Topic started by Murali Sankar/Swarapriyan (@ on Fri Sep 11 15:23:51 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Of late Sujatha seems to figure in a number of songs of TFM like "Poovukkul Nuzhiandirukkum","Minnaram Maanathu (from Guru)", "Meetadha Oru veenai". She seems to be the pick of the directors now. It is likely that many of us know that she was introduced to IR by KJ and was extensively used in the early phases of IR himself (when she was juvenile). some examples - "Kaadhal Oviyam Kandaen Kanavo", "Kaalaippaniyil". In this thread i would like to invite arguemnts about the quality of these singers.
- Old responses
- From: Rafiq (@ msrc10.msrc.temple.edu)
on: Tue Oct 6 16:30:13 EDT 1998
Guys, nice going on the debate. I personally feel
that Sujatha's voice is more mesmerising and well modulated, her lack of national awards not withstanding. Chitra sings thru her nose all
too often. Heard her sing in Hindi ('Love')? Couldn't stand her!
- From: Murali Sankar (@
on: Tue Oct 6 16:52:34 EDT 1998
One point about chitra is that she pants a lot in between the songs. This means that she does not have enough control over her breath. I do not see such a thing in Sujatha's voice.
- From: aruvi (@ spc-isp-tor-uas-71-44.sprint.ca)
on: Tue Oct 6 23:44:18 EDT 1998
I differ greatly with Murali Shanker when he says she pants a lot. Haven't you heard "Kannalanea". She has got great breath control. Even on stage shows, she doesn't look as though she has a problem with her breathing.
- From: Peace_Lover (@ scproxy3.sc.intel.com)
on: Wed Oct 7 18:41:01 EDT 1998
IMHO, it is unfair to both Chitra and Sujatha to compare their skills. My take
For Western songs, the rich husky voice of Sujatha fits like a glove.
For classical melodies, Chitra is more suitable.
- From: Murali Sankar (@
on: Thu Oct 8 00:51:24 EDT 1998
Dear Aruvi,
Infact I was about to give Kannalanae as the right example of her panting. By panting I mean the "Buss Buss " breathing noise she makes in between two lines. She sings
"Kannalanae ...Kaanavillai"
"mmhhhhh" (She takes her breath with such noise)
"En kangalai..thoongavillai"
i request you that you hear it for the hissing that she makes and notify if I am right.
Murali Sankar
- From: Sriram Lakshman (@ sf-dnpqh-042.compuserve.net)
on: Thu Oct 8 03:35:32 EDT 1998
Yes, Murali. You are right. But I think it has got to do with more of mike sense that anything else .Funnily enough, she displays tremendous mike sense while singing on stage, you can see her taking her breath inaudibly. You can see her
- From: cram (@
on: Thu Oct 8 07:21:42 EDT 1998
wow, nice going folks. as someone has already said, sabaash, sariyaana potti!!!! i like chitra too much to be able to participate without any bias in this debate. her rendering of maarugo maarugo in sati leelavathi was real cool. i mean, changing her voice so much. the only panga with her singing is her atrocious accent, something that most mallus have. just listen to her sing in hindi or tamil songs like chingu cha chingu cha.
keep the heat on, folks, nice going
- From: aruvi (@ spc-isp-tor-uas-78-16.sprint.ca)
on: Fri Nov 6 23:45:48 EST 1998
Check out SUJATHA's exclusive interview on
- From: Thomas (@ nb24ppp102.cac.psu.edu)
on: Sun Nov 8 20:04:27 EST 1998
Wow after hearing that interview with Sujatha, it just made me realize how stupid this discussion of who is better (Sujatha or Chitra) really is.
She says of how all the leading female singers are like a family (Sujatha, Chithra, Subha, Anuradha S., Minmini), and how when all of them get together it is like a picnic.
The point being if all of them can get along without comparing whose voice is better then why should we bother? They are all great in their own right. I know I have contributed to this discussion by saying that I think Chithra is better, but that was before I heard the interview.
Furthermore, I have so much respect for her as an artist now that I've heard her speak. She has gone thru so much to be where she is in the industry today, plus she is so much fun in conversation.
thats all for now.......
- From: aruvi (@ spc-isp-tor-uas-80-67.sprint.ca)
on: Tue Nov 10 23:25:37 EST 1998
Murali Shanker
Sorry to have disregarded your posting for so long. I usually just skim through the contents. I just wanted to say that I can't hear any problems with breath controls in "Kannalanea". In fact, all the reviews that I have read for "Bombay" have praised her excellent performance in that song and "Uyire" with Hariharan, especially for her breath control and feeling. Also, in another thread, which incidently is very close to the subject of this thread, DF'ers have pointed out that her breath control was amazing, and the feeling in the voice/songs put together was great.
- From: aruvi (@ spc-isp-tor-uas-89-17.sprint.ca)
on: Wed Nov 11 00:15:22 EST 1998
This is to Thomas
I have posted a few comments in tidbits and stories, Advantages of being a fan,and emotional complimints which I think will be of some interest to you.
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Wed Nov 11 02:27:46 EST 1998
Murali: With a ARR song, you get to hear only what he wants you to hear. As Aruvi said I too don't see any problem, but if there is a sharp intak of breath, it is more likely than not that ARR wanted it there. :-).
