Topic started by Pozhudhu pogadhavan (@ 184.norcross-10rh16rt.ga.dial-access.att.net) on Fri Aug 3 14:51:33 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Well, Deva has started his carrier as Poor Man's IR. Now YSR started his carrier as Poor Man's ARR. I wish he should succeed in his attempt and become a busy MD like Deva, instead being overlooked by the industry.
- From: IsaiAdimai (@ stargate.metera.com)
on: Fri Aug 3 15:09:37 EDT 2001
hmmm.... we miss a few slots in the question... was ARR Poor man's IR.
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Fri Aug 3 15:17:54 EDT 2001
//"... was ARR Poor man's IR. "//
if this is true. it defeats all the logic and statements HCIRF fans have been shouting for so long!
"poor man" definition means having the traits, attributes and qualities of an already popular man. But since those traits have already been established. it will not get the new comer much mileage and he will cater to only a small scale (poor man's) industry
like prince, peter andre, terence trent d'arby were called poor man's mike jackson.
like everyother new comer in the Eng cricket team is poor mans ian botham....
so isai adimai check urself b4 this smart statement
- From: MilesDavis (@ adsl-64-172-25-227.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)
on: Sat Aug 4 14:16:08 EDT 2001
No..it is not YSR..it is Harris Jeyaraj (HR). HR tries very hard to follow ARRs style..In the process he ends up copying bits and pieces and even complete tunes.
- From: YSR'S FAN (@
on: Sun Aug 5 05:59:18 EDT 2001
a total crap its not true,
u ppl dont like new guy's coming up thats why u ppl wanna let ysr down buy saying things like that he's copying n stuff.....
whoevea started this stupid topic this is for thats guy, if ur jellous ab that young chap thats up to u to deal wid n not to let him down buy starting a stupid topic like this,im a great fan of his dad n i dont like his son getting a name like this n its not true........one day or the other he'll prove thats he's great too......
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sun Aug 5 11:46:41 EDT 2001
>>>,im a great fan of his dad n i dont like his son getting
Why does IR fans become the fans of his sons (who to me are not even 10% of IR--till now) by default.
Is this is what we call a true fan(natic).
ARR is my first favourite, but I don't have regards for HJ, instead I would like YSR in ARR's place.
Please, rate a person with his individuality and personallity and not by heridity.
- From: S T S (@ 63-93-98-227.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Sun Aug 5 11:56:44 EDT 2001
HJ is not because of the fear that he might replace ARR? or because of the hatred that he inspires from ARR?
>>Why does IR fans become the fans of his sons (who to me are not even 10% of IR--till now) by default.
In my opinion, there is some merit here. YSR is good in all films he scored. And KR is good in most of the films. Also the mindset. Once you liked Indira Gandhi, you like Rajiv (or Gandhi family). Sort of being loyal.
Good Luck YSR.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sun Aug 5 12:10:34 EDT 2001
>>>Once you liked Indira Gandhi, you like Rajiv (or Gandhi family).
Good logic. But, don't you think that it is wrong.
YSR is good. No doubt. But why IR fans turn againt ARR, who is a king on his own right. He is a pioneer of morden IFM music and not less talented either. Being a fan to some one doesn't mean that you should speak ill of others who are in the same profession.
YSR needs to grow a lot and make his mark. He shows good signs (KR is doubtful...now).
I like IR very much. I never compared IR and ARR at any point of time...consiously. I might have at times, just for some perticular context. But never in real sense. I don't think of IR when I listen to ARR (which I mostly do) and vice versa. I have some 250 old songs of IR in MP3 on my desktop (thanks to eden of the list). I don't see any difference. If I have to compare then I will do that with ARR's comtemprories.
But, my rival side to totally different. For them the bulls eye is ARR. They want to hit it to have a nice night sleep. Why is that.?
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sun Aug 5 12:12:11 EDT 2001
>>>Once you liked Indira Gandhi, you like Rajiv (or Gandhi family).
Good logic. But, don't you think that it is wrong.
YSR is good. No doubt. But why IR fans turn againt ARR, who is a king on his own right. He is a pioneer of morden IFM music and not less talented either. Being a fan to some one doesn't mean that you should speak ill of others who are in the same profession.
YSR needs to grow a lot and make his mark. He shows good signs (KR is doubtful...now).
I like IR very much. I never compared IR and ARR at any point of time...consiously. I might have at times, just for some perticular context. But never in real sense. I don't think of IR when I listen to ARR (which I mostly do) and vice versa. I have some 250 old songs of IR in MP3 on my desktop (thanks to eden of the list). I don't see any difference. If I have to compare then I will do that with ARR's comtemprories.
But, my rival side to totally different. For them the bulls eye is ARR. They want to hit it to have a nice night sleep. Why is that.?
- From: S T S (@ 63-93-98-227.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Sun Aug 5 12:19:56 EDT 2001
Speaking ill is no good and because of few you should not carry forwards arguments like why to appreciate others. It is not good either.
We can't critize ones likes/dislikes. That way we would not have many languages/religion etc., This argument is common to all fans.
But, my rival side to totally different
You are NOT commonn friend anymore. I knew it from the beginning. Now that you said it yourself :)
My request to ARR fans.
If you don't like IR, you need NOT dislike YSR/KR. Whether you dislike them or not, you have to learn to live with them as they will be here quite sometime, I believe.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sun Aug 5 12:31:20 EDT 2001
>>>But, my rival side to totally different
>>>You are NOT commonn friend anymore.
