Dum Dum Dum BGM - A great effort from KR
Topic started by Radhai (@ on Mon Apr 16 13:12:50 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I happened to watch Dum Dum Dum.The BGM was very different from the usual Karthik Raja movies. It was a great effort. Any views?
- Old responses
- From: sabesan (@
on: Tue Apr 24 21:54:20 EDT 2001
vijay.... i think ur saying about the "Athaan varuvahaa" song..... in the movie Kalpana sings that song.... and it fits her voice (my opinion).... so i really don't think its wrong choice of the voice as such..... (hey, who is bothered about the voice nowadays, comeon)....
i have'nt heard about Grahaan, so no clue about that.... but i will not say this is a bad album.... and in my opinion, this album is much better than HJ's Minallae.....
- From: nvd (@
on: Tue Apr 24 22:50:01 EDT 2001
Designhu RaajA songs really, extremely impressed every1 in the theater here in Malaysia. well dun KR!!
- From: NagaS (@
on: Wed Apr 25 02:44:19 EDT 2001
Sariyaa sonneenga, This album is defenitely better than Minnalae in all aspects - If we ignore Sadhana Sargam's Pathetic TAMIL :-)
- From: aruvi (@
on: Wed Apr 25 17:55:20 EDT 2001
The following is a review of the music in Dum Dum Dum by Sudhakar for their film review site. I think it is one of the most accurate that I have seen so far. For a full and great review of the film go to their site at http://www.geocities.com/tamilmoviereviews/movies/2001/dumm_dumm_dumm.html
Sutroom Bhoomi… ’ (Harini) is a typical ‘heroine introduction’ song and there is nothing special about it. The lyric in this song is not good.
In the ‘Aththan Varuvaga … ’ (Malgudi Subha, Chitra Sivaraman, Harini, Tippu & T.K. Karthik) song, the words are not very clear - even when watching in the movie. The chorus background is in the style of A.R.Rahman and this song reminds me of parts of the song ‘Adi paru mangaththa…’ (from the movie ‘May Madham’). The violin piece in the middle of this song is not original !
‘Dhesingu Rajah…’ (Harish Ragavendra & Sujatha) song is good to watch in the movie with good sets and nice temple (Chithamparam) backgrounds. This song has been made to be in par with Mani Ratnam’s fantasy dream songs (for some reason, this song reminds me of ‘Veerapandi Kotaiyilae’ from Mani Ratnam’s movie ‘Thiruda Thiruda’). This song is suppose to be a dream song sequence in a ‘Raja Rani’ old time period – however, it is interesting to note that there is an electric light sign with ‘Siva Siva’ in the temple background ! ;-) The voice of the singers is low in this song and the pronunciation of both Harish and Sujatha is bad and not clear in many places. Parts of the song remind me of ‘Ezuthukiraen oru kaditham’ song from the movie ‘Kalki’. The lyric (with lines like ‘Sundakka ettana, sumaikooli paththana …!) in this song is not good. Madhavan appears with a mustache in this song - he looks better without a mustache.
The lyric in the song ‘Krishna Krishna… ’ (Harish Ragavendra, Karthik & Febi) is interesting and this song is good to listen and watch in the movie. This song has a good beat. This is a beach song and it has been shot well (this song is much better than Madhavan’s other beach song ‘September Madham’ in the movie ‘Alai Payuthey’). However, the timing of this song in the movie is bad and it interrupts the flow of the movie.
‘Ragasiyamai Ragasiyamai … ’ (Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam & Ramanadhan) – is a good song. Hariharan’s voice is good in this song. Sadhna’s bad pronunciation of Tamil words (as usual) is not good. Why do Tamil music directors keep using Sadhna Sargam knowing that she kills Tamil ?! Oh well, it must be part of the project called ‘Mella’th Tamil ini saagum’ !! ;-)
Only parts of the ‘Un Perai Sonnalae... ’ song (Unnikrishnan & Sadhana Sargam) are used in the movie (in the background) and it sounds good. This song sounds like some very old Tamil movie song. This song has some meaningless lyric. The guitar music in this song is good – however, the beginning part of this song sounds exactly like the song ‘Adi Jivunnu Jivunnu...’ from the new movie ‘Badhri’ (music by Ramana Gokula – he has reused his own tunes that he composed for Badhri’s original version in Telugu).
OK – let me stop finding fault with Karthik Raja’s music. Karthik Raja’s dad Ilaiyaraja is known for his excellence in his background score and re-recording. Similarly, Karhik Raja has done an excellent job in the background score and it is very impressive throughout the movie. Karthik Raja has paid attention to minor details of sound in the background score and it sounds good in dts. Like Ilaiyaraja, Karthik Raja has made good use of violin in the background. Well, does anyone need to teach a young Eagle on how to fly ?! (I am tired of using the phrase ‘Meen kunjukku neentha kathu kodukkanuma ?!’). Because of the excellent job done by Karthik Raja in the background score and re-recording, I am forgiving the faults in his songs in my rating !
*It's interesting to not that most of what he has said was the same as I had written for a review that was never posted due to my computer freezing. The guitar bit for Un perai Sonnalae is very nice and I just listen to that song for the guitar part. Ragasiyamai has horrible pronounciation by sadhana but it is melodious...And they had conceptualized it well in the movie. Sutrum Bhoomi just didn't make sense to me but the way they shot the song made it likeable. But I can't stand listening to it on CD. Likewise, for Desingu Raaja. To end...there are some movies that have songs that boost it's credit, but for this movie, the MD should thank the director and cinematographer for boosting the songs. By itself, the songs pale...
