i used to have some dislike for the popular late 70's and early 80's songs in my young age, esp songs from Nizhalgal (other than pon maalai pozhuthu song) and many BR movie songs, mohan songs etc, came to appreciate those songs only in the satellite and audio cd era when heard them in digital sound...... also was in awe of them when i heard those songs in orchestras...... only then i realized, my perception on the songs were due to the quality of those songs where i heard from mono speakers (FM radios and dd channels) and saw in poor quality film prints......

Also i always had this doubt, most of the films that came before 70's (from late 50's onwards) had good prints and good quality sound tracks.... even the color films that came during 60's (Eastmen color) were of rich quality compared to most of the films that came in 70s, is there any reason to it? or is it just me who thinks like that way?