Topic started by Raju (@ on Thu Nov 1 12:43:49 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
SP bala never sings in hindi...he is not in demand!
By the way I am being devils advocate here, I myself am a great fan of SP bala but i would like the listeners reaction to this statement
- Old responses
- From: Naaz (@
on: Fri Feb 1 10:55:51 EST 2002
Thanks, for the link Raghu. You don't have to take my word for it - but for what its worth, I speak Urdu, Hindi and Tamizh fluently. The issue of southern singers and their Hindi "pronunciation" "accent" are greatly exaggerated. Secondly, it is nothing that cannot be "corrected" if indeed it is so awful. MDs can (and do) instruct singers to watch out for certain things. What's more - Put KJY/SPB's Hindi and Sukhwinder/Sadhana's Tamizh side-by-side and you realise that there is something more than just "pronunciation" that is at work. One can only hazard a guess as to what that might be.
Don't allow people who don't speak Tamizh to tell you about how bad "southie" singing in Hindi is. They are (yes, ingnorance is bliss) spared the pure horror of 'northies" singing in Tamizh.
There are very few people here who speak Hindi and Tamizh to counter this completely overblown issue.
You are right about this, Raghu: There is a southern fascination/infatuation with anything that comes the way of Bollywood. Having lived in Tamil Nadu for a good chunk of my life, I can tell you that such audulation for Bambaai (even its talentless discards) - from Kodambakkam to Kanyakumari - is quite simply baffling. It is this "possession" that Tamizh speakers/natives should investigate about themselves first.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Feb 1 11:17:01 EST 2002
well said naaz;
I am sure AVR will have something to say 4 ur postings.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Feb 1 11:24:16 EST 2002
Naaz, pls visit http://www.newtfmpage.com/forum/6302.04.57.19.html
- From: Naaz (@
on: Fri Feb 1 11:26:56 EST 2002
Avanodu Villayadamattaen Po! (avanukku sonallum theriyadhu, suyamavum puriyadhu.)
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Feb 1 11:44:38 EST 2002
he he
- From: raycas (@
on: Fri Feb 1 13:05:22 EST 2002
isn't it a luck if someone like me, who doesn't speak or understand tamil, can't make out all those big mistakes nothies (sukwinder, udit sadhana sargam and so on) make while singing tamil? i mean u people, tamilians, are disturbed by their bad pronounciation....but i can't notice that for i don't speak tamil...so...that means i just appreciate the music...
this is just an understanding i came to, after reading all these messages here...hey raghu (especially raghu), please don't think this message is meant in any negative sense...just thought how lucky i am that i don't have to pain myself thru listening to singers who kind of 'spoil' my language thru strange sounding accent...cause in malayalam hardly any 'outsiders' sing...sometimes spb...don't like his accent, and also hariharan...don't like his accent as well...the only non-malayalee singer, whose singing i found alright is that of swarnalatha...
u know who sounded worse in malayalam? shankar mahadevan...hehe...his rough voice and accent(which i admire in tamil though) doesn't suit to malayalam at all actually...
- From: arun_uk (@
on: Fri Feb 1 14:22:24 EST 2002
You are 'spot on' when you say that we need guys who speak both hindi & tamil to tease out the issue. I do know both languages & understand exactly what you are trying to impress upon an obssessed lot.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Fri Feb 1 14:33:54 EST 2002
isnt swarnalatha a malayalee
- From: rajaG (@
on: Fri Feb 1 14:37:04 EST 2002
raycas: Swanrnalatha is original 100% pukkaa malayaLi :-)
- From: AVR (@
on: Sat Feb 2 01:00:04 EST 2002
See whether SPBs Hindi is not as bad as Sadhana's Tamil is not the point - the point is SPBs Hindi is BAD ENOUGH to be called pathetic. If it is all that exaggerated, then why the HELL has he not been able to correct himself inspite of singing so many hindi songs? (i am amazed at your utter prejudice and lack of thinking power.) Else why cant the same thing be applied to Sadhana in Tamil, cant IR or ARR ask them to get it right?
Naaz - also JUST IN CASE u call Sadhana Sargham a TALENTLESS DISCARD, then I might like to draw ur attention to the fact that she indeed has worked with greats like ARR,IR, N Rajam, Amjad Ali Khan, Naushad and many more. Her semiclassical recitals (if u have heard them) are a delight and treat. ARR has on more than one occasion spoken very highly of her. I suppose using the word TALENTLESS DISCARD is a status of ur desparation. But I am very much defeated in this discussion and indeed I suppose life is too short to consider any of ur posts seriously henceforth.
I also will not call Udit, Sonu NIgam,Preeti Uttam and Mitali Singh, Kavita K as talentless. (As a tongue-in-cheek typical Naaz-ahmed-kind-of-argument - the very fact that IR who knows the SA RE GA of music takes them, indicates that he has no problem with their tami and therefore its perfect. This is the smitten-school-kiddish arguments that u keep on making)
I u feel bad about people mangling Tamil, fine I can agree with u and i myself do not say that they shold be given chances. But then I feel the same about SPB and KJy et al singing in Hindi etc. Its bad enough for us to dislike it.In any case,this title is to address why Bolywood has rejected SPB - not whether Sadhana's singing in Tamil is justifiable. I also think SPbs Hindi is beyond correction because his accent shows up EVERY WORD. I repeat the vey fact he cant get it right inspite of having sung so many Hindi songs reflects his inability/unwillingness to correct it.
