Topic started by kk (@ on Mon Jun 4 23:38:19 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Why did MR left IR.
Reason bhhind it is what is expected.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Jun 5 13:02:28 EDT 2001
well i have posted reg. this b4... the list of reasons i have collected so far is
The pro-mani view:
1) In the movie thalapathi , Mani did not include the song "putham puthu poo" in the actual movie. I guess he didnt bcoz of time constraints. But the upshot is, it is alleged, this was something totally new to IR and he was terribly offended. hence he decidedly gave a cold shoulder to Mani, by not appearing in the film fare awards where he and mani bagged awards. Mani infact collected the award on IR's behalf ( i saw this show)
The anti-mani view:
2) It was also alleged that during the re-recording of thalapathi, mani wanted absolute privacy to concentrate, when he was "intensly" working with IR he did not allow any one to come inside the theatre. IR was also okay with this set up. But unfortunately GV's lackey's refused permission to IR's mom to enter inside. which both Mani and IR were unaware of. this caused IR much dissapointment when he learnt abt it later.
The logical reason (my reason)
3)Mani accepted to work for KB's Roja. It was a well known fact that KB and IR dont get along well. so Mani had to go with another MD and in came ARR introed by PCS possibly. manijust stuck to ARR bcoz they synced well and were a winning combo...
mani is using KR for his home production.. so it only means he is allright with IR.
I dont see him goin back to IR in the near future. except if he does a movie with Kamal and kamal wins IR a place in the negotiations...
Left in his own course IR will choose ARR and maybe go to HArris Jeyaraj if Harris clicks in his future films..
whatever it may be ARR will be goin down hill the moment he looses Mani. If ARR looses Shanker, that'll be his final nail in the coffin. it will a shame and waste of good talent. so ARR better brush up his PR skills
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Jun 5 13:04:09 EDT 2001
sorry abt the typo
Left in his own course **MANI** will choose ARR and maybe go to HArris Jeyaraj if Harris clicks in his future films..
- From: haris (@
on: Tue Jun 5 15:16:29 EDT 2001
Bharath. >>this was something totally new to IR<< whats' new? some songs of IR being not included in film? there has been many such instances. like one songs in alaigal oivadhillai (putham pudhu kAlkai), aadi pattam ( michael mkr) etc..
Note the words 'putham puthu' in the left out songs in both thalapathi and alaigal oivadhillai...
- From: GR (@
on: Tue Jun 5 15:56:53 EDT 2001
Man, You seem to know a lot of inside stories. Are you close to any of the Directors, Musicians?.
You seem to know all that happened from IR's Birth uptill now - including the reasons for his downfall. I have seen you give some good solid reasons for Ir's Downfall in various threads. You surely should be an insider. You have lot of talents, Man. You should try and aspire to be a jounalist in some of those crapy websites. They sure need you.
- From: Krishna (@
on: Tue Jun 5 16:06:53 EDT 2001
Right around the time after "Thalapathi", GV was spearheading a project for Jayalalitha and TN Govt. to produce a movie (documentary) to portray the evils of drinking. The music was to be composed by Ilayaraaja. There was a big function at Vijaya Studio in Madras for the announcement of this venture to be attended by Ilayaraaja, GV and Jayalalitha. IR arrived early to get to his recording studio but was prevented to get to his office by the security police of Jayalalitha, even hours before Jayalalitha arrived. People in Madras can relate to the obscene incoveniences Jayalalitha had subjected the people to in her first regime. Insulted, IR left and did not participate in the function and backed out of the project. GV was upset with IR because of this and hence the enemity with GV and Manirathnam.
GV, being the big powerful producer, has always tried to exert his influence over cine stars for political influence. Once earlier, he treied this on Rajnikanth during Rajiv Gandhi's time. Before Rajni's affliation with DMK, GV asked Rajni to campaign for Rajiv and the Congress. When Rajni refused, GV threatened him that he can get Rajni in Income tax issues. Rajni told GV "Enna Ma....vunna pudunkiko". GV could not do anything to Rajni.
People like GV and Jayalalitha disgust me. I have always admired IR for standing up to authority and abuse of power. Because Manirathnam split up with IR on this issue, in my opinion he falls in the former category.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Jun 5 16:08:52 EDT 2001
yeah! we are all experts arent we!!!! The question is
**do u have a point?**
forget how much i know/ dont know? and concentrate more on whether u have something to say reg. this topic/not?
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Jun 5 16:18:29 EDT 2001
your reason is even more "out of the world" than the ones I gathered.
