Topic started by Nesanp (@ on Tue Jul 7 10:58:17 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All TFMers
I always think if is it possible to organize a meeting in a common place. We all discuss and argue but most of us dont know each others. Why dont we vote on a place to meet and date. Then we can see if see could really work this out. Your comments are welcome.
Nesan P
- Old responses
- From: Prakash (@ node1.allegiance.net)
on: Fri Oct 9 13:11:53 EDT 1998
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- From: nesan (@
on: Fri Oct 9 16:33:55 EDT 1998
My vote goes to Ottawa, Toronto or Montreal also
if it is during school holidays.
Nesan P.
- From: PK (@ node1.allegiance.net)
on: Fri Oct 9 17:00:24 EDT 1998
OK, Here is the head count.
Bangalore : 10
Boston, MA : 5
Chicago, IL : 11
London : 2
Madras : 4
Malaysia : 2
Canada : 5
California : 4
New Delhi : 1
Washinton DC : 6
Denver, CO : 1
Edison, NJ : 2
- From: Sriram Lakshman (@
on: Fri Oct 9 18:31:29 EDT 1998
Hi guys,
I will be at Madras from Oct 11 till Nov 29. Please E-mail me at sriramlak@hotmail.com if necessary.
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