Mani Sir,

Thanks...a lot for the splendid effort.

As I told in the earliest part of this thread that my father is a fan of KVM and I am sure that if I give a copy of this entire, superb thread to him. He will be very happy. I thank you once again for this splendid effort. Ofcourse, special thanks for those knowledgeable posters of this thread who helped in your effort.

Hats off to all of you.

I don't know how you have planned to edit this splendid series as an article. One suggestion from me is that make the article as prose oriented and(hence) lyrics of various songs which are given in this thread could be given as appendix to the article and html link to those songs from the appropriate section of the prose could be made.

Hope this helps you.

Also, I thank you for accepting the suggestion regarding ThiruviLayaadal. I felt sad when I gave that suggestion. Its because, we did not have MKT at that time. Had he been alive(?) then, I guess surely KVM and APN would have included him also in that film and Wow! what a splendid album it would have been a stream of one of the all time greatest singers of TFM sung in a single film.