Topic started by abhinetri (@ on Tue Nov 13 21:04:29 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
This 'so-called' film critic from REDIFF.COM says 'ABHAY' (Hindi Version of ALAVANDHAAN' is a crap movie. The link is given below...
How crucial was 'music' a crucial factor for a film like ALAVANDHAAN?
- Old responses
- From: Trend (@
on: Wed Dec 19 16:44:25 EST 2001
Bharath,:-)I got 10.Is it worth the effort to understand the movie?
- From: not_on_lsd (@
on: Wed Dec 19 16:44:43 EST 2001
"You are the biggest GAS ballooon i have seen much bigger than the 1 n the movie... i have the DVD with me... the only question the dr asks is..
Doctor: "ponathukku mutham kodukara unakku enna necrophelia'vaa"
Kamal" "illai doctor... naan..." and he bables something..
so dont write a psuedo script for aalavandhan.. "
Bharath ....the "cartoon" dialogue indeed exists in the movie......don't support bootlegged DVDs:)
- From: not_on_lsd (@
on: Wed Dec 19 16:47:59 EST 2001
"That's a excellent point.I think every filmmaker should have this attitude.Instead of getting inspired on technical aspects from Hollywood why don't the filmmakers try to understand character development and how much space each character should have."
"Fan of Neutral Fan :)),
I haven't seen the movie.Do you recommend me to watch it?:)"
welcome to the new world of telepathic criticism!!
- From: Trend (@
on: Wed Dec 19 17:01:32 EST 2001
C'mon!Isn't it easy to predict Kamal's films(in which he has a hand in direction)?Don't you think the ingredients and composition of "Hollywood inspiration,western aping(charaterization, dialogue etc)to a sensational level and his thirst for being and emoting in each frame at the cost of everything else" is becoming more familiar?
- From: Bharath (@
on: Wed Dec 19 17:11:32 EST 2001
one more time does the doctor ask this
//"the doctor asks,"where did you learn so much violence?""//
how many versions of dvd are there floating around?... 1 friend of mine saw a aalavandhan that didnt have kamal dancing with manisha... !!^&&*##%
anyway as i said b4 .. i still dont have problem with cartoons... i just didnt like the way it was executed....
it was obvious manisha wud die.. thats where i guess the suspense was lost!
nah!.. i still love the nandhu character but very inconsistent with the movie... and the movie again is badly executed!
nope this one is a bummer.... lets talk about PKS
- From: not_on_lsd (@
on: Wed Dec 19 17:12:44 EST 2001
Sorry...I belong to 'em old timers who comment on a film after watching it atleast once.
I thought David Manning was the twilight zone when it comes film criticism. I am glad to note that you have stolen his thunder:)
- From: not_on_lsd (@
on: Wed Dec 19 17:17:44 EST 2001
Bharath...apart from Mu. Kasi Viswanathan, the film editor, Aalavandaan seems to have had many consultant fly-by editors in the form of projectionists, distributors and the likes:( I know for a fact that many theatres have chopped off nandu's hallucinatory trip to the shopping mall.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Wed Dec 19 17:22:09 EST 2001
//"nandu's hallucinatory trip to the shopping mall."//
i didnt see that either... all i saw reg. this scene was kamal sitting on a chair in a platform and he wud look at a poster behind him with manisha in it and ..the manisha in the poster wud talk with kamal and walk out of the poster and dance with him to the background of "kadavul paathi.." instrumental theme....
I didnt mind it that much.. but most of the crowd started booing by that time...(i saw this movie the first time in coimbatore)
the dvd i have and the movie i saw are the same
- From: Trend (@
on: Wed Dec 19 17:30:49 EST 2001
- From: not_on_lsd (@
on: Wed Dec 19 17:47:41 EST 2001
Bharath....u saw the "TN Distributors' (or Dhaanu's..as the grapevine has it) collector edition" of Aalavandhaan:)
The shopping mall sequence was shown in theaters across USA. It cleverly (IMO) showcases the thought process of Nandu.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Wed Dec 19 18:37:00 EST 2001
hmmm... nandhu's character is well conceived and thought out! But I guess that and the technical wizrdry was a major distraction to the movie...
i still believe to much effort into nandhu's character distracted the actual content of the movie....
i still feel like seeing a good tendulkar 155 but india loosing the match.
I did a very close hair cut recently was was bantering with others with nadhu dialogues and kavithais :-)
i feel the second half sccrewed up .. a scizophreniac may behave that way... but kamals script should have led the way for scizophrenaic and not the otherway arnound.
In my opinion the second half in uninteresting and directionless .although it is not imp for me to form my opinion... i believe majority of the public junta wud agree with mine...
- From: not_on_lcd_but_drained_nonetheless (@
on: Wed Dec 19 18:58:48 EST 2001
"hmmm... nandhu's character is well conceived and thought out! But I guess that and the technical wizrdry was a major distraction to the movie"
I thought the plot distracted me from the true (IMO) foucs of the movie...a journey into Nandu's mind (the medical basis of it may be debatable..but it sure was interesting). No wonder we stand on opposite sides of the fence:)
A famous film critic once said "Its the journey that counts not the destination". For me, the ungainly way in which Kamal resolved the movie did not take the sheen away from what was a terrific ride up until the end of the flashback.
