+ I dont scold my child any more. That make me feel that I am a
better father now than before.
+ Introduced me to few good people that i would have never met otherwise. Very particularly TISK and tmrrmt.
+ Wake up early
+ Positive attitude
+ Feel like I am little younger
+ My ego wanished. TIS made me appreciate music than fighting with other MD fans, specially ARR fans. Infact I have been enjoying ARR songs all along, but used to bash ARR and his songs and his fans just because of my "EGO". It just wanished. Now alias, arjuna, dinesh are all my friends. I am very comfortable talking to them, express my honest opinion which never created any ARR-IR war. Sometime, I give up and sometime they give up. It just shows that we are here for music and nothing else.

+ Last but not least, when I heard the promo CD of TIS, I started writing poem, as if it is natural for me. I thought I will complete the poem once I listen to TIS completely, but the minute I heard TIS, the poem looked very inferior to me. I just throwed whatever I wrote.