Good idea KK. This forum will now become the repository for rumor mongers nanny tales.
GR: I had specifically said this was the information I collected and listed the 3rd point as the one I believed in.
I am not doing an -ve journalism stuff here. b.t.w if u had read my other threads u wud have noticed my own reasons for IR's downfall would be slightly different than this.
"contest the points and not the person dude"
i seem to be telling this a lot nowadays
look at Krishna's posting above... if ever GV read it he wud burst out laughing.
the points i disagree with in krishna's posting is
1)//"GV, being the big powerful producer, has always tried to exert his influence over cine stars for political influence"//
okay I dunno if this is true.. i read a lot of news abt GV and this never came up..
2)//"Once earlier, he treied this on Rajnikanth during Rajiv Gandhi's time. "//
havent seen such a news item in my life where did u read this???
3)//"Rajni told GV "Enna Ma....vunna pudunkiko"//
okay! this... loks like a dialogue from "annamalai" or some rajini movie.. i cud argue that krishna is a rajini fan ... but I wont... I'd rather ask where he got such a news from.
when we all are talking about information that can never be substatiated (my posting and others included)
we can only look at the fact content % of such posting and examine if they are logical
evrything else wud look funny and can easily be mocked at
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jun 5 16:22:58 EDT 2001
GRrrrrr..no point in baring fangs at DFers here..contribute to the topic !
- From: krishna (@
on: Tue Jun 5 16:39:52 EDT 2001
The information I have posted is very credible in my opinion. I have posted it in response to the question raised in this topic. I do not care if people are convinced that these events took place or not. he name of the movie documentary under production was called "naan kudithukonde iruppen".
Regarding, the comment on Rajni, it is an interesting perspective that you have that if you had not heard about it, it did not happen. And regarding the dialog, is it your point that such statements are used only in movies and not in real life...
It is your prerogorative to assign whatever value you deem fit to this information. I am responding just because of the statements "Oh, I haven't heard it"and "It looks like a dialog from a movie" could be your reasonings as to the credibility of the events seemed funny to me.
I hope I have not been offensive in the postings and if so that was not the intention.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Jun 5 18:16:35 EDT 2001
I was really serious... I basically wanted to know the source of your information...
I just thought the follwoing were illogical
1) Rajini having Income Tax problems
2) if he had then , how come its public knowledge
3) what sort of latitude does GV have in pursuing the IT people to hunt Rajini.
4) why wud GV want Rajini to help Rajiv Gandhi?
5)EVen if rajini refused why the aggressive act of blackmailing rajini?
6) from what I know Gv has lot of common sense and he is a pretty sensible person... I dont think sensible people wud do the above...
plus the reasons that u gave are loosely connected and is more politics than cinema. Agreed most of this forums theories are Conspiracy theories but still this seems hard to believe bcoz Politics is not GV does regularly/ popularly and its hard to believe such things r part of his daily life...
- From: doubter (@
on: Tue Jun 5 19:04:09 EDT 2001
Bharath and Krishna
I don't know about the Rajini-GV fued. But the Jaya-GV-IR episode is true. The movie is actually 'neenga nallaa irukkaNum' ('Shadows' Ravi and Bhanupriya). That incident lead to problems between IR and GV.
It also prompted GV to realise the way TF industry was over-dependent on IR. Almost EVERY big guy did most of their movie with IR and hence IR became more popular that those big guys themselves.
So he influenced his bro (who might have had problems with IR) to join with KB and ..... the rest, as they say, is history.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Wed Jun 6 00:27:09 EDT 2001
I also HEARD that after songs composition for Dhalapathy, MR took the cassette to some foreign sound engineers/mixers to "enhance" the music. This, it seems, MR done without the knowledge and consent of IR. Ultimately those sound engineers said the mixing is already perfect. IR became upset and said that he has took pains in record songs in Bombay and MR has belittled his(IR's) efforts.
hence, i don't think it is any single reason that ultimately made others to part IR. Each of these misunderstandings and happenings could have fuelled and snowballed into anti-IR and IR-parting scenario in TFM.
this is IMHO
- From: S (@
on: Wed Jun 6 05:21:38 EDT 2001
I have heard about Raja-jaya-gv issue. I'm surprised as to how u don't know about GV &
rajnikant issue.I don't know the reason for their
fight, but there was indeed some misunderstanding
betn these two.
- From: mahabs (@
on: Wed Jun 6 07:25:55 EDT 2001
i remember in one function MR said younger mus. like ARR should learn a lot from IR.
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