Raja should retire.
Topic started by Bored_raja_fan (@ 1cust13.tnt26.sfo3.da.uu.net) on Thu Apr 16 19:35:08 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Tue Apr 28 03:17:08 EDT 1998
Hi guys,
I dont know why everyone is hell bent on convincing Srikanth and similar people. I made a request earlier not to come up with a list to convince anyone. But seems like it didn't work. Vijay, I have heard both Guru and YM. They are really good and I think Ennai Thalatta varuvalo is equally good. I dont know what argument you have if someone comes back and says Guru and YM are crap. I wont be surprised a bit if such a posting shows up soon where infact they will ridicule you for suggesting these albums. I understand your desperation to make people realise what they are missing. But trust me, its not worth it. A guy who challenges you to come up with more than hit song of IR in last year has already reached conclusions. Do you expect them to come back and say that they were wrong. Most of us are engaged in a pathetic attempt to convince such people. My response would be simple - 'IR just produced trash last year and you need not listen to any of it'. Why bother if some X listens to IR or not? Here I find only postings which try to prove Raja deserves to retire. Let them ask for it. Why should we bother at all? Does anyone here sincerely think that you can make someone turn a 180 degree and say 'IR is still doing wonders. He should stay'? If so do come up with ur arguments.
I just feel that we are making fun of IR by trying
to plead with someone to listen to his songs. I could not see IR being reduced to this level. But thats me.
- From: S.Suresh (@ dwarpal.wipsys.soft.net)
on: Tue Apr 28 06:18:50 EDT 1998
I am sure if Srikanth listens to the songs of YatraMozhi and Kaliyoonjalu with a open mind he will find that what IR has offered is nothing short of excellent. Let me tell you I also feel that these Malayalam movies have songs whose melody and freshness is way beyond what you hear in Tamil movies nowadays. IR and ARR notwithstanding. Guru had music by IR and he was backed by the Budapest orchestra. The music is the most involved one not only in Malayalam cinema but also Indian cinema as a whole. I listem to lot of HFM, TFM and Telugu FM. So I can confidently state that no one has attempted anything near this earlier. The songs of YatraMozhi are also stunning. The Jayachandran solo is out of the world. The melody generated by a simple beat in the background is enormous and it has a lot of freshness. And then that solo of MSV!!!. First time I have heard anybody use MSV to give such a great melody. Similarly the song Sharadendu in Kaliyoonjalu. Just listen to the beat. It is pretty complex. The way the melody is developed is absolutely fabulous. Frankly I feel that IR's music in TFM is nowhere near what he does in Malayalam. But it shows that if there are willing directors IR will take you to those regions of melody where nobody has taken you before. Even if he were to give one YathraMozhi a year and 20 thrash movies, I would want IR to continue forever. For no one in the current crop astonishes me with their melody like IR. And mind you I listen to all the songs of all MDs with a very open mind !!!!
- From: Srikanth (@ 97.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Tue Apr 28 07:56:54 EDT 1998
What ever you guys scream at me doest not matter,
but I still hold raja needs a break.
He has not composed a good string piece that he use to do. I hear keyboard string piece using Korg o1/w in KV in the sriramane song.
All your cry are nose crying not accepting
the fact Raja days are over.
When People like Ar are going international - you people wander around talking about few kannada or malayalam songs done by raja - I pity you that you dont have any tamil film score by Raja to talk about.
Music is not a sports- it is something creative---
-- Alavuku minjinal Amerthamum NAJAKUM.
- From: Viswa (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Tue Apr 28 09:35:56 EDT 1998
I agree with you on the fact that IR is not producing lilting melodies at the same rate as he used to, say, a decade ago. There was a time when he was producing scintillating stuff at the rate of 4 songs a month. Almost every film of his, no matter what language it was, had atleast one song that was out-of-the-world, and very often all the songs in a movie (e.g, Mouna Ragam, Idhaya Koil, Punnagai Mannan, Sagara Sangamam, etc.) Such a thing does not happen today. It is a fact that IR does not produce magical tunes with the same consistency. In fact, that is also acknowledged by Suresh, Vijay, etc.
Nevertheless, he has come out with some great stuff once in a while. Well, the point is, even if they are few and far between, they are still coming. And that is what the others are pointing out.
In fact, IR did cut down on the no. of films in 1997 drastically. Yet, that had no bearing on the quality of the stuff that he has been giving. In fact, this is one aspect of his, by his own admission, that the quality of his music has no bearing on the no. of films he gives. The quality of his music, I feel depends upon the quality of the film itself. (This was not necessarily so, earlier. In the early days, there was good music even if the film was crap. Today, if a film does'nt enthuse him, then his music shows).