I am not a fanatic as you are. I am common and I have guts to call a spade a spade. My rival side is the one which have full of fanatics, who are just one eyed. In this context it is IR fanatic groups. I have voiced my anger whenever an ARR fanatic says some BS here. Check it out your self.
>>>If you don't like IR, you need NOT dislike YSR/KR.
When did I say I disliked IR or YSR/KR. Read my earlier postings and numerous other in this thread carefully. I am amoung the first to appriciate KR for grahan. TI has a special place in my chart.
Yes, I advocate for ARR side, because it is small in size here and often exposed to bashing. I myself have many scars on my face.
I you could understand me then just read my postings (kindals will be there...of course....time pass boss), but if you want to drag me for an argument here the I am off for now.
- From: Preitha (@ dk9as11-203-206-95.cw-visp.com)
on: Sun Aug 5 16:24:11 EDT 2001
I don't feel that YSR is the poor mans Deva, I feel it is HJ because people who want ARR music at a cheaper price go to HJ.YSR doesn't produce similiar music to ARR or IR or any other MD. YSR's music is completely individual to himself.If you see the big MD's before him who have made a lasting impact you can see that MSV, IR and ARR all had their own style.Like that,out of the new and upcoming MD's,YSR is the only one with that quality under his belt.This is what I believe will make himlast long in TFM.People like HJ and KR and SAR will just come and go because there is no real substance to thei music. They just simply try to duplicate sounds and styles produced by their predecessors.YSR would have got his due credit now if he had been given the opportunities that people like HJ and SAR has. YSR has produced quality music throughout his MD career,but he has not got the breaks he has needed.PKP had great songs, but the film wasn't great.The same goes for UEU,Rishi,Dheena and TI didn't even have a movie for such a great soundtrack.If YSR gives more interviews and public speeches his popularity will increase no end.I feel that he just needs to become familiar to people and a household name so that people will give him his due credit.
- From: S T S (@ 63-93-98-254.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Sun Aug 5 20:38:23 EDT 2001
When you called me fanatic I see no point in posting. Only I would assume you are common friend to ARR and HJ.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Aug 6 13:10:36 EDT 2001
>>>When you called me fanatic I see no point in posting
Why should I call you a fanatic.
>>>You are NOT commonn friend anymore. I knew it from the beginning. Now that you said it yourself :)
This is the answer.
>>>Only I would assume you are common friend to ARR and HJ
Assume. Who stopped you? You assumption is not going to influence my increment or my promotion or for that matter my job. So no harm in you assuming what ever you want.
- From: MS (@ ch-1317.che.sc.edu)
on: Mon Aug 6 15:08:42 EDT 2001
common friend:
Just a suggestion. I have been following your posts for a long time. It is good to be laconic but better to be clear. Thx.
- From: MS (@ ch-1317.che.sc.edu)
on: Mon Aug 6 15:09:46 EDT 2001
oops..I missed a smiley :-)
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Tue Aug 7 02:49:12 EDT 2001
Well again I go...
YSR is definetly modern Deva...
Songs in Thulluvatho Ilamai have been copied all alon from english songs... especially Idhu Kadhala...
- From: Nakayama (@ macnica-fcm.macnica.co.jp)
on: Tue Aug 7 03:34:46 EDT 2001
I dont know how come Deva is getting that many movies to do.
It is the real foolishness of the producers and
public who are encouraging Deva.
- From: S T S (@ 63-93-98-191.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Tue Aug 7 16:15:51 EDT 2001
G Maruthi,
WEll, Here I go again.
From: Preitha (@ dk9as11-203-206-95.cw-visp.com) on: Sun Aug 5 16:24:25 EDT 2001
G Maurathi You seem to have taken it upon yourself to visit every YSR thread and post you r unsubstantiated views.If you believe that YSR is a xerox copy, can you please quote of what he is a copy?Idhu Kadala is a garage track which is a little known style of music from U.K. What you maybe don't realise is that, all garage tracks sound similiar due to their same beats.Musically, i have to disagree that YSR has copied anything.You claim that YSR is a Xerox like Deva but you can't even name 1 song that YSR has copied because he hasn't copied anything. If theres one thing YSR deserves immense credit for, it is his originality in his music.You don't hear music that has been heard before.
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Tue Aug 7 17:45:01 EDT 2001
//"a total crap its not true,
u ppl dont like new guy's coming up thats why u ppl wanna let ysr down buy saying things like that he's copying n stuff..... "//
like the way ppl(IR fans) did not like ARR (young guy ) when he was coming up.
so r u accusing ARR fans of committing the same sin IR fans committed a decade ago?
interesting is the way people commit suicide!
Indira gandhi-Rajiv Gandhi analogy was good! It is the most sick attitude of liking people based on their family. They way sonia gandhi is now being deified it exemplifies the servant nature of indians. leaders exist not because of their leadership qualities but because most of india is made up of servants and slave minded people.
so any day the guy who shares priyankas gandhi's bedroom or the girl who seduces rahul gandhi will have a better chance of being prime minister than a person who should have slaved his life for the society for 20 years!
when will this change?
u may like IR. he came to the city with a small bag sweated it out and proved himself? Deva and ARR survved the society with single parents. they can say they r self made men.
where do KR/YSR stand? they have the luxury of giving innumerable flops that adithyan or layman cannot afford.
arjunan, ekalaivan is better than ashwatama! please discourage sycophancy in the name of loyalty.
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