I rest my case:)
- From: neutral_fan (@
on: Wed Dec 19 23:53:05 EST 2001
<<....Probably too busy cosying up with some homely Taurus wife ;-) Isn't my intuition right on target again? :-)....>>>
Well WHYNOT, i too wud luv that (given the icy chill cold winter nights)..but LET ALONE a taurus wife, i don't have a WIFE in first place...sO, your intuition has gone awry for once ;-)
:-) BHARAT /KARTHICK & all other "gifted" critics...I totally agree with you,ALAVANDHAAN fails miserably.It is a stupid movie. Kamal is pathetic. Etc,etc, etc...OK. Go and happily watch a malayalam movie called ANJARAIKKUL VANDI and relax. Great movie they say..i heard there is good execution (yes, it seems it revolves around the plot, and has only two characters, so will not trouble your incompetent brains), natural acting (yeah, the two characters act very vigourously, good for you, since you cannot grasp subtle levels of performances), no 'multi language' trouble (yes, there is no dialogue, only action scenes, and u can watch with your mouth 'let wide open')...Just right isn't it, for you guys...Just my humble suggestion :-)HAPPY VIEWING ;-)NOM
- From: Bharath (@
on: Thu Dec 20 01:25:16 EST 2001
neutral fan,
i will watch the malayalam movie if only there is a +ve scizophreniac... acting there...
is he there
- From: neutral_fan (@
on: Thu Dec 20 01:25:47 EST 2001
:-) I can't help this one last dig folks...KAMAL has really offered pearls to hardcore swines..."Never Throw Pearls To Swines" [Quote Unquote Lord Jesus Christ]....If this pathetic understanding from viewers can pain a third party observer like me, i cannot imagine how pained KAMAL will be, after all those efforts..."karmani eva adhikarashte, ma paleshu kadhachana"... [Quote Unquote Lord Krishna]. That is all i can say to KAMAL after reading thru views of ACCLAIMED CRITICS like BRAT oops sorry BHARATH ]
[P.S: Dear BRAT, oops sorry BHARATH...(i keep forgetting unimportant names u know)..Going painfully thru all the childish posts that u have made, i strongly oppose one statement. You imply in some sentence that "C center" viewers do not understand complex movies. I wish u take back this outrageous statement...Calibre to understand does not depend on whether the viewer is from A, B or C center...It depends on how open your mind is when seeing the movie, without pre-concieved notions and prejudice...and yes, you also need to have something that people call "brain". So kindly re-consider your statement that "C" center audience cannot understand a movie like "A" center audience..IMHO]....
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Thu Dec 20 09:37:51 EST 2001
Bharath wrote:
>>Neutral Fan,
stop supporting Kamal blindly! This movie has flawed execution. the much hyped graphics also is quite awry in some places.(like the entire last bit where both kamals fight and the baloon scene)
this movie lacks narration and story content. this story is nothing new (infact didnt require a delusional scizophreniac (kamals potrayal was NOT that of a scizophreniac and was a cinematic version of it)
The only +ve point about the movie was Nandhu's potrayal. Thatwas kewl with trend setting fashions and expressions. Otherwise the movie is trite!<<
Bharath, the above is what u initially said to Neutral fan, which started the ball rolling. Whether u agree or disagree with Neutral fan's observations, u have to admit that he wasn't supporting the movie or kamal 'blindly'. He had his own thoughts even if u don't agree with them, and obviously found more in the Nandhu character than "kewl with trend setting fashions and expressions". So maybe u shud stop doing this +/- schizo thing as it sounds pretty lame.
>>i too wud luv that (given the icy chill cold winter nights)..but LET ALONE a taurus wife, i don't have a WIFE in first place<<
neutral fan, u don't need a wife for icy chill cold. Try heaters. They have lower acquisition costs, lower maintenance costs, use less energy, have replacement parts available and when it gets too old and noisy, u can buy a new model.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Thu Dec 20 09:48:06 EST 2001
well.. whynot... i wud have left it at that.. as i wasnt interested very much... but neutral fan's pontification was too much
"can u explain why this happened".... and a list of insignificant trite things which he thought was important was given..
as if to signify he was a complete authority of the movie.. and others were idiots.. this arrogance is what irked.. me i am watching movie for such a long time that i might have got the movie in a more correct prespective than him... but i dont trumpet that fact out!
how wud neutral fan feel if i ask him..
do u know what 1+ 1 is?
do u know which way the sun rises?
a list of obvious questions followed by his version of the story is unwanted as i dont like anyone telling more than what the movie said...
if the movie didnt convey it..thats it. period end of story... if it is only obvious to greats like neutral fan and not anyone else..then the movie has failed.
neutral fan... what i said about C center fans stands.... i am correct! dont put senti and try and get brownie points .. i dont care...
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Thu Dec 20 10:01:56 EST 2001
>>but neutral fan's pontification was too much<<
:-) Why do i get this warm & fuzzy feeling of a familiar sensation?
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