Topic started by hari (@ on Mon Feb 2 23:35:54 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
AR Rahman who was among the pilgrims to the Haj had a narrow escape where 250 of them were trampled to death.
Muslims customary journey to Mecca is a ritual in itself in their religion. It becomes important for them to have visited the holy place at least once in their life.
2 million Devotees, both men and women began their pilgrimage from Mecca to Mina bare-footed. While crossing the 50 foot bridge in Jamaarad, chaos reigned suddenly and people were falling all over the bridge. And a lot of people were trampled to death. Some escaped with serious injuries.
According to Arabia's minister Amin Madani, 250 were dead and 300 were injured. It was reported that the dead were sidelined in the path leading to the holy place. The injured were admitted in the closest hospital.
A lot of Muslims from Tamilnadu also began the holy pilgrimage. AR Rahman was also one of them, who went along with his mother. It was miraculous that both of them escaped unhurt.
AR Rahman had been to Mecca on the 28th of January. He stayed along with his fellow travellers. This is what he said.
"I was responding to a call 3 years back asking me to come to Mecca. I told that to my mother and we both planned the trip this time. Due to the heavy workload I came here a little late. If I knew before hand that the journey could have been completed in 5 days, I would have started a little earlier. I was under the impression that it would take me atleast one whole month for the tour. I see the real meaning of equality here, with everybody staying together and wearing the same clothes not caring about their social status."
- Old responses
- From: xml (@
on: Tue Feb 3 19:43:11 EST 2004
It clearly shows that ARR is trying with GOD to save his life from his competators HJ and YSR.
Because of his continous flop he scared of signing new movies.Shankar movie is an example.SO he has plenty of time without any project apart from doing BGM for the chinese movie.
It will become more shameless if he give again many flops in front of his keyboard player HJ.So whatelse he can do now.
Only thing he can do:Escape from TFM.
Let us see what the GOD is going to do for ARR.
- From: curryleaf (@
on: Tue Feb 3 20:05:19 EST 2004
That was too much
- From: curses (@
on: Tue Feb 3 20:06:43 EST 2004
get some counselling man..
ur borderline manic.
- From: paran (@
on: Tue Feb 3 20:38:15 EST 2004
XML u r ridiculous...
that man is in Holy trip of his religion...
how could u critisize him!...man u r a sick idiot...do u know that...
if IR's music can only bring that out of u..then I feel sorry for u...
as far as i know..IR's music would bring more humanity, love and passion..not hatred and critisim on his religious issues...u r way too much...
sick idiot..moron..
- From: cinerasikan (@
on: Tue Feb 3 21:22:07 EST 2004
INdha HJ, YSR music overaa keatta ippadi thaan pesuvaanga pole ;-)... Thirundhaadha ullangal irundhu enna laabam
- From: C~P (@
on: Tue Feb 3 21:27:39 EST 2004
unga IR romba naala aanmeegam, aanmeegam-nu solla idhaan karanam-a? theriyaama poachey!
if this is crap to you, yours wasn't any better! you don't have a life and please don't get any!
don't ask me why i replied to ur crap though, u provide some good comic relief! ;-)
- From: Dandanaka (@
on: Tue Feb 3 21:38:32 EST 2004
i think u r doing this to gain other ppl's attention...maybe ppl should ignore u like &^&^%& (profanity)...
critisize his music dude...not stuff like this...ur actions are totally ridiculous
for others ignore that guy in future if he posts like this....
- From: Dandanaka (@
on: Tue Feb 3 21:40:14 EST 2004
-- stoopid keyboard!! (LOL)
- From: V (@
on: Tue Feb 3 21:46:05 EST 2004
People people people
You all have to know that there do exist some relly sick scum bags in this world. It is not a revelation.
- From: MusicIsLife (@
on: Tue Feb 3 22:48:27 EST 2004
i did some XSL on your logic, output it sucks.. YSR, HJ paatu kaetta ARR GOD kitte pogalammnu ninachar, but GOD said wait, u have to be live more than that.. so now we have MEENAXI and KKS to live with and HJ can use those albums for another 20-30 movies
- From: MusicIsLife (@
on: Tue Feb 3 22:48:39 EST 2004
i did some XSL on your logic, output it sucks.. YSR, HJ paatu kaetta ARR GOD kitte pogalammnu ninachar, but GOD said wait, u have to be live more than that.. so now we have MEENAXI and KKS to live with and HJ can use those albums for another 20-30 movies
- From: rahmanian (@
on: Wed Feb 4 21:44:44 EST 2004
hello, all make clear. Haj is nor a suicidal rite. Its just a religious custom that has to be followed by all Muslims once in their life (if they can afford it) Don't make fun of it saying he's going to God or whatever. Allah Rakha Rahman -Allahvaal Pathukkaakapatta Rahman (god-protected rahman) thats why nothing happened to him..
