Topic started by WhyNot (@ on Wed Mar 13 08:36:13 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I'd like to discuss about (and get more info on) the titles that are conferred to various MDs.
eg. Maestro, Isai Gnani, Isai Puyal, etc etc.
What titles do all the significant MDs of tfm have? Who gives them these titles? What do they mean in the career of these MDs? How far do the MDs go in acknowledging (and using) these titles and accepting them, and how much of these are used for merely marketing?
And finally the issue I'm rather interested in. How far are these titles used by the fans of these MDs and what this usage signifies.
Of course this topic can also be extended for singers as well as other artistes. However, my first priority is to discuss about the MDs' titles.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Mar 13 08:46:40 EST 2002
First, let me spell out the origin of my interest. This seriously means NO OFFENCE to anyone. I have long remained intrigued by the way IR Fans refer to IR as the Genius and Maestro very casually. This has often made me wonder why the titles given to other MDs are used far less often by their fans. I did not want to mention this in the body of the topic, lest it gave the topic a comparison shade. Believe me, I hope to keep this thread free of comparisons and bashing and truly hope to hear some real information and analysis of title conferrals and their significance.
- From: magix (@
on: Wed Mar 13 10:24:42 EST 2002
What's ARR called?
isai puyal? or is that IR?
- From: (^!^) (@
on: Wed Mar 13 11:24:06 EST 2002
IR - Isaignani, Ragadevan, Maestro,Mottai,
ARR- Isaippuyal,parattai
Deva - thEnisai thendral, Ctrl C Ctrl V, Xerox,
SAR - sumban, theevatti, poor man's Deva ( i.e. below the poverty line)
- From: Venki (@
on: Wed Mar 13 12:08:24 EST 2002
(^!^) ... Nice Humour
- From: Isai Priyan (@
on: Wed Mar 13 13:10:19 EST 2002
(^!^) (@ should have added Isai Vasantham to SAR(going by your other names on the list...1st the official and then unofficial..)
Am I right?
- From: Isai Priyan (@
on: Wed Mar 13 13:12:20 EST 2002
I think I saw IR titled as "Isai Pitha" in Kadhalukku Mariyadhai Title card...
Could somebody confirm?
- From: Sambavam (@
on: Wed Mar 13 15:44:28 EST 2002
No it is Isaignani Ilaiyaraja in Kathalukku Mariyathai card.
- From: (^!^) (@
on: Wed Mar 13 15:45:29 EST 2002
Isai Priyan : I plead guilty! I have not been a SAR watcher (but then who is?) :-)
- From: Mr. O (@
on: Wed Mar 13 17:13:50 EST 2002
SAR - (S)ivaranjani (A)ruvai (R)ajkumar
- From: tigger (@
on: Wed Mar 13 17:46:00 EST 2002
I think the 'Isai Pitha' title appeared in Kathal Kavithai (The movie that has the Diana Diana song)
- From: magix (@
on: Wed Mar 13 20:58:26 EST 2002
ARR didnt need any titles in KM.
His name was put just before Mani's and that itself conveyed his greatness.
and i hope ppl who've seen the movie respond before they start saying ARR doesnt deserve titles etc etc etc....
- From: Mani.. (@
on: Wed Mar 13 21:00:45 EST 2002
G.Ramanathan - isai mEthai
MSV & R - melisai mannargal
K.V.Mahadevan - thirai isaith thilagam
and there are a lot more..
- From: magix (@
on: Wed Mar 13 21:05:34 EST 2002
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Thu Mar 14 00:17:32 EST 2002
It wass during MSV period, the title card for the MD movind nearer to directors. Mostly producer's name were coming between MSV and Director. In IR's period it was the previous one to director. Sometines even at the starting itself. It cant go beyond that. But there was a continious improvement in the important of the MD. Mellisai mannar is the first MD to have a fan club. Then in IR's period it was booming. now every MD has fan club.
- From: Mani.. (@
on: Thu Mar 14 01:42:48 EST 2002
If i'm not mistaken, it was IR's name showed at last on the movie uruvam (*ing - Mohan) with the scene water droping from tap to a bucket with water. So far it was the only movie i saw which gived the honour to a MD.
- From: S (@
on: Thu Mar 14 03:29:32 EST 2002
One baghyaraj movie too did the same...
and magix,
mani doesn't allow any such titles to come in his movies...Even Raja's name didn't carry any titles in mani movies...but watch kadhir's movies...u'll see all ur isaipuyal payal and all that for arr!
isaippidha for Raja was given by agathiyan in kAdhal kavidhai.
- From: magix (@
on: Thu Mar 14 04:05:57 EST 2002
Yeah.. so wat if he doesnt allow those titles.
He just paid ARR the greatest compliment by putting his name the way he did.
I was waitin and waitin and waitin to whistle when ARR's name came up.
And was quite outta breath when MR's name came immediately afterwards. [1 loooong whistle for both my gurus(??)]
Do u think the MD's really want those titles?
- From: magix (@
on: Thu Mar 14 04:06:51 EST 2002
He just paid ARR the greatest compliment by putting his name the way he did.
ennake kozhapiduchu :)
- From: magix (@
on: Thu Mar 14 04:28:17 EST 2002
But I bet Deva wouldnt mind..
unless ofcourse, he gets some other MDs title!
