Topic started by sivakumaran (@ on Wed May 6 02:54:52 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Would Ilayaraja gain a world-class recognition when his Symphony No 1 is released..
- From: Sankaran (@ webgate7.mot.com)
on: Wed May 6 09:24:48 EDT 1998
But Siva tell me something,WHEN is the symphony getting released???
Raja has already gained world-wide recognition in WCM with his various compositions,so there can be no two opinions that this will also be appreciated.The only question is WWHHEENN ??
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Wed May 6 11:04:38 EDT 1998
I am bored of this symphony topic. No point discussing what is not there. Of late I am getting a feeling that the symphony will never be released. If that becomes true it will be a BIG blot on Raja's career.
- From: raja m (@
on: Wed May 6 17:58:44 EDT 1998
I have been following this thread and it appears that all of IR's fans are getting quite mad at the way things are going ( this includes me!). First it was supposed to be a copyright issue and now I keep reading about IR's reluctance on releasing the album. I have one more question. Can IR write a complete symphony in a month and do full justice to it ?
- From: Srikanth (@ 229.minneapolis-05.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Wed May 6 22:04:59 EDT 1998
As Rajam say I have the same doubt.
"Can IR write a complete symphony in a month and do full justice to it ?"
though people around him say it is going to come out soon ---- copyrights problem --- ya da ya da ya da.....
- From: raja m (@ ww-tp04.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat May 9 12:48:36 EDT 1998
Just imagine what kind of an explanation Kramer invents for the delay!
- From: Nihtin (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Sat May 9 14:07:21 EDT 1998
Friends, after some research into some of the musical influences which are catchin on in Hollywood and US TV, I feel that it is better for Raja to announce his presence in an idiom understandable by people from all over the world. Symphony is a good medium, though not a popular form unless you have a Vanessa Mae doiing it on her violin on the shores of Aligopoli. However, Symphonyies are a basis of Hollwood movie scores. Right now, we have Danny Elfman, who sounds more like he is perfroming a Indian song interlude than anything really western classical, to top this, the Dharma and Greg popular TV series score has its signature tune adapted almost 75% from a musical piece of Illaiyaraj; I am making efforts confirm these. My hope is that Raja will make the world know of his nerd and freak quality of his musical knowledge. A Symphony is a good beginning and when his new recording theater opens, he may have become popular among the hollywood circles and be given a film score offer. However, I don't know how easy it will be for him to accept new company at this age and how easy it will be for hollywood to bring Raja to bring him at least once into their circle!
I am just musing here about how Raja can round up his career and do justice to his own genius. I hope for him a universal response as it came for Rabindranath Tagore (very popular in China), Satyajit Ray and Sivaji Ganesan. These people are extremely rare.
- From: MSK (@ marimuth-nt.qualcomm.com)
on: Mon May 11 15:52:17 EDT 1998
Even if it is released, IR or the music company will find it hard to make any money on it..and it's success will be very mediocre as IR has'nt yet realised what that the ingredients of today's hits are ( copy/re-cycle from n sources ). My guess is that no company is ready to release and make a loss. probably IR has to release it himself and for obvious reasons he does'nt want to do.
ARR's /Deva's symphony stand a much much better chance these days.. Hat's of to TFM audience.
Good Luck IR .
- From: pg (@
on: Mon May 11 16:08:17 EDT 1998
I beg to differ. It will not be a blockbuster but it will not be a loss. After about 10 years HTNI and NBW are still on the shelves, long after any Raja movie or ARR movie has been yanked off the market.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Mon May 11 21:36:05 EDT 1998
In the US, the megamusic sellers TOWER records and Blockbuster Music both have IR and ARR in their World Music sections under India. World music is catching on folks. Especially, since the advent of CDs there has been a hugh revival wave in Classical, Jazz, and World Music categories. I see no reason why IR's symphony will lose money, they will pay IR peanuts compared to the huge Western Rock'n Roll artists, so it will be a low-risk investment for the record label that issues IR's symphony.
- From: raja m (@ ww-te01.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue May 12 11:49:39 EDT 1998
What I think ( my 1/100 cent worth) is IR's symphony will be a huge sell out when released. All his fans will buy it, and knowing IR to be a genius, it will be a success. As Udhaya says, there is a new wave of interest in world music and the symphony may be a starting point for a new western musical career for the genius.
- From: Sankaran (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Wed May 13 09:12:39 EDT 1998
Ayyayyo,Devavin Symphonyaaa??
I'm sure we can see an aviyal of Beethoven,Mozart,Vivaldi,Bach etc., in it.
- From: pg (@
on: Wed May 13 09:39:26 EDT 1998
In latest Vikatan, it is mentioned that an artist pANi worked on the artwork of rAjA's symphony malar.