- From: karthi (@ lab7.theatrium.net)
on: Thu Jan 7 01:26:06 EST 1999
I can't see what you are saying. Will anyone (MD) want to hear the panting in between the lines in a song? I would agree if you said the recording quality nowadays is so clear that you get to hear (and possibly cannot avoid) all those 'in-take' of breath or 'panting' as you call it.
Aruvi, as Murali Shanker said you can hear that so called panting of chitra more in 'Kannaalane'! But I agree that she's done an excellent job in both the songs of 'Bombay', she's shown tremendous 'bhaavam'.
Here's my opinion:
As for Sujatha's voice is concerned, she sometimes makes us feel she is moroe melodious than Chitra. She can certainly modulate her voice better:
"Kezhakku Chevakkaiyile"
"En Veettu Thottathil"
"Acham Acham Illai"
"Poo Pookkum Osai"
But...should I say there's something missing in Sujatha's voice or there's something special in Chitra's voice, I can't exactly say what it is:
Chitra's voice is resounding...you feel like hearing her voice again and again...the ability to sing any song be it classical, romantic or jolly songs with great flow.
The best example is:
"Maana Madura Maamara Kilaiyile" - you won't believe when I felt she was extra-ordinary in that song even before the award was announced!
While Sujatha bagged the Tamil Nadu State Award for 'Poopookkum Osai' in the same film, it's only not surprising when Chitra was given National Award for 'Maana Madura'.
Undoubtedly Chitra will be the only singer to be singing the most number of songs in TFM for quite many more years to come!
- From: karthi (@ lab7.theatrium.net)
on: Thu Jan 7 01:49:14 EST 1999
Hi...here again!
I heard through a friend who used to attend ARR's Jingles that ARR loved Sujatha's voice. (But yet, his best preferred voice was PS - refer vikatan some months back)
- From: Shanmugam Murugappan (@
on: Thu Jan 7 14:16:25 EST 1999
I would say that sometimes Sujatha's voice would sound more sweeter than Chithra's voice. But, sweetness in voice alone doesn't count to make a singer great. It also depends on how you express the feeling of the song, how you modulate it and so on. When you take all these facets that go on to make a singer great, I feel Chithra wins by quite a good margin.
- From: aruvi (@ spc-isp-tor-uas-78-33.sprint.ca)
on: Thu Jan 7 22:54:02 EST 1999
I think that Chitra has got the sweetest voice in all that I have heard. But of late, I don't hear her as much in tamil songs as I do Sujatha. I wonder why?
BTW, Has anyone noticed an accent with Sujatha's songs in tamil. I am wondering. Since I am not an expert in tamil pronunciation, especially due to the fact that I am accustomed to talking to everyday tamil people in tamil, which has led to my lose in any sense of good tamil pronunciation.
- From: karthi (@ lab7.theatrium.net)
on: Fri Jan 8 23:04:22 EST 1999
Sujatha also does have the same problem as does Chitra. Both of them cannot get to pronounce the letter LLa (periya la) of Tamil correctly inspite of the fact that it is very much there in their own mother tongue...Malayaalam!
- From: A.G.Kutty (@ proxy3-18.isu.net.sa)
on: Wed Feb 2 11:22:31 EST 2000
From: A.G.Kutty in Saudi Arabia
I totally agree with Mr.Aruvi's statement that Chithra's voice is the sweetest one when compared to that of any contemporary female singer.
It may not be appropriate and fair for any music lover to make comparisons and draw scales
between the talents of two specifc singers. But, I have no doubts about one fact that there is hardly any female playback singer currently who can match Chithra in terms of melodious output of music, classical proficiency , adaptability to the language of the music and above all, the commitment to do the Best Job.
- From: MS (@
on: Wed Feb 2 11:27:17 EST 2000
It is just a little late Mr.Kutty :-) anyway your point is well taken..
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Wed Feb 2 13:28:42 EST 2000
Aahaa, what a good read this thread is. Sriram Lakshman's exposition on music, appidiyae padichchukittae irukkalaam. We have left few stones unturned in this forum, so if not for earnest comparison threads like these what else are we to discuss? Artists' personal lives?
Sujatha is youthful swagger; Chitra is aging perfection. Sujatha is playful breeze that paints your senses in drafts; Chitra is a steady waterfall that drenches you inside out. Sujatha is rare red wine, a treasure to behold; Chitra is water for survival. Sujatha flavors a song with her unique accent; Chitra accentuates a song with her unique flavor.
My scale is tipped in favor of Chitra because she rounds out her word-ending consonants much better than Sujatha. If you listen to "Muthal Murai Killip Paarthaen" from "Sangamam", Sujatha sings the following line this way:
Thandhai thandha uyir thandhae, thaai thandha udal thandhae
whereas it should be:
Thandhai thandha uyir thandhaen, thaai thandha udal thandhaen
But I wouldn't want to do without Sujatha, TFM needs her and a thousand more to keep it many splendored.
- From: rajaG (@ kcecfp02.sprint.com)
on: Wed Feb 2 17:17:20 EST 2000
Somehow the simile that Chitra is CD clear and Sujatha is 33 and 1/3 r.p.m. melody comes to my mind:-)
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