Topic started by U.SHYAM SUNDAR (@ on Mon Mar 25 02:11:55 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Mar 30 04:31:23 EST 2002
"Is there a black and white distinction between ARRF and IRF?"
Yes, in more cases than u think.
When the person explicitly states his/her fascination for one MD's music and his/her aversion for other MDs' music. There are more such DFers who have done this than u may imagine. It is all good to live in ur idealistic world, but there r too many characters here who call themselves IR Fans and go on to comdemn ARR's music as copied, recycled, etc etc. Hence I am not fooling anyone here by stating ARR Fans or IR Fans.
Some more decent fans here simply state that they prefer IR's music to ARR's music or vice-versa and then still go on to call themselves IR/ARR Fans and identify themselves wit the "IR/ARR Camp".
"Don't you think it is possible to be a fan of both (and other) MDs?"
Of course. Like myself. Most seem to have one prefered MD among the many they like and do state as much.
"and posters like you irritate them by making degrading remarks about either of the MDs."
which post of mine gave u the impression I was degrading another MD? Please answer my question without any evading. I have often been accused of this and when questioned further I have never been given a proper answer or even a single example to justify such a statement.
"Are you an ARR fan or ARR's music's fan?"
I only thought an ARR Fan meant one who is a fan of his music. It is not like ARR is my maaman or machan and I am worshipping his pictures in the altar. Why else wud I be a fan of ARR if not for his music. Along the way, I have often been impressed wit his humility and simplicity despite his talent and fame. This has often held my in awe of his personality. But that does not mean I am worshipping him for who he is, but I call myself his fan for what he does best.
"Wouldn't you want to belong to the seasoned group, instead of trying to be part of the ignored group?"
Frankly speaking, I can't care less if other DFers choose to ignore me or consider me as a seasoned DFer. I never cared much for labels and wont be making any exceptions here either. Anyone who wants to reply to my posts for what I have said are welcome (positive or negative). Anyone who feels they r good enuf to judge others in this DF can go to naragam for all I care. Anyone who feels they shud use obscenities and vulgaities shud be flushing their heads in the loo.
"There are a certain class of posters who thrive on being so and post their annoying/sometimes amusing one-liners"
I never felt I was too good to be answering anyone's one-liners/posts. If I dont reply, it is probably cos I have the right to remain silent and not bcos I feel I am too great to be replying to such DFers.
"Most discerning posters/forumers try to belong to the second group, including your's truly"
Who r u refering to an 'your's truly'?
And finally I'd like to explain the reasons behind my sarcastic posts earlier.
There r DFers here who put down not just IR, but also ARR and other MDs. However, when ARR gets bashed everyone remains contented. When anyone says anything negative about IR, all these fans start talking about the degrading quality of TFMDF, how one shud not put down an MD and hurt their fans' feelings blablabla. My question is this. Was the quality of this DF very high when ARR was being bashed? Were the philosophies of equality, consideration, etc non-existent when ARR was being bashed?
This strikes me as HYPOCRISY!
If u guys want to make a hoo-haa then u shud have been doing tat long ago, not just when someone expresses their dislike for IR's music.
When ARR is bashed, I try to categorically answer the points or one-liners put across by the ARR-Hater and stop there. I do not start talking about philosophy, DF quality, blabla and neither do I make personal attacks on these bashers. Finally, I feel they (these ARRHaters) are as entitled as I am to make any statement in this forum. I do not pray they will disappear nor do I regard them as pests, no matter how annoying their statements may be.
Cos I respect others. I often wish others did the same.
I hope to get replies to my questions RajaG. I also hope u will maintain the decency of ur former post.
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sat Mar 30 08:58:35 EST 2002
Something occured to me. RajaG does not post at the time shown above. Also his IP id is usually different. rajaG (@
I am not jumping to conclusions, but will wait and see.
- From: arun_uk (@
on: Sat Mar 30 11:18:10 EST 2002
Well,going back to the original topic in discussion.....from my point of view I look forward to IR & VM working together. The contribution of this 'combo' in terms of quality, quantity or just pure entertainment has been phenomenal. But we have to wait to see the 'output' as G.Raghavan puts it( But G.Raghavan....What do you mean by "going with the facts, as a normal IR fan I am not expecting magic from this reunion"???....Going by 'facts' they have given TFM many 'magical moments'... have they not??? )
And sadly.....I have to say some people still lack insight & vehemently exhibit their gross ignorance about a Great Man(IR)!!!