Ray of light at the end of the tunnel. Hope the release is near.
- From: Madhan (@
on: Wed May 13 12:23:02 EDT 1998
Dear PG,
what is this new titbit on some artwork on Raja's Symphony malar ?
- From: pg (@
on: Wed May 13 13:25:41 EDT 1998
Check this :
(Murasu Anjal)
It talks about the artist I mentioned. In the last two lines it is mentioned that he designed rAjA's symphony siRappu malar.
- From: Ravy (@ eagle.vapower.com)
on: Thu May 14 13:11:38 EDT 1998
In the same Vikatan issue did you read the movie review?. It says IR has xerox copied 'senthamizh thEn mozhiyaL'
- From: pg (@
on: Thu May 14 16:11:08 EDT 1998
Yes, I read that. I haven't heard those songs so I can't comment. But anyway, two issues back Vikatan had very negative things to say about veera thAlAttu songs. It mentioned very +ly about VT's BGM but it had trashed VT's songs.
Personally I really enjoy VT's songs and I consider SJ's padikkattumA comparable to rAsAvE unna nambi from mudhal mariyAdhai.
- From: NOV (@
on: Fri May 15 05:33:52 EDT 1998
pg - Has Veera Thaalaattu been reviewed yet? I watched the movie recently and listened to all eight songs. If the review has not been done, I don't mind doing it. Sorry for the digression.
- From: pg (@
on: Fri May 15 09:26:53 EDT 1998
I don't think it has been reviewed. HCIF have praised it in passing and I remember gOpAl ad Kanchana mentioning it but it has not been reviewed I think. Anyway go ahead.
- From: NOV (@
on: Sat May 16 01:22:31 EDT 1998
Thanks pg - I will do it next week. My favourite is IR's Kathaipoalei thoanum
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Sat May 16 01:59:42 EDT 1998
NOV: Lot of people have talked about it in the IR's new albums thread. If you want to still review it do it in the Review of New albums permanent thread. SO we will have a record of all reviews. :). BTW 'kadha pOla' seems to win hands down as the favourite ofDFers from that album. It is my favourite too.
- From: pg (@ client-116-213.bellatlantic.net)
on: Sat May 16 08:40:46 EDT 1998
My fav is 'padikkattumA' by SJ. The recording of the album is excellent. The criticism of this album in AV is extremely poor and ignorant to say the least. To me it looks like the reviewer wrote the review before hearing the songs.
- From: srikanth (@ 91.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Mon May 18 23:34:50 EDT 1998
How many of TFM fans still remembers How to name it, Nothing but wind - same will happen to Raja's symphony - if at all it is released.
(Suma puli varthu Puli varthu kadha than)
First let him release it then we will see world fame or other fames .....all the talks and praises have been made 3-4 years ago...before the release - Still no symphony - Sym-Phony!
I am fed up with Raja's symphony story.
- From: pg (@
on: Tue May 19 10:53:13 EDT 1998
Quite a lot of rAjA fans listen to HTNI & NBW if not all. I prefer HTNI & NBW & India 24 Hrs to most of rAjA's filmy scores (though not all).
But I agree with you; no more talk of symphony unless it is actually released.
- From: Nithin (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Wed May 20 20:06:15 EDT 1998
In my opinion if the symphony has any semblance of a HTNI or India 24 hours, Raja's symphony will not achieve popular appeal. If Raja's symphony is going to get noticed, it will be only if he attempts to make that attempt as uniques any of the classical symphonies such as Beethoven's 5th or 9th or Mozarts' 25th and 41st. Again, the symphony while competing with these top four symphonies must also have the distinct style of Raja film music that has made us spend lifetime listening to his music. I would think that he bring in some of his own unique musical statements into the mainstream type symphony. At least, the symphony should be as astounding as the four I have mentioned, if Raja has less energy to put in that Raja magic to this.
However, I think Raja has totally grasped the idiom required for producing a symphony, which is a dramatic change since his HTNI and NBW days. Among the many songs of his in the last 5 years, the one that tells me Raja's symphony will be ultra special is his song in AVATHARAM ' Indirarum, Chandiranum....'
Maybe, I can predict when Raja is going to go Nuclear himself, for this symphony may be announced at the dawn of the new millenium or a mega international event in India, that it times perfectly coincides with Raja's own feeling that it is time for India has now got listener's worldwide, because, what the heck, WE HAVE GONE NUCLEAR! (Not really a reason for euphoria, however, these things do help)
- From: Sundar RS (@ )
on: Sat Sep 1 04:18:11 EDT 2001
Where can i get Original CD of India 24 Hours Album in chennai.
Sundar RS
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