- From: rahmanian (@
on: Wed Feb 4 21:44:56 EST 2004
hello, all make clear. Haj is not a suicidal rite. Its just a religious custom that has to be followed by all Muslims once in their life (if they can afford it) Don't make fun of it saying he's going to God or whatever. Allah Rakha Rahman -Allahvaal Pathukkaakapatta Rahman (god-protected rahman) thats why nothing happened to him..
- From: agneyen (@
on: Wed Feb 4 22:17:07 EST 2004
This is not for rahman...
But islamist commit crime in one place and go haz to feel better for themeselves. I have only hate for people who have this to say 'kill one indian, get hundred times of benefit going to haz.'
Most of the IFM stars like sharukh,dilip kumar exhibit their hatred when they get chance..
Dont support them !!.
- From: paran (@
on: Wed Feb 4 22:22:07 EST 2004
agneyen...u r simply moron...
i have never heard such statement in Islam...
beware of what u r talking...
show us waht u believe...
don't show us what u don't believe...
coz definitely..believing in what u believe get's more benefit than critisizing others believe..
so grow up ..
- From: agneyen (@
on: Wed Feb 4 23:56:54 EST 2004
After 500 yrs of muslim barbaric rules who destroyed us , 50 yrs of pakistan's jealousy .. and still going.. ,indian movie stars supporting pakistani cause ( Dilip kumar donating millions to imran khan's cancer hospital when he hasn't contributed any towards indian cause .. read .. IFM people dancing in the tune of people like dawood ibrahim's birthday parties .remember. who killed thousands on mumbai streets.. read) ... and thousand others. you still need proof .. This is reason or mentality which makes you ignorant.
Do you know a mountain in Afganishtan which is named as Hindukush. Do little research and see how the statement I made comes true.
I don't write what I believe. I write what I know.
- From: jacky (@
on: Thu Feb 5 00:17:31 EST 2004
well if IFM girls dont dance in Dawood's B-day bash they are going to be killed or ransomed.
Only preity zinda is the gutsy girl out there.
Dont forget all the feud which killed Gulshan kumar.
- From: paran (@
on: Thu Feb 5 04:56:08 EST 2004
agneyen ...history is not a very good reason for ur comments...
so what..
our ancestors was a barbarian once upon a time...so r u going to be one now?
- From: Abdul (@
on: Thu Feb 5 05:30:02 EST 2004
Admin. Please close this thread bcos some stupids trackng religious fights over here. Agneyan(should be called SHIT),who destoryed India only your (Safron)people dividing the pupil and killing thousands of innocent pupil in Gujarat and saying now India is SAFE for all,and I am indian and say most of the place in India not safe for muslims&Christians after BJP took the Country. Admin. I again requesting u to close this thread.
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Thu Feb 5 05:53:14 EST 2004
ABdul ,
First you should refrain from posting such comments .I second ur opnion to close this thread,though .It is God's grace that a talented composer ARR has been saved.
- From: tamilan (@
on: Thu Feb 5 06:19:34 EST 2004
i support u agneyen .............
- From: tamilan (@
on: Thu Feb 5 06:21:48 EST 2004
a r rahman is really 'matha veri ullavan'
100% true .........
even though he is a convert .......
'throghi' .......
thats y islam is labelled with all the
negative elements .......
- From: paran (@
on: Thu Feb 5 06:40:09 EST 2004
this stupids should be banned from TFM...
- From: MADDY (@
on: Thu Feb 5 08:00:26 EST 2004
hey guys stop this crap....TN is a peaceful place and let it stay like that....dunt make it a gujarat.........for god's sake put this eqn. in ur mind and memorise it:
MUSLIMS are not= PAKISTAN are not = to terrorists........ they are also human beings.....
dunt think i'm a muslim, i'm a hindu and i'm strong supporter of BJP and vajpayee but that doesent stop me from respecting muslims too....... indians are indians and dunt differentiate between us.........
- From: MADDY (@
on: Thu Feb 5 08:04:15 EST 2004
i think this is the shot in the arm for ARR.......he wuld have been shaken by this and he will come out stronger and castrate all the doubts that surround his form....... he will be 10 times better...take it from me.......
and also this shows that god has not sidestepped prayers and goodwishes of lakhs of ARR fans like me.........
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