- From: rajaG (@
on: Sat Mar 30 11:35:00 EST 2002
ROTFL: as I have read somewhere before veeN sandhEgam vEndaam....:-) adiyEn thaan clearly handle la yE rajaG a.k.a aavEndhan a.k.a (^!^) nu pOttu vittEnE. Simple explanation - I have surf capability at work and at home. Thanks for understanding what I was trying to communicate.
Whynot: Thanks for the clarification. I know exactly where you are coming from.:-)
Just for the record, if you had substituted IR instead of ARR (and vice versa) in all your posts so far in the DF, I would have still addressed my concerns to you in my earlier post.
If u guys want to make a hoo-haa then u shud have been doing tat long ago, not just when someone expresses their dislike for IR's music.
Have fun! I am definitely not interested in debating/discussing about your response to my response to your response to my concern…………
addressed in general:
I am glad that IR and ARR have many HCFs. Future la “theekkuLikkaraththukku aaL vENumnaa” list sowgariyappadum. Definitely, do not count me as one! :-)
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Mar 30 11:48:17 EST 2002
I've read ur posts in "Ever since ARR entered into the cine field; 2 bad things have happenned" RajaG, I never considered u as one of the IRFans I often talk about cos of the neutrality u seem to have. Those I talk about r a diff breed altogether. 'u guys' in my statement was a general phrase directed at the relevant parties reading my post. And I'm not in the theekuli list either.
If u really know where I am coming from, I'm glad to hear that.
- From: rajaG (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:10:35 EST 2002
aah Whynot! When you say nice things about an artist, his/her HCFs and the neutral fans are with you. When you say 'not so nice things' (more importantly wrong/illogical/uninformed things) about an artist, you are pissing off both sets of people.
The only exception is Raghuvaran - even HCSPBFs want to leave him alone :-) (Sorry Raghu! that is the (^!^) part of my personality speaking) :-)
eduththa eduppukkellaam "we ARRFs" nu pOttuttu, ippO (kEvalam!) theekkuLi nu sonna udanEy jagaa vaangareengaLEy? andha pakkam yErkkenavEy rendu pEr gasoline kottinuttadhaa kELvi. chEy! verum lip service fans thaana?:-)
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:17:09 EST 2002
I said ARRF. I did not say HCARRFan. :-)
I'm sure u can see the difference for urself.
"When you say 'not so nice things' (more importantly wrong/illogical/uninformed things)"
Is tat a general statement or r u implying I actually said such things. If it is the latter, I'm asking u for the second time to give me a time when a post of mine gave u tat impression. I'd like to explain myself.
- From: raycas (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:19:58 EST 2002
excerpt from an interview with vinayan:
What were the problems you had to encounter while remaking 'Vaasanthiyum, Lakshmiyum Pinne Nyaanum' a Tamil as 'Kasi'?
'Kasi' takes place in a village called Alagapuri. There was no change in the story, but characters had to be changed. There were six songs. And Vikram had matched Kalabhavan Mani's performance to a great extent.
Music was scored by Ilayaraja Sir. He specializes in these village - style music. After a long time, Ilayaraja & lyricist Vairamuthu had united for this film.
so what is this news about?
- From: rajaG (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:27:14 EST 2002
Whynot: Simply, everytime you justify/post that (somebody else's) slammimg of a given artist is OK, because people were silent when a favorite artist of yours has been slammed or whatever reason you put forth, you have directly encouraged the slamming of an artist and indirectly slammed the artist. You still want evidence?
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:38:17 EST 2002
rajaG, u never got the gist of my posts then.
I was not justifying their posts.
I was defending them from the crude Personal Attacks they received. I have even diagreed wit some of their statements while defending them from Personal Attacks in the same breath.
No one makes PAs against ARR haters. I make tis statement bcos I was once asked why I hadnt defended ARRHaters from PAs (when having the exact same argument wit tzone). The other reason for my posts were the endless lectures these people received from DFers who chose to remain silent (and some even contributed) while ARR bashings were going on.
I hope I have made myself clear enuf now. If it does not come across as such, you can blame it on my communication skills, your state of mind, your interpretation of my intent,...a combination or exclusion thereof.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:43:57 EST 2002
raycas, nice to hear from again. It's been a while.
rajaG, will reply to any more posts from u much later. Gotta go now. I still hope u understand where I am coming from.
- From: rajaG (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:53:28 EST 2002
If it does not come across as such, you can blame it on my communication skills, your state of mind, your interpretation of my intent,...a combination or exclusion thereof.
imitation is the best form of flattery :-)
Gotta go! If I have not understood you(r posts) yet, I am sure you will give me/us more material to lead me/us in understanding your position.
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