- From: aruvi (@
on: Wed Apr 25 17:57:11 EDT 2001
Sorry, left out the opening part of the review...The Music director who previously copied tune from ‘Pocahontas’ in the movie ‘Ullasam’, has composed the music for this film ! Yes, I am referring to Karthik Raja !! He has tried to deliver a ‘A.R.Rahman like’ tunes and recording and in doing so, he has made some mistakes similar to A.R. Rahman (read below). The songs sounds like that of A.R.Rahman because of using Rahman's typical singers – Hariharan, Sujatha, Harini, Malgudi Subha, Sadhana Sargam, Unnikrishnan & Febi. Vaali, N.Muthukumar and P.Vijay wrote the lyrics and they are not impressive (in most of the songs).
- From: Priya (@
on: Wed Apr 25 18:18:43 EDT 2001
The reviewer likes the lyrics in "krishna krishna" song.
He Does not like the lyrics in "suttrum boomi"
What can I say!!
IMO, nA.muthukumar has done a better job than
many lyricists.
suttrum bhoomi is a groovy attempt with earthy lyrics.
In my opinion, the above review is very skewed.
- From: comment (@
on: Wed Apr 25 18:37:39 EDT 2001
i like the line in suttrum boomi...
" Akka purusan ara purusan",
Great!! with touch of " mann vasanai"..
- From: P (@
on: Wed Apr 25 18:43:34 EDT 2001
hee.. hee..!
I like this line.
thennai marame. udambengum valaiyalgaL yeno
- From: P (@
on: Wed Apr 25 18:57:48 EDT 2001
Infact,akka purushan turns out to be muzhu purusan in many instances. when akka dies, aththaan marries sister in law.
- From: vijay (@
on: Wed Apr 25 19:30:26 EDT 2001
"Sutroom Bhoomi… ’ (Harini) is a typical ‘heroine introduction’ song and there is nothing special about it. The lyric in this song is not good.
In the ‘Aththan Varuvaga … ’ (Malgudi Subha, Chitra Sivaraman, Harini, Tippu & T.K. Karthik) song, the words are not very clear - "
Right on the mark!!!! The songs might have been great to watch in the movie but when you hear the album separately its just a medicore one.
- From: P (@
on: Wed Apr 25 19:49:46 EDT 2001
Reviewer could have qualified his statements.
Boomi keeps suttrufying inspite of these bogus reviewers:-)
- From: sabesan (@
on: Wed Apr 25 20:26:42 EDT 2001
meaningless lyric for "Un Perrai Sonnalaaae"..... come on.....
"kaaaiai chudam endrallum theeaii thodddum pizhaai pool, unaaeee naanum ninaikireeen"
if this is meaningless, oh God, what to tell....
and the reviewer says "Krishna Krishna… " sounds good...... hmmm.... suthaaam....
one more point - for Desingu raajaa its not Chithamparam temple - its Tanjore Periaaa koil.... and the lyric in this song is not good - hmm.... did the reviewer really see the movie - it just fit the situation..... when the idea that Madhavan had flops, he will be blinking heavily - and the song starts "Desingu Raaajaaaa..... thiru thirunu muzhikaraeeee".....
so Vijay, if there is one more *typical Heroine* intro song, even if the song is good, will u say there is nothing spl...... ?????? comeon every song can be put into some *typical* category, and say, haaa big deal ?????
- From: sabesan (@
on: Wed Apr 25 20:27:38 EDT 2001
comment...... enaabaaa.... do u have lots of "kozhundiaaals" :-).......
- From: nvd (@
on: Wed Apr 25 22:30:16 EDT 2001
Sabesan sir,
Totally agree with you!! The comments/review posted Mr.Sudhakar, make no sense to me. Especially when he said about the lyrics.....this man is surely out there to condemn KR, I feel IMHO.
- From: aruvi (@
on: Wed Apr 25 23:05:12 EDT 2001
Merrily we go around:-))....
- From: mani (@
on: Thu Apr 26 00:56:17 EDT 2001
i feel that, the reviewer just wanted to bask KR. One can see that from the opening remark about the music.
"The Music director who previously copied tune from ‘Pocahontas’ in the movie ‘Ullasam’, has composed the music for this film ! Yes, I am referring to Karthik Raja !! He has tried to deliver a ...."
With this type of opening expecting a fair review is unfair.
When he says "Krishna Krishna" is good, one can understand what he wants....ask him, he will say "Shakalaka baby..." is a great song...
btw, read this review at www.themusicmagazine.com " target="_top">http://www.themusicmagazine.com/dumdumdum.html">www.themusicmagazine.com
- From: velai illai (@
on: Thu Apr 26 01:09:48 EDT 2001
- From: vijay (@
on: Thu Apr 26 01:57:27 EDT 2001
Sabesan, loo at my post again..The words typed in bold..those are the ones which I agree with the reviewer..I didnt agree with him on that lyrics part..But he is right IMO in those 2 statements..there was nothing special about that song and the lyrics are not decipherable at places in that Subha song..
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