What's New on TFM Page
- Oct 19th, 2002:
- Sep 24th, 2002:
- Aug 12th, 2002:
- Sitemap for newtfmpage created. The top part changed. Now, the photos of all TFM personalities will be shown in a random fashion in the top section.
- Feb 20th, 2001:
- Dhool.com launched!
- A comprehensive song bank making newtfmpage a complete tamil film song portal.
- July 4th, 2000:
- July 3rd, 2000:
- Jan 10th, 2000:
- Dec 31st, 1999 (New Year Special):
- Nov 7 (Deepavali Special): Main page revamped. Many goodies in store for you
- New fast search engine
- Reinstated TFM database
- Broken links fixed
- New songs lyrics page
- Well, this page
- and more..