There could be certain other reasons as to why the same rate of hits as earlier is not coming any more. But it is unlikely that because he has burdened himself with too many films, his quality has suffered.
As to your statement that a few Kannada or Malayalam movies will not make him world famous, I'd like to say that scoring music in Tamil films is in no way superior that way. How has ARR attained international status ? I don't get it.
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Tue Apr 28 10:33:33 EDT 1998
Hi Viswa
You have the answer, he has been burdened too much - he needs a break to think little...
and regain his old pace...
We all take breaks from our work -- I once again say we are not talking about Raja's skills.
He the greatest ...
My comments on Tamil Fim music is because -
This WEB page is devoted to TFM...
For me as a tamilian- scoring music in Tamil films is superior than all the India Languages..
The quality of scores, recording in Madras is one of best in Asia...
- From: R.Krishnakumar (@ giasmda.vsnl.net.in)
on: Tue Apr 28 11:55:27 EDT 1998
Shrikanth... I think you must retire.
Are'nt you tired of trying to reason out that IR..has been overburdened, he needs a break and crap like that ?
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Tue Apr 28 12:13:05 EDT 1998
Yes I am tried of all the raja terrorists -- who dont accept the fact Raja's days are over....
He needs a break! ,
and so am I
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Tue Apr 28 12:46:33 EDT 1998
Whats this? Anyone who tries to answer you is a
HCIF or a raja terrorist . Are u defining standards for musical taste and perhaps in your musical world, everyone who talks back is an idiot I guess. So, anyone who says there is more than one good song in 97 is a fool and has no music sense. I did like many songs but I couldn't care less about any argument. Well, you win. Iwill also join your group as that seems to be the most vocal group. RAJA SHOULD RETIRE. Let me go one step further. He should not come back after a break. Who said he will compose good music if he takes a break?
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Tue Apr 28 13:40:36 EDT 1998
Hi Rajesh ,
To Start with I put my opinion without refereiing to anyone in person or anyones opinion (see the archives)
But people like vijay started to comment on my views....in a personal grudge against me.
Thats not fair ....
I told that Raja needs a break - not to retire.
No one tried to answer me a good tone...
If any one speaks on Raja these guys put anythng that occurs to thier mind
This forced me to write and use such words like
Raja terrorists etc...
Do you I have a raja channel in which I keep
updating new songs and a true lover of Raja's score.
Disappointed Srikanth
I will never write again here....
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Tue Apr 28 15:02:11 EDT 1998
Sorry if my posting had hurt you. I made futile attempts earlier to stop these kind of arguments.
I thought Vijay was just suggesting you movies
he considered good. I know fully well that you are
an IR fan. I never ridiculed nor question that.
But read your postings again. You made anyone who
was listening to IR now as a loser. I am not suggesting your views are wrong. But I felt that
was a little bit beyond the line where you were trying to portray them as hard core fans and thats the only reason they listen to him. Musical tastes differ and songs I like you may not like and vice versa. As I have said before, if someone does not
like IR, it is their wish. I like him and listen to him. But if you come and tell that he should go dont you think that you are intruding in my wishs and wants. It is like me telling I dont like Aishwarya. She should not be in Jeans. The reponse I would get is " Dont watch Jeans". Are they going to change heroine bcos of my wish. NO. Sly, if you feel IR should retire, you can stop listening to his songs and for you IR would have retired. But what hurts is that you trying to put an end to wishes of others. Not that IR is going to listen to me or you. Just the thought what will happen if it becomes a reality. I have no grudge against you or your wishes. I fully understand what you are trying to say. I just feel there was a problem with the way you put your views and responded to other views. No hard feelings.
- From: Srikanth (@ 62.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Tue Apr 28 16:15:51 EDT 1998
Hi Rajesh
Accepted---->Sorry if I have hurt anyone...
Basically I am a cool person , At times I shoot camphour at people It might catch fire or may not.... thanks for pointing out my mistakes in a consoling manner this will make my visit to TFM pages an interesting one in future....
- From: sree (@ viveka.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Tue Apr 28 16:19:40 EDT 1998
It is nice to see a cool srikanth.Thanks for Rajesh.
- From: bs (@ www1.access.bt.com)
on: Tue Apr 28 16:28:59 EDT 1998
Nicely worded posting.. Good work:-))
U hav taken comments sportively.. Its nice
to know that this DF is the only place U can
see such type of friendly gestures:-)...
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