Topic started by Venkat Balasubramanian (@ on Thu Sep 28 09:05:56 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi Guys
Yesterday I spoke to one of the close asscoicate of Mastero Ilayaraja.As you all are well
aware that Mastero Ilayaraaja is about to Start a Music Foundation in madras.my friend would be
accociating in the committe that has been formed in the USA.I am also attaching the mail what i received from him.
"Dear Venkat
It was an interesting discussion we had on the mastero Ilayaraja today
evening. He is a genius and what he is doing through this project will leave
an indelible mark in the world of music and place India and more
specifically Chennai as a heartbeat center for music in the world.
He spoke to me at length yesterday about his project and his dream and I
would be associating in the comittee that is been formed in the USA to
support Ilayaraja's effort. He has promised to visit Boston next time and I
am sure all of us will get an opportunity to spend time with him.
Help for this project is going to be required in various forms - money,
time, effort and energy. We will be helping Ilayarajas foundation with all
of this. Do netowork amongst our friends in Boston, in course of time if we
can create a team of like minded people to help in this effort it will be
Best Regards
How are we guys going to asscoiate ourself in the project. & in what ways we are going help
mastero Ilayaraja.
- From: Anand Mahadevan (@
on: Thu Sep 28 09:37:59 EDT 2000
Are there any local(US) contacts for us to contribute?
I feel the foundation should hire a PR organization to spread its message. Spreading thru e-mail can misrepresent the undertaking. I would approach it the professional way. Let them make a splash in the local papers and come out with a mission statement.
I know IR is media shy. But this kinda undertaking needs one to come in the forefornt and do some kinda media blitz to create awareness.
Also accountablity is the key. We all know IR is the brain behind this. But we alse need to know the core team involved in designing and timelining this effort.
Also weare aware that IR fell flat when he tried to bring up a studio in Madras. Hence the initial reputation is shaky. Confidence restoration is the key.
- From: Venkat Balasubramanian (@
on: Thu Sep 28 09:51:10 EDT 2000
Thanks for the Input.Yes I accept what you. Yes there are Local(US) contacts to contribute.
So why dont we start the Network on this issue.I.e talking to our friends and have meetings
to support Mastero's Foundations.
Since I live in Boston MA .I thaught that i will create a network in boston and guys different states can start a network on this foundation.
- From: Anand Mahadevan (@
on: Thu Sep 28 10:13:20 EDT 2000
Contributions only from IR fans wo'nt help the cause. We need to create awareness on this to a common listener. Also a web site with the official blessings of IR and his associates should be constructed rightaway. This way a mission statement and instructions as to how to send contributions can be published. Also, profiles of the working committee , if there are any, should be also be published.
A global awareness should be created. Am sure its possible. But we need Raja and his associates to come foreward with some kinda a mission statement.
I am willing to commit whatever time and resources
I have to this cause.
Also, I do'nt see a need for a local network. That serves no purpose. The web should be a unifying force.
My few cents thought on this.
- From: Sai (@
on: Thu Sep 28 10:20:58 EDT 2000
Hi Guys,
Iam interested in participating in this mission.
- From: Dorai (@
on: Thu Sep 28 10:33:59 EDT 2000
I am ready to help you guys out to set up a forum out in NJ to collect funds. I do have a very large set of Tamilian friends here in NJ. Please provide me more details.
This Genius deserves all the help from people like us.
- From: Venkat Balasubramanian (@
on: Thu Sep 28 10:41:11 EDT 2000
Thanks for showing interest in the Site.
Anand & Dorai
I will get all the details from my friend with couple of days & i will put the info in fourm we can pass the info to our IR Fan & other persons and get some help done for this mission.
- From: Sridhar (@
on: Thu Sep 28 12:48:03 EDT 2000
Hi Venkat,
I'm interested in putting my effort,time and all to support whatever i can.
This is a golden opportunity for all true music lovers and especially IR fans to associate themselves with music(and IR).
Looking forward for more details.
I'm located in the Bay Area.
- From: maapillai (@
on: Thu Sep 28 13:09:07 EDT 2000
I also have a huge network of Tamil friends whom we can pull in for this.I am in the bay area and if anyone out here,please let me know.
- From: alaghu (@
on: Thu Sep 28 13:21:29 EDT 2000
I am sure all IR fans would love to be a part of this mssion. I would like to suggest that we leverage the infrastructure of raajanghm.com. Or atleast use it as a front end , after all it was started for a similair cause. I still wonder why it has been disassociated from raaja's visit to the US. This is my opinion.
Why should we start from scratch when we can build on it.
Comments please.
- From: Venkat Balasubramanian (@
on: Thu Sep 28 13:23:21 EDT 2000
I think we can create a web site in name of Ilayarajafoundation.com
Pls give your ideas.
- From: Vem (@
on: Thu Sep 28 13:43:22 EDT 2000
Great idea Venkat !!!
Lets do it fast.
- From: Lakshmanan Chidambaram (@
on: Thu Sep 28 14:46:27 EDT 2000
Hi Guys
It is nice to see so much of interest been shown. As one of the earlier participants have suggested things are at a preliminary stage now and me talking to Venkat was to bounce the idea with him, the internet has made this bounce in many different directions and Iam plesantly suprised with the response that this has received.
