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Thread: Health Related Discussions

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    Irish Philosophy

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    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  9. #748
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    Talk about finding a pain relieving herb right in your kitchen! An anti-inflammatory herb used by the Chinese since ancient times, ginger targets pain caused by arthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps and muscle soreness. [3] The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger have been widely recognized that a study in 2005 demonstrates its effectiveness over other anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin. [4]

    Ginger can be directly applied to the affected area or sipped as syrup or tea especially during chilly weather. Its root may be boiled and drank or inhaled when applied in warm baths. [1]

    Devil's Claw

    This South African herb indeed does have devilish properties when it comes to attacking hip or knee pain. Research suggests it can reduce osteo-arthritic related pain by as much as 25 percent, significantly improving mobility within a few weeks. [5]

    Another 2007 study has found the analgesic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of devil's claw to reduce medication usage among 60% of participants suffering from back, neck and rheumatic pain just after 8 weeks of using devil's claw.

    White Willow

    If there's an "oldest" home pain remedy, it'll probably be the white willow which was used since 500 B.C. in China. [5] It's known to alleviate back, osteo-arthritic and nerve pain. [6]

    Available in extracts or as tea, white willow contains the substance - acetylsalicylic acid - used to make aspirin. It thus mimics the healing powers of aspirin in a gradual manner but may cause less of the common side effects of aspirin. [7]


    Another easily accessible herb as it's the same spice found in curry. Turmeric, with its active compound, curcumin, is potent due to its ability to improve blood circulation and reduce clotting. Hence, it's commonly used when you have a sprain, bruise, inflamed joints, or even suffering from skin and digestive issues. [3]


    This same herbal root that promotes sleep is also a natural pain reliever because of its ability to calm the nervous system. Consequently, aside from remedying insomnia, tension and anxiety, it can reduce nerve sensitivity to drive down pain. [3] Valerian can also be taken as tea or as a supplement.

    While these herbs may not be as fast acting as your typical painkiller, they do their jobs safer and with longer lasting results.

    Together with a holistic approach such as combining herbal treatments with a healthy diet, therapeutic exercises, and stress releasing techniques like meditation [7] , you can help your body treat not just the pain symptoms but also the root cause for a pain-free, active lifestyle.

    Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

    This herb is probably one of the most popular natural treatments for pain. Licorice is rich in glycyrrhizin compound that is known to block and relieve inflammation. It also helps in preventing the occurrence of side effects of cortisol such as anxiety and fatigue.

    When taken, licorice acts as the body’s natural corticosteroids that prevent inflammation. It also helps in reducing the level of free radicals on the site of inflammation as well as in preventing the production of enzymes that promote inflammation. [8] Licorice is also an excellent herb for the treatment of sore throat, however, it is not recommended for people diagnosed with hypertension. [9]

    Furthermore, licorice helps in treating inflammation and pain caused by stomach ulcer, gastritis, eczema, bronchitis, arthritis, sore throat and heartburn. It also works by reducing the inflammation associated with stomach ulcer. It stimulates the production of mucin which protects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract against the painful side effects of stomach acid. [10]

    Oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum)

    If you are in pain, oregano is definitely one of the best herbs to take into your food. This powerful herb is known for its anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In fact, it contains 32 anti-inflammatory compounds. [11] Oregano is also a good source of a variety of health nutrients which include iron, copper, potassium, calcium, niacin, manganese, zinc and Vitamins E, C and A.

    Since the start of the 5th century, oregano has been widely used by the Mediterranean culture in treating diarrhea, stomach pain and other health conditions. It is believed that this herb is capable of alleviating the pain suffered by people with sciatica, joint pain, muscle spasms, backache and other chronic pain illnesses. [12]

    Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

    Highly recommended for women suffering from menstrual cramps, this powerful herb is known to contain 27 antispasmodic and 16 analgesic chemicals. [14] Coming from the family of parsley and carrots, fennel is often used as an ingredient for cooking. Through time, researchers discovered that this herb is capable of treating a wide range of illness because of its antispasmodic properties. These conditions include gout, colic, gas, spasms and cramps. For women with menstrual cramps, fennel’s spasmodic properties help in relaxing the muscles of the body, especially those found in the uterus. [15]

    When used as a compress, fennel makes an excellent treatment for inflammation of the eyelids, and conjunctivitis. When used as oil, it helps in easing rheumatic and muscular pains. [16]

    Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

    This herb is makes a very popular home treatment for toothaches. In fact, many over-the counter (OTC) pain relievers and mouthwash today feature clove as one of its ingredients. Clove is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

    It offers a great deal of relief to people who suffer from painful gums and teeth. An excellent source of magnesium, fiber, calcium, manganese and Vitamins K and C, clove is also rich in eugenol compound that is known to be effective in reducing inflammation, relieving pain and killing bacteria. Also, eugenol is scientifically proven to be effective in inhibiting the production of enzymes that cause many inflammatory conditions. [17] According to some, chewing a clove leaf helps in reducing inflammation, combating bacterial infection as well as numbing pain.

    Furthermore, research revealed that about 60-90% of clove is composed of eugenol where clove’s antiseptic, antifungal and anesthetic properties are coming from. [18]

    Burdock (Arcticum minus or Arctium lappa)

    Considered one of the best ways to deal with pain is to take food and supplements that contain essential fatty acids. This makes Burdock one of the best pain relieving herbs available today. The herb contains fatty oils, sterols and tannins which act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents. [19]

    Coming from the thistle family, burdock has been in used for two centuries in treating a wide range of health conditions. In fact, it is highly valued for the treatment of gout, arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory conditions. [20] Burdock is also useful in reducing pain and swelling of the joints.

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    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  10. #749
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    Ever since I started using Hydrogen Peroxide to get rid of armpit stains, to clean cookie sheets, as a miracle cleaner in my kitchen and bathroom, and to make my own “oxi clean”…I ALWAYS have at least one bottle of the stuff under my kitchen sink, under my bathroom sink, AND in the laundry room. This stuff is amazingly versatile!

    But it wasn’t until recently, after doing some IN DEPTH research on the subject, that I came to realize what a “miracle substance” hydrogen peroxide really is! It’s safe, it’s readily available, it’s cheap, and best of all, it WORKS! It works for a LOT of stuff!

    Hydrogen peroxide should really be called oxygen water, since it is basically the same chemical make up as water but with an extra oxygen atom (H2O2). Because of this it breaks down quickly and harmlessly into oxygen and water.

    Some other interesting facts about hydrogen peroxide:

    It is found in all living material.
    Your white blood cells naturally produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to fight bacteria and infections.
    Fruit and vegetables naturally produce hydrogen peroxide. This is one of the reasons why it is so healthy to eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
    It is found in massive dosages in the mother’s first milk, called colostrum, and is transferred to the baby to boost their immune system.
    It is found in rain water because some of the H20 in the atmosphere receives an additional oxygen atom from the ozone (O3) and this H2O2 makes plants grow faster.
    Next to Apple Cider Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide ranks up there as one of the best household remedies.

    Besides the obvious (cleansing wounds), did you know that it is probably the best remedy to dissolve ear wax? Brighten dingy floors? Add natural highlights to your hair? Improve your plants root systems? The list goes on and on!

    There are SO many uses for this stuff that I’ve started replacing the cap on the hydrogen peroxide bottle with a sprayer because it’s easier and faster to use that way.

    I have compiled a rather impressive list of uses for 3% hydrogen peroxide that I hope will have you as thrilled and bewildered as I was!

    Wash vegetables and fruits with hydrogen peroxide to remove dirt and pesticides. Add 1/4 cup of H2O2 to a sink of cold water. After washing, rinse thoroughly with cool water.

    In the dishwasher, add 2 oz. to your regular detergent for a sanitizing boost. Also, beef up your regular dish soap by adding roughly 2 ounces of 3% H2O2 to the bottle.

    Use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash to freshen breath. It kills the bacteria that causes halitosis. Use a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water.

    Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to make a paste for brushing teeth. Helps with early stages of gingivitis as it kills bacteria. Mixed with salt and baking soda, hydrogen peroxide works as a whitening toothpaste.

    Soak your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide between uses to keep it clean and prevent the transfer of germs. This is particularly helpful when you or someone in your family has a cold or the flu.

    Clean your cutting board and countertop. Let everything bubble for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse clean. (I’ve been using it for this a LOT lately!)

    Wipe out your refrigerator and dishwasher. Because it’s non-toxic, it’s great for cleaning places that store food and dishes.

    Clean your sponges. Soak them for 10 minutes in a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and warm water in a shallow dish. Rinse the sponges thoroughly afterward.

    Remove baked-on crud from pots and pans. Combine hydrogen peroxide with enough baking soda to make a paste, then rub onto the dirty pan and let it sit for a while. Come back later with a scrubby sponge and some warm water, and the baked-on stains will lift right off.

    Whiten bathtub grout. First dry the tub thoroughly, then spray it liberally with hydrogen peroxide. Let it sit — it may bubble slightly — for a little while, then come back and scrub the grout with an old toothbrush. You may have to repeat the process a few times.

    Clean the toilet bowl. Pour half a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet bowl, let stand for 20 minutes, then scrub clean.

    Remove stains from clothing, curtains, and tablecloths. Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a pre-treater for stains — just soak the stain for a little while in 3% hydrogen peroxide before tossing into the laundry. You can also add a cup of peroxide to a regular load of whites to boost brightness. It’s a green alternative to bleach, and works just as well.

    Brighten dingy floors. Combine half a cup of hydrogen peroxide with one gallon of hot water, then go to town on your flooring. Because it’s so mild, it’s safe for any floor type, and there’s no need to rinse.

    Clean kids’ toys and play areas. Hydrogen peroxide is a safe cleaner to use around kids, or anyone with respiratory problems, because it’s not a lung irritant. Spray toys, toy boxes, doorknobs, and anything else your kids touch on a regular basis.

    Help out your plants. To ward off fungus, add a little hydrogen peroxide to your spray bottle the next time you’re spritzing plants.

    Add natural highlights to your hair. Dilute the hydrogen peroxide so the solution is 50% peroxide and 50% water. Spray the solution on wet hair to create subtle, natural highlights.

    According to alternative therapy practitioners, adding half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide to a warm bath can help detoxify the body. Some are skeptical of this claim, but a bath is always a nice way to relax and the addition of hydrogen peroxide will leave you – and the tub – squeaky clean!

    Spray a solution of 1/2 cup water and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide on leftover salad, drain, cover and refrigerate. This will prevent wilting and better preserve your salad.

    Sanitize your kids’ lunch boxes/bags.

    Dab hydrogen peroxide on pimples or acne to help clear skin.

    Hydrogen peroxide helps to sprout seeds for new plantings. Use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution once a day and spritz the seed every time you re-moisten. You can also use a mixture of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 32 parts water to improve your plants’ root system.

    Remove yellowing from lace curtains or tablecloths. Fill a sink with cold water and a 2 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak for at least an hour, rinse in cold water and air dry.

    Use it to remove ear wax. Use a solution of 3% with olive or almond oil. Add a couple drops of oil first then H2O2. After a few minutes, tilt head to remove solution and wax.

    Helps with foot fungus. Spray a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry. Or try soaking your feet in a peroxide solution to help soften calluses and corns, and disinfect minor cuts.

    Spray down the shower with hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria and viruses.

    Use 1 pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water to clean humidifiers and steamers.

    Wash shower curtains with hydrogen peroxide to remove mildew and soap scum. Place curtains in machine with a bath towel and your regular detergent. Add 1 cup full strength 3% hydrogen peroxide to the rinse cycle.

    Use for towels that have become musty smelling. 1/2 cup Peroxide and 1/2 cup vinegar let stand for 15 minutes wash as normal. Gets rid of the smell.

    Use hydrogen peroxide to control fungi present in aquariums. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt your fish. Use sparingly for this purpose.

    De-skunking solution. Combine 1 quart 3% H2O2, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 teaspoon Dawn dish detergent, 2 quarts warm water.
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  11. #750
    Senior Member Senior Hubber chevy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raagadevan View Post
    Attention young India, take care of your heart

    A few decades ago the obvious cause for a broken heart in a young individual was romance and love.
    But with the epidemic of coronary artery disease (CAD) hitting India hard, the scenario is changing
    rapidly and with it, the meaning and cause of a ‘broken young heart’.

    thats what took my young appa away...this october. I hate you CAD.

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