But u r incapable of sth. called "unbiased analysis".
Incidentally - u may want to talk to quite a number of my friends, acquaintances and relatives (who are tamilians) who say they love Sadhana and Asha singing in Tamil ???
- From: suresh (@
on: Sat Feb 2 04:24:34 EST 2002
and they also loved "KanduKondain KanduKondain" that had Abbas spouting Bharathiyar verse? Can you beat this? Abbas and Aishwarya who wouldn't have a clue if Bharathiyar was a river or indeed a human, and Rajeev Menon who still lives in his native Kerala within Chennai corporation limits!
This is fake pop culturalism at its best; if ever a Tamil movie were to compete for the "fake" awards with the iconic KKHH, Rajeev Menon, the admirer of Bharathi and Marquez, must get one.
- From: eden (@
on: Sat Feb 2 04:31:58 EST 2002
AVR, on your comment Incidentally - u may want to talk to quite a number of my friends, acquaintances and relatives (who are tamilians) who say they love Sadhana and Asha singing in Tamil ???:
It's ok for them to sing a song or two in a year, to provide `variety' or if fits the storyline (like a northie in Madras falling in love with local etc.)...but film after film these characters murdering Thamizh is not acceptable. If some say they love this happening, God save them:-)...OTOH, if majority in TN say they love this phenomenon, God save Thamizh:-(
- From: raycas (@
on: Sat Feb 2 05:38:16 EST 2002
bharath, rajaG,
oh..swarnalatha is a malayalee? really? damn...didn't know that at all...strange...i was actually used to her tamil songs earlier...then, when she now and then sang in malayalam, i thought this tamilian is not bad in malayalam...though she didn't sound like a real malayalee singer (like chitra or sujatha)...but am surprised now to hear that she is a malayalee...
but she was more popular in tamil, isn't it? how come? anyone know anything more about her? any link?
- From: Rahul (@
on: Sat Feb 2 06:22:51 EST 2002
guys, we are not talking about swarnalatha, or Sadhana, we are discussing about the lgendary Balu, stick to the topic!
- From: eden (@
on: Sat Feb 2 06:33:03 EST 2002
Sorry for my earlier digression, Rahul...but like we denouncing sAdhana & Asha here, there may be 1000's of them hitting it out against SPB at Mumbai...that could be one of the reasons for his less number of Hindi songs, is my guess...
Whatever it is, Balu had been so busy singing in south that he probably didn't even have time to fly to Mumbai in his heydays...
- From: Naaz (@
on: Sat Feb 2 10:27:47 EST 2002
AVR - I am so glad that you are not going to take my post "seriously" henceforth. That is such a blessing - and my hearfelt thanks to you.
I am glad not to be taken "seriously" by someone who has no knowledge of tamizh or other southern languages (but still has "opinions" on tamizh music and singers), who has no formal/academic training/background in music (but believes opinions amount to criticism), who cannot read posts without having knee-jerk reactions (but still has no humility to acknowledge his utter(ed) incompetence), who has no original thought or insight on any of the issues being discussed (but still is happy to be a parasite)...But who has a loudmouth - which, thankfully - is all you need to make yourself generally irrelevant to the discussions here.
I am truly happy to be part of a whole group of people here who don't want to be taken "seriously" by you. The sooner you put out their names, the sooner their prayers will come your way.
- From: Music analyst (@
on: Sat Feb 2 11:08:41 EST 2002
Naaz & AVR,
now, now children, cool it, guys, we are only expressing our views, no need 4 heated arguments, I do not think SPB's Hindi accent is horrible, it might not be perfect, but then again no one is Perfect right?, but who cares about accent, because if we do, we (southies) will not be importing such craps (like Hariharan, who sings through his heavily congested nose, Udit & Kumar are better nasalists than Hari, sonu sings like a girl, sukvindher, sings like he suffers from constipation, but Unnimenon is good, although he is a clone of KJY), will we?
The reasons 4 SPB's unsuccessful career in Bollywood is simple
1) SPB's voice is very unique, a voice that has excellent bass & depth, which will not suit current Hindi heroes, as the current hero's all have feminine voice, hence Udit, Kumar, Hari & Sonu are the perfect voice 4 these feminine Hero's
2) SPB is Dravidian, so the Aryans don't want 2 know, get jealous, hence they chant about Rafi being the greatest in India, without any Knowledge about Southern singers like SPB, many Aryans will not accept the fact SPB is greater than Rafi, even though SPB is greater than Rafi, Aryans are not aware of Dravidians talents, they have a perception of Dravidians, that is Dravidians are dark , Ugly & thick, it is true, what more is that we(Dravidians) import Bollywood actress & worships them, build even bloody temples 4 them, what the hell is this?, are we all that stupid or illiterate?
3) SPB is man, who does everything from singing, directing, composing, dubbing, acting, + he sings at least 3 songs per day, so how on can u expect a human (SPB) to fly to Delhi or mumbai on a daily basis from Karnataka or Tamil nadu ?, come one the guy needs 2 eat, sleep & Rest doesn’t he?
- From: Naaz (@
on: Sat Feb 2 11:13:29 EST 2002
Arun - Many thanks for the JS clipping you sent my way. As I'd mentioned earlier, do you know if he is still at the RPO?
Rahul - The Swarnalatha/Sadhana tangent came about when we were discussing "accents" of "southern" singers - which (apparently) is the sole reason why SPB was hung out to dry in Bollywood. But you know all that.
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