The comitee is on the verge of formation and more details will be available in a short period of time. In the meantime let us keep the dialouge on and get to know each other.
- From: admin - RaajaNGAHM (@
on: Thu Sep 28 15:04:02 EDT 2000
RaajaNGAHM was formed to unite all Maestro Ilayaraaja fans in the world to spread the music of Maestro. It is aimed at spreading the music of Maestro Ilayaraaja globally and will continue to do so. RaajaNGAHM and Ilaiyaraaja Traditional Music, Art and Cultural Trust
Team RaajaNGAHM members met with Maestro at Las Vegas and had several meetings with him and it was relevant to RaajaNGAHM and spreading his music.
After the meeting it was decided that RaajaNGAHM would extend its services in the areas like
publicity, advertisement, etc. toward the foundation, and Maestro was delighted to hear this from us. We are waiting for more inputs from him.
It would be an honor and privilege to work and spread the word about Maestro and his music.
We can all work together to bring Maestro's dreams come true!
Information on the meeting, photos, etc., will be published at www.raaja.com soon.
Team RaajaNGAHM!
- From: Admin - RaajaNGAHM (@
on: Thu Sep 28 15:09:51 EDT 2000
Info missing. Reposted for clarity. Thanks :-)
RaajaNGAHM was formed to unite all Maestro Ilayaraaja fans in the world to spread the music of Maestro. It is aimed at spreading the music of Maestro Ilayaraaja globally and will continue to do so.
RaajaNGAHM and Ilaiyaraaja Traditional Music, Art and Cultural Trust are two different entities. RaajaNGAHM and its members will work with Maestro and his fans and do whatever is possible for the foundation.
Team RaajaNGAHM members met with Maestro at Las Vegas and had several meetings with him and it was relevant to RaajaNGAHM and spreading his music.
After the meeting it was decided that RaajaNGAHM would extend its services in the areas like
publicity, advertisement, etc. toward the foundation, and Maestro was delighted to hear this from us. We are waiting for more inputs from him.
It would be an honor and privilege to work and spread the word about Maestro and his music.
We can all work together to bring Maestro's dreams come true!
Information on the meeting, photos, etc., will be published at www.raaja.com soon.
Team RaajaNGAHM!
- From: Venkat Balasubramanian (@
on: Thu Sep 28 15:28:56 EDT 2000
I think RaajNGHm is doing nothing towards this . When we started discussing out of our own interest they peeped into this. They did not even update the info that IR is visiting US. We guys have to find it out.
- From: bb (@
on: Thu Sep 28 15:57:12 EDT 2000
las vegasA? sari thaan:)
- From: chinna_thambi (@
on: Thu Sep 28 16:10:54 EDT 2000
venkit anne,
enakku andha pazhaiyaa frog story nyabagapaduthireengale!
ore oru oorla oru frog exhibition nadathinaangalaam!
adhule ella country frogsaiyum dabbala close panni vechirundhaangalam. Except for Indian box! Enna kaaranam theriyuma, oru indian frog innoru indian frogai thappikka vidadhaam, so dabba moodave vendamaam.
che! damn our indian attitude.
- From: Admin RaajaNGAHM (@
on: Thu Sep 28 16:23:13 EDT 2000
Mr Chinna Thambi
Thanks for the analogy presented. Hope this opens the eyes of many!!
Mr Venkat
Today, we received your email addressed to RaajaNGAHM.
Relax, relax...........:-))Nobody is clinching your cup of gold!!:-))
NO! Its not RaajaNGAHM's wish to hold info back.
Its Maestro's wish to hold info back, on the internet. Please do not jump to conclusions.
We are not peeping into anything here.....
So, please show restraint when you write something in a public forum like this.
Further, if you have anything to say regarding RaajaNGAHM, write to admin@raajangahm.com to find out facts/reasons. This is not the right thread to belittle some sincere fan's
interests by involving in any kind of mudslinging, whatsoever!
You sound as if RaajaNGAHM or someone is snatching a golden opportunity bestowed upon you. That shows your shortsightedness! We have nothing more to say here! We are of the idea that we Indians should unite to work for a great Indian composer. Period.
Please have in mind that if involved, you are into a very huge, complex, herculean task of the unseen kind. So, please use words after thinking twice, from now. Its not you or X or Y who
is involved here. It is a great Indian composer, Maestro Ilayaraaja's name that is involved here.
If anything constructive comes up here, we will be too happy to give our
hands in support. You may count on us :-))
The need of the hour is unity not internecine quibbles...and of course, better organization!!
Team RaajaNGAHM!
- From: Sridhar (@
on: Thu Sep 28 17:00:19 EDT 2000
I think, what RaajaNGahm team says is right. Since, they go with IR's advice, they can not do something which he does n't like.
So,let's not get into any controversy and spoil the mood.
Whether it's thru RaajanGahm or thru someone else, let our objective be to mobilise the resources for our IR's vision.(no ego,no controversy,no politics in this regards).
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