of his 1984-87 style great music. Hope your prediction comes true.
- From: Yogananda (@
on: Fri Apr 17 11:18:01 EDT 1998
I think Raja should give some great music..
I mean that two movie a year...with very good songs. He as lived is life.. now its time to do some thing where people can remember him. not only by indians but also by all music lovers.....
instead of repeating the old songs again, Some of his latest songs really makes us to remember his past...which i don;t expect from the legend....
- From: Retirement counselor (@ proxy1.dpn.deere.com)
on: Fri Apr 17 13:38:20 EDT 1998
Let all these so called Music directors of MTV era in TFM take voluntary retirement. Then, we can think about Raja's retirement.
- From: shyam (@
on: Fri Apr 17 16:16:13 EDT 1998
I don't know where to post this request.
The information I want is not relevent to the topic still....
I saw the movie "Muudu pani". Music was ultimate. Even though the movie has only one song "en iniya poon nilavE" Mottai has done a wonderful job in BGM. For some sexy scenes mottai has used some raga based tune. Screen play was good in the movie. Shoba has acted well. But the kathai is sothappal. It might has come in the period of "Sikappu rojaakal".
Can anyone tell the details of the movie.... Direction, How it ran in those days? What was the reaction from the public?
In the cassette which I saw, Movie started from the place where "Prathap poothan calls the Pschy doctor".
- From: MPR (@ dyn07.iacc-t23.ndsu.nodak.edu)
on: Fri Apr 17 20:10:25 EDT 1998
'mOOdupani' is a direct lift from the popular thriller 'Psycho'(Alfred hitchcock's movie). It's directed by Balumahendra and the special thing is Raaja's 100th movie; so there is no need to explain the song 'en iniya' and background score (mottai's favorite section). I don't know how many days it ran and I don't think it was a big hit when it was released.
- From: Srikanth (@ 123.minneapolis-07.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sat Apr 18 01:00:25 EDT 1998
HI ,
It is a real pity to see fans taking just one moive of raja and claiming weakly Raja's position is still stable.
There were days for Raja with more than 20 films to take about....
He should retire. He should not change his style and compose trash music.
I heard the song SriRamanin in KV, Now way I can accept the quality of the song.
Still Raja picks up a song to sing for himself.
This downfall happened to MSV during 73-75.
Tell me another real hit of raja after enai thalata varuvaiyo...---- Nothing.
I know few Hard core Raja fans will come out a list of songs, 75% would have not heard the song.
The Fact has to accepted - Raja is nowhere in the race....He days are over.
It is better for him retire and concentrate on his music collage.
- From: Viswa (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Sat Apr 18 01:50:59 EDT 1998
IR is too good a composer to quit altogether. I'm sure there is still a lot left in him for him to contribute significantly in the field of music. It's probably just that the sameness of situations in movies over the years shows in his music these days.
Rather than calling it quits altogether, I feel he should now concentrate on other achievements in the field of music - he should contribute towards music on a global scale (composing symphonies is one way of attaining immortality in global music).
If most of us feel that his music is getting stale and repetitive, I think it's because he's been in the business of film music direction for decades now, and it is but natural for jadedness to creep in beyond a point (his genius not withstanding). So, I think it's time to move on to better things, bigger things that would make the world remember his music for posterity.
- From: M. Diwakar (@ j14.brf22.jaring.my)
on: Sat Apr 18 11:51:35 EDT 1998
While it is valid to ask for the retirement of, say, cricketers to give youngsters a chance, it is ridiculous to expect this of MDs. A simpler option, and IMHO a surer one at that, is to stop listening to such "trash". Not that I agree that IR has to retire. He is around and he will be for some time to come.
- From: (@ erchs100.nortel.com)
on: Sat Apr 18 19:25:30 EDT 1998
There are many people who don't even know to how to compose music, score the so called music(junk) for a film, why should IR, who is one of the legends of music composers retire!!??
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Sun Apr 19 03:17:08 EDT 1998
I dont understand why someone should ask Raja to
retire. People like me and many others still find
IR delivers great music. If I am classified as a
hardcore IR fan, then its not my problem. IR would
have been forced to stop composing if nobody listens to his music. If critics feel he composes
junk music, then they can very well stop listening
to his music rather than ask him to retire. Why do
you want to deprive us of some good music. I am not going to come up with a list of recent IR songs in an attempt to jutify IR is doing good stuff. I dont think IR deserves such treatment where I have to list songs and fight to convince people that this man still does a good job and request them to listen to his songs. 75% not having listened to IRs songs does not mean IR is losing all his power. Perhaps you have a different taste, you find more comfort in someone else music. I dont know why you guys have to take gains to prove IR is useless now. He does not need everyones ears to do what he is doing. His brand of music is distinct and I look forward to his songs. Even though other MDs are giving good songs, there is something unique to IR that makes some of his songs stand apart. Why does everyone want to stop that? If you feel his days are over, move on. Nobody is stopping you. Instead of that,
you dont have to tell - 'Raja get out, I have to listen to someone else'. Raja is not composing for you guys. Raja still has many fans(hardcore, militant, ordinary, whatever you call it) and they will listen to him. I request IR fans humbly not to make any attempt to list IR songs and convince anyone about his talents.
- From: Nithin (@ nc36.pr.mcs.net)
on: Sun Apr 19 05:17:20 EDT 1998
There is something unique about Raja, which I have not come across in any other genius in any field of endeavour. That is the capacity to continually evolve from one level of perfection to another level of perfection. If you see what I mean, at the highest level of perfection, Raja is simply moving across various platforms of musical creativity. This man started at the highest level and released all boundaries for musical imagination. To expand on my point: when I listen to Annakkili, then go a few years later to Tik, Tik, Tik, then to Idaya Koil, then to Iduyathe Thirudathe, then to Yejaman, then on to Guru in Malayalam, KM in Tamil, Nammoora Mandara Hoove in Kannada, then to his Carnatic recitals, and to his Symphony ventures, this man is just going on with the same energy levels as before and same philosophy about pleasing different types of listeners and creating history all the time. Who in the history of this world has accomplished this?
Who can ever say that Raja can retire? If he is producing less film music, it is because Raja has been spending time building his new studio, introducing his Sons, giving a break to his mechanical prolificity and perhaps spending a little for the first time in 20 years, reminiscing about his great works and spending more time giving concernts, etc.
I do not foresee Raja retiring in the next five to 10 years as he is certainly up to something to round up his career. This man has never needed any influence of drugs, emotional outburst or any applause to continue his creativity unlike many of the legends such as Mozart, Shakespeare who eventually burnt out either because of emotional exhaustion of because of the overwhelming dosage of opium!
I think Raja has still half a bottle of his original energy conserved and will continue for another 10 years and since we all know that he is a part of the public psyche in South India, everyone of us would like to see him revived just as we are see the great Sivaji Ganesan and even MSV being kept active in films today. No wonder, all the stalwarts of South Indian cinema are devoted to bringing back Raja to all of us.
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