I hope to keep this thread free of comparisons and bashing
Sorry, P, but I just love to play down Deva!!
- From: eden (@
on: Thu Mar 14 05:20:32 EST 2002
SLBC (read Mr Abdul Hameed, Mr Mayilvahanam Sarvanandha and such reputed announcers) used to address songs simply like, `kavignarin pAdalukku mellisai mannarin isai'...without telling the real names! That, I think, is REAL mariyAdhai...
...those in their own field (i.e.cine) flourish with titles, some of them could be flattery too...
Enga `padmashree' `bhArath' ellAm title illayA?:-)
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Thu Mar 14 05:58:18 EST 2002
(^!^) (@, good post. :-)
magix, there's nothing wrong with using titles. I guess Mani always had his own style for evrything.
eden, I'm pretty interested in those titles u mentioned, and who has them. And who confers these titles. Anyone here wit the info, pls contribute.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Thu Mar 14 05:59:32 EST 2002
I mean who conferred all these titles which have been mentioned so far (inc. the 'informal' ones like Isai puyal, etc)
- From: magix (@
on: Thu Mar 14 07:26:12 EST 2002
Padmashree is a diff matter altogether.
But titles like mellisai thendral, isai whatever sounds more like flattering!
- From: magix (@
on: Thu Mar 14 07:28:21 EST 2002
oops, flattery!
- From: Kupps (@
on: Thu Mar 14 09:08:28 EST 2002
mellisai thenRal will be that MD's title who copies only MSV's songs...just joking.
Isaignani was given to IR by Karunanidhi.
Maestro, as such is not a special title but came into usage for IR after he gave symphony in RPH. In the film ULLaey veLiyae Parthiban gave the title as "Isai alias ILLayaraaja".
Interestingly, to my knowledge, Shankar Ganesh have the lengthiest title something like "Thaevar vazhangiya kavingarin......"
- From: Isai Priyan (@
on: Thu Mar 14 10:49:21 EST 2002
Did TMS had any titles?
- From: Isai Priyan (@
on: Thu Mar 14 10:50:41 EST 2002
padum nila Balu,
Chinna Kuyil Chitra,
Gana Gandharvan KJY..
of course every body knew these ...
- From: Isaipriyan (@
on: Thu Mar 14 10:53:41 EST 2002
Was Sirkazhi Govin...
ever called as "VeNgalak kuralone"?
I heard someone gave him that title?
(very apt one I think!!)
- From: s0 (@
on: Thu Mar 14 13:47:53 EST 2002
Indhiyaavin Yanni - guess who?
- From: magix (@
on: Fri Mar 15 02:08:13 EST 2002
at least IMO!
- From: eden (@
on: Fri Mar 15 03:57:14 EST 2002
mellisai mannar - MSV
(Padmashree - I think SPB, KJY, ARR all have this. Bharath- I think `singer' Kamal can claim to have this:-)
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri Mar 15 04:20:22 EST 2002
who is it s0?
- From: krk (@
on: Fri Mar 15 09:06:28 EST 2002
This week kumudam carries a tidbit that says how Ilayaraaja was honored with
the title "isaignani". Unfortunately I could not locate it in the online edition.
- From: s0 (@
on: Fri Mar 15 10:37:03 EST 2002
Indhiyaavin Yanni is Adityan. I think the name came from the hairdo and general appearance.
- From: Guru (@
on: Fri Mar 15 10:42:55 EST 2002
i read in some old news The Thenissai Thendral title was given to S.A Rajkumar and now the title was given to DEVA ..
- From: magix (@
on: Fri Mar 15 11:08:17 EST 2002
i told ya, he'll end up stealin somebody elses! ;-)
- From: isaiosai (@
on: Fri Mar 15 16:05:23 EST 2002
While responding to the 2nd Q in Chutti KELvigaL IR says "nAnAga yArayum ippadiththAn kooppida vEndum endru chollavE illai"
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Mar 16 03:22:40 EST 2002
Editing (^!^)'s List of Titles for MDs so far.
IR - Isaignani (by Karunanidhi), Ragadevan, Maestro, Isai Pitha (by agathiyan), Isai alias ILLayaraaja (by Parthiban)
ARR- Isaippuyal, Padmashree
Deva - thEnisai thendral
SAR - sumban, Thenissai Thendral, Isai Vasantham
G.Ramanathan - isai mEthai
MSV & R - melisai mannargal
K.V.Mahadevan - thirai isaith thilagam
Adityan - Indhiyaavin Yanni
S-G - Thaevar vazhangiya kavingarin......
Isaipriyan, u r welcome to make a list for the singers, including those u have mentioned so far.
It is interesting to hear the discussion on the way the MDs names appear at the credits in the movies. Never really paid attention to those very much.
isaiosai, thx for the link. I never knew IR's original name was not IR. :-) So in a way even IR is a title. Tat's news to me.
- From: Shankar (@
on: Sat Mar 16 03:50:21 EST 2002
oh...Raja's names go this way...
he was named gjnana desigan by his parents, was affectionately called rasayya by his neighbours and others, became D Raja when he learnt WCM with dhanraj master (and some folk related stuff with padma subramaniam) and from annakkiLi he became Ilayaraja (someone told me he was called so, bcos MSV was the King those days)
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