Instant rava Pongal mix:

Dry roast, on low flame,1 cup split yellow moong dhal until flavourful and starts to change color(approx 5 mins). Take off flame and let cool. Grind to a coarse mixture(rava like)

Heat ghee in a pan.
Add roughly crushed jeera, peppercorns, finely chopped ginger, curry leaves and green chillies. Let it all turn crisp. You can also omit ginger, curry leaves and green chillies in this step and add those while cooking.
Add cashews and saute till golden.
To this add 2 cups rava and mix and saute on low flame until flavourful.
Add required salt.
Let cool.

How to use:

To 2 1/2 cups of boiling water, add 1 cup of the mix and cook on low flame till done.Keep stirring in between.
Serve hot